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Inquisition Head

LINCOLNSHIRE. Inquisition. Lincoln, the castle. 11 March 1437. [Langholm].


Jurors: Thomas Seyvyll of Sempringham; John Trygge of Hanthorpe; John Gerner and Richard Ryche of Morton; Robert Cosyn of Stainfield; Robert Fraunches of Haconby; John Bocher of Morton; Richard Sely of Ringstone; Thomas Stokes of Folkingham; William Pynchebek of Osbournby; Thomas Walcote of Walcot; William Chapman of Folkingham; John Tilleson of Heydour; and Henry Scherman .

She did not hold any lands or tenements in demesne as of fee or in service of the king in chief or of any other. But John Bate , brother of Elizabeth, was seised in demesne as of fee of the following lands, etc., which, by licence of ‪ Richard II in letters patent dated at Westminster on 12 November 1385 [CPR 1385–89, p. 54], relating to the tenements held of the king in chief, and by John’s charter dated at Haconby on 12 September 1396, relating to the lands held in chief and the other lands, he gave to John de Thorneton and John Moy, chaplain , and their heirs and assigns to hold of the king in chief and his heirs, and the chief lords of the fees, respectively, by due services. Having full and peaceful seisin, John de Thorneton and John Moy , by an indented deed of theirs dated at Haconby on 21 September 1396, as regards the same licence, granted the lands held in chief to John Bate and Agnes his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, to hold of the king in chief and his heirs by due services, remainder wholly to the said Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Bate , and the heirs of her body to hold as above. By the same deed they also granted all the other lands not held of the king in chief to John and Agnes, and John’s heirs and assigns, to hold by due services. All this fully appears in the letters patent, charter and indented deed, shown to the jurors. Because John Bate and Agnes died without an heir of their bodies and because of the said grant, the lands in Haconby held of the king in chief now belong to Margaret, wife of William Theker , as daughter and heir of Elizabeth. Similarly, all the other lands not held of the king in chief belong to the same Margaret, as daughter and heir of Elizabeth, sister and heir of John Bate . Haconby,
a messuage, 22 a. land and 3 a. meadow, true annual value 6s. 8d. and no more because of the waste and destruction done by William Gregory , lately husband of Agnes, after the death of John Bate her former husband, held of the king in chief as 1/10 knight’s fee; and
23 a. land and 5 a. meadow, annual value 6s. 8d., and no more because of flooding there from year to year, held of Thomas Repinghale as of his manor of Haconby for 3d. rent yearly.
Morton by Bourne,
a messuage and 22 a. land and meadow, which, except for an acre of land, held of Robert Arnold for 12s. 6d. rent yearly, and worth nothing beyond this rent and other reprises because of the waste that William Gregory similarly made there
The other acre of land, annual value 2d., held of the abbot of Vaudey for 1 1/2d. rent yearly.

She died on 12 January last. Margaret, wife of William Theker , is her daughter and next heir, aged 26 years and more.

TNA reference

C 139/81/41 mm.1–2



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
messuagea (1 x messuage) -
land22 a. (22 x acre) -
meadow3 a. (3 x acre) -
Value6s. 8d.6s. 8d. (=80d.)
land23 a. (23 x acre) -
meadow5 a. (5 x acre) -
rent3d.3d. (=3d.)
Value6s. 8d.6s. 8d. (=80d.)
Total: 13s. 7d. (=163d.)
Morton by Bourne
messuagea (1 x messuage) -
land, meadow22 a. (22 x acre) -
Valueworth nothing (=0d.)
land2d.acre (1 x acre)2d. (=2d.)
Total: 2d. (=2d.)



No holding extent information available.



  • Kirkeby(Writ Clerk)



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