Full text


Writ Head

413 Writ de etate probanda . ‡ 5 January 1430. [Smyth].

Regarding his inheritance as son of Roger Giffard and kin and heir of Thomas Giffard, knight , father of Roger, who held of ‪ Henry IV in chief. The lands and tenements are in the custody of John Stokes, esquire , and Isabel his wife by demise of William, late Lord Ros of Helmsley , to whom Henry IV gave custody by his letters patent [CPR 1408–1413, p. 114]. Inform John Stokes and Isabel of the forthcoming proof of age.

[Dorse:] They were informed by John Andrewe and Thomas Neweton .

Inquisition Head

OXFORDSHIRE. Proof of age. Bicester 14 January 1430. [ Rede ].

John Cornewayll , 60 and more, swears that Thomas was born at Fringford, baptised in the church there, and was aged 21 and more on 29 December last. He saw Sibyl wife of Roger Giffard, knight , give a gilt goblet with cover to Thomas and 20s. to his nurse on the day that he was baptised. Richard Pursell , 56 and more, had a son called William born and baptised on the same day. James Samwell , 65 and more, buried Katherine his daughter. Thomas Schove , 46 and more, gave water to the godfathers and godmother so that they could wash their hands after Thomas was raised from the font. John Raulyns , 48 and more, knows because Robert his son died of plague. John Togood , 44 and more, was in service to Thomas Giffard, chevalier , and rode with him from Twyford to Fringford church. Adam Charndon , 56 and more, carried a lit wax torch to the church in front of the godfathers and godmother. Richard Denby , 43 and more, knows because Katherine his daughter was espoused to John Belwode . John Ywes , 54 and more, was servant to the rector and present when Thomas was baptised. Thomas Hardyman , 62 and more, was captured by thieves at Fringford and stripped of his goods. John Baker , 72 and more, held a towel for the godfathers and godmother when they washed their hands after Thomas was raised from the font. Richard Coper , 60 and more, knows because his daughter was born and baptised in the same church.

TNA reference

C 139/46/44 mm.1–2



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  • John Cornewayll
  • Richard Pursell
  • James Samwell
  • Thomas Schove
  • John Raulyns
  • John Togood
  • Adam Charndon
  • Richard Denby
  • John Ywes
  • Thomas Hardyman
  • John Baker
  • Richard Coper


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