Full text


Writ Head

430 Writ. ‡ 28 November 1445. [Bate].

An earlier writ dated 18 December 1444 did not reach the escheator.

Inquisition Head

CORNWALL. Inquisition. Lostwithiel. 28 January 1446. [Werthe].

[Inquisition: ms rubbed and corrected in places. Jurors: cf. 472 below.]


Jurors: Oliver Tregasowe ; Thomas ?Enyss ; John Langorthowe ; Thomas Penwer n; Nicholas Trefrosowe ; Richard Hendre ; Pascoe (Paskas...) Dyer; James Bonythen ; John Losquite ; Richard Skybyryowe ; John Polwyle ; Vivian Botryaux ; and William Trewole .

He held the following in demesne as of fee.
Bodannan, ½ manor, held of the king in chief by knight service. In the moiety there are 10 messuages, worth nothing yearly; 20 a. land, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 20 a. meadow, each acre worth 10d. yearly; 20 a. pasture, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 20 a. heath and gorse, each acre worth 1d. yearly; 33s. 9d. and a pair of gloves from the free tenants of the moiety; 2 tofts and a water-mill, worth 2s. yearly; and a moiety of the hundred of Trigg, worth 20s. yearly, with goods and chattels called ‘wayff’ and ‘strayff’, of which the moiety is worth nothing yearly.
He held the following in demesne as of fee tail to him and the heirs of his body, by grant of Ralph Trenowyth, esquire . Afterwards Henry de la Pomeray, esquire, and William Clovenburgth, vicar of the church of Berry Pomeroy, entered on John in the manor of Trenowth, and granted the manor to John and Margaret his wife and the heirs issuing between them. John died seised thereof. He granted the manor of Fentongollan to James Nanfan and Margaret his wife, who survives, for the term of their lives. The charter was shown to the jurors. Maud, late wife of John Trehar of Truro (Truruburgth) entered on John Trenowyth in all the messuages, lands, and tenements in Trewarthenick ‘Horsham’ in the parish of Cornelly which are parcel of the manor of Trewarthenick. John re-entered and died seised.
Trenowth, the manor. In the manor there is a capital messuage, with a dovecot, worth 2s. yearly, held of John Roynon , of his manor of Trewirgie, in socage, service unknown; 50 a. arable, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 10 a. meadow, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 100 a. wood, worth 2s. yearly [?tenure not specified]; 2 messuages, worth nothing yearly, and 2 ferlings of land, each worth 8d. yearly, in ‘Chiwardowre’ and Bodinnick, held of Thomas Trevaynon , of his manor of Tolgarrick, service unknown; 4 ferlings of land, each worth 8d. yearly, and 4 messuages, worth nothing yearly, in Resugga and Tregascoe, held of the lord of Brannel , service unknown; 2 messuages, worth nothing yearly, and 2 ferlings of land, each worth 8d. yearly, in Ventontinny and ‘Enyshale’, held of the king in socage by motlet (pro molett’), n232 of his manor of Tybesta; a messuage, worth nothing yearly, and a ferling of land, worth 8d. yearly, in Polgrain, held of Thomas Trevaynon , of his manor of Carhayes, service unknown; and 2 messuages in Carpalla and Grampound, worth nothing yearly, and a ferling of land in Carpalla, worth 8d. yearly, held of the borough of Grampound in free burgage.
Fentongollan, the manor, and the appurtenant advowson of the church of St Michael Penkevil. In the manor there is a capital messuage with a garden and dovecot, worth 2s. yearly, and 5s. 8d. annual rent from various tenants, held of the prior of the Baptist by HelstonSt John , service unknown; 4 messuages, worth nothing yearly, and 4 ferlings of land, each worth 8d. yearly, in ‘Upper’ Tresawsan, ‘Lower’ Tresawsan, Namprathic and Penkevil, held of Edward Willa and Elizabeth his wife, in right of Elizabeth, service unknown; a messuage, worth nothing yearly, and a ferling of land, worth 8d. yearly, in Tresillian, held of the lord of Polsue , service unknown; a messuage, worth nothing yearly, and a ferling of land, worth 8d. yearly, in Langath and ‘Bargudyn’, held of the lord of Idless , service unknown; a messuage, worth nothing yearly, and a ferling of land, worth 8d. yearly, in Saveock and Goodern, held of the lord of Nansavallan , service unknown; a messuage, worth nothing yearly, and a ferling of land, worth 8d. yearly, in Scorrier, held of the bishop of Exeter , of his manor of Tregaire, service unknown; a free tenement in Lamorran, Tregonian, Tregothnan, and Trengrowse, worth 6d. yearly, held of the same bishop, of the same manor, service unknown; Besore and Treworder, worth 4d. yearly, held of the lord of Idless in free tenure, service unknown; ?Bosvisack (Boswesek), worth 8d. yearly, held of the lord of Nansough , in free tenure, service unknown; Carharthen and Tregerrick, worth 20d. yearly, held of the lord of Trewirgie in free tenure, service unknown; and Tregassow, worth 4d. yearly, held of the lord of Polsue in free tenure, service unknown.
Trewarthenick, the manor. In the manor there is a capital messuage and 5 other messuages, worth nothing yearly, and 5 ferlings of land, each worth 8d. yearly, held of the lord of Grogoth , service unknown. Penvose, Mellingoose, Trelasker, and Trevorva, parcels of the manor, worth 1d. yearly, are held in free tenure of John Roynon , of his manor of Trewirgie, service unknown. Tregerryk and Tregurno, parcels of the manor, worth 1d. yearly, are held in free tenure of Edward Pomeray , of his manor of Tregony [service not specified]. Killifreth, parcel of the manor, worth 1d. yearly, is held in free tenure of the lord of Idless [service not specified]. Stencooce and Penhale, parcel of the manor, annual value 1d., are held in free tenure of the lord of Boswiddle , service unknown.
Tregenver, the manor, held of the above bishop [of Exeter], of his above manor [of Tregaire]. In the manor there are 4 messuages, worth nothing yearly; 10 ferlings of land, each worth 6d. yearly; a dovecot, worth 6d. yearly; and a water-mill, worth 2s. yearly.
Tarista and ‘Powna’, held of the lord of Lansallas , service unknown. There are there 5 messuages, worth nothing yearly; 6 ferlings of land, each worth 8d. yearly; and a water-mill in ‘Powna’, worth 10d. yearly.

He died on 26 November 1444. John Trenowyth is his son and next heir, and was aged 18 years, 11 weeks, and 2 days at his father’s death.


Delivered to the court of Chancery on 22 February 1446 by John Hoppyng .

TNA reference

C 139/123/42 mm. 1, 4

E 149/180/11 m. 2

Inquisition Head

CORNWALL. Traverse.

[Traverse: ms fragmentary.]

An inquisition taken at Lostwithiel on 28 January 1446 [430 above] found among other things that John Trenewyth, esquire , died seised of a moiety of the manor of Bodannan in demesne as of fee, held of the king in chief by knight service; that he died on 26 November 1444; and that John Trenewyth was his son and next heir, aged 18 years, 11 weeks, and 2 days at his father’s death. Concerning which John Colshull, knight , now comes before the king in Chancery at Westminster, by John Nayler his attorney, in the octave of Trinity, 1448. He says that the whole manor of Bodannan is held of the said John Colshull by knight service; and that John Trenewyth, esquire, held the said moiety of the manor in demesne as of fee, of the above John, of his manor of Manely, by knight service, viz. by homage, fealty, and scutage of 20s. when it runs at 40s., more when more, and less when less. John Colshull was seised of these services as of fee and right, delivered by John Trenewyth, esquire, as by his true tenant. John Colshull holds the manor of Manely of the king by knight service. John Trenewyth died on 26 November 1444 seised as above, and John Trenewyth, his son and heir, was then under age. After the death of John Trenewyth the father, John Colshull seized the body of John Trenewyth the son, and the moiety of the manor. He was seised thereof until he was unjustly expelled by force of the above inquisition, 430, and by colour of royal letters patent n233 to John Nanfan, esquire , granting him the custody of the moiety, during the minority of John Trenewyth, together with the marriage of John [CPR 1446–52, p. 51]. John Trenewyth the father did not hold any parcel of the manor of Bodannan of the king in chief by knight service, as stated in 430, or in any other way. Nor did he hold any other lands or tenements of the king in chief by knight service. There is no manor or moiety of a manor called the manor of Bodannan in the county, except that specified in 430. John Colshull therefore prays that the letters patent of wardship to John Nanfan be revoked and annulled, that the king’s hand be removed from the custody of the heir and of the moiety, and that he be restored to possession of the heir, his marriage, and the moiety, with the issues and profits from the death of John Trenewyth the father. [In C 44/29/18 the plea continues as follows.] The sheriff of Cornwall was ordered, by a writ close dated at Westminster, 1 July 1448, to summon John Nanfan to be before the king in Chancery, in the quindene of Michaelmas next, to show why possession should not be restored to John Colshull , and to receive the consideration of the court. John Nanfan was summoned by William Dirlyng and John Drayton . On that day John Colshull appeared by John Nayler his attorney, and John Nanfan did not come. By advisement of justices, serjeants-at-law, attorneys, and others of counsel, it was considered that the letters patent should be annulled and revoked. John Vampage , who sued for the king, said that John Trenowyth, esquire, held the moiety of the manor of the king in chief, as in 430, and sought judgement and inquiry by a jury. John Colshull sought judgement and inquiry by a jury. They were given a day before the king in the octave of Purification next. The sheriff was to summon 24 men of the neighbourhood of Bodannan who were not of the affinity of John Colshull.
TNA reference

C 139/123/42 m. 3

C 44/29/18

Inquisition Head

DEVON. Inquisition. Exeter. 1 February 1446. [Werthe].


Jurors: Nicholas Coterell ; William Bysshop ; William Blynche ; John Kyrton ; John Mannyng ; John Floyer ; Thomas Hill ; John Hakworthy, senior ; John Bobyssh ; Thomas ?[unclear: T]revyle [ms torn]; John Symon ; John Boteler atte Fenne ; and John Jacob .

He held the following jointly with Margaret his wife, who survives, by grant of Henry de la Pomeray, esquire , and William Cloueneburgh, vicar of the parish church of Berry Pomeroy, to John and Margaret and the heirs begotten between them, with remainder to the right heirs of John. The charter was shown to the jurors.
?Alston, 2 messuages, 2 carucates of land, and 60 a. meadow, annual value 33s. 4d., held of William Wadham , service unknown. They are of no more value because Richard Yerd, esquire , has an annual rent of 6 marks issuing therefrom, at the four principal yearly terms, for the term of his life, by what title the jurors do not know.
Date of death and heir as 430. He is the heir of the bodies of John and Margaret.
TNA reference

C 139/123/42 mm. 1–2

n231^: Not styled esquire in inquisition 432.

n232^: For this rent see The Cornish Lands of the Arundels of Lanherne, Fourteenth to Sixteenth Centuries, ed. H. S. A. Fox and O. J. Padel, Devon and Cornwall Record Society, new series 41 (2000), p. 222 n. 5.

n233^: C 139 text ends here. Remaining text supplied from C 44/29/18, pleas in Chancery, quindene of Michaelmas, 1448.



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Total: -



No holding extent information available.



  • Werthe(Escheator)


  • Nicholas Coterell
  • William Bysshop
  • William Blynche
  • John Kyrton
  • John Mannyng
  • John Floyer
  • Thomas Hill
  • John Hakworthy, senior
  • John Bobyssh
  • Thomas ?[unclear: T]revyle [ms torn]
  • John Symon
  • John Boteler atte Fenne
  • John Jacob


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