
Referenced in E-CIPM(s)

E-CIPM Date Inquisition subject Document type Holding
23-6430 Dec 1427Cheynduyt, RalphInquisitionBodannon, ½ manor, held of the king as of his cast...
26-43028 Jan 1446John Trenewith, Senior, EsquireInquisitionBodannan, ½ manor, held of the king in chief by kn...

Related places

Place name Relationship

Extents and values

Total: 2600d, (£10 16s. 8d.)
(Bodannon, )

300 a. arable, a moiety of an acre worth 6d. yearly

40 a. meadow, a moiety of an acre worth 10d. yearly

100 a. pasture, a moiety of an acre worth 4d. yearly

Value variation

100.0%1427-12-30050010001500200025001427-12-30Values (d)