Full text


Inquisition Head

SOMERSET. Inquisition [indented]. Montacute. 10 September 1444. [ Roger ].


Jurors: Robert Golde ; John Crulle ; William Mountagu ; John Skynner ; John Nele ; John Virgyn ; William Jerman ; John Brympton ; John Capel ; John Atkyns ; John Fychet ; Laurence Brytell ; Philip Freman ; and Hugh Mersshe .


He held no lands or tenements in demesne or in service of the king in chief or of any other.

He died on 27 October 1442. Lewis is his son and next heir, aged 23 n044 and more.

TNA reference

C 139/111/56 mm. 1–2

Inquisition Head

MIDDLESEX. Inquisition [indented]. Enfield. 9 February 1443. [Slegge].


Jurors: Richard Langeford ; John Luty ; John Sharp ; Thomas Hunnesdon ; Thomas Fuller ; John Westbury ; John Forde, senior ; Walter Clatton ; John Hyns ; William Wete ; Thomas Hoo ; and Thomas Sharp .

He held no lands or tenements of the king in demesne or in service. [+1] He held the following in demesne as of fee jointly with John Moungomery , Maurice Bruyn , and Thomas Charleton , knights, Nicholas Dixon, clerk , John Hotoft , Thomas Frowyk , John Fray , Robert Darsy , Richard Wyntworth , and Thomas Philip , who survive, and who are still seised in demesne as of fee. The premises were granted to the above-named, to Lewis, and to John Terell , Richard Baynard , and Richard Fox , now deceased, and their heirs and assigns, by Walter, late lord Fitzwalter, lord of Woodham Walter and of Haye-du-puits and Roche-Tesson in Normandy. As a result of the grant John Moungomery , Maurice, Thomas, Nicholas, [ John ], n045 Thomas, John, Lewis, John, Richard, Robert, Richard, Richard, and Thomas were seised in demesne as of fee. [1+] In the charter, dated at Essendon, 4 December 1425 and shown to the jurors, the premises were described as all Walter’s lands, tenements, rents, and services, with appurtenant wood, meadow, and pasture, in Enfield.
Enfield, a messuage worth 6d. yearly; 63 a. land, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 7 a. meadow, each acre worth 16d. yearly; 90 a. pasture, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 6 a. wood, worth 5s. when felled; and 10s. rent, held of the king , of the duchy of Lancaster, of the manor of Enfield, by service of 8s. 6d. payable at Easter and Michaelmas.
Date of death and heir as 120, heir here aged 22 and more.

[Head:] Delivered to court on 17 February 1443.

TNA reference

C 139/111/56 mm. 3–4

Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Inquisition. Horndon on the Hill. 10 November 1442. [Thornbury].

[Inquisition: ms torn and galled in places.]


Jurors: John Poignes ; Richard ?M[unclear: al]grave ; William Pert ; William Billyngdon ; John Ardale ; Thomas Cook ; Thomas Marchall ; Richard Pichesay ; Robert Garlond ; John Hacheman ; John Danyell ; John Elys ; Thomas Bette ; Thomas Sleper ; John Charfoull ; Richard Benyngton ; Stephen Prentiz ; Geoffrey Bocher ; and Thomas Hacche .


He held no lands or tenements of the king in chief by knight service in demesne or in service. He was seised of the reversion of

the manor and vill of Dunton Wayletts, annual value £24
, by virtue of royal letters patent, shown to the jurors, dated at the manor of Kennington, 16 June 1440 [CPR 1436–41, p. 430]. In these the king granted to Lewis and the heirs male of his body [the reversion of] the manor and vill, with the advowson of the church of Dunton, and with all appurtenant lands, tenements, reversions, rents, services, and profits, Lewis paying to the king and his heirs a red rose at Midsummer. The reversion pertained to the king by reason of the statute lately made at Leicester concerning alien priories [Rot. Parl., IV, 22]. Lewis, described as the king’s dear and faithful Lewis John, chevalier , had shown the following to the king. Robert Braybroke, once bishop of London, had the manor and advowson – with appurtenant rents, fruits, pensions, portions, and other rights – by grant of William, late prior of the alien priory of Ogbourne , farmer from king ‪ Richard II of all the priory’s possessions, and general proctor of the abbot and convent of Bec-Hellouin, the chief (capital’) house of the priory. The grant, made by indenture, was for the term of 60 years from Christmas 1396, the bishop paying yearly a rose at Midsummer to the abbot and convent or their proctor. The grant and the other contents of the indenture were confirmed by letters patent of ‪ Richard II dated at Westminster, 2 August 1398 [CPR 1396–9, p. 401], and the indenture and letters patent were confirmed by letters patent of ‪ Henry IV dated at Westminster, 8 April 1402 [CPR 1401–5, p. 95, dated 28 April ]. In order that he might have the manor, etc., in tale mail by royal grant, Lewis had surrendered to the Chancery for cancellation letters patent by which ‪ Henry IV had granted, and ‪ Henry V and ‪ Henry VI had confirmed to him, 12d. a day for the term of his life received yearly from the issues of Oxfordshire delivered by the sheriff [CPR 1408–13, p. 28 ; CPR 1436–41, p. 428]. Lewis is his son of his body and next heir male. Richard ..., Nicholas ..., John Asshe , and Andrew Michell were lately seised of the following in demesne as of fee, which they demised by indented charter to Lewis and Anne, late his wife, who survives, for the term of their lives without impeachment of waste. In the charter, dated at West Horndon, 22 June 1433 and shown to the jurors, the premises were described as their manors of West Horndon, Ingrave, Cranham, and Bromfords, and all their lands in West Horndon, Ingrave, Cranham, Bromfords, Nevendon, Dunton, Bulphan, East Horndon, Basildon, Ramsden Crays , East Tilbury, West Tilbury, Horndon on the Hill, Little Thurrock, West Thurrock, Stifford, South Weald, and Childerditch, and a ferry beyond the river Thames from West Thurrock to Greenhithe. Lewis and Anne were described as Lewis John, esquire and Anne, who was the wife of Richard Hankeford knight , the daughter of John de Montagu, late earl of Salisbury . By virtue of this demise Lewis and Anne were seised as of free tenement. Afterwards by their charter dated at West Horndon, 27 July 1433, shown to the jurors, they granted their whole estate to Henry, cardinal of England and bishop of Winchester , John, archbishop of York , William, bishop of Norwich , Richard, earl of Salisbury , William, earl of Suffolk , Robert, lord Willoughby , William, lord Ferrers of Groby , Ralph Boteler , Maurice Bruyn , John Moungomery , knights, Richard Alred , and Robert Boydon , who survive, and Thomas Chaucer and Richard Baynard , now deceased. The cardinal, archbishop, bishop, earl of Salisbury , earl of Suffolk, Robert, William, Ralph, Maurice, John, Thomas Chaucer , Richard Baynard , Richard Alred , and Robert Boydon were seised in demesne as of free tenement. The surviving grantees still are so seised.
West Horndon, the manor, held of Richard, duke of York , service unknown. In the manor there is a capital messuage, worth nothing yearly; 3 other small messuages, worth nothing yearly; 264 a. arable, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 37 a. meadow, each acre worth 8d. yearly; 254 a. pasture, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 23 a. underwood, worth nothing at present because it was felled shortly before Lewis’s death, but each acre is worth 8d. when it can be felled; 62s. assize rent; a wind-mill, worth 5s. yearly; and the advowson of the church of West Horndon, worth nothing yearly.
Ingrave, the manor, held of Richard, duke of York , by service of 4s. payable at the feast of St Andrew only. In the manor there is a capital messuage, worth nothing yearly; 2 other small messuages and 2 tofts, worth nothing yearly; 200 a. arable, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 18 a. meadow, each acre worth 8d. yearly; 108 a. pasture, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 30 a. underwood, worth nothing at present because it was felled shortly before Lewis’s death, but each acre is worth 10d. when it can be felled; £8 assize rent; and the advowson of the church of Ingrave, worth nothing yearly.
Cranham, the manor, held of the bishop of London by service of 30s. payable at Easter and Michaelmas. In the manor there is a capital messuage, worth 16s. 8d. yearly; 5 other messuages and a toft, worth nothing yearly; 264 a. arable, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 29 a. meadow, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 164 a. pasture, each acre worth ?3d. yearly; 4 a. underwood, each acre worth 6d. when felled; £6 assize rent payable at Easter and Michaelmas; a windmill, worth 3s. 4d. yearly; and the advowson of the church of Cranham, worth nothing yearly.
Bromfords, the manor, situated in Nevendon, held of Humphrey, earl of Stafford , by service of 8s. yearly. The site of the manor is worth 6d. yearly. In the manor there are 4 messuages, each worth 2d. yearly; 3 tofts, worth nothing yearly; 244 a. arable, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 60 a. meadow, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 116 a. pasture, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 8 a. underwood, each acre worth 12d. when felled; 48 s. assize rent payable at Easter and Michaelmas; and the advowson of the church of Nevendon, worth nothing yearly.
Dunton, Bulphan, East Horndon, Basildon, and Ramsden Crays, 3 messuages, each worth 12d. yearly; a toft, worth nothing yearly; 106 a. arable, each acre worth 3d. yearly; ?11 a. meadow, each acre worth 8d. yearly; 53 a. pasture, each acre worth 6d. yearly; and 53s. assize rent, held of the same earl of Stafford by service of 26s. 8d. yearly.
East Tilbury, West Tilbury, Horndon on the Hill, and Little Thurrock, 6 messuages, each worth 12d. yearly; 3 tofts, worth nothing yearly; 148 a. arable, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 6 a. meadow, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 42 a. pasture, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 80 a. marsh, each acre worth 8d. yearly; and 67s. assize rent, held of Thomas Palmar by service of 6s. 8d. yearly.
West Thurrock, 3 messuages, each worth 4d. yearly; 2 tofts, each worth 2d. yearly; 120 a. arable, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 52 a. pasture, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 80 a. marsh, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 28s. 5d. assize rent; and a ferry over the Thames from West Thurrock to Greenhithe, worth 20d. yearly, held of the prior of St John of Jerusalem in England , service unknown.
Stifford, a messuage, worth nothing yearly; 32 a. arable, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 3 a. meadow, each acre worth 6d. yearly; and 9 a. pasture, each acre worth 4d. yearly, held of the lord Grey by service of 20s. yearly.
South Weald, 4 messuages, each worth 12d. yearly; 18 a. arable, each acre worth 6d. yearly; and 60s. rent, held of the abbot of St Osyth’s , service unknown.
Childerditch, a toft, worth nothing yearly; 26 a. arable, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 105 a. pasture, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 22 a. wood, each acre worth 12d. when felled; and 23s. rent, held of the same duke [of York] by service of 2s. yearly.
A fine [CP 25/1/71/278/208] was raised in the king’s court at Westminster in the octave of Michaelmas, 1441, between William, earl of Suffolk , John Moungomery, knight , Ralph Boteler, knight , John Steward, knight , and Lewis John, knight, querents , and Thomas Felipp and Elizabeth his wife, deforciants, concerning the following, which Thomas, Elizabeth, and the heirs of Elizabeth quitclaimed to the earl, John, Ralph, John, Lewis, and the heirs of Lewis, with warranty. The fine was shown to the jurors. Therefore the earl, John, Ralph, and John were seised and still are seised in demesne as of free tenement, and Lewis was seised in demesne as of fee and died so seised.
Springfield and [Sandon], n046 2 messuages, each worth 6d. yearly; a fulling mill, worth 6s. 8d. yearly; 240 a. land, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 11 a. meadow, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 46 a. pasture, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 2 a. wood, each acre worth 2s. when felled; and a fishery, worth 20d. yearly; [all called] Barnes Farm and Sandford Mill.
Sandford Mill and Barnes Farm, Chelmsford, and Moulsham, £4 4s. 3½d. rent; and
Springfield, the advowson of a moiety of the church, worth nothing yearly,
all held of John, earl of Oxford , service unknown. A fine [CP 25/1/71/275/129] concerning the following was raised in the king’s court at Westminster, on the morrow of Martinmas 1433, between Lewis John, knight – described as Lewis John, esquire – Henry de Chadyrton, esquire , William By, John Elde , John Emory , John Smyth , Richard Saman , John Marchall , Thomas Capes , Richard Mounbray , John atte Hacche , and Nicholas Pendemon , who survive, and Ralph Uphaveryng and Roger Passelawe , now deceased, querents, and John Skele and Agnes his wife, deforciants. John, Agnes, and the heirs of Agnes quitclaimed the premises to Lewis, Henry, Ralph, William, Roger, John Elde , John Emory , John Smyth , Richard Saman , John Marchall , Thomas Capes , Richard Mouubray , John atte Hacche , and Nicholas, and the heirs of Lewis, with warranty. The fine was shown to the jurors. Therefore Henry and the other querents were seised in demesne as of free tenement, and those who survive are still seised. Lewis was seised in demesne as of fee and died so seised.
Theydon Garnon, a messuage, worth 20d. yearly; 57 a. land, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 10 a. meadow, each acre worth 6d. yearly; and 2s. rent, held of the earl of Stafford , service unknown.
He held
a messuage, 90 a. land, 10 a. meadow, and 16s. rent in Navestock
in demesne as of fee jointly with John Moungomery , Ralph Boteler , knights, John Doreward, esquire , and Robert Boyton , who survive, and Roger Paslew and Margaret his wife, John Clerk, junior , of Navestock – the son of William Clerk and Rose his wife, and the heir of Rose – and Margery Style , once the wife of John Style of Doddinghurst ..., now deceased. They held by grant of ... [2–3 words missing] of South Weald... ‘husbondman’, described as all his lands, tenements, rents and services with w... [ms ends here, and did in 1828].

[Head:] Delivered to court on 26 November 1442.

[Dorse, ?16th cent.:] Escheats of 21 Henry VI

TNA reference

C 139/111/56 mm. 5, 7

Inquisition Head

HERTFORDSHIRE. Inquisition. Waltham Cross. 12 November 1442. [Thornbury].


Jurors: John Dolfyn ; John Phel[unclear: ip] [ms torn]; William Wheler ; William Olyve ; John Kere ; John Reymond ; John Auncell ; William Pike ; Robert Hardewyk ; Robert Farndon ; Thomas Boure ; and John Verne .

He held no lands or tenements of the king in demesne or in service. He held the following in demesne as of fee, jointly as in 121 [+1]. In the charter, dated at Essendon, 4 December 1425 and shown to the jurors, the premises were described as all his lands, tenements, woods, meadows, pastures, rents, customs, and services of free tenants and of neifs and their neifs and their issue in Essendon and Hatfield, with the advowson of the chantry of St Anne in the church of Hatfield.
Essendon and Hatfield, 2 messuages, each worth 8d. yearly; 140 a. land, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 13 a. meadow, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 20 a. pasture, each acre worth 1d. yearly; 11 a. wood, each acre worth 8d. when felled; and 3s. ½d. assize rent, with the advowson of the chantry of St Anne in the church of Hatfield, worth nothing yearly, held of Lewis, archbishop of Rouen , perpetual administrator in spiritualities and temporalities of the church of Ely , service unknown.
Date of death and heir as 121.

[Head:] Delivered to court on 26 November 1442.

TNA reference

C 139/111/56 mm. 5–6



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Essendon, Hatfield, chantry of St Anne in the church of Hatfield
Total: -



No holding extent information available.



  • Thornbury(Escheator)


  • John Dolfyn
  • John Phel[unclear: ip] [ms torn]
  • William Wheler
  • William Olyve
  • John Kere
  • John Reymond
  • John Auncell
  • William Pike
  • Robert Hardewyk
  • Robert Farndon
  • Thomas Boure
  • John Verne


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