Full text


Inquisition Head

WARWICKSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Warwick. 25 February 1443. [Rody].

[Inquisition: ms creased, faded, and galled in places.]


Jurors: Thomas Herthill , Thomas Shukburgh , Thomas Hore , and John Herthill , esquires; Roger Clerk ; William ?Bowes ; Geoffrey Burell ; Robert Abell ; Thomas Lynde ; John Pegeon of Milverton ; Thomas Napton ; and John Pegeon of ?Newbold Pacey(Neubold).

[+1] John le Rous , John de Bereford, clerk , and John Kirkeby, junior , were once seised of the following in demesne as of fee. Having obtained royal licence [not found], shown to the jurors, they granted the manors to Thomas Boteler, knight and Alice late his wife, and the heirs of the body of Thomas. Thomas was therefore seised in demesne as of fee tail in the said form, and Alice as of free tenement. Thomas died seised of such estate, and after his death Alice held the manors by right of survivorship, and died seised of such estate. [1+]
Burton Dassett, the manor. In the manor there is a site, worth 6s. 8d. yearly; 525 a. arable, worth 101s. 6d. yearly; 62 a. meadow, worth 103s. 4d. yearly; 17 a. pasture, worth 8s. 6d. yearly; a warren, worth £4 yearly; a windmill, worth 40s. yearly; £8 service rent, payable at Easter and Michaelmas; and £19 rent from customary tenants, payable at the same feasts.
Griff, the manor. In the manor there is a site, worth 12d. yearly; 6 carucates of land, worth £12 yearly; 20 a. meadow, worth 66s. 8d. yearly; 20 a. wood, worth 13s. 4d. yearly; a water-mill and a stank with a fishery, worth £6 yearly; and £4 service rent payable at Easter and Michaelmas.
The manors are held of the king in chief as 1 knight’s fee.

She died on 8 February last. Ralph Boteler, knight , is son and heir of Alice, of the bodies of Thomas and Alice, and is aged 40 and more.

[Head:] Delivered to court on 12 March 1443.

TNA reference

C 139/111/52 mm. 1–2

E 149/176/23

Inquisition Head

GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Winchcombe. 25 February 1443. [Kemmys].


Jurors: William Traci ; John Botyller ; William Gyfford ; John Cassy ; John Delamare ; John Solers ; John Goderyngton ; Richard Kemyll ; Thomas de Arle ; Robert Olyve ; Thomas Auford ; and William Aston .

She was seised of the following as in 109 [+1].
Sudeley, the manor, held of the king as 1/20 knight’s fee, and the advowson of the church of the manor. In the manor there is a capital messuage, worth nothing yearly; 300 a. arable, worth 100s. yearly; 7 a. meadow, worth 7s. yearly; 300 a. pasture, worth 7 marks yearly; a park; £10 service rent, payable at Easter and Michaelmas; 100s. rent of customary tenants, payable at the same feasts; 2 water-mills, one for milling and one for fulling, worth 40s. yearly; and pleas and perquisites of court, worth 100s. yearly. The park contains 400 a. pasture, worth nothing yearly beyond the pasture of the animals (ferarum) there; 800 a. wood, worth nothing yearly because they are great trees; and 30 a. meadow, worth 30s. yearly.

Date of death as 109. Ralph Boteler, knight , is the son and heir of Alice and of Thomas Boteler, knight , aged 48 and more.

[Head:] Delivered to court on 12 March 1443


TNA reference

C 139/111/52 mm. 3–4

Inquisition Head

KENT. Inquisition [indented]. Sandhurst. 9 March 1443. [Slegge].


Jurors: Richard Bederesden ; John Motte ; Thomas Peche ; John Cryour ; John Amyot ; Thomas Coppe ; John Godard ; William Baker ; John Badcok ; Nicholas Bate ; Thomas Bate ; and Robert Sprynget .

William Cheyne, knight , Thomas Sakevyle, knight , Robert Oxenbrugg , William Edward , Thomas Joop , William Gulby , and William Bernes were lately seised of the following in demesne as of fee. They demised the same to Alice for the term of her life, saving the reversion to themselves, so that she was seised in demesne as of free tenement. [+1] Afterwards Thomas Sakevyle and Robert Oxenbrugg died, and William Cheyne , Thomas Joop , William Gulby , and William Bernes by writing sealed with their seals, shown to the jurors, quitclaimed the above to William Edward and his heirs and assigns, so that he was solely seised of the reversion as of fee and right. Thus seised he granted the reversion among other things, by sealed writing shown to the jurors, to the following and their heirs and assigns: Humphrey Stafford, earl of Stafford , Ralph Boteler , William Cheyne , and Henry Norbury , knights, Thomas Wesenham , Richard Waller , and Edward Gyldford , who survive, and to whom the reversion pertains, and Richard Beauchamp, earl of Warwick , William Prestwyk , Thomas Aucher , William Bernes , and William Gulby , now deceased. Alice therefore attorned herself to the earl, Ralph, William Cheyne , Henry Norbury , Thomas Wesenham , Richard Waller , Edward, William Prestwyk , Thomas Aucher , William Bernes , and William Gulby . She died seised of such estate. [1+]
Benenden, Sandhurst and Hawkhurst, a water-mill, of no annual value because it stands empty and in part wasted; and 3 a. meadow, annual value 3s. The mill and 2 a. meadow are held of the archbishop of Canterbury by rent of 2d.. The other acre is held of John Congherst by rent of 2d. All the above are parcel of the manor of Bodiam, the site of which is in Sussex.

Date of death as 109. Ralph Boteler, knight, lord Sudeley , is her son and next heir, aged 40 and more.

One part of this inquisition was sealed by the jurors and remains with the escheator. The other part was sealed by the escheator and remains with the jurors.

[Head:] Delivered to court on 12 March 1443


TNA reference

C 139/111/52 mm. 5–6

Inquisition Head

SURREY. Inquisition [indented]. Reigate. 5 March 1443. [Beket]


Jurors: John Asshehurst ; John Skynner ; Stephen Bryt ; John Pepe ; Reynold Jurdan ; John Brit ; Richard Herteswode ; John Couper ; William Sampton ; William Chelsham ; John Whyte ; William Brit ; John Pulter ; John Rounde ; Thomas Sampton, junior ; and Thomas Jurdan .


She held no lands or tenements in demesne as of fee or in any other estate.

Date of death and heir as 111. One part of this inquisition was sealed by the jurors and remains with the escheator. The other part was sealed by the escheator and remains with the jurors.
TNA reference

C 139/111/52 mm. 7–8

Inquisition Head

SUSSEX. Inquisition [indented]. Crawley. 6 March 1443. [Beket].


Jurors: John Saynesbury ; John Langsheter ; John Stratton ; ? Richard [ms torn] Wodye ; John at Vanne ; Richard Parker ; John Dencombe ; Thomas Burstowe ; William Waller ; William Barbour ; Robert at Denne ; John Bonewyke ; Nicholas White ; and John Smyth .

John Dalyngrygg, knight , deceased, once her husband, was once seised in demesne as of fee of the following, which he granted to William Cheyne, knight , Thomas Sakevyle, knight , Robert Oxenbrugg , William Edward , Thomas Joop , William Gulby , and William Bernes and their heirs and assigns, so that they would carry out his will. Its tenor as to the castle, etc., below was as follows, and was shown to the jurors: ‘Be it remembered that on 22 June 1417 I, John Dalyngrygg, knight have made my will in the following fashion. First, I will that if I die at sea in my passage from Sandwich, which God forbid (quod absit), that then my feoffees in the castle of Bodiam and in my manors, lands, tenements, advowsons, and reversions, immediately after my death grant to Alice my wife for the term of her life the castle and manor of Bodiam, and the other manors and rents in which Alice and I were lately enfeoffed, as more fully appears in certain indented charters. I will that the rest of the manors, lands, and tenements remain in the hands of the feoffees until my will, as follows, is fully carried out. If I die without issue, I will that the feoffees enfeoff Alice of those manors, lands, and tenements for the term of her life, on the following condition: that she provide proper array and all other necessary things for the two sons of Walter Dalyngrygg during her life; and if she does not, the sons are to have £20 yearly from my lands and tenements for their maintenance. If I have issue, I will that if they be in the wardship of Alice, their mother, my wife, until their full age, and that then the feoffees enfeoff them and their heirs of all the manors, lands, and tenements not already enfeoffed on Alice, and of the reversion of the castle and manor of Bodiam and of the other manors enfeoffed on Alice. I will that if I die without issue, and Alice my wife die before my will is fulfilled, then the feoffees should have and hold the above castle, manors, lands, and tenements, until they have received £200 clear, which they are to dispose in divine services and other works of charity for my soul and for the souls of all [my] ancestors.n035 I will that if I die without issue after the death of my wife, the feoffees enfeoff the [unnamed] son and heir of Walter Dalyngrygg , my uncle, and the heirs male of his body, of the castle of Bodiam and the manors of Bodiam, Wilting, Hollington, Sheffield, Iford, and Iden, with remainder to William, his brother, the younger son of Walter, and the heirs male of his body. They will enfeoff this William, and the heirs male of his body, of the manors of Warningore, Wapsbourne, ‘Radyngden’, and Bolebrook, with remainder to William’s brother, the [unnamed] son and heir of Walter, and the heirs male of his body. If both the [unnamed] son and heir and William die without heirs of their bodies, I will as follows: that the manor of Iford be sold by the feoffees and disposed of for the souls of myself, my wife, and my parents at the discretion of my executors and feoffees; and that the castle and manor of Bodiam remain to the right heirs of Elizabeth Wardew , my mother; and that all the other manors, lands, and tenements remain to my right heirs. Except that Thomas Sakevyle, knight , will have the manor of Bolebrook to himself and his heirs; and that Richard Weyvile will have the manors of Wilting and Hollington to himself and his heirs. I further will that if any heir on my mother’s side disturb or cause to be disturbed the above will or feoffments in any way, or disturb my wife or sons and heirs on my father’s side concerning the castle and manor of Bodiam, then the castle and manor are to remain wholly to the right heirs of my father’s side. I further will that if my feoffees die before this will is carried out, while one or two are still alive, then those two, or one of them, may licitly enfeoff other men of the castle and of the other manors and advowsons to carry out this will in the above fashion.’ William Cheyne and the others named above were therefore seised in demesne as of fee, and in fulfillment of the will they demised the castle, manors, and advowsons to Alice for the term of her life, with reversion to themselves, so that Alice was seised in demesne as of free tenement. [Continues as 111 [+1], adding that the enfeoffment to Humphrey Stafford and the others. was so that they would fulfill the above will, and without specifying to whom the reversion pertains.]
Bodiam, the castle and the manor, held of John Pelham, knight , service unknown. In the castle there is a site, worth nothing yearly. In the manor there is a site, worth nothing yearly; 300 a. arable, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 200 a. marsh, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 40 a. meadow, each acre worth 20d. yearly; a park, worth 30s. yearly beyond the cost of maintaining the animals there; 30 a. wood, each acre worth 2d. yearly; a water-mill, worth 20s. yearly; and £12 assize rent issuing from various lands, payable at Easter and Michaelmas.
Sheffield, the manor. In the manor there is a site, worth nothing yearly; 300 a. arable, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 12 a. meadow, each acre worth 20d. yearly; a park, worth 24s. yearly; and £13 assize rent issuing from various lands and tenements, payable at the four principal annual terms.
Warningore, the manor and the advowson of the chapel. In the manor there is a site, worth nothing yearly; 130 a. arable, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 30 a. meadow, each acre worth 20d. yearly; 400 a. pasture, each acre worth 1d. yearly; 120 a. wood, each acre worth 2d. yearly; a park, worth 26s. yearly; and £8 11s. assize rent issuing from various lands, payable at the four principal annual terms.
Wapsbourne, the manor. In the manor there is a site, worth nothing yearly; 124 a. arable, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 13 a. meadow, each acre worth 22d. yearly; 80 a. wood, each acre worth 3d. yearly; and 69s. 10d. assize rent issuing from various tenements, payable at Midsummer and Michaelmas.
Worth, the manor and the advowson of the church. In the manor there is a site, worth 20d. yearly; 213 a. arable, each acre worth 4½d. yearly; and 67s. 8d. assize rent issuing from various lands and tenements, payable at Michaelmas.
Iford, the manor. In the manor there is a site, worth 2s. yearly; a dovecot, worth 5s. yearly; 182 a. arable, each acre worth 8d. yearly; 28 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. yearly; and £9 assize rent issuing from various lands and tenements, payable at Candlemas and Michaelmas.
Iden, the manor. In the manor there is a site, worth 12d. yearly; 200 a. arable, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 50 a. marsh, each acre worth 8d. yearly; 22 a. meadow, each acre worth 22d. yearly; 32 a. wood, each acre worth 20d. yearly; and 66s. assize rent issuing from various lands and tenements, payable at Lady Day and Michaelmas equally.
Hollington, the manor. In the manor there is a site, worth nothing yearly; 30 a. arable, each acre worth 8d. yearly; 5 a. meadow, each acre worth 20d. yearly; and 4s. assize rent issuing from various lands and tenements, payable at Lady Day and Michaelmas.
Wilting, the manor. In the manor there is a site, worth nothing yearly; 260 a. arable, each acre worth 8d. yearly; 30 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. yearly; and 36s. 6d. assize rent issuing from various lands and tenements, payable at Christmas, Lady Day, Midsummer, and Michaelmas.
Bolebrook, the manor. In the manor there is a site, worth 12d. yearly; 234 a. arable, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 7 a. meadow, each acre worth 20d. yearly; 80 a. wood, each acre worth 1½d. yearly; and 28s. assize rent issuing from various lands and tenements, payable at Lady Day and Michaelmas.
East Grinstead, the manor. In the manor there is a site, worth nothing yearly; 171 a. arable, each acre worth 8d. yearly; 9 a. meadow, each acre worth 16d. yearly; 52 a. wood, each acre worth 1d. yearly; and £10 assize rent issuing from various lands and tenements, payable at Christmas, Lady Day, Midsummer, and Michaelmas.
Radyngden’, the manor. In the manor there is a site, worth 12d. yearly; 132 a. arable, each acre worth 10d. yearly; 300 a. pasture for sheep (bident’), each acre worth 1d. yearly; and a dovecot, worth 6s. yearly.
The above manors are held of others than the king, but of whom or by what service the jurors do not know.
Chailey, the advowson of the church [no further details specified].
She held in demesne as of fee
2 a. pasture in Bodiam, each acre worth 4d. yearly, held of William Cheyne, knight , service unknown.
Date of death and heir as 111. John Dalyngrygg died without heir of his body. William son of Walter died without heir male of his body. Richard Dalyngrygg is the son and heir of Walter Dalyngrygg , and kin and heir of John Dalyngrygg knight , as the son of Walter, the son of Roger, the father of Edward, the father of John Dalyngrygg, knight . One part of this inquisition was sealed by the jurors and remains with the escheator. The other part was sealed by the escheator and remains with the jurors.

[Head:] Delivered to court on 12 March 1443.

TNA reference

C 139/111/52 mm. 7, 9



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Burton Dassett
site6s. 8d.a (1 x site)6s. 8d. (=80d.)
arable101s. 6d.525 a. (525 x acre)£5 1s. 6d. (=1218d.)
meadow103s. 4d.62 a. (62 x acre)£5 3s. 4d. (=1240d.)
pasture8s. 6d.17 a. (17 x acre)8s. 6d. (=102d.)
warren£4a (1 x warren)£4 (=960d.)
windmill40s.a (1 x windmill)£2 (=480d.)
service rent£8£8 (=1920d.)
rent from customary tenants£19£19 (=4560d.)
Total: £44 (=10560d.)
site12d.a (1 x site)1s. (=12d.)
land£126 carucates (6 x carucate)£12 (=2880d.)
meadow66s. 8d.20 a. (20 x acre)£3 6s. 8d. (=800d.)
wood13s. 4d.20 a. (20 x acre)13s. 4d. (=160d.)
water-mill, stank, fishery£6a (1 x water-mill stank fishery)£6 (=1440d.)
service rent£4£4 (=960d.)
Total: £26 1s. (=6252d.)



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Burton Dassett
site6s. 8d.a (1 x site)6s. 8d. (=80d.)
arable101s. 6d.525 a. (525 x acre)£5 1s. 6d. (=1218d.)
meadow103s. 4d.62 a. (62 x acre)£5 3s. 4d. (=1240d.)
pasture8s. 6d.17 a. (17 x acre)8s. 6d. (=102d.)
warren£4a (1 x warren)£4 (=960d.)
windmill40s.a (1 x windmill)£2 (=480d.)
service rent£8£8 (=1920d.)
rent from customary tenants£19£19 (=4560d.)
Total: £44 (=10560d.)
site12d.a (1 x site)1s. (=12d.)
land£126 carucates (6 x carucate)£12 (=2880d.)
meadow66s. 8d.20 a. (20 x acre)£3 6s. 8d. (=800d.)
wood13s. 4d.20 a. (20 x acre)13s. 4d. (=160d.)
water-mill, stank, fishery£6a (1 x water-mill stank fishery)£6 (=1440d.)
service rent£4£4 (=960d.)
Total: £26 1s. (=6252d.)



  • Selby(Writ Clerk)


  • Thomas Herthill
  • Thomas Shukburgh
  • Thomas Hore
  • John Herthill
  • Roger Clerk
  • William ?Bowes
  • Geoffrey Burell
  • Robert Abell
  • Thomas Lynde
  • John Pegeon of Milverton
  • Thomas Napton
  • John Pegeon of ?Newbold Pacey(Neubold).


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