Full text


Writ Head

609 Commission. ‡ 14 March 1442. [Bate].

Addressed to Nicholas Radeford , Richard Trelauny, esquire , Michael Power, esquire , William Mohun , Walter Moyll , Richard Penpons , and the escheator of Devon and Cornwall [CPR 1441–46, p. 78]. It was lately found by various inquisitions, taken in 1435 [CIPM XXIV, nos 386–7], that John Arundell, knight , held no lands or tenements of the king in chief in demesne or service. The king is now given to understand that John Arundell did hold various lands and tenements of the king in chief as well as of others in demesne and in service. Order to at least two of them to inquire as writ diem clausit extremum. The sheriffs of Devon and Cornwall are to empanel juries.

Inquisition Head

CORNWALL. Inquisition. Launceston. 17 April 1442.

[Inquisition: ms galled down right-hand side.]

Before Richard Trelauny, esquire , and Richard Penpons .


Nicholas Carmynowe, esquire ; Mark Borlas ; John Trewynt ; Richard Coswyn ; Walter Trembethowe ; David Tregarrek ; Thomas Polkynhorne ; Joyce (Joceus) Selgena; John Polkynhorne ; Roger Wollaye ; John Logosek ; and John Tredidan .


A fine was levied at Westminster on the octave of St John the Baptist 1319 [CP 25/1/32/17, no. 19], before William de Bereford , Gilbert de Roubiry , John de Benstede , John Bacun , and John de Mutford , justices and others present, between Oliver Carmynowe and Elizabeth his wife, querents, and Matthew de Penfern, clerk, deforciant , regarding the manors of Carminow and Trethevas, one messuage, 100 a. wood, and 3 ferlings 2 1/4 a. land in Whitstone, Philleigh, Treloweth, and Sticker, and advowsons of the churches of Ruan Major, Philleigh, and Whitstone. Oliver recognised the tenements and advowsons to be the right of Matthew as held by grant of Oliver and, for this recognition, Matthew granted the tenements and advowsons to Oliver and Elizabeth, and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to various other persons, as recorded in the fine. Furthermore, another fine was levied at Westminster three weeks from Easter 1321 [CP 25/1/32/18, no. 1], before William de Bereford , John de Mutford , and John de Stonore , justices and others present, between Oliver Carmynowe and Elizabeth his wife, querents, with John Bylion , attorney, appointed by the king’s writ in place of Elizabeth, and Matthew de Penfern, clerk, deforciant , regarding the manors of Merthen, Winnianton, and Kennall, 1/4 a. land in Philleigh, and advowson of the church of Philleigh. Oliver recognised the tenements and advowson to be the right of Matthew and, for that recognition, Matthew granted, for him and his heirs, that the tenements and advowson, then held in dower by Joan who was wife of Roger Carmynowe , from the inheritance of Matthew, with reversion to Matthew and his heirs, should instead remain to Oliver and Elizabeth, and the heirs of their bodies, holding the manors of the king and his heirs and the 1/4 a. and advowson of the chief lords of that fee. Oliver and Elizabeth had issue: Roger, Elizabeth, and Maud. Elizabeth, daughter, afterwards married John Arundell, knight , and Maud married John Trevarthian . Oliver and Elizabeth his wife afterwards died. Roger entered the tenements and advowson by virtue of the fine, and was thus seised. He had issue: Thomas Carmynowe, knight , and died, and Thomas then entered the tenements and advowson. Thomas had issue: Thomas, and died. Thomas son of Thomas entered the tenements and advowson and had issue: Joan, and died. Joan then entered the tenements and advowson. She died without heir of her body and, after her death, the tenements and advowson descended to John Arundell, knight , named in the commission, and to John Trevarthian , kin and heirs of Joan viz., John Arundell, knight, as the son of John Arundell, knight , son of John Arundell and Elizabeth daughter of Oliver and Elizabeth, and John Trevarthian as the son of John Trevarthian and Maud, the other daughter of Oliver and Elizabeth. Partition was afterwards made regarding the manors, lands, and tenements in the fines above; and the manors of Carminow, Winnianton, and Kennall, the tenement in Philleigh, 100 a. wood in Treloweth and Sticker, 30 a. wood in Merthen, with advowsons of the churches of Philleigh and Whitstone were allocated to John Arundell, knight, named in the commission.n514 He afterwards died seised of this estate.

Carminow, the manor, held of the bishop of Exeter , service unknown. There are 14 messuages, each worth 6s. 8d. yearly; 2 watermills, worth 13s. 4d. yearly; 700 a. arable, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 4 a. wood, worth 2s. yearly; 300 a. pasture, each acre worth 2d. yearly; and 60s. rent.
Philleigh, [1/4 a. land] and advowson of the church there are worth nothing yearly.
Treloweth and Sticker, 100 a. wood, worth 10s. yearly.
The [land], advowson, and wood are held of the bishop of Exeter , service unknown.
Whitstone, advowson the church [no other information given].
Winnianton, the manor, held of the king in chief as of his castle of Launceston as of his duchy of Cornwall as 1/20 knight’s fee for all services. There are 10 a. meadow, each acre worth 4d. yearly.
Kennall, the manor, held of the king in chief as of the same castle as of the duchy of Cornwall as 1/4 knight’s fee and 13s. 6d. rent yearly. There are 12 a. wood, worth nothing yearly above enclosure.
There are also in the manors of Winnianton and Kennall 24 messuages, each worth 6s. yearly; 2 mills, worth 10s. yearly; and 300 a. arable, each acre worth 2d. yearly.
Merthen, 30 a. wood, worth 12d. yearly, held of the king in chief as of the same castle by knight service.
A fine was levied at York one month from Michaelmas 1334 [CP 25/1/286/38, no. 160], before William de Herle , John de Stonore , William de Shareshull , John de Cantebrigge , John Juge , John de Shardelowe , and John Trevaignon , justices and others present, between John Arundell, chevalier, querent , and Ralph Arundell, parson of St Columb Major , and John de Aldestowe, deforciants , regarding, among other things, the manor of Trembleath, 1/3 manor Treloy, 4 a. 2 ferlings of land, 55 a. reeds, 55 a. heath, £4 4s. 3d. rent, 1/3 mill, and 1/3 garden in Mitchell, Tregustick, Tregolls, Tregawne, Tredrizzick, Treglyn (Tynglun), ‘Vyrly’, Keiro Veor, Carlumb, and Trevanger, the manor of Connerton, except 5 a. land in the same manor, and advowson of the church of the same manor. John Arundell recognised the manors, tenements, thirds, and advowson to be the right of John de Aldestowe, of which John and Ralph held 2 parts of the manor of Connerton and the advowson by grant of John Arundell. For that recognition, Ralph and John de Aldestowe granted the 2 parts of the manor and the advowson to John Arundell for life.n515 Furthermore, Ralph and John de Aldestowe granted for them and the heirs of John that the manor of Trembleath, 1/3 manor of Treloy, the land, reeds, heath, rent, and 1/3 mill and garden, and 1/3 manor of Connerton then held in dower by Joan, who was wife of John Arundell , from the inheritancen516 of John de Aldestowe , with reversion to Ralph and John de Aldestowe, and the heirs of John, should instead remain to John Arundell for life, with successive remainders to John son of John Arundell and his heirs by Elizabeth, daughter of Oliver Carmynowe ; and to the right heirs of John Arundell . John Arundell, chevalier , was seised in demesne as of fee of 2 parts of the manor of Treloy and, thus seised, he granted them to John his son and Elizabeth daughter of Oliver, and the heirs of John of the body of Elizabeth. They were thus seised, viz., John in demesne as of fee tail, and Elizabeth.... John son of John afterwards married Elizabeth, and they had issue: John Arundell of Lanherne. John Arundell of Lanherne had issue: John Arundel, knight , named in the commission. John Arundell, chevalier, Joan who was wife of John Arundell, John son of John and Elizabeth his wife, and John Arundell of Lanherne all afterwards died and all the manors, lands, tenements, reeds, heath, rent, 2 parts and third, with advowson of the church descended to John Arundell, knight, named in the commission. He was thus seised by virtue of the grant and fine, and died seised of this estate.
Trembleath, the manor, annual value £12, held of the bishop of Exeter, service unknown.
Treloy, the manor, annual value £20, held of Nicholas Carru, knight , John Coulyng , Henry, earl of Warwick , and John son of John Hill, service unknown.
Mitchell, Tregustick, Tregolls, Tregawne, Tredrizzick, Treglyn (Tynglun), ‘Vyrly’, Keiro Veor, Carlumb, and Trevanger, 4 a. 2 ferlings of land, 55 a. reeds, and 55 a. heath, annual value 100s., held of the bishop of Exeter , Henry, earl of Warwick , Leonard Stapulton , and Humphrey Bevyle , service unknown. The 1/3 mill and garden, annual value 12d., are held of the same bishop, John Trenewyth , and John de Caryhas , service unknown.
Connerton, the manor, annual value £40, held of William Palton, knight, by knight service.
A fine was levied at Westminster on the octave of Michaelmas 1372 [CP 25/1/288/50, no. 753], before William de Fyncheden, John Moubray, William de Wychyngham, and Roger de Kyrketon, justices, and afterwards granted and recorded on the octave of Hilary 1374 before the same justices, between John Arundell and Joan his wife, querents, and John Roskyer and Walter Shyef, deforciants, regarding, among other things, 20 messuages, 6 carucates of land, 40 a. pasture, 20 a. wood, and 60s. rent in Penpoll, Crantock, Nancolleth, Trencreek, Trebelzue, Langurra, Trevowah, Trevella, Halwyn, Treveglos, Pentire, Trenance, Treguth, Pentirevean, Menna, Kestle, Trelavour, Trebudannon, ‘Mingham’, Ennis, Trethowell, Rinsey, Hendra, Truro, and Penryn. John and Joan recognised the messuages etc. to be the right of John Roskyer, of which John and Walter held a messuage and an acre of land in the 6 carucates of land in Trevowah by grant of John and Joan. For this recognition, John Roskyer and Walter granted the tenement to John and Joan, and the heirs of their bodies.n517 They further granted, for them and the heirs of John, that the 19 messuages, 6 carucates of land except the said acre in Trevowah, 40 a. pasture, 20 a. wood, and 60s. rent in Penpoll, Crantock, Nancolleth, Trencreek, Trebelzue, Langurra, Trevowah, Trevella, Halwyn, Treveglos, Pentire, Trenance, Treguth, Pentirevean, Menna, Kestle, Trelavour, Trebudannon, ‘Mingham’, Ennis, Trethowell, Rinsey, Hendra, Truro, and Penryn, then held for life by William Luscote by curtesy from the inheritance of John Roskyer, with reversion to John Roskyer and Walter, and the heirs of John, should instead remain to John Arundell and Joan, and their aforesaid heirs. William Luscote afterwards died, and John and Joan entered the messuages etc. in their remainder. They had issue: John Arundell, knight, named in the commission, and died. John Arundell, knight, entered the messuages etc. and was seised by virtue of the fine. He died so seised.
Penpoll, Crantock, Nancolleth, Trencreek, Trebelzue, Langurra, Trevowah, Trevella, Halwyn, Treveglos, Pentire, Trenance, Treguth, Pentirevean, Menna, Kestle, Trelavour, Trebudannon, ‘Mingham’, Ennis, Trethowell, Rinsey, Hendra, Truro, and Penryn, 20 messuages, 6 carucates of land, 40 a. pasture, 20 a. wood, and 60s. rent, held of the bishop of Exeter, Henry, earl of Warwick, and Nicholas Carru, knight, service unknown. Annual value £5.
Matthew Bodrygy, clerk, and Richard Devyser, clerk, were seised in demesne as of fee of the manor of Lanherne with advowsons of the churches of St Mawgan in Pyder and St Columb Major, belonging to the manor. Thus seised, they granted the manor and advowsons to John Arundell of Trembleath, knight, for life, with remainder to John Arundell son of John Arundell of Treloy, and Joan, daughter of William Luscote, then his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. n518 John Arundell of Trembleath was thus seised in demesne as of free tenement and, afterwards, John Arundell, son of John Arundell of Treloy, and Joan his wife had issue: John Arundell, knight, named in the commission. John Arundell son of John Arundell of Treloy afterwards died, and John Arundell of Trembleath died. After his death, Joan entered the manor etc. in her remainder and died seised of it. After her death, John Arundell, knight, named in the commission, entered the manor etc. by virtue of the grant, and was seised of this estate. He died so seised.
Lanherne, the manor, annual value £30, held of the bishop of Exeter, Henry, earl of Warwick, and Nicholas Carru, knight, service unknown.
He was seised of the following in demesne as of fee tail, and died so seised.
Penwith, 2 parts of the profits of the hundred, annual value £10. They are parcel of the manor of Connerton.
A fine was levied at Westminster on the morrow of Martinmas 1376, before Robert Bealknapp, William de Skipwyth, William de Wychyngham, Roger de Kyrketon, and Roger de Fulthorp, justices and others present, and afterwards granted and recorded before the same justices on the octave of Hilary 1377 [CP 25/1/32/26, no. 21], between William Lambron, chevalier, and Joan his wife, querents, and John Tremayn, deforciant, regarding the manors of Lanhadron and Langoran. William and Joan recognised them to be the right of John, of which John had 2 parts by grant of William and Joan and, for that recognition, John granted the 2 parts to William and Joan, and the heirs of their bodies. Moreover, John granted for him and his heirs that the third of the manors then held in dower by Amice, who was wife of John Lamhadron, from the inheritance of John Tremayn, with reversion to John and his heirs, should instead remain to William and Joan and their heirs. William and Joan had issue: Anora. She married John Arundell, knight, named in the commission. William, Joan, and Amice afterwards died, and John and Anora, in right of Anora, entered the manors by virtue of the fine. They had issue: John Arundell, esquire. He had issue: John Arundell, presently a minor in the wardship of the king. John Arundell, esquire, died and, afterwards, Anora died seised of the manors. After her death, John Arundell, knight, named in the commission, held the manors by curtesy and died seised of this estate. n519
Lanhadron and Langoran, the manors, annual value £16, held of the king as of his castle and honour of Trematon, parcel of the duchy of Cornwall, as 2 knights’ fees mortain.
Furthermore, John Lambron was seised in demesne as of fee of the manors of Lambourne, Tregarne, Condurrow, and Penwerris, and he granted them to William Lambron and the heirs of his body. William was thus seised in demesne as of fee tail, and he had issue: Anora, who married John Arundell, knight, named in the commission. John and Anora had issue: John Arundell, esquire, and William Lambron, father of Anora, died. After his death, John and Anora entered the manors, in right of Anora, and were thus seised. Anora afterwards died seised of this estate, and John Arundell, knight, named in the commission, held the manors by curtesy. He died seised of this estate. n520
Lambourne, the manor, of which one messuage and one Cornish acre of land, annual value 20s., are held of the king as of his manor of Tywarnhaile, parcel of the duchy of Cornwall, in free socage by yearly rent of 8s. 8d. for all service. The rest of the manor, annual value £15, is held of the bishop of Exeter, Thomas Carmynowe, John Broughton, John Carehays, Henry, earl of Warwick, and William Botreaux, knight, service unknown.
Tregarne and Condurrow, the manors, annual value £8, held of Ralph Reskymmer, the prioress of Sheen, John Kestell, and Roger Calwe, service unknown.
Penwerris, the manor, annual value ?£4, held of the bishop of Exeter and John Petit, service unknown.

He died on 11 January 1435. John Arundell is his kin and next heir, as son of John son of John, and was aged 20 on 9 June last.

Thomas Arundell, knight, Renfred Arundell, knight, and Joan his wife took the issues of the manors, lands, tenements, rents, and services from 11 January 1435 until the day of this inquisition.

[Head:] Delivered to court on 15 May 1442.

TNA reference

C 139/107/36 mm. 1, 3


Inquisition Head

DEVON. Inquisition. Exeter. 23 April 1442.

Before Richard Trelauny and Richard Penpons .


John Holand, esquire ; John Floyer ; John Coteler ; John Yeate ; William Betour ; William Trymell ; John Symon ; John Hakeworthy ; John Stanbury ; John Jacob of Kennford; John Churchehill of Woodbury; and Thomas Hille of Kennford.


A fine was levied at York one month from Michaelmas 1334 [CP 25/1/286/38, no. 160], before William de Herle , John de Stonore , William de Shareshull , John de Cantebrigge , John Juge , John de Shardelowe , and John Trevaignon , justices, and others present, between John Arundell, chevalier, querent , and Ralph Arundell, parson of St Columb Major , and John de Aldestowe, deforciants , regarding, among other things, the manors of Morchard Bishop and Uton. John Arundell recognised the manors to be the right of John de Aldestowe, of which John and Ralph held the manor of Uton by grant of John Arundell. For that recognition, Ralph and John de Aldestowe granted the manor to John Arundell for life. Furthermore, Ralph and John de Aldestowe granted for them and the heirs of John that the manor of Morchard Bishop, then held for life by Joan, who was wife of John Arundell , from the inheritance of John de Aldestowe, with reversion to Ralph and John de Aldestowe, and the heirs of John, should instead remain to John Arundell to hold for life with the manor of Uton, with remainder to John son of John Arundell and his heirs of the body of Elizabeth, daughter of Oliver Carmynowe . n522 John, son of John Arundell, chevalier, married Elizabeth, and they had issue: John Arundell of Lanherne. John and Elizabeth his wife, and John Arundell of Lanherne died. After their deaths, John Arundell, knight, named in the commission, entered the manors by virtue of the fine. He was thus seised, and died seised of this estate.

Morchard Bishop, the manor, held of the bishop of Exeter , service unknown. Annual value £10.
Uton, the manor, held of the same bishop as of his manor of Crediton, service unknown. Annual value £10.
Another fine was levied at Westminster on the octave of Michaelmas 1372 [CP 25/1/288/50, no. 753], before William de Fyncheden , John Moubray , William de Wychyngham , and Roger de Kyrketon , justices, and afterwards granted and recorded on the octave of Hilary 1374 before the same justices, and others present, between John Arundell and Joan his wife, querents, and John Roskyer and Walter Shyef, deforciants, regarding, among other things, 6 messuages, 2 carucates of land, 20 a. meadow, 100 a. pasture, 20 a. wood, and 10s. rent in Battishorne, Ideford, and Milton Damerel, 1/2 manor of Loddiswell, and advowsons of the churches of Ideford and Milton Damerel. John and Joan recognised the tenements, 1/2 manor, and the advowsons to be the right of John Roskyer, of which John and Walter held a carucate of land, 10 a. meadow, 60 a. pasture in Battishorne and 1/2 manor by grant of John and Joan. For that recognition, John Roskyer and Walter granted the same to John and Joan, and the heirs of their bodies. n523 They further granted, for them and the heirs of John, that the 6 messuages, carucate of land, 10 a. meadow, 40 a. pasture, 20 a. wood, and 10s. rent in Battishorne, Ideford, and Milton Damerel, and 1/2 advowson of Ideford then held for life by William Luscote, and the 1/2 advowson of Milton Damerel then held for life by Richard Stapulton , by curtesy from the inheritance of John Roskyer, each with reversion to John Roskyer and Walter, and the heirs of John, should instead remain to John Arundell and Joan, and their aforesaid heirs. William Luscote and Richard Stapulton afterwards died, and John and Joan entered the messuages, lands, and tenements, and were thus seised by virtue of the fine. They had issue: John Arundell, knight , named in the commission, and died. John Arundell, knight, entered the messuages, lands, tenements, and 1/2 manor and was seised by virtue of the fine. He died seised of this estate. n524
Battishorne, messuages, lands, and tenements, held of Thomas, earl of Devon, as of his honour of Plympton, service unknown.Annual value £12.
Ideford, messuages, land, and tenements, held of the same earl as of the same honour, service unknown. Annual value £5.
Milton Damerel, tenements, held of the bishop of Exeter, service unknown. Annual value ?8d. [ms faded].
Loddiswell, 1/2 manor, held of William, Lord Zouche, as of his castle of Totnes, service unknown. Annual value of the moiety, £24.
John Michell, parson of Bampton, and John de Byry, parson of Whatley, were seised in demesne as of fee of all the messuages, lands, and tenements in Gratton, Natsley, Rockley, Lydcott, Ovis, Fullaford, Bridwick, Yordon, Badgworthy, Fenne, Patsford, Metcombe, South Burland, Crackaway, Maidenford, Ebberly, and Wansley Barton. They granted them to William Luscote , and the heirs of his body. William was thus seised in demesne as of fee tail.n526 He had issue: Joan, who married John Arundell of Lanherne. William afterwards died, and John Arundell of Lanherne and Joan entered the messuages, lands, and tenements. They had issue: John Arundell, knight , named in the commission, and died. After their deaths, John Arundell, knight, entered the messuages, lands, and tenements and was thus seised. He died seised of this estate.
Gratton, Natsley, Rockley, Lydcott, Ovis, Fullaford, Bridwick, Yorden, Badgworthy, Fenne, Patsford, Metcombe, South Burland, Crackaway, Maidenford, Ebberly, and Wansley Barton, messuages, lands, and tenements, held of John, earl of Huntingdon, as of his castle of Barnstaple [service not given]. Annual value 40s.
He was seised of the following in demesne as of fee, and died so seised.
Luscott, the manor, held of the abbot of Cleeve [ms worn and dirty], service unknown. Annual value £6.
Braunton, the manor, held of Theobald Gorges, knight, service unknown. Annual value £6.
Spreacombe, the manor, held of Henry Talbott, service unknown. Annual value £6.
North Buckland, the manor, held of the king as of his manor of Bradninch by fealty in free socage [value not given].

Date of death and heir as 609 No information given about the issues.
TNA reference

C 139/107/36 mm. 1–2



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
messuages6s. 8d. (per unit)14 (14 x messuages)£4 13s. 4d. (=1120d.)
watermills13s. 4d.2 (2 x watermills)13s. 4d. (=160d.)
arable4d. (per unit)700 a. (700 x acre)£11 13s. 4d. (=2800d.)
wood2s.4 a. (4 x acre)2s. (=24d.)
pasture2d. (per unit)300 a. (300 x acre)£2 10s. (=600d.)
rent60s.£3 (=720d.)
Total: £22 12s. (=5424d.)
landworth nothing1/4 a. (0.25 x acre) -
Total: (=0d.)
Treloweth, Sticker
wood10s.100 a. (100 x acre)10s. (=120d.)
Total: 10s. (=120d.)
Total: (=0d.)
meadow4d. (per unit)10 a. (10 x acre)3s. 4d. (=40d.)
Total: 3s. 4d. (=40d.)
woodworth nothing12 a. (12 x acre) -
Total: (=0d.)
Winnianton, Kennall
messuages6s. (per unit)24 (24 x messuages)£7 4s. (=1728d.)
mills10s.2 (2 x mills)10s. (=120d.)
arable2d. (per unit)300 a. (300 x acre)£2 10s. (=600d.)
Total: £10 4s. (=2448d.)
wood12d.30 a. (30 x acre)1s. (=12d.)
Total: 1s. (=12d.)
Value£12£12 (=2880d.)
Total: £12 (=2880d.)
Value£20£20 (=4800d.)
Total: £20 (=4800d.)
Mitchell, Tregustick, Tregolls, Tregawne, Tredrizzick, Treglyn, Vyrly, Keiro Veor, Carlumb, Trevanger
mill 1/3 (0.33 x mill) -
garden -
Value12d.1s. (=12d.)
4 a. (4 x acre) -
land2 (2 x land) -
reeds55 a. (55 x acre) -
heath55 a. (55 x acre) -
12d.1s. (=12d.)
Value100s.£5 (=1200d.)
Total: £5 1s. (=1212d.)
Value£40£40 (=9600d.)
Total: £40 (=9600d.)
Penpoll, Crantock, Trencreek, Trebelzue, Langurra, Trevowah, Trevella, Halwyn, Treveglos, Pentire, Trenance, Treguth, Pentirevean, Menna, Kestle, Trelavour, Trebudannon, Mingham, Ennis, Trethowell, Rinsey, Hendra, Truro, Penryn
messuages20 (20 x messuages) -
land6 carucates (6 x carucate) -
pasture40 a. (40 x acre) -
wood20 a. (20 x acre) -
rent60s.£3 (=720d.)
Value£5£5 (=1200d.)
Total: £8 (=1920d.)
Value£30£30 (=7200d.)
Total: £30 (=7200d.)
hundred£102 parts (0.66 x hundred)£10 (=2400d.)
Total: £10 (=2400d.)
Lanhadron, Langoran
Value£16£16 (=3840d.)
Total: £16 (=3840d.)
messuageone (1 x messuage) -
landone (1 x cornishAcre) -
Value20s.£1 (=240d.)
20s.£1 (=240d.)
Value£15£15 (=3600d.)
Total: £16 (=3840d.)
Tregarne, Condurrow
Value£8£8 (=1920d.)
Total: £8 (=1920d.)
Value£4£4 (=960d.)
Total: £4 (=960d.)



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
messuages6s. 8d. (per unit)14 (14 x messuages)£4 13s. 4d. (=1120d.)
watermills13s. 4d.2 (2 x watermills)13s. 4d. (=160d.)
arable4d. (per unit)700 a. (700 x acre)£11 13s. 4d. (=2800d.)
wood2s.4 a. (4 x acre)2s. (=24d.)
pasture2d. (per unit)300 a. (300 x acre)£2 10s. (=600d.)
rent60s.£3 (=720d.)
Total: £22 12s. (=5424d.)
meadow4d. (per unit)10 a. (10 x acre)3s. 4d. (=40d.)
Total: 3s. 4d. (=40d.)
woodworth nothing12 a. (12 x acre) -
Total: (=0d.)
Winnianton, Kennall
messuages6s. (per unit)24 (24 x messuages)£7 4s. (=1728d.)
mills10s.2 (2 x mills)10s. (=120d.)
arable2d. (per unit)300 a. (300 x acre)£2 10s. (=600d.)
Total: £10 4s. (=2448d.)



  • Bate(Writ Clerk)


  • Nicholas Carmynowe, esquire
  • Mark Borlas
  • John Trewynt
  • Richard Coswyn
  • Walter Trembethowe
  • David Tregarrek
  • Thomas Polkynhorne
  • Joyce (Joceus) Selgena
  • John Polkynhorne
  • Roger Wollaye
  • John Logosek
  • John Tredidan


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