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Writ Head

608 Writ. Dogmersfield. 10 August 1442. [Louthe].

Inquisition Head

HAMPSHIRE. Inquisition. Andover. 22 October 1442. [Tranchard].


John Faukenere ; William Barell ; John ?R... [ms torn]; John Wodelef ; William Cleve ; William W...thigh [hole in ms]; William Nottekyn ; Nicholas Douse ; John atte More, senior ; John Swayn ; John Sampson ; and John Croucheman .


Thomas Blount, knight , Robert Joce , and William Lee were lately seised in demesne as of fee of the manor of Faccombe and advowson of the church there. Thus seised, by indented charter dated on 20 March 1442, shown to the jurors, they demised and enfeoffed the manor and advowson – described as the manor of Faccombe with advowson of the church that they lately had by enfeoffment of Thomas Sandes – to Thomas Sandes and Sibyl his wife, still living, described as Thomas Sandes , son and heir of Walter Sandes, knight , to hold to them and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to the right heirs of Thomas Sandes . Thomas and Sibyl were thus jointly seised in demesne as of fee tail, and Thomas died seised of this estate.n509 Royal licence was not obtained for either grant. The king afterwards, by letters patent dated at Westminster on 2 August 1442, shown to the jurors, pardoned these transgressions by his special graciousness and for 10 marks paid into his hanaper [CPR 1441–46, p. 90].

Faccombe, the manor with advowson of the church there, held of the king in chief by knight service.n510 Annual value 18 marks.
John Harries , Nicholas Crekkelade , Nicholas Clopton , and Thomas Ramsey were lately seised in demesne as of fee of the manor of Catherington, a messuage and carucate of land, called ‘Spyneyes’ by Cholderton, and 40s. rent from a watermill of the prior and convent of Mottisfont in Longstock Harrington, payable at Michaelmas. Thus seised, by charter dated at Cholderton on 12 August 1426, shown to the jurors, they granted the manor, messuage, land, and rent – described as their manor of Catherington, with all lands, tenements, meadows, pastures, rents, reversions, and services, one messuage and one carucate of land called ‘Spyneyes’ by Cholderton, and 40s. rent owed at Michaelmas to them and their heirs for the watermill of the prior and convent of Mottisfont and their successors in Longstock Harrington, that they lately had by enfeoffment of Walter Sandes, knight , father of Thomas Sandes – to Thomas Sandes and Sibyl his wife,n511 described as above, to hold to Thomas and Sibyl and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to Walter Sandes and his heirs. Thomas and Sibyl were thus jointly seised in demesne as of fee tail, and Thomas died seised of this estate.
Catherington, the manor, annual value 18 marks.
Cholderton, a messuage and carucate of land called ‘Spyneyes’ by Cholderton, annual value 5 marks.
Longstock Harrington, 40s. rent from a watermill of the prior and convent of Mottisfont.
The manor, messuage, land, and rent are held of John Mongomere, knight , service unknown. The same John Harries , Nicholas, Nicholas, and Thomas Ramsey were similarly seised in demesne as of fee of the manors of North Ashley and Preston Candover. Thus seised, by charter dated at Preston Candover on 12 August 1426, shown to the jurors, they granted the manors – described as their manors of North Ashley and Preston Candover, with all lands, tenements, meadows, pastures, rents, reversions, and services, that they lately had by enfeoffment of Thomas Sandes – to Thomas Sandes and Sibyl his wife,n512 and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to the right heirs of Thomas Sandes . Thomas and Sibyl were thus jointly seised in demesne as of fee tail, and Thomas died seised of this estate.
North Ashley, the manor, annual value £10, held of Richard Brune , service unknown.
Preston Candover, the manor, annual value 8 marks, held of Richard Brune , service unknown.
Thomas Blount, knight , William Fauconer, esquire , Nicholas Crekkelade , Robert Crekkelade , William Barell , and John Hamond, clerk , were seised in demesne as of fee of the following messuages, lands, meadows, pastures, wood, mills, and rents. Thus seised, by charter dated at Upper Clatford on 19 February 1440, shown to the jurors, they demised them – described as all their lands, tenements, meadows, pastures, rents, reversions, and services in the vills and territories of Upper Clatford, Baybridge, and Oakley (Ocle), that they lately had by enfeoffment of Thomas Sandes – to Thomas Sandes and Sibyl, described as Thomas Sandes, esquire, and Sibyl his wife, to hold to them and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to the right heirs of Thomas Sandes . Thomas and Sibyl were thus jointly seised in demesne as of fee tail, and Thomas died seised of this estate.
Upper Clatford, 6 messuages, 300 a. arable, 34 a. meadow, 100 a. pasture, 60 a. wood, a watermill, a fulling-mill, and 20s. rent, held of Humphrey, earl of Stafford , service unknown. Annual value 24 marks.
Baybridge, 3 messuages, 60 a. land, 100 a. pasture, and 40 a. wood, held of Henry, cardinal of England , bishop of Winchester, service unknown. Annual value 4 marks.
Oakley (Ocle), one messuage, 50 a. land, and 8 a. wood, held of the heirs of John Paulet and Constance his wife, as of the manor of Basing [service not given]. Annual value 16s. 8d.
John Fauntleroy , John Lovell of Kings Sutton, and John Beof , were seised in demesne as of fee of the following manors, messuages, lands, pasture, meadow, mill, wood, and rent. Thus seised, by charter dated on 4 July 1432 they demised them – described as the manors of Andover, Ayliffe’s, Longstock Harrington, and Cholderton – to Walter Sandes, knight , and Margaret his wife, still living, and the heirs of Walter. Walter and Margaret were thus seised, viz., Walter in demesne as of fee and Margaret in demesne as of free tenement.
Cholderton, the manor.
Andover, 60 messuages, 300 a. arable, 40 a. meadow, 4 a. wood, and 100s. rent.
Ayliffe’s, a messuage, 100 a. arable, 200 a. pasture, 20 a. meadow, a watermill, and 11d. rent.
John Harries , Nicholas Crekkelade , and Roger Stonham, clerk , were seised in demesne as of fee of the following manor, 1/2 advowson, messuages, land, pasture, meadow, and rent. Thus seised, by charter dated on 16 January 1428, they granted them to Walter Sandes and Margaret for their lives, without impeachment of waste. They were thus seised in demesne as of free tenement.
Ellisfield, the manor with advowson of the church on alternate occasions.
Appleshaw, 4 messuages, 20 a. land, 5 a. pasture, an acre of meadow, and 5s. service rent.
Redenham, 3 messuages, 18 a. land, 4 a. meadow, and 8s. service rent.
Fyfield, 2 messuages, 22 a. land, 3 a. pasture, 2 a. meadow, and 12s. service rent.
Snoddington, 3 messuages, 40 a. land, 8 a. pasture, and 15s. service rent.
John Harries , Nicholas Crekkelade , and Roger Stonham afterwards, by deed dated on 29 January 1428, quitclaimed, for them and their heirs, the manor, 1/2 advowson, messuages, land, pasture, meadow, and rent to Walter Sandes and Margaret. Walter was thus seised in demesne as of fee jointly with Margaret, and he died so seised. Reversion then descended to Thomas Sandes , as son and heir of Walter, and Margaret married William Cheyne, knight , still living. Afterwards, Thomas Sandes , by indented deed, shown to the jurors, granted reversion of the manors, lands, tenements, and rent – described as the manors of Cholderton, Longstock Harrington, Knights Enham, and Ellisfield, 60 messuages, 300 a. arable, 200 a. pasture, 40 a. meadow, 4 a. wood, and 100s. rent in Andover, one messuage, 100 a. land, 200 a. pasture, 20 a. meadow, one watermill, and 11d. rent in Ayliffe’s, 4 messuages, 60 a. arable, 100 a. pasture, 8 a. meadow, and 20 a. wood, in Knights Enham, 3 messuages, 40 a. arable, 60 a. pasture, and 26s. 8d. rent in Snoddington, 3 messuages, 40 a. arable, 50 a. pasture, and 2 a. meadow in Fyfield, 2 messuages, 30 a. land, 50 a. pasture, 4 a. wood, and 6s. rent in Redenham, 2 messuages, 40 a. arable, 60 a. pasture, and 20s. rent in Appleshawn513– to Thomas Blount, knight , and Robert Joce , and their heirs. The grant recited how the manors etc. were currently held by William Cheyne, knight , and Margaret his wife for the life of Margaret in her right. William Cheyne and Margaret attorned to Thomas and Robert and, by virtue of the grant and attornment, Thomas and Robert were seised of the reversion. Afterwards, by indented deed dated on 19 June 1442, shown to the jurors, Thomas and Robert granted the reversion to Thomas Sandes and Sibyl his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to the right heirs of Thomas Sandes . William Cheyne and Margaret attorned to Thomas and Sibyl, and they were thus jointly seised of the reversion in demesne as of fee tail. Thomas died so seised.
Cholderton, the manor, held of Richard, duke of York, service unknown. Annual value £22.
Longstock Harrington, the manor, held of Henry, cardinal of England, Henry, archbishop of Canterbury , and Walter Hungerford, knight, feoffees of certain manors of the duchy of Lancaster, service unknown. Annual value £12.
Knights Enham, the manor, held of the keeper of Queen’s College, Oxford, in right of the college, service unknown. Annual value £6.
Ellisfield, the manor, held of John Syfurwast, service unknown. Annual value £14 6s. 8d.
Andover, 60 messuages, 300 a. arable, 200 a. pasture, 40 a. meadow, and 4 a. wood, annual value £20, and 100s. rent.
Ayliffe’s, one messuage, 100 a. land, 200 a. pasture, and 20 a. meadow, annual value £10, one watermill, annual value 40s., and 11d. rent.
The messuages, land, pasture, meadow, and wood of Andover and Ayliffe’s are held of the men of the vill of Andover as of the manor of Andover, that is ancient demesne of the crown, service unknown.
Knights Enham, 4 messuages, 60 a. arable, 100 a. pasture, 8 a. meadow, and 20 a. wood, held of the men of the vill of Andover, service unknown. Annual value 100s.
Snoddington, 3 messuages, 40 a. arable, and 60 a. pasture, annual value £4, and 26s. 8d. rent. The messuages, land, and pasture are held of Richard, duke of York, service unknown.
Fyfield, 3 messuages, 40 a. arable, 50 a. pasture, and 2 a. meadow, held of Richard, duke of York, service unknown. Annual value 40s.
Redenham, 2 messuages, 30 a. land, 50 a. pasture, and 4 a. wood, annual value 30s., and 6s. rent. The messuages, land, pasture, and wood are held of Richard, duke of York, service unknown.
Appleshaw, 2 messuages, 40 a. arable, and 60 a. pasture, annual value 53s. 4d., and 20s. rent. The messuages, land, and pasture are held of Richard, duke of York, service unknown.

He died on 9 August last. Sibyl and Margaret, wife of William Cheyne, are still living. William Sandes is son and next heir of Thomas, and aged 3 and more.

TNA reference

C 139/107/35 mm. 1–2

n509^: Margin: ‘jointly’.

n510^: Margin: ‘of the king’.

n511^: Margin: ‘jointly’.

n512^: Margin: ‘jointly’.

n513^: Note that this description does not match the descriptions of earlier grants in this inquisition.



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Value18 marks£12 (=2880d.)
Total: £12 (=2880d.)
Value18 marks£12 (=2880d.)
Total: £12 (=2880d.)
messuagea (1 x messuage) -
landcarucate (1 x carucate) -
Value5 marks£3 6s. 8d. (=800d.)
Total: £25 6s. 8d. (=6080d.)
Longstock Harrington
rent from a watermill40s.£2 (=480d.)
Total: £2 (=480d.)
North Ashley
Value£10£10 (=2400d.)
Total: £10 (=2400d.)
Preston Candover
Value8 marks£5 6s. 8d. (=1280d.)
Total: £5 6s. 8d. (=1280d.)
Upper Clatford
messuages6 (6 x messuages) -
arable300 a. (300 x acre) -
meadow34 a. (34 x acre) -
pasture100 a. (100 x acre) -
wood60 a. (60 x acre) -
watermilla (1 x watermill) -
fulling-milla (1 x fulling-mill) -
rent20s.£1 (=240d.)
Value24 marks£16 (=3840d.)
Total: £17 (=4080d.)
messuages3 (3 x messuages) -
land60 a. (60 x acre) -
pasture100 a. (100 x acre) -
wood40 a. (40 x acre) -
Value4 marks£2 13s. 4d. (=640d.)
Total: £2 13s. 4d. (=640d.)
messuageone (1 x messuage) -
land50 a. (50 x acre) -
wood8 a. (8 x acre) -
Value16s. 8d.16s. 8d. (=200d.)
Total: 16s. 8d. (=200d.)
Longstock Harrington
Total: £12 (=2880d.)
Total: £25 6s. 8d. (=6080d.)
messuages60 (60 x messuages) -
arable300 a. (300 x acre) -
meadow40 a. (40 x acre) -
wood4 a. (4 x acre) -
rent100s.£5 (=1200d.)
Total: £5 (=1200d.)
messuagea (1 x messuage) -
arable100 a. (100 x acre) -
pasture200 a. (200 x acre) -
meadow20 a. (20 x acre) -
watermilla (1 x watermill) -
rent11d.11d. (=11d.)
Total: 11d. (=11d.)
Total: £14 6s. 8d. (=3440d.)
messuages4 (4 x messuages) -
land20 a. (20 x acre) -
pasture5 a. (5 x acre) -
meadowan acre (1 x acre) -
rent5s.5s. (=60d.)
Total: £3 18s. 4d. (=940d.)
messuages3 (3 x messuages) -
land18 a. (18 x acre) -
meadow4 a. (4 x acre) -
rent8s.8s. (=96d.)
Total: £2 4s. (=528d.)
messuages2 (2 x messuages) -
land22 a. (22 x acre) -
pasture3 a. (3 x acre) -
meadow2 a. (2 x acre) -
rent12s.12s. (=144d.)
Total: £2 12s. (=624d.)
messuages3 (3 x messuages) -
land40 a. (40 x acre) -
pasture8 a. (8 x acre) -
rent15s.15s. (=180d.)
Total: £6 1s. 8d. (=1460d.)
Value£22£22 (=5280d.)
Total: £25 6s. 8d. (=6080d.)
Longstock Harrington
Value£12£12 (=2880d.)
Total: £12 (=2880d.)
Knights Enham
Value£6£6 (=1440d.)
Total: £6 (=1440d.)
Value£14 6s. 8d.£14 6s. 8d. (=3440d.)
Total: £14 6s. 8d. (=3440d.)
Andover, Andover, Ayliffe’s
messuages60 (60 x messuages) -
arable300 a. (300 x acre) -
pasture200 a. (200 x acre) -
meadow40 a. (40 x acre) -
wood4 a. (4 x acre) -
Value£20£20 (=4800d.)
£20£20 (=4800d.)
rent100s.£5 (=1200d.)
Total: £25 (=6000d.)
Ayliffe’s, Andover, Ayliffe’s
messuageone (1 x messuage) -
land100 a. (100 x acre) -
pasture200 a. (200 x acre) -
meadow20 a. (20 x acre) -
Value£10£10 (=2400d.)
£10£10 (=2400d.)
watermill40s.one (1 x watermill)£2 (=480d.)
rent11d.11d. (=11d.)
Total: £12 11d. (=2891d.)
Knights Enham
messuages4 (4 x messuages) -
arable60 a. (60 x acre) -
pasture100 a. (100 x acre) -
meadow8 a. (8 x acre) -
wood20 a. (20 x acre) -
Value100s.£5 (=1200d.)
Total: £5 (=1200d.)
messuages3 (3 x messuages) -
arable40 a. (40 x acre) -
pasture60 a. (60 x acre) -
Value£4£4 (=960d.)
£4£4 (=960d.)
rent26s. 8d.£1 6s. 8d. (=320d.)
Total: £6 1s. 8d. (=1460d.)
messuages3 (3 x messuages) -
arable40 a. (40 x acre) -
pasture50 a. (50 x acre) -
meadow2 a. (2 x acre) -
Value40s.£2 (=480d.)
Total: £2 12s. (=624d.)
messuages2 (2 x messuages) -
land30 a. (30 x acre) -
pasture50 a. (50 x acre) -
wood4 a. (4 x acre) -
Value30s.£1 10s. (=360d.)
30s.£1 10s. (=360d.)
rent6s.6s. (=72d.)
Total: £2 4s. (=528d.)
messuages2 (2 x messuages) -
arable40 a. (40 x acre) -
pasture60 a. (60 x acre) -
Value53s. 4d.£2 13s. 4d. (=640d.)
53s. 4d.£2 13s. 4d. (=640d.)
rent20s.£1 (=240d.)
Total: £3 18s. 4d. (=940d.)



No holding extent information available.



  • Louthe(Writ Clerk)


  • John Faukenere
  • William Barell
  • John ?R... [ms torn]
  • John Wodelef
  • William Cleve
  • William W...thigh [hole in ms]
  • William Nottekyn
  • Nicholas Douse
  • John atte More, senior
  • John Swayn
  • John Sampson
  • John Croucheman


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