Full text


Inquisition Head

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Inquisition. Aylesbury. 1 February 1441. [Fowler].

[Inquisition: ms badly galled in places.]


John Archas ; William Clerk of Aylesbury; Robert Norton ; John London ; John Goold ; John Gylbard ; Reynold Colley ; Ralph Clerk ; William Gegge ; Henry Hardi ; William Temple ; and John Dranfeld .

She held no lands or tenements of the king, or any other, in demesne as of fee, but she held the following in dower by endowment of Hugh Courtenay, late earl of Devon , her husband, from the inheritance of Thomas Courtenay, earl of Devon , son and heir of the late earl, with reversion to Thomas and his heirs.
Hillesden, the manor, annual value £14 13s. 4d., held of the king in chief by knight service. There is the manorial site, worth nothing yearly; 300 a. arable, worth 75s. yearly; 40 a. meadow, worth 40s. yearly; 120 a. fallow pasture, worth 18s. 4d. yearly; £8 rent, payable at Easter and Michaelmas equally; and perquisites of court, worth nothing yearly.
Waddesdon, 1/4 knight’s fee, formerly held by Richard le Moute. Annual value 25s. when it falls.
Wormstone, 1/2 knight’s fee, formerly held by Richard atte Hull , Edmund Bernard , John Cottes , Isabel Buket , Stephen son of Adam, and Richard de Wermeston. Annual value 50s.
when it falls. The knights’ fees are held of the earl of Devon as of his manor of Waddesdon, which manor is held of the king by knight service.

She died on 16 January last. Thomas, earl of Devon, son and heir of the bodies of Hugh and Anne, is her next heir, and aged 24 and more.

[Head:] Delivered to court on 17 February 1441.

TNA reference

C 139/104/40 mm. 1–2

E 149/170/2 m. 1

Inquisition Head

BERKSHIRE. Inquisition. Wokingham. 13 February 1441. [Restwold].


Richard Coterell ; William Pykemound ; John Ward ; Richard Palmer ; William Lytilfeld ; Henry Russell ; Thomas Bowell ; William Fyssher, senior ; John Gray, senior ; John Rounanger ; Thomas Phelip ; and Thomas Hony .

She held no lands or tenements of the king, or any other, in demesne as of fee, but she held the following in dower as 503
Sutton Courtenay, advowson of the church. The advowson belongs to the manor of Sutton Courtenay. Annual value £53 6s. 8d. when vacant.
Sutton Courtenay, 1/10 knight’s fee formerly held by John Bornevyle, annual value 10s. when it falls, held of the earl of Devon as of his manor of Sutton Courtenay, which manor is held of the king by knight service.
Date of death and heir as 503 [Head:] Delivered to court on 15 February.
TNA reference

C 139/104/40 mm. 3–4

E 149/170/2 m. 4

Writ Head

505 Writ. ‡ 1 February 1441. [Bate].

Addressed to the escheator in Somerset and Dorset.

Inquisition Head

DORSET. Inquisition..... 13 February 1441. [Neuton].

[Inquisition: left-hand side of ms torn away and missing.]

Jurors:.........de; Richard Langle; John Comyn; William Raules; John Godefelow; William Hogekyn; John Seyncler; Robert Golde... ... Seyngeler; John Hill; William Mantell; and John Brome.
She held the following in dower as 503.
Child Okeford, a [knight’s fee], annual value 100s. when it falls, held of Thomas, earl, as of his manor of..., which manor is held of the king by knight service.
Date of death and heir as 503.
TNA reference

C 139/104/40 mm. 5–6

Inquisition Head

SOMERSET. Inquisition. Crewkerne. 13 February 1441. [Neuton].


Robert Golde ; John Vyrgyn ; William Lorde ; John Courle ; Philip Michell ; William Seyncler ; William Malfhyll ; John Brome ; William More ; John Garlond ; Giles Nobell ; and David Moleyn .

She held the following in dower as 503
East Coker, North Coker, and Hardington Mandeville, 3 knights’ fees formerly held by the heirs of John de Maundevyle , of John de Sancto Quintino , and Clement de Monte Alto , extending at £15 when they fall.
Highchurch, 1/3 knight’s fee formerly held by William le Prous, 33s. 4d. [rubric as above for this entry and for those following].
Faulkland, 1/4 knight’s fee formerly held by the heirs of Nicholas de Seyntlyger, 25s.
Ashill and Seavington with members, 10 knights’ fees formerly held by the heirs of the lady Maud de Moleton, £50.
Stanton Drew or Whitestaunton (Staunton), 1/2 knight’s fee formerly held by the heirs of Brodo de Staunton, 50s.
Winsford, one knight’s fee formerly held by the heirs of John Ryvers and Stephen Beammond, 100s.
Quarme Mounceaux, 1/2 knight’s fee formerly held by the heirs of William Mounceaus and of John Doddescomb, 50s.
Wraxall with members, 2 knights’ fees formerly held by the heirs of Thomas Gorges, £10.
The fees and part-fees are held of Thomas, earl of Devon, as of his honour of Plympton. The honour is held of the king by knight service. She held the following in dower as 503. n411
Hemington, advowson of the church, which advowson belongs to the manor of Hemington, extending at £20 when vacant. The manor is held of the king by knight service.
Crewkerne, advowson of the first and principal portion of the church, which portion belongs to the manor of Crewkerne, extending at £20 when vacant.
All the fees and part-fees are held of Thomas, earl, as of his honours of Plympton and Okehampton. The honours are held of the king in chief by knight service. The fees, part-fees, and advowsons are worth nothing yearly. n412 [1]+ Hugh Courtenay, lately earl of Devon , by his deed, sealed with his arms, dated on 4 June 1421, shown to the jurors, granted to Hugh Courtenay of Haccombe, knight, his uncle, Hugh Luterell, knight , his kin, John Fortescu, esquire , then his steward, Thomas Hendeman , Richard Aldryngton, clerks, John Selman , William Dawny , Richard Bampfyle , and Henry Fortescu , among other manors contained in the same deed, all his lands and tenements in the county – his manor of Crewkerne – to hold to them from the Midsummer then next following for the term of 40 years, [on condition] that they – from the issues of the manor, and of other manors contained in the deed, and by them or any of them taken yearly, just as they had and took – well and faithfully pay, or one of them pays, the debts of his venerable father, Edward, lately earl of Devon, as well as his debts, by sufficient quittance that the receivers attest to the payment, and under other conditions contained in the charter. Hugh, Hugh etc. [as above] were thus seised of the manors and hundred.n413 The wording of the deed follows. ‘To all Christ’s faithful who come to the present indented letters, Hugh Courtenay, earl of Devon and lord of Okehampton, greets you in the everlasting lord. Know that we grant and by the present letters demise to our beloved and faithful Hugh Courtenay of Haccombe, knight, our uncle, Hugh Luterell, knight, our kin, John Fortescu, esquire,n414 our steward, Thomas Hendeman, Richard Aldryngton, clerks, John Selman, William Dawny, Bampfyle Richard, and Henry Fortescu, our whole manor of Crewkerne in Somerset, and the manors of Colcombe, Colyton, and Whitford, and the hundred of Colyton in Devon, to have and hold all the said manors and hundred to Hugh, Hugh etc. [as above] from Midsummer next following until the end of and for the term of 40 years, on condition that Hugh, Hugh etc. [as above] well and faithfully pay, or one of them pays the debts of our venerable father Edward, late earl of Devon, and our debts from the issues of the manors and hundred taken yearly by them or any one of them, just as they had and took, by sufficient quittance that the receivers attest to the payment, or that they do according to our deed or as we will declare to them verbally at entry, to have at our return (readventu) from across the sea or in any other way, provided always that if we die, Hugh, Hugh etc. [as above] find for our boys, then surviving, from the issues of the said lands and tenements in their hand, beyond the full payment of debts. And if there is any left over, they should distribute it for the souls of our venerable father and mother,n415 our soul, and the souls of all faithful dead, always deducting reasonable costs and expenses. In witness of which thing, we, the earl, and Hugh, Hugh, John, Thomas, Richard, John, William, Richard, and Henry have alternately placed our seals to the present indented letters. Dated on Wednesday 4 June 1421.’ Afterwards, on 30 June 1421, by his deed, sealed with his arms, shown to the jurors, the late earl quitclaimed to Hugh, Hugh etc. [as above] and their heirs and assigns all right and claim that he had in the manors and hundred under conditions contained in the deed of quitclaim. The wording of the deed follows. ‘To all Christ’s faithful who come to the present indented letters, Hugh Courtenay, earl of Devon and lord of Okehampton, greets you in the everlasting lord. Know that we remit, release, and entirely from and for us and our heirs in perpetuity quitclaim to Hugh Courtenay of Haccombe, knight, our uncle, Hugh Luterell, knight, our kin, John Fortescu, esquire, our steward, Thomas Hendeman, Richard Aldryngton, clerks, John Selman, William Dawny, Richard Bampfyle, and Henry Fortescu, all our right and claim that we have in the manors of [Sheviock, Anthony, Tregantle, Trelowia] [ms galled here and belown416], Portlooe, Trelugan, Landulph, Leigh Durant, Northill, and Landreyne, and a moiety of the manors of Treverbyn and Tregamere, the boroughs of ‘Portbyan’ and Crafthole, and advowsons of the churches of Sheviock, St John, Northill, and Landulph, and in the chantry of the free chapel of [Lammana], and advowson or the free chapel [as ms] of [Lammana], and in all our messuages, lands, tenements, toll tin, rents, reversions, and services in St Austell and other places in Cornwall, and also the whole manor of Crewkerne in Somerset, and the manors of Colcombe, Colyton, and Whitford, and the hundred of Colyton in Devon, which, each and every one, we surrender to Hugh, Hugh etc. [as above] for the term of 40 years, to have and hold [line missed out in ms: to them and their heirs and assigns in perpetuity on condition that if they] do not do with the lands and tenements as we will declare by our deed or verbally, then the quitclaim will be null, and if on the contrary, it will remain in force. And we, the earl and our heirs will guarantee to Hugh, Hugh etc. [as above], and their heirs and assigns, all the manors, moieties of manors, and the hundred of Colyton, the boroughs, advowsons, chantry, messuages, lands, tenements, toll tin, rents, reversions, and services against all people in form aforesaid in perpetuity. In witness of which thing, the earl and Hugh, Hugh etc. [as above] have alternately placed our seals to the present indented letters. Dated on the last day of June 1421.’+[1] The late earl verbally declared to the feoffees when he started his sea-voyage, that they should act according to the force and effect of the conditions, as contained in the charter of the grant at the term of years, and not otherwise. By virtue of this grant, and by virtue of the quitclaim, the feoffees were seised in demesne as of fee. Afterwards, the king, by letters patent dated at Westminster on 22 June 1423, shown to the jurors [CPR 1422–29, p. 108], by the advice of his council and for 500 marks paid into his hanaper, pardoned the transgressions. Furthermore, he granted for him and his heirs as much to Hugh, Hugh etc. [as above] as they had to them and their heirs and assigns in the manors and hundred under certain conditions contained in the said charter and deed, to hold of the king and his heirs, as more fully contained in the letters. Hugh, late earl , afterwards died, and the feoffees assigned the following in dower to the late countess.
Crewkerne, the manor, annual value £122, held of the king in chief by knight service. There is £100 assize rent, payable to the countess by the hand of various free tenants at the four terms of the year equally, viz., Christmas, Easter, Midsummer, and Michaelmas. The true annual value of the rest of the manor is £22. There is an old capital messuage, a dovecot, and a barn with curtilage and garden adjacent, worth nothing yearly; 3 mills for grain: ‘Taylmyll’, worth 20s. yearly, ‘Berymyll’, worth 6s. 8d. yearly, and ‘Cloptonmyll’, worth 10s. yearly; 400 a. demesne land, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 80 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 1000 a. pasture, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 80 a. wood, each acre worth 1/2d. yearly; and perquisites of court, worth 20s. yearly.
The hundred [of ?Crewkerne or ?Colyton] is worth 40s. yearly.
Afterwards, Hugh Courtenay of Haccombe, knight, Hugh Luterell, knight John Fortescu, Thomas Hendeman, Richard Aldryngton, clerks, John Selman, William Dawny, and Richard Bampfyle died, and reversion of the manor belongs to Henry Fortescu and his heirs only.

Date of death and heir as 503

[Head:] Delivered to court on 16 February 1441.

TNA reference

C 139/104/40 mm. 5, 7

Writ Head

507 Writ. 26 January 1441. [Bate].

Addressed to the escheator in Devon and Cornwall.

Inquisition Head

DEVON. Inquisition. Exeter. 7 February 1441. [Cokeworthy].


John Holond ; Richard Holond ; John Yeo ; John Hill of Hareston; William Botour ; Nicholas Coterell ; Thomas Kyngeslond ; John Pree ; William Blenche ; Gilbert Deneys ; Walter Lewer ; and John Shylston .


She held the following in dower as 503.

Tiverton, the hundred with perquisites of the court, annual value 40s.
Tiverton, perquisites of the borough court, annual value 46s. 8d.
Tiverton, £20 8s. 51/2d. assize rent from various burgesses, payable at the four terms of the year equally.
Tiverton, the manor, annual value £45 6s. 6d. There is £33 13s. 4d. assize rent, payable by the hand of various free tenants at the four terms of the year equally. The annual value of the rest of the manor is £11 13s. 2d: there is a capital messuage with several buildings and gardens adjacent, worth nothing yearly; 2 mills for grain, worth 51s. 6d. yearly; a fulling-mill, worth 4s. yearly; 200 a. demesne land, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 80 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 300 a. pasture, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 2 parks where beasts (fere bestie) graze, one park called ‘Aysshlegh’ and the other called ‘Lytelparke’, worth nothing yearly; 52 a. wood with thorns, thistles, and rushes, each acre worth 1d. yearly; and perquisites of court, worth 10s. yearly.
Exminster, the hundred with perquisites of the court, worth 40s. yearly
Exminster, the manor, annual value £10 6s. 6d. There is a capital messuage with various buildings and gardens adjacent, worth nothing yearly; and £6 assize rent, payable as above. The annual value of the rest of the manor is £4 6s. 6d.: there is a mill for grain, worth 6s. 1d. yearly; 80 a. demesne land, each acre worth 1d. yearly; 40 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 300 a. pasture, each acre worth 1d. yearly; 30 a. wood, each acre worth 1/2d. yearly; and perquisites of court worth 7s. 6d. yearly.
Topsham, the manor, annual value £17 6d. There is £12 assize rent, payable as above. The annual value of the rest of the manor is 100s. 6d.: there is a ruinous capital messuage with other buildings and curtilages adjacent, worth nothing yearly; a mill for grain, worth 13s. 4d. yearly; 300 a. demesne land, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 10 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 66 1/2 a. rushy pasture, each acre worth 4d. yearly; and perquisites of court, worth 5s. yearly.
Cherubeer, the manor, annual value 42s. There is 40s. assize rent, payable as above. The annual value of the rest of the manor is 2s.: there is a messuage with adjacent garden, worth 2s. yearly.
Chawleigh, perquisites of the borough court, annual value 2s.
Chawleigh, 40s. assize rent from various burgesses, payable at Michaelmas only by the hand of the borough provost.
Chawleigh, the manor, annual value £21 11s. 4d. There is £18 assize rent, payable as above. The annual value of the rest of the manor is 71s. 4d.: there is a capital messuage with other buildings adjacent, worth nothing yearly; a mill for grain, worth 5s. 8d. yearly; 300 a. demesne land, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 8 a. meadow, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 100 a. wood, each acre worth 1d. yearly; and perquisites of court, worth 3s. 4d. yearly.
Newnham, the manor, annual value £4 7s. 8d. There is 50s. assize rent, payable as above. The annual value of the rest of the manor is 37s. 8d.: there is a messuage with curtilage, worth nothing yearly; a mill for grain, worth 4s. 2d. yearly; 100 a. demesne land, each acre worth 3d. yearly; and 102 a. furze and heath, each acre worth 1d. yearly.
Musbury, the manor, annual value £20 5s. There is £12 assize rent, payable as above. The annual value of the rest of the manor is £8 5s.: there is the toft of a capital messuage, with a ruinous barn and adjacent curtilage, worth nothing yearly; 200 a. wasteland of furze and heath, each acre worth 1/4d. yearly; 45 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 200 a. pasture, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 200 a. wood, each acre worth 1/2d. yearly; and perquisites of court, worth 7s. 6d. yearly.
Crolditch [now Southernhay], a moiety of the issues of the fair (nundinarum), annual value 10s.
Bruckland, Trill, and Smallicombe, a messuage and carucate of land, annual value 33s. 4d.
Hayridge, the hundred, annual value 40s.
Exe, a free fishery in the water of the Exe, annual value 10s.
£18 6s. 8d. rent taken by the hand of the sheriff from the profits of the county, payable at Easter and Michaelmas equally.
Holbeton, £8 rent from demesne lands, payable at the four terms of the year equally.
Kennford, 58s. 5d. assize rent from various burgesses, payable at the four terms of the year equally.
She held the following knights’ fees and part-fees in dower as above. They are held of the present earl as of his honours of Plympton and Okehampton, which honours are held of the king by knight service. n418
Corstone, 1/6 knight’s fee formerly held by Peter de Corbynestone, extending at 16s. 8d. when it falls.
Inwardleigh and Westacott, 1 1/4 knights’ fees formerly held by the heirs of Ellis Coffeyn and of Walter Perer, £6 5s. [rubric as above for this entry and for those following].
Kigbear and Croft, 1/2 knight’s fee formerly held by Roger de Langeford, 50s.
Gorhuish, 1/2 knight’s fee formerly held by William Gorhuwyssh, 50s.
Maddaford, 1/4 knight’s fee formerly held by William de Maddeforde, 25s.
West Folworthy, 1/10 knight’s fee formerly held by Ralph de Ponestone, 10s.
Burdon, 1/10 knight’s fee formerly held by Roger de Bordone, 10s.
Bradford (Bradeforde Amborne), 1/8 knight’s fee formerly held by the heirs of the lord of Bradford (Bradeforde Amborne), 12s. 6d.
Landcross, 1/4 knight’s fee formerly held by John de Beaumond, 25s.
Parkham, 2 knights’ fees formerly held by Henry de Belston, £10.
Heuisham, 1/2 knight’s fee formerly held by William de Corun, 50s.
Potheridge, one knight’s fee formerly held by Hugh le Moygne, 100s.
Meeth, one knight’s fee formerly held by Matthew Gyffard and John le Deneys, 100s.
Woolladon, 1/2 knight’s fee formerly held by John de Wolledon, 50s.
Stockley, 1/2 knight’s fee formerly held by John le Deneys, 50s.
Heanton Satchville, one knight’s fee formerly held by the heirs of Mauger son of Henry, 100s.
Tonyzton, 1/8 knight’s fee formerly held by the heirs of Joel Pollard, 12s. 6d.
Ashmansworthy, 1/2 knight’s fee formerly held by Roger Bernehous, 50s.
Stroxworthy, 1/2 knight’s fee formerly held by Richard de Strokesworth and Bartholomew Gyffard, 50s.
Yarnscombe, one knight’s fee formerly held by the heirs of Walter son of Warin, 100s.
Ashford, one knight’s fee formerly held by John de Beaumond, 100s.
West Ashford, one knight’s fee formerly held by Robert Beanpel, 100s.
Heanton Punchardon, East Hagginton or West Hagginton (Hagyngton), Blakewell, and Aylescott [in West Down], 3 knights’ fees formerly held by John de Puncherdon, £15.
Lincombe, Warcombe, and Middle Marwood, 2 knights’ fees formerly held by the abbot of Dunkeswell and Matthew Crowethorn , £10.
Worcombe Roges, 1/5 knight’s fee formerly held by the heirs of the son of Roges, 20s.
Ilfracombe, one knight’s fee formerly held by the heirs of Henry de Campo Arnulpho, 100s.
Kentisbury, one knight’s fee formerly held by Richard de Wolf, 100s.
Filleigh, 1/2 knight’s fee formerly held by Thomas de Felelegh, 50s.
Westcott and Patsford, 1/2 knight’s fee formerly held by Henry Merewode, 50s.
West Buckland, one knight’s fee formerly held by Nicholas de Warwyk, 100s.
Snydles, 1/2 knight’s fee formerly held by Robert Beanpel and Matthew Forneanus, 50s.
Aylescott [in Burrington or West Down], 1/2 knight’s fee formerly held by Augustine de Pyn, 50s.
Shirwell, 1 1/2 knights’ fees formerly held by John de Beaumond, £7 10s.
Charles, one knight’s fee formerly held by Henry de Ralegh, 100s.
North Newton or South Newton (Newetone) and Whitestone, 1/2 knight’s fee formerly held by Baldwin de Lorewille, 50s.
Ansty Reyngny, 1/2 knight’s fee that Richard de Reygny holds, 50s.
Frodetone and Mainstone, 1/2 knight’s fee formerly held by William le Moygne, 50s.
Cheldon, 1/10 knight’s fee formerly held by John Vuchmik, 10s.
Handsford (Haunteforde), 1/3 knight’s fee formerly held by William son of John de Ralegh, 33s. 4d.
Cadbury Barton, 1/5 knight’s fee formerly held by Richard le Copyner, 20s.
Bunson, 1/8 knight’s fee formerly held by John de Boneuyleston, 12s. 6d.
Garland, 1/8 knight’s fee formerly held by the heirs of Joan de Gorlounde, 12s. 6d.
Sheepsbyre, 1/2 knight’s fee formerly held by William de la Fenne, 50s.
Bealy Court, 1/6 knight’s fee formerly held by William Cole, 16s. 8d.
Stone Barton, 1/8 knight’s fee formerly held by William de la Stone, 12s. 6d.
Heaunteford, 1/10 knight’s fee formerly held by Roger Cole, 10s.
Meshaw, one knight’s fee formerly held by the heirs of Simon son of Roges and the heirs of Baldwin Flemyng, 100s.
Yard, 1/2 knight’s fee formerly held by Roger de la Yerd, 50s.
Rose Ash, 1/3 knight’s fee formerly held by Ralph deAssh, 33s. 4d.
Rackenford, one knight’s fee formerly held by Alexander de Crwys, 100s.
Woodburn [in Oakford] and West Tapps, one knight’s fee formerly held by Henry de Colecomb, 100s.
Woodburn [in East Anstey], 1/3 knight’s fee formerly held by Thomas de West Wodeborn, 33s. 4d.
Spittle Bridge and Spittle, 1/2 knight’s fee formerly held by William de Raysshelegh, 50s.
Yeo (Yow), one knight’s fee formerly held by Anora de Tetteborn, 100s.
le Shute, 1/4 knight’s fee formerly held by Thomas de Swaynessey, 25s.
Yettington, 1/8 knight’s fee formerly held by the heirs of John le Poner, 12s. 6d.
Dalditch, 1/2 knight’s fee formerly held by the heirs of Robert Dyaledech, 50s.
Rockbeare, 1/2 knight’s fee formerly held by the abbess of Leigh, 50s.
Rockbeare Baldwin and Dotton, one knight’s fee formerly held by Henry de Belston, 100s.
Aylesbeare, 1/2 knight’s fee formerly held by the heirs of he lord Hugh Courtenay, 50s.
Colwell Barton, one knight’s fee formerly held by the heirs of William de Perco and the master of Bodmiscombe, 100s.
Offwell, one knight’s fee formerly held by the heirs of William de Perco, of John de Orewey, and of John de Veer, 100s.
Trill and Smallicombe, 1/2 knight’s fee formerly held by William de Trille, 50s.
Ford, 1/8 knight’s fee formerly held by Nicholas de Forde, 12s. 6d.
Combpyne, 1/2 knight’s fee formerly held by Gilbert de Umframvyle, 50s.
Sutcombe, 1/7 knight’s fee formerly held by John de Veer, 14s. 3 1/2d.
Bruckland, 1/4 knight’s fee formerly held by Vivian de Trille, 25s.
Clayhidon, 1/2 knight’s fee formerly held by the heirs of Margaret Dynham, 50s.
Culm Pyne Barton, 1/2 knight’s fee formerly held by John Toiler, 50s.
Newcott, 1/2 knight’s fee formerly held by John Tyrry, 50s.
Bolham Water, 1/2 knight’s fee that the abbot of Dunkeswell holds, 50s.
Clyst Hydon, one knight’s fee formerly held by William de Hydon, 100s.
Ashclyst, 1/6 knight’s fee that the abbot of Torre holds, 25s.
Turnham, 1/2 knight’s fee formerly held by William Barnevyle, 50s.
Hockworthy, 1/2 knight’s fee formerly held by William de Hokeworthi, 50s.
Holcombe Rogus, one knight’s fee formerly held by Henry de Roges, 100s.
Sellake, 1/8 knight’s fee formerly held by Philip Gyffard, 12s. 6d.
Chevithorne in the hundred of Bampton, 1/2 knight’s fee formerly held by William de Clyvethorn, 50s.
Payhembury, 1/2 knight’s fee formerly held by Philip Gyffard, 50s.
Hele, one knight’s fee formerly held by Roger de Hely, 100s.
Kentisbeare, Kingsford, Ponsford, and Cattesburgh, 3 knights’ fees formerly held by the heirs of Henry son of Mauger and William Vacy, £15.
Langford, 1/2 knight’s fee formerly held by John de Langeford, 50s.
Brampford Speke, one knight’s fee formerly held by William Speke, 100s.
Monkton, 1/2 knight’s fee formerly held by John de Carreu, 50s.
Spilcombe, 1/4 knight’s fee formerly held by Roger le Een, 25s.
Borlond, 1/2 knight’s fee formerly held by Richard de Heuwyssh, 50s.
She held the following in dower as above.
Buckland, advowson of the abbey, extending at £100 and thus so valued when vacant.
Cowick, advowson of the priory, £40 [rubric as above for this entry and for those following].
Tiverton, advowson of the 2nd portion in the church, £16.
Tiverton, advowson of the 4th portion in the church, £10.
Milton Damerel, advowson of the church, £26 13s. 4d.
Chulmleigh, advowson of the church, £20;
Kenn, advowson of the church, £13 6s. 8d.
Stoke Damerel, advowson of the church, £13 6s. 8d.
Sticklepath, advowson of the chantry of St Mary, 100s.
The manor, borough, and hundred of Tiverton, advowsons of the 2nd and 4th portions of the church there, the manor and hundred of Exminster, the manor of Topsham, the hundred of Hayridge, the free fishery in the Exe, advowson of the church of Stoke Damerel, advowson of the abbey of Buckland, advowson of the church of Milton Damerel, and £8 rent in Holbeton are held of the king in chief by knight service as parcel of the honour of Plympton. The advowson of the chantry of St Mary of Sticklepath, the manor of Cherubeer, advowson of the church of Chulmleigh, advowson of the 5 prebends there, the manor of Chawleigh and the borough there, the manor of Newnham, advowson of the church of Kenn, 58s. 5d. assize rent from Kennford, the manor of Musbury, the messuage and carucate of land in Bruckland, Trill and Smallicombe, and advowson of the priory of Cowick, are held of the king in chief by knight service as parcel of the honour of Okehampton. The moiety of the fair (nundinarum) of Crolditch [now Southernhay] is held of the king in chief by knight service, quantity unknown. The £18 6s. 8d. rent taken by the hand of the sheriff is held of the king in chief by knight service, quantity unknown.

Date of death and heir as 503.

[Head:] Delivered to court on 16 February 1441.

TNA reference

C 139/104/40 mm. 8, 10

E 149/170/2 m. 3

Inquisition Head

CORNWALL. Inquisition. Launceston. 9 February 1441. [Cokeworthy].

[Inquisition: ms torn away at top left.]


Thomas Lanoy ; John Mayowe ; William Clerke ; William Mayowe ; William Myleton ; Thomas Uppecote ; Thomas Wyndesore ; Robert Clerke ; John Stephyn ; Thomas Oterham ; John Stephyn, junior ; and John Wythyall .


She held no lands or tenements of the king in chief, or any other, in demesne as of fee. Continues as 506+[1] regarding all of Hugh Courtenay ’s lands and tenements in Cornwall: the manors of Sheviock, Anthony, Tregantle, Trelowia, Portlooe, Trelugan, Landulph, Leigh Durant, Northill, and Landreyne, and a moiety of the manors of Treverbyn and Tregamere, the borough of ‘Portbyan’, the borough of Crafthole, advowsons of the churches of Sheviock, St John, Northill, Landulph, and the chantry of the free chapel of Lammana, advowson of the chantry or free chapel of Lammana [as ms], and all messuages, lands, tenements, toll tin, rents, reversions, and services in St Austell and other places in Cornwall.n419 Hugh, late earl, afterwards died, and the feoffees assigned the following in dower to the late countess.

Landulph, the manor, annual value 100s., held of John Dynham, knight.
Leigh Durant, the manor, annual value 40s., held of the earl of Salisbury.
Trelugan, the manor, annual value 20s., held of the bishop of Exeter.
Anthony, the manor, annual value £4, held of the abbot of Tavistock.
Trelowia, the manor, annual value 20s., held of the heirs of John Trebreke.
Service is unknown for each manor. After the assignment of dower, Hugh Courtenay of Haccombe, knight , Hugh Luterell, knight , John Fortescu , Thomas Hendeman , Richard Aldryngton , clerks, John Selman , William Dawny , and Richard Bampfyle , died. Reversion of the manors assigned in dower now belongs to Henry Fortescu only.

Date of death and heir as 503.
TNA reference

C 139/104/40 mm. 8–9

E 149/170/2 m. 3



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
siteworth nothing -
arable75s.300 a. (300 x acre)£3 15s. (=900d.)
meadow40s.40 a. (40 x acre)£2 (=480d.)
fallow pasture18s. 4d.120 a. (120 x acre)18s. 4d. (=220d.)
rent£8£8 (=1920d.)
courtworth nothing -
Value£14 13s. 4d.£14 13s. 4d. (=3520d.)
Total: £29 6s. 8d. (=7040d.)
knight’s fee25s. 1/4 (0.25 x knight’s fee)£1 5s. (=300d.)
Total: £1 5s. (=300d.)
knight’s fee 1/2 (0.5 x knight’s fee) -
Value50s.£2 10s. (=600d.)
Total: £2 10s. (=600d.)



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
siteworth nothing -
arable75s.300 a. (300 x acre)£3 15s. (=900d.)
meadow40s.40 a. (40 x acre)£2 (=480d.)
fallow pasture18s. 4d.120 a. (120 x acre)18s. 4d. (=220d.)
rent£8£8 (=1920d.)
courtworth nothing -
Total: £29 6s. 8d. (=7040d.)



  • Bate(Writ Clerk)


  • John Archas
  • William Clerk of Aylesbury
  • Robert Norton
  • John London
  • John Goold
  • John Gylbard
  • Reynold Colley
  • Ralph Clerk
  • William Gegge
  • Henry Hardi
  • William Temple
  • John Dranfeld


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