Full text


Writ Head

356 Writ de dote assignanda. ‡ 11 May 1440. [Bate].

Assignment of dower of lands and tenements that were taken into the king’s hand owing to the death of William and the minority of Roger Frognale , son and heir. To be assigned in the presence of the next friends of the heir or their attorneys [CClR 1435–41, p. 314].

Inquisition Head

KENT. Assignment of dower. [Place and date not given]. [Burgh].


Buckland, 1/3 manor, viz., a chamber called ‘Gestenchambr’ with a stable adjacent, called ‘Gestenstable’, by the great gate of the manor; a grange on the western side of the manor, and 1/3 ground of a ground of curtilage on the western side, leading from the eastern corner of the said chamber to the dovecot and, from there, to the north in a straight line to the opposite northern corner of the grange, following the entry for water. With this: free entry and exit by the great gate for her and hers, for whatever and whoever is necessary including animals and carriage. Item: 1/3 dovecot within the curtilage. Item: a third of both gardens on their southern sides, with 1/3 ?vineyard (vince)n279 on the northern side under the hall chambers (sub cameris aule). With this: free entry and exit as customary. Item: 1/3 advowson of the church belonging to the manor. Item: 1/3 of the field called ‘Lynynefeld’ in the southern headland. Item: 1/3 of free land in the field called ‘Homefeld’ in the southern headland with a moiety of 2 1/2 a. land held in gavelkind, adjacent in the same headland. Item: 1/3 field called ‘Holefeld’ at its western side. Item: 1/3 wood at ‘Rugele’ in the southern headland with 1/3 pasture and land in the same headland, and 1/3 ancient garden there in the southern headland. Item: 1/3 pasture at ‘Chethamhel’ and ‘Celhope’ in the southern headland. Item: 1/3 pasture and wood called ‘Longehame’ adjacent at the western side. Item: 1/3 windmill. Item: a third of 33s. 9 1/2d. assize rent, with a third of a rent of 7 cockerels, 27 hens, 88 eggs, 1 eggs, lb pepper, 2lb cumin, 7 quarters and 2 bushels of barley, and 3s. 8d. from the yearly sale of boon-work customary to the manor.
Item: a third of 51s. 7d. assize rent in Luddenham and Whitstable, with a third of 51s. 11 1/2d. assize rent in the parish of Luddenham and Buckland.
Item: 1/2 messuage and 1/2 a. land in Luddenham, held in gavelkind of the abbot of Faversham .
Item: a moiety of 10 a. land in the parish of Lynsted, held of the archbishop of Canterbury in gavelkind.
Item: 1/2 a. land in Teynham, also held of the archbishop of Canterbury in gavelkind.

[Head:] Delivered to court on 27 October 1440.

TNA reference

C 139/97/20 mm. 1–2

n279^: Might this be a scribal error for vinee or vineae (‘of the vineyard’)?



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Buckland, advowson (Assigned Holding)
1/3 (0.33) -
chambera (1 x chamber) -
stablea (1 x stable) -
grangea (1 x grange) -
curtilage, chamber, dovecot 1/3 ground of a (0.33 x curtilage chamber dovecot) -
grangea (1 x grange) -
dovecot, curtilage 1/3 (0.33 x dovecot curtilage) -
gardensa third of (0.33 x gardens) -
vineyard, hall, chambers 1/3 (0.33 x vineyard hall chambers), 1/3 (0.33 x vineyard hall chambers), 1/3 (0.33 x vineyard hall chambers) -
land 1/3 (0.33 x land), a (1 x land) -
land2 1/2 a. (2.5 x acre), 1/3 (0.33 x land) -
wood 1/3 (0.33 x wood) -
pasture, land 1/3 (0.33 x pasture land) -
garden 1/3 (0.33 x garden) -
pasture 1/3 (0.33 x pasture) -
pasture, wood 1/3 (0.33 x pasture wood) -
windmill 1/3 (0.33 x windmill) -
a third of (0.33) -
assize rent33s. 9 1/2d.£1 13s. 9.5d. (=405.5d.)
renta third of a (0.33 x rent), 7 (7 x rent), 27 (27 x rent), 88 eggs, 1 (88 x rent), 2 (2 x rent), 7 (7 x rent) -
3s. 8d.2 (2)3s. 8d. (=44d.)
Total: £1 17s. 5.5d. (=449.5d.)
Luddenham, Whitstable, Luddenham, Buckland (Assigned Holding)
a third of (0.33) -
assize rent51s. 7d.£2 11s. 7d. (=619d.)
a third of (0.33) -
assize rent51s. 11 1/2d.£2 11s. 11.5d. (=623.5d.)
Total: £5 3s. 6.5d. (=1242.5d.)
Luddenham (Assigned Holding)
messuage 1/2 (0.5 x messuage) -
land 1/2 a. (0.5 x acre) -
Total: (=0d.)
Lynsted (Assigned Holding)
a (1) -
land10 a. (10 x acre) -
Total: (=0d.)
Teynham (Assigned Holding)
land 1/2 a. (0.5 x acre) -
Total: (=0d.)



No holding extent information available.



  • Bate(Writ Clerk)



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