Full text


Writ Head

338 Commission. ‡ 14 July 1439. [Bate].

To Geoffrey Louther, William Haute, John Greneford, the sheriff of Kent, and the escheator of Kent. Order to at least two of them to inquire as writ diem clausit extremum regarding the lands and tenements of John Baker of Cauldham. The sheriff is to empanel a jury.

Inquisition Head

[Inquisition not extant.]
TNA reference

C 139/97/9 m. 1

Writ Head

339 Writ melius inquirendo. ‡ 13 June 1440. [Bate].

Regarding the inquisition taken as a result of the commission of 338, before Geoffrey Louther, William Haute, John Greneford, and Edward Gildeford, sheriff, and returned to Chancery. It was found that John Baker of Cauldham died seised in demesne as of fee of 10s. rent from certain lands and tenements in Whitstable. Inquire after the nature of these lands and tenements and as to whom has taken the rent and by what right since John’s death.

Inquisition Head

KENT. Inquisition. Wye. 20 August 1440. [Burgh].


John Tye ; Richard Norys ; William Westcote ; Richard James ; John Yonge ; Henry Bryce ; Roger Rowe ; Simon Marge ; John Alcok ; Henry Whyte ; Hugh Brodde ; and Thomas Warden.


There are no lands or tenements in the parish of Whitstable that yield the 10s. rent, specified in the writ, and neither did John Baker die seised of the 10s. rent nor did he nor any others in his name take the 10s. rent during his life. No-one has taken 10s. rent since his death.

[Head:] Delivered to court on 14 November 1440.

TNA reference

C 139/97/9 mm. 2–3

Inquisition Head

KENT. Inquisition. Wye. 26 September 1440. [Burgh].


Thomas Couper ; John Knyght, senior ; Peter Wilkes ; John Swanton ; John Chilton ; John Carder ; William Hobedy ; Richard Gybbe ; Thomas Admond ; Thomas Nicols; John Pessh ; Robert Regge ; Simon Marge ; Thomas atte Berewe ; and William Parys .

He held more lands and tenements in demesne as of fee than specified in the inquisition taken after his death and returned to Chancery. He was seised of the following in demesne as of fee and died seised of this estate.
Dover, 26s. 8d. rent from a messuage formerly of Simon Crouche, payable at Christmas.
Sotmere, 13s. 4d. rent called ‘Sottmorrent’ from various tenements that John Stephen , Robert Goldworth , and other tenants hold. John Baker lately purchased this rent from Walter Stratton of Dover.
Capel-le-Ferne and Folkestone, 10s. rent called ‘Warynesrent’ from various lands by Cauldham in the parishes of Capel-le-Ferne and Folkestone, viz., from Richard Gybbe , the heirs of Thomas Baker , John Hoygge , John Peshe , and others.
Acrise and Elham, 20s. rent called ‘Ladewoderent’ from various tenements.
Folkestone, 18d. rent from certain messuages formerly of Richard Tropham.
Swingfield, 8 bushels farm from 9 a. land formerly of Laurence Grygge in the parish of Swingfield.
By a fine levied in the king’s court, shown to the jurors, Peter Howeglyn and John Baker purchased the following from William Browys and Joan his wife, to hold to John and Peter and the heirs and assigns of John. John and Peter were thus seised, viz., John in demesne as of fee and Peter as of free tenement. John died seised of this estate.
Capel-le-Ferne and Alkham, 30 a. land in the parish of Capel-le-Ferne and Alkham, annual value 6s. 8d., held of Lord Clinton as of his manor of Folkestone, service unknown.
He also died seised of the following land purchased from William Peshe.
Cauldham, 2 a. land, annual value 20d., held of Lord Clinton as of his manor of Folkestone, service unknown.
Robert Brandrede of Northbourne, ‘fermour’, took all the issues of all the above from the time of John Baker ’s death until the day of the inquisition, title unknown.

John Baker’s next heirs are: Robert Brandrede , 29, son of Joan, one of John Baker’s daughters, and Juliana, 46, wife of John Queke , Beatrice, 41, lately wife of Robert Wolete , Alice, 36, wife of Peter Alkham , and Agnes, 31, wife of Roger Twysden . Juliana, Beatrice, Alice, and Agnes are also daughters of John Baker .

[Head:] Delivered to court on 21 October 1440.

TNA reference

C 139/97/9 mm. 4–5



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Bate(Writ Clerk)


  • John Tye
  • Richard Norys
  • William Westcote
  • Richard James
  • John Yonge
  • Henry Bryce
  • Roger Rowe
  • Simon Marge
  • John Alcok
  • Henry Whyte
  • Hugh Brodde
  • Thomas Warden


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