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Writ Head

127 Writ de etate probanda. ‡ 14 December 1437. [Wymbyssh].

Regarding his inheritance as son and heir of William Pagam who held of ‪ Henry V in chief. The lands and tenements are in the custody of Richard Quatermayns by commission of the king [CFR 1430–37, p. 207].n099 Have him informed of the forthcoming proof of age.

[Dorse:] Richard was informed by Thomas Boteler , Nicolin atte Nasshe, John Gybon , and Peter Smyth .

Inquisition Head

OXFORDSHIRE. Proof of age. Dorchester. 18 January 1438. [ Drayton ].


William Bosnowe , 50 years, swears that Philip was born at Chiselhampton and baptised in the church there on the Sunday before Midsummer 5 ‪ Henry V [20 June 1417]. On this day, Nicholas Hore ’s stable, near the chapel at Chiselhampton, collapsed and two of his horses were killed. This was twenty-one years ago on the Sunday before Midsummer last [23 June 1437], by which he well recollects that Philip is aged 21 years and more. John Courteour , 44 years, was at Chiselhampton on the Sunday of Philip’s birth when he bought a messuage in Chiselhampton from John Eye . Seisin was delivered on the same day, when it was said that Philip was born and baptised. John Buldry , 50 years, was at Chiselhampton on the Thursday after Philip’s birth [24 June]. There was bear-baiting, and one of the bears broke the right shin of John More , then his servant. It was commonly said that Philip had been born and baptised on the Sunday. William Parker , 43 years, was at Chiselhampton on the Sunday of Philip’s birth. Joan Baron his stepmother was espoused to Gilbert Roos of Totton (Totton) in the church there and it was said on the same day that Philip was born and baptised there. John Whityng , 50 years, was at Chiselhampton on the Monday after Philip’s birth [21 June], when he bought a seam of hay from Henry Facy for 20d. He loaded his horse on the same day and, in returning to his house at Stadhampton, the horse suddenly fell from the bridge at the end of the vill of Chiselhampton and died. It was said that Philip had been born and baptised on the Sunday. William Harry , 46 years, was impleaded by Richard Hunte in the king’s court at Westminster by a bond for 100s. William was fined this sum for his non-appearance on the octave of the Sunday of Philip’s birth [27 June] because he was at Chiselhampton and it was there said that Philip had been born and baptised. William Tubbe , 50 years, swears that, on the Friday in the second week after Philip’s birth [2 or 9 July], John Heyn of Abingdon, clerk , rode through Chiselhampton where he fell from his horse, broke his neck, and died. It was said, in the presence of the coroner, that Philip had been born and baptised on the Sunday in question. Ralph Bocher , 45 years, swears that William Bocher , his father, died (diem clausit extremum) at Dorchester on the Sunday after the Sunday of Philip’s birth [27 June], and was buried there on the same day. It was said that Philip had been born and baptised at Chiselhampton on the Sunday. John Ferrour , 56 years, was king’s collector on the Sunday of Philip’s birth. On the way to London with £40 in money to render account there, he was robbed in a wood by Reading and, in returning to his home at Clifton Hampden , in arrears, it was said at Chiselhampton that Philip had been born and baptised. John Baron , 50 years, was on his way to Canterbury on pilgrimage in the week before the birth of Philip, and it was commonly said as he returned home through Chiselhampton that Philip had been born and baptised on the Sunday. William Chaccomb , 60 years, swears that on the Wednesday after the Sunday of Philip’s birth [23 June], John his first-born son was elected canon to the Benedictine monastery of Dorchester. It was commonly said that Philip had been born and baptised at Chiselhampton on the Sunday. ?William [ms dirty and faded] Sprewle, 60 years, swears that Thomas, abbot of Dorchester , was elected on the Monday after Philip’s birth [21 June], when it was commonly said that Philip had been born and baptised at Chiselhampton on the Sunday.

[Dorse:] Received in Chancery.

TNA reference

C 139/89/65 mm. 1–2

n099^: See also CFR 1422–30, p. 47.



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  • Wymbyssh(Writ Clerk)



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