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Inquisition Head

SOMERSET. Inquisition. Bridgwater. 28 October 1437. [Hody].


Jurors: John Mauncell ; Walter Michell ; Robert Love ; John Mey ; David Baker ; John Elys ; John Davy ; William Bery ; Richard Dynt ; John Avyld ; John Mille ; and William Troote .


He held no lands or tenements of the king in chief, or any other, in demesne or service, but a certain John Fytelton was lately seised of the following lands and tenements in demesne as of fee. By charter, shown to the jurors, he granted them to Roger Aubyn, late parson of Goathurst , and John Baylyf of Dunster, now deceased, and William Hastyng and William Dodesham , still living, and their heirs and assigns. By virtue of this enfeoffment, they were thus seised in demesne as of fee, and continued in this estate for the lives of Roger and John Baylyf. William and William are yet so seised by right of survivorship.

Bridgwater, 6 burgages, held of others than the king, but of whom is unknown.
Newnham, 6 messuages and 2 carucates of land, held of others than the king, but of whom is unknown.
North Petherton, 9 a. land, held of others than the king, but of whom is unknown.
John Fytelton , son of the said John, was lately seised of the following in demesne as of fee. By charter, shown to the jurors, he granted them to William Poulet of Beere, Thomas Michell , and John Wyllyng, lately vicar of Stogursey , and to their heirs and assigns. They were thus seised in demesne as of fee. John Fytelton , son, afterwards released by deed his right and claim in the following to William, Thomas, and John, and their heirs, and the deed was shown to the jurors. Thomas Michell , afterwards, too released by deed, shown to the jurors, his right and claim, to William Poulet and John Wyllyng , and to their heirs; and John Wyllyng similarly released by deed, shown to the jurors, his right and claim, to William Poulet and his heirs.
Goathurst, the manor with advowson of the church, belonging to the manor, and 2 messuages, 2 tofts, 200 a. land, 10 a. meadow, 3 1/2 a. wood within the same manor. The manor is held of James, Lord Audley , by knight service.
Bridgwater, 2 burgages, held of others than the king, but of whom is unknown.
Botyrwyll,n048 Estlyddon, Westlyddon, Stogursey, Hyde in the parish of West Monkton, and Radlet, 4 messuages, 200 a. land, and 12 a. meadow, held of others than the king, but of whom is unknown.
William was thus solely seised and he granted the manor, burgages, messuages, lands and tenements, and advowson, by charter shown to the jurors, to Hugh Cary , William Gosse , Richard Broun , Richard Aller , and Stephen Grove , and to their heirs and assigns. Hugh, William, Richard, Richard, and Stephen were thus seised in demesne as of fee, and William Poulet afterwards, by deed shown to the jurors, released his right and claim in the manor etc. to Hugh, William etc. [as above]. Hugh, William Gosse , and Richard Broun afterwards, by deed shown to the jurors, released their right and claim to Richard Aller and Stephen, and to their heirs, and Richard Aller and Stephen too, afterwards, by charter shown to the jurors, granted the manor etc. to William Poulet of Beere for life, with remainder wholly to John Denbaud , Hugh Cary , William Gosse , William Gascoigne , and Richard Broun , now deceased, and to William Poulet of Melcombe, William Dodesham , William Hastyng , Nicholas, parson of Stocklinch , and William Clyve , and their heirs and assigns. William Poulet of Beere was thus seised in demesne as of free tenement, and died so seised. After his death, William Poulet of Melcombe, William Dodesham , William Hastyng , Nicholas, and William Clyve entered the manor etc. by virtue of the remainder, and were thus seised. William Poulet of Melcombe then released, for him and his heirs, his right and claim in the manor, advowson, lands, tenements, rents, reversions, services, woods, moors, and common pasture to William Dodesham , William Hastyng , Nicholas, and William Clyve , and to their heirs and assigns, by deed shown to the jurors. Nicholas afterwards died, after whose death, William, William, and William demised the manor etc. to William Poulet of Melcombe for life, with remainder to Joan atte Wode , alias Joan Parle , and Stephen Knyghtwene and Agnes his wife, daughters and heirs of John Sydenham of Moorland, kin and heirs of Joan daughter of Richard de Gotehurst , and also right heirs of Richard, as the daughters of John son of Roger son of Joan sister of Roger father of Walter father of Richard de Gotehurst , and to the heirs and assigns of [Joan]n049 atte Wode and Agnes. The demise was made by deed shown to the jurors. William Poulet of Melcombe was thus seised in demesne as of free tenement. Joan atte Wode and Stephen and Agnes afterwards quitclaimed, by separate deeds shown to the jurors, for them and their heirs all right and claim in the manor etc. to the same William Poulet and his heirs and assigns, and they bound them and their heirs to guarantee the manor etc. to William and his heirs and assigns. William was thus seised in demesne as of fee. Thus seised, by charter shown to the jurors, he granted the manor etc. to Walter Hungerford, lord of Heytesbury and Hommet , Edmund Hungerford , Thomas Stawell , knights, Richard Luttrell , John Flory, senior , Alexander Hody , William Artur, senior , William Gascoigne , Richard Mey, clerk , John Batyn, clerk , and William Magot , and to John Poulet, knight , now deceased, and their heirs and assigns. They were thus seised in demesne as of fee. John Poulet afterwards died, after the death of whom, Walter, Edmund, Thomas, Richard, John, Alexander, William, William, Richard, John, and William continued in their estate until William Poulet, knight , unjustly and without judgement disseised them and enfeoffed unknown persons.

John Poulet, knight , died on 11 January last. John Poulet, esquire , his son and next heir, is aged 10 years and more.

TNA reference

C 139/88/49 mm. 1–2

n048^: In the second and final recitation in ms of the location of the lands, Botyrwyll is replaced by Estpederton.

n049^: The ms reads Johannis (John), but should read Johanne (Joan).



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
burgages6 (6 x burgages) -
Total: -
messuages6 (6 x messuages) -
land2 carucates (2 x carucate) -
Total: -
North Petherton
land9 a. (9 x acre) -
Total: -
Goathurst, advowson
messuages2 (2 x messuages) -
tofts2 (2 x tofts) -
land200 a. (200 x acre) -
meadow10 a. (10 x acre) -
wood3 1/2 a. (3.5 x acre) -
Total: -
burgages2 (2 x burgages) -
Total: -
Botyrwyll, Estlyddon, Westlyddon, Stogursey, Hyde, Radlet
messuages4 (4 x messuages) -
land200 a. (200 x acre) -
meadow12 a. (12 x acre) -
Total: -



No holding extent information available.



  • Kirkeby(Writ Clerk)


  • John Mauncell
  • Walter Michell
  • Robert Love
  • John Mey
  • David Baker
  • John Elys
  • John Davy
  • William Bery
  • Richard Dynt
  • John Avyld
  • John Mille
  • William Troote


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