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Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Inquisition. Brentwood. 21 November 1437. [Paule].


Jurors: John Charfoull ; Thomas Marchall ; John Kempe ; John Cowyk ; Richard Brydde ; Robert Adgore ; William Ruddok ; Richard Flynt ; Thomas Scyre ; John Simpeny ; Richard Charfoull ; and John Bryte .


He held the manor and advowson of Markshall, jointly with Margaret his wife, still living, by grant of Andrew Hamond, parson of Horham , Robert de Wolferston , Walter Waldegraue , Henry Hunte , James de Boxsted , and John son of James, to Thomas and Margaret and the heirs of their bodies. The grant was made by charter, shown and delivered to the jurors in evidence, its wording as follows. ‘Know present and future that since Andrew Hamond, parson of Horham , Robert de Wolferston , Walter Waldegraue , Henry Hunte , James de Boxsted , and John son of James, acquired the manor of Markshall and advowson of the church of the same manor, held of the king in chief, to them and their heirs from Thomas Markeshale without royal licence, and since the king pardoned Andrew, Robert, Walter, Henry, James, and John, for this offence by his letters patent, and since the king granted, for him and his heirs, as much to Andrew, Robert, Walter, Henry, James, and John as needed by them to grant the manor and advowson to Thomas and Margaret his wife, and to the heirs of their bodies, to hold of the king and his heirs by due service, with remainder to the right heirs of Thomas, to hold of the king etc. [as above], as more fully evident in the king’s letters patent, we, Andrew, Robert, Walter, Henry, James, and John, by virtue of the said royal pardon and licence, do grant, and by this charter confirm, the manor and advowson to Thomas and Margaret his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, to hold of the king and his heirs by due service, with remainder to the right heirs of Thomas, to hold of the king etc. [as above]. In witness of which thing, we have affixed our seals to this our present charter, these being witnesses: William de Coggeshale, knight , John Blamester , Roger Holwolde , John Kebbel , Henry Nichole , and others. Dated at Markshall on 11 July 1392.’ By his special grace and for 5 marks paid into the hanaper, ‪ Richard II pardoned Andrew, Robert, Walter, Henry, James, and John their offence in acquiring the manor without royal licence, and the king’s letters patent, dated at Westminster on 20 November 1390 [CPR 1388–92, p. 327] were delivered in evidence and shown to the jurors.

Markshall, the manor and advowson of the church there, held of the king in chief as 1/4 knight’s fee. The manorial site is worth nothing yearly. There are 80 a. arable, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 60 a. pasture, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 8 a. meadow, each acre worth 20d. yearly; 20 a. wood, each acre of underwood worth 20d. yearly when cut; and 18s. assize rent from various tenants, taken at Easter and Michaelmas equally.
He held the following in demesne as of fee.
Little Leighs, 1/3 manor, held of John Marny as of his manor of Layer Marney, service unknown. In the third, there is the site, worth nothing yearly; 30 a. arable, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 20 a. pasture, each acre worth ?2d. yearly [ms faded]; 5 a. meadow, each acre worth 16d. yearly; and 6s. 8d. assize rent from various tenants, taken at the said terms.
Felsted and Birchanger, 1/3 tenement called ‘Whelpstons’, held of the master of New College called ‘Wynchestr College’ in Oxford , service unknown. In the third, there is the site, worth nothing yearly; 40 a. arable, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 30 a. pasture, each acre worth 2d. yearly; and 5 a. meadow, each acre worth 18d. yearly.

He died on 30 June last. Thomas Markeshale , son of Thomas and Margaret his wife, is next heir of Thomas, and aged 34 years and more.

TNA reference

C 139/88/48 mm. 1–2



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
siteworth nothing -
arable4d. (per unit)80 a. (80 x acre)£1 6s. 8d. (=320d.)
pasture2d. (per unit)60 a. (60 x acre)10s. (=120d.)
meadow20d. (per unit)8 a. (8 x acre)13s. 4d. (=160d.)
wood, underwood20d.20 a. (20 x acre)1s. 8d. (=20d.)
assize rent18s.18s. (=216d.)
Total: £3 9s. 8d. (=836d.)
Little Leighs
siteworth nothing -
arable4d. (per unit)30 a. (30 x acre)10s. (=120d.)
pasture2d. (per unit)20 a. (20 x acre)3s. 4d. (=40d.)
meadow16d. (per unit)5 a. (5 x acre)6s. 8d. (=80d.)
assize rent6s. 8d.6s. 8d. (=80d.)
Total: £1 6s. 8d. (=320d.)
siteworth nothing -
arable4d. (per unit)40 a. (40 x acre)13s. 4d. (=160d.)
pasture2d. (per unit)30 a. (30 x acre)5s. (=60d.)
meadow18d. (per unit)5 a. (5 x acre)7s. 6d. (=90d.)
tenement1/3 (0.33 x tenement) -
Total: £1 5s. 10d. (=310d.)



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
siteworth nothing -
arable4d. (per unit)80 a. (80 x acre)£1 6s. 8d. (=320d.)
pasture2d. (per unit)60 a. (60 x acre)10s. (=120d.)
meadow20d. (per unit)8 a. (8 x acre)13s. 4d. (=160d.)
wood, underwood20d.20 a. (20 x acre)1s. 8d. (=20d.)
assize rent18s.18s. (=216d.)
Total: £3 9s. 8d. (=836d.)
Little Leighs
siteworth nothing -
arable4d. (per unit)30 a. (30 x acre)10s. (=120d.)
pasture2d. (per unit)20 a. (20 x acre)3s. 4d. (=40d.)
meadow16d. (per unit)5 a. (5 x acre)6s. 8d. (=80d.)
assize rent6s. 8d.6s. 8d. (=80d.)
Total: £1 6s. 8d. (=320d.)
siteworth nothing -
arable4d. (per unit)40 a. (40 x acre)13s. 4d. (=160d.)
pasture2d. (per unit)30 a. (30 x acre)5s. (=60d.)
meadow18d. (per unit)5 a. (5 x acre)7s. 6d. (=90d.)
Total: £1 5s. 10d. (=310d.)




  • John Charfoull
  • Thomas Marchall
  • John Kempe
  • John Cowyk
  • Richard Brydde
  • Robert Adgore
  • William Ruddok
  • Richard Flynt
  • Thomas Scyre
  • John Simpeny
  • Richard Charfoull
  • John Bryte


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