Full text


Writ Head

706 Writ. ‡ 14 December 1436. [Wymbyssh].

Addressed to the escheator of Norfolk and Suffolk .

Inquisition Head

NORFOLK. Inquisition. Diss. 21 February 1437. [Ropple].


Jurors: John Hall ; John Norwych ; Edmund Rokyngham ; Robert Gamyn ; Thomas Skole ; Thomas Tebald ; John Brestbon ; William Alysaundr ; John Goodwyn ; William Martyn ; William Cleye ; William Halle ; Edmund Folyser ; and Thomas Shymplyng .

She did not hold any lands or tenements in demesne or in service of the king or of any other. She was formerly seised of the following manor which, along with the manor of Brixworth, Northamptonshire, by a fine levied three weeks from Easter 1430 [CP 25/1/292/66, no. 99], between Ralph Byrche , William Gannok and William Taylowr, querents , and her, Edmund Pilkyngton, esquire , and Robert Pilkyngton, esquire, deforciants , she, Edmund and Robert recognised to belong by right to Ralph as that which Ralph, William and William had by their grant, remising it from Margaret, etc., and Margaret’s heirs to Ralph, etc., and Ralph’s heirs. Margaret granted for her and her heirs to warrant the manor to Ralph, etc., and Ralph’s heirs against all men. By this fine, which was shown to the jurors, Ralph, etc., granted the manor to Edmund and Robert to hold from the chief lords of the fee by due services for Margaret’s lifetime, with successive remainders wholly to the following and the male heirs of their bodies to hold as above: John Pilkyngton, knight , son of Margaret, Edmund Pilkyngton , and Robert Pilkyngton ; and then further remainders to Elizabeth, daughter of William Bradshawe, knight , and the heirs of her body, to hold as above, and, finally, to the right heirs of John Pilkyngton, knight , to hold as above. By virtue of this fine, Edmund and Robert were seised of the manor, which, among other manors, by an indented deed of theirs, enrolled in the Common Bench, roll 1 of the charters and protections of Easter term 1435 [CP 40/697 rot. 452], they demised at farm to Margaret from Midsummer 1430 for 20 years, Margaret rendering to them a red rose yearly at Midsummer, with proviso that if Margaret were to die during this term then the term would be ended and Edmund and Robert would be able to re-enter the manor. This indented deed was shown to the jurors.
Bressingham, the manor, worth 20 marks yearly, held of the lord John, duke of Norfolk , as 2 knights’ fees.

She died 24 November last. Elizabeth, wife of Richard Haryngton, knight , daughter of William Bradshawe, knight , Margaret’s son, is her next heir, aged 30 years and more.

TNA reference

C 139/83/61 mm.1–2

Inquisition Head

SUFFOLK. Inquisition. Sudbury. 25 February 1437. [Ropple].


Jurors: William Panell ; Robert Warde ; Thomas Bocher ; Robert Rote ; John Waryn ; John Smyth of Stansfield; Thomas Samison ; John Olyve ; Richard Colwell ; John Richer ; John Barkere ; William atte Hoo ; Richard Andrew ; John Belcham ; John Neweman ; Richard Rote ; and John Broun .


She did not hold any lands or tenements in demesne or in service of the king or of any other. She was formerly seised of the following manor which, by a fine levied three weeks from Easter 1430 [CP 25/1/224/115, no. 12], etc., as 706, except here the manor was granted to Edmund to hold from the chief lords of the fee by due services for life, remainder wholly to Robert to hold likewise; then successive remainders wholly to John Pilkyngton, knight , and the heirs male of his body, the heirs male of Edmund’s body, the heirs male of Robert’s body and, finally, to the right heirs of John Pilkyngton, knight , all to hold from the chief lords of the fee by due services. There is no demise at farm to Margaret, and no indication that the fine was shown to the jurors.

Stanstead, the manor, annual value 10 marks, held of William Paston , service unknown.
She was formerly seised of the following manor which, by another fine levied three weeks from Easter 1430 [CP 25/1/224/115, no. 13], etc., as 706, except here the manor was granted to Robert and the heirs male of his body to hold from the chief lords of the fee by due services; successive remainders wholly to Elizabeth, daughter of William Bradshawe, knight , and the heirs of her body, John Pilkyngton, knight , son of Margaret, and his heirs, all to hold from the chief lords of the fee by due services; with no demise at farm to Margaret.
Kettleburgh, the manor, annual value 100s., held of the abbot of Bury St Edmunds by fealty and half suit (dimidiam sectam) at his hundred of Risbridge every 3 weeks.

Date of death and heir as 706.
TNA reference

C 139/83/61 mm.1, 3

Inquisition Head

NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Inquisition. Northampton. 21 January 1437. [Braunspath].

[Inquisition galled.]


Jurors: Thomas Mulso of Newton, esquire ; William ?Scaburgh, esquire; ? John ...., esquire; William Breton, esquire ; William Berford of Glendon, esquire ; Nicholas Horncastell, esquire ; William Chaumburleyn, esquire ; Thomas Drayton ; Thomas Mays ; John Harrys ; William Broughton ; and Richard Lodyngton .

She did not hold any lands or tenements in demesne or in service of the king or of any other. Together with Edmund Pilkyngton, esquire , she was lately seised of the following manors, etc., in demesne as of fee, which, among other manors, etc., by a charter of theirs dated at Brixworth on 6 February 1430, shown to the jurors, and enrolled in the bench, roll 2 of charters and protections of Michaelmas term 1432 [CP 40/687 rot. 622d.], they granted to Ralph Birche , William Cannok, chaplain , and William Taillour and their heirs and assigns, to hold of the chief lords of the fees by the accustomed services. The charter described the manors, etc., as their manor of Brixworth and all other lands, tenements, rents and services which they had in Holcot, Isham, Clipston and Kelmarsh. By the same charter they warranted the manors, etc., to Ralph, etc., and their heirs and assigns. By virtue of this, Ralph, etc., were seised in demesne as of fee simple. Afterwards, by three separate fines levied at Westminster, 3 weeks from Easter 1430, etc., as 706, with one fine for the manor of Brixworth, the second for the manor and advowsons of Clipston, as well as the messuages, etc., at Clipston, Kelmarsh and Isham, and the third for the rent at Holcot [CP 25/1/292/66, no. 99; CP 25/1/179/94, nos. 54, 55]. Here there are specifications that one part of each fine was shown to the jurors; in the second fine the successive remainders are wholly to Robert for life, John Pilkyngton, knight , and the heirs of his body, Edmund Pilkyngton and the heirs of his body, the heirs of Robert Pilkyngton ’s body, Elizabeth, daughter of William Bradshaw , and the heirs of her body, and the right heirs of John Pilkyngton , all to hold of the chief lord of the fee by due services; and in the third fine the successive remainders are to Robert Pilkyngton for life, John Pilkyngton, knight , for life, Elizabeth, daughter of William Bradshaw , and the heirs of her body, the heirs of the body of John Pilkyngton , Edmund Pilkyngton and the heirs of his body, the heirs of Robert Pilkyngton ’s body, and the right heirs of John Pilkyngton, knight , all to hold of the chief lord of the fee by due services. In the event of Edmund and Robert’s re-entry because of Margaret’s death during the demise at farm of the manors, etc., their re-entry is to be in their original estate.
Brixworth, the manor, held of the king as of his earldom of Aumale, parcel of his duchy of Lancaster, for suit at his court of Walbrook in the city of London, held twice a year at Michaelmas and Easter.
Clipston, the manor called ‘Verdonesmaner’, and the advowsons of the church and of the chantry of the Blessed Mary in the same church, held, with the messuages, etc., at Clipston, etc., and rent at Holcote [below], of Reynold Grey, Lord Ruthin , as of his honour of Huntingdon, service unknown.
Clipston, Kelmarsh and Isham, 2 messuages, 2 virgates of land and 5 marks rent, held of Reynold Grey, Lord Ruthin , as of his honour of Huntingdon, service unknown.
Holcot, 10 marks 6s. 8d. rent., held of Reynold Grey, Lord Ruthin , as of his honour of Huntingdon, service unknown.
Date of death and heir as 706.
TNA reference

C 139/83/61 mm.4–5

E 149/161/1 m.2



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Value20 marks£13 6s. 8d. (=3200d.)
Total: £13 6s. 8d. (=3200d.)



No holding extent information available.



  • Wymbyssh(Writ Clerk)


  • John Hall
  • John Norwych
  • Edmund Rokyngham
  • Robert Gamyn
  • Thomas Skole
  • Thomas Tebald
  • John Brestbon
  • William Alysaundr
  • John Goodwyn
  • William Martyn
  • William Cleye
  • William Halle
  • Edmund Folyser
  • Thomas Shymplyng


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