Full text


Writ Head

628 Writ. ‡ 16 October 1436. [ Selby ].

[Dorse:] by virtue of this writ, I, John Selby , took into the king’s hand 2/3 manor of Sandlings, and lands, etc., which are specified in the attached inquisition.

Inquisition Head

KENT. Inquisition [indented]. St Mary Cray. 26 November 1436. [ Selby ].


Jurors: John Bury ; William Brampton ; Thomas atte Noke ; Thomas Mannyng ; John Drury ; Richard Walssh ; John Aylard ; Robert Eyton ; John Cavell ; Henry Elys ; John Movger ; and Richard Forster .

He held the following in demesne as of fee.
Sandlings, 2/3 manor, in St Mary Cray, and reversion of 1/3 manor, which is held for life in dower by Joan who was the wife of Hamond Belknap, father of John, still living, by endowment of Hamond, the whole manor held of the king in chief as of his honour of Peverel as 1/2 knight’s fee and by service of rendering to the king 16s. 3d. every twenty weeks for castle-ward at Dover. There is in the said 2/3 manor a site, in need of so great repair that it is worth nothing yearly; 2/3 garden, in the eastern part of the same garden, true yearly value 8d.; 1/2 cattle-shed and 1/2 grange, true value 12d.; 127 1/2 a. arable, true value of each acre 5d. yearly; 4 a. meadow, true value of each acre 18d. yearly; 6 a. heath, true value of each acre 1d. yearly; 20 a. underwood, of which it is possible to cut 1 1/2 a. yearly, an acre then worth 6s. 8d.; a fallen-down watermill, worth nothing yearly; a weekly market, held in St Mary Cray each Wednesday, true yearly value 30s. beyond the fee of the bailiff; a fair, held once a year on 15 August, true yearly value 6s. 8d.; 6s., a cockerel, 6 hens, 1lb cumin and 60 eggs assize rent from tenants, payable at Easter and Michaelmas equally; and a court baron, held every 3 weeks, worth nothing yearly beyond the steward’s fee and expenses.
He was seised of the following in demesne as of fee. St Paul’s Cray,
16 a. arable, true value of each acre 5d. yearly; 20 a. pasture, each acre worth 1d. yearly; 10 a. heath, true value of each acre 1d. yearly; 25 a. underwood, of which it is possible to cut one acre and one rood yearly, the true value of an acre then 6s. 8d.;
and the reversion of the following, likewise held by Joan, as above – 5a. and 1 rood land, true yearly value 2s. 2 1/2d. when it falls; 6 1/2 a. pasture, worth 6 1/2d. yearly when it falls; 3 a. and a rood of heath, worth 3 1/2d. yearly when it falls; and 8 a. wood, worth 6s. 8d. yearly when it can be cut, held of the king as of his duchy of Lancaster and fee of Lisle as 1/4 knight’s fee.
Orpington, 10 a. land, true annual value 20d., held in gavelkind of William Haute, esquire , as of his manor of Crofton, service unknown.

He died on 21 September last. William Bealknap , his brother and next heir, is aged 24 years and more. William, Henry and Philip, his brothers, are next male heirs of the land in Orpington, according to the custom of lands and tenements held in gavelkind in Kent.

TNA reference

C 139/81/33 mm.1–2



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Sandlings, St Mary Cray
siteworth nothinga (1 x site) -
garden8d. 2/3 (0.67 x garden)8d. (=8d.)
cattle-shed, grange12d. 1/2 (0.5 x cattle-shed grange), 1/2 (0.5 x cattle-shed grange)1s. (=12d.)
arable5d. (per unit)127 1/2 a. (127.5 x acre)£2 13s. 1.5d. (=637.5d.)
meadow18d. (per unit)4 a. (4 x acre)6s. (=72d.)
heath1d. (per unit)6 a. (6 x acre)6d. (=6d.)
underwood6s. 8d. (per unit, Cut)20 a. (20 x acre), 1 1/2 a. (1.5 x acre) -
fallen-down watermillworth nothinga (1 x fallen-down watermill) -
market30s.a (1 x market)£1 10s. (=360d.)
fair6s. 8d.a (1 x fair)6s. 8d. (=80d.)
cockerel, hens, cumin, eggs, assize rent6s.a (1 x cockerel hens cumin eggs assize rent), 6 (6 x cockerel hens cumin eggs assize rent), 1lb (1 x lb), 60 (60 x cockerel hens cumin eggs assize rent)6s. (=72d.)
courtworth nothinga (1 x court) -
Total: £12 7s. 3.5d. (=2967.5d.)
St Paul’s Cray
arable5d. (per unit)16 a. (16 x acre)6s. 8d. (=80d.)
pasture1d. (per unit)20 a. (20 x acre)1s. 8d. (=20d.)
heath1d. (per unit)10 a. (10 x acre)10d. (=10d.)
underwood6s. 8d. (per unit, Cut)25 a. (25 x acre), one acre and one rood (1.25 x acre) -
Total: £9 4s. 2d. (=2210d.)
land20d.10 a. (10 x acre)1s. 8d. (=20d.)
Total: 1s. 8d. (=20d.)



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Sandlings, St Mary Cray
siteworth nothinga (1 x site) -
garden8d. 2/3 (0.67 x garden)8d. (=8d.)
cattle-shed, grange12d. 1/2 (0.5 x cattle-shed grange), 1/2 (0.5 x cattle-shed grange)1s. (=12d.)
arable5d. (per unit)127 1/2 a. (127.5 x acre)£2 13s. 1.5d. (=637.5d.)
meadow18d. (per unit)4 a. (4 x acre)6s. (=72d.)
heath1d. (per unit)6 a. (6 x acre)6d. (=6d.)
underwood6s. 8d. (per unit, Cut)20 a. (20 x acre), 1 1/2 a. (1.5 x acre) -
fallen-down watermillworth nothinga (1 x fallen-down watermill) -
market30s.a (1 x market)£1 10s. (=360d.)
fair6s. 8d.a (1 x fair)6s. 8d. (=80d.)
cockerel, hens, cumin, eggs, assize rent6s.a (1 x cockerel hens cumin eggs assize rent), 6 (6 x cockerel hens cumin eggs assize rent), 1lb (1 x lb), 60 (60 x cockerel hens cumin eggs assize rent)6s. (=72d.)
courtworth nothinga (1 x court) -
Total: £12 7s. 3.5d. (=2967.5d.)



  • Selby(Writ Clerk)


  • John Bury
  • William Brampton
  • Thomas atte Noke
  • Thomas Mannyng
  • John Drury
  • Richard Walssh
  • John Aylard
  • Robert Eyton
  • John Cavell
  • Henry Elys
  • John Movger
  • Richard Forster


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