Full text


Inquisition Head

LINCOLNSHIRE. Inquisition. Lincoln, the castle. 14 April 1433. [Haltoft].


Jurors: John Hatclif ; Thomas Stokwyth ; William Tille ; Thomas Multon ; William Asshby ; John Manfeld ; John Bolour ; Thomas Hyde ; John Leget ; John Neuyll ; Roger Noon ; and Thomas Kysyng .

He died seised of 1/3 manor of Riby called ‘Loudeham Manere’ in his demesne as of free tenement by curtesy of the inheritance of Thomas Foliambe, junior , son and heir of Margaret one of the sisters and heirs of John Loudeham, knight , and his late wife. In the 1/3 there are 8 messuages, worth nothing yearly; 12 bovates of land, each worth 40d. yearly; 20 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 40 a. pasture, each acre worth 1d. yearly; 12d. annual rent, at Martinmas and Pentecost equally; 1/3 site of the manor, worth nothing yearly; and 1/3 rabbit-warren, worth 40d. yearly. The 1/3 manor is held of Henry, archbishop of Canterbury , Henry, bishop of Winchester , Thomas, bishop of Durham , Walter Hungerford, knight , and John Leuenthorp, esquire , of their manor of Greetham, service unknown.

He died on 7 January last. Thomas Foliambe, junior , is the son and next heir of both Thomas and Margaret, aged 28 years and more.

[Foot:] William Fulgeham delivered this to Chancery on 2 May.

TNA reference

C 139/63/17 mm.1–2

Inquisition Head

DERBYSHIRE. Inquisition. Repton. 14 April 1433. [Babyngton].


Jurors: William Aswall ; John Halom ; Robert Dowber ; William Nik ; Robert Saueney ; John Bysshop ; Henry White ; Henry Caldewall ; William del Hill ; William Percy ; Richard Hunt ; and Thomas Peyne .

He died seised of the following in his demesne as of free tenement by curtesy of the inheritance of Thomas Foliambe, junior , as in 166.
Walton, 1/3 manor, in which there is 1/3 site, worth nothing yearly; 1/3 of 2 carucates of land, the carucates worth 20s. yearly; 1/3 of 2 a. meadow, the 2 a. worth 2s. yearly; 1/3 watermill, the mill worth 13s. 4d. yearly; 1/3 of 10 messuages, the messuages worth nothing yearly; 1/3 of 10 virgates of land, each virgate worth 4s. yearly; 1/3 of 18d. assize rent, at Pentecost and Martinmas equally; and 1/3 park, the park’s herbage and underwood worth 40d. yearly. The whole manor is held of the king of the honour of Peverel in socage by service of performing suit to the honour court every three weeks.
Brimington and Whittington, 1/3 manors, in which there are 1/3 sites, worth nothing yearly; 1/3 of 20 messuages, worth nothing yearly; 1/3 of 20 virgates of land, each whole virgate worth 4s. yearly; 1/3 of 20 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 1/3 of 40 a. pasture, each acre worth 1/2d. yearly; 1/3 of 13s. 4d. assize rent, as above; and 1/3 wood, the herbage and underwood of the whole wood worth 6s. 8d. yearly. The manors are held of the countess of Kent of her manor of Chesterfield, service unknown.

Date of death and heir as in 166.

[Foot:] William Fulgeham delivered this to Chancery on 2 May.

TNA reference

C 139/63/17 mm.3–4



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
siteworth nothing 1/3 (0.33 x site) -
land20s. 1/3 (0.33 x land), 2 carucates (2 x carucate)£1 (=240d.)
meadow2s. 1/3 (0.33 x meadow), 2 a. (2 x acre), 2 a. (2 x acre)2s. (=24d.)
watermill, mill13s. 4d. 1/3 (0.33 x watermill mill)13s. 4d. (=160d.)
messuages, messuagesworth nothing 1/3 (0.33 x messuages messuages), 10 (10 x messuages messuages) -
virgates, land, virgate4s. (per unit) 1/3 (0.33 x virgates land virgate), 10 (10 x virgates land virgate) -
assize rent18d. 1/3 (0.33 x assize rent)1s. 6d. (=18d.)
park, park, herbage, underwood40d. 1/3 (0.33 x park park herbage underwood)3s. 4d. (=40d.)
Total: £2 2d. (=482d.)
Brimington, Whittington
sitesworth nothing 1/3 (0.33 x sites) -
messuagesworth nothing 1/3 (0.33 x messuages), 20 (20 x messuages) -
virgates, land, virgate4s. (per unit) 1/3 (0.33 x virgates land virgate), 20 (20 x virgates land virgate) -
meadow12d. (per unit) 1/3 (0.33 x meadow), 20 a. (20 x acre) -
pasture 1/2d. (per unit) 1/3 (0.33 x pasture), 40 a. (40 x acre) -
assize rent13s. 4d. 1/3 (0.33 x assize rent)13s. 4d. (=160d.)
wood, herbage, underwood6s. 8d. 1/3 (0.33 x wood herbage underwood)6s. 8d. (=80d.)
Total: £1 (=240d.)



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
siteworth nothing 1/3 (0.33 x site) -
land20s. 1/3 (0.33 x land), 2 carucates (2 x carucate)£1 (=240d.)
meadow2s. 1/3 (0.33 x meadow), 2 a. (2 x acre), 2 a. (2 x acre)2s. (=24d.)
watermill, mill13s. 4d. 1/3 (0.33 x watermill mill)13s. 4d. (=160d.)
messuages, messuagesworth nothing 1/3 (0.33 x messuages messuages), 10 (10 x messuages messuages) -
virgates, land, virgate4s. (per unit) 1/3 (0.33 x virgates land virgate), 10 (10 x virgates land virgate) -
assize rent18d. 1/3 (0.33 x assize rent)1s. 6d. (=18d.)
park, park, herbage, underwood40d. 1/3 (0.33 x park park herbage underwood)3s. 4d. (=40d.)
Total: £2 2d. (=482d.)
Brimington, Whittington
sitesworth nothing 1/3 (0.33 x sites) -
messuagesworth nothing 1/3 (0.33 x messuages), 20 (20 x messuages) -
virgates, land, virgate4s. (per unit) 1/3 (0.33 x virgates land virgate), 20 (20 x virgates land virgate) -
meadow12d. (per unit) 1/3 (0.33 x meadow), 20 a. (20 x acre) -
pasture 1/2d. (per unit) 1/3 (0.33 x pasture), 40 a. (40 x acre) -
assize rent13s. 4d. 1/3 (0.33 x assize rent)13s. 4d. (=160d.)
wood, herbage, underwood6s. 8d. 1/3 (0.33 x wood herbage underwood)6s. 8d. (=80d.)
Total: £1 (=240d.)



  • Wymbyssh(Writ Clerk)


  • William Aswall
  • John Halom
  • Robert Dowber
  • William Nik
  • Robert Saueney
  • John Bysshop
  • Henry White
  • Henry Caldewall
  • William del Hill
  • William Percy
  • Richard Hunt
  • Thomas Peyne


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