Full text


Inquisition Head

SOMERSET. Inquisition. Bridgwater. 24 June 1427. [Twyneho]


Jurors: William Gale ; William Note ; John Andresseye ; Richard Mustard ; William Goodhyne ; John Bonoose ; John Yonge ; William Payn ; William Wheler ’; William Sabyn ; John White ; and Richard Gryche .

He held no lands or tenements of the king in chief in demesne or in service. Beatrice de Bradeney was formerly seised of
the manor of Bradney
in her demesne as of fee. She gave this to John Beaumont, knight , and Joan his wife and their heirs, remainder to John’s right heirs. John and Joan were seised in their demesne as of fee tail. John died and Joan, who survives, married William Sturmy , named in the writ, who held the manor in right of Joan his wife.
The manor is held of Lord le Zouche of his manor of Castle Cary, service unknown, annual value £10.
He died on 23 March last. Agnes wife of John Holcombe , one of his daughters, and John Seymour his kinsman as son of Maud his other daughter, are his next heirs and are of age, Agnes 40 years and more and John Seymour 26 years and more.
TNA reference

C 139/28/22 mm.1, 3

Writ Head

715 [Writ: see 714 .]

Inquisition Head

DORSET. Inquisition. Sherborne. 27 June 1427. [Twyneho]


Jurors: John Levede... [ms holed]; Richard Fauntleroy ; William Knaplok ; John Kaleway ; John Newton ; Peter Grenehode ; John Leycestr ’; John Baker ; Walter Barbour ; John Smyth ; John Gylman ; and Thomas Smyth .


He held no lands or tenements of the king in chief in demesne or in service or of another.

Date of death and heirs as in 714.
TNA reference

C 139/28/22 mm.1–2

Inquisition Head

WILTSHIRE. Inquisition. Marlborough. 11 June 1427. [Assheley]


Jurors: Robert Best ; John Provendre ; Richard Waryn ; Robert Bailly ; Richard Ford ; Robert Ford ; William Webbe ; Thomas Mannyng ; John Burdon ; John Nicholas ; John Frank ; and Simon Frye .

He held the manor of Figheldean in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief by service of 1/2 knight’s fee. In the manor there are the site, in which the capital messuage was lately built and is now decayed, worth nothing yearly; a carucate, worth 20s. yearly; 7 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 300 a. pasture for sheep, each acre worth 1 1/4d. yearly; a several pasture, worth 4s. yearly; perquisites of a court with view of frankpledge, worth 4s. yearly; and £7 assize rents from tenants both free and villein at Christmas, Easter, Midsummer and Michaelmas in equal portions. A rent of 100s. at the same terms in equal portions issues from the manor to William Turney by gift of William Sturmy , described as William Esturmy , granted for his good service then and thenceforth, as is clear in his charter to William Turney shown to the jurors and dated 1 March 1427.
He was seised in his demesne as of fee of
20s. rent-seck in Salisbury at Michaelmas, Christmas, Easter and Midsummer equally, held of no-one.
He held the following in his demesne as of fee.
East Wick and Wootton Rivers, 2 tofts and 2 virgates, with a bailiwick in the forest of Savernake called ‘Westbailly’, of Humphrey duke of Gloucester of his castle of Marlborough, services unknown, annual value nil.
Preshute, a croft containing 20 a. land, called ‘Wodehouse’, of the same duke of the same castle, services unknown, each acre worth 5d. yearly.
Cowesfield (Coulesfeld), a toft and a carucate called ‘Testwodes’, of the same duke, services unknown, the toft worth 13d. yearly and the carucate 6s. 8d. yearly.
Cowesfield (Coulesfeld Spylman), 2 messuages, a toft and 2 virgates, of the same duke, services unknown, the messuages worth nothing yearly, the toft 2d. yearly and each of the virgates 12d. yearly.
Savernake, a pasture or assart within the forest, called ‘Stokkesassart’ and containing 100 a., of the same duke, services unknown, annual value nil.
Easton, advowson of the priory, of the bishop of Hereford , services unknown.
He was seised of the following in his demesne as of fee.
Grafton, a messuage and a carucate,
which he demised to Nicholas Swan for life without payment, and thus he held the reversion to himself and his heirs
of the earl of Stafford , service unknown.
Oxenwood, a messuage and a carucate, and the bailiwick of Hippenscombe pertaining to the messuage and carucate.
He demised the messuage and carucate to John Erlegh for life without payment, and thus he held the reversion of the messuage, carucate and bailiwick to himself and his heirs
of the duke of Gloucester , service unknown.
He held the following in his demesne as of fee.
Great or Little Bedwyn, a burgage and 4 a. land, of the earl of Stafford , services unknown, the burgage worth 2d. yearly and each acre 1d. yearly.
Tidcombe (Tydecombe Husee), the manor, 20 a. and 2 virgates called ‘Olyuereslond’,
jointly enfeoffed with Joan his wife by gift of Henry Sturmy, knight , William Belhamyslonde, rector of Heannton church , John Fouke and William Hankeford . By their indented deed dated 1 July 1381 and shown to the jurors, the latter granted the above, described as the manor of ‘Tydecombe Huse’ and 20 a. land in Tidcombe, and also the reversion of all lands and tenements, and all lands and tenements that were formerly Peter Olyuer’s, to William and Joan for their lives, remainder to William Sturmy ’s right heirs.
The manor and land are held of the earl of Warwick in socage, annual value 100s.
He held no other lands or tenements in demesne or in service of the king or another, but he was seised of the following in his demesne as of fee.
Burbage, the manor, part of which are a messuage, 100 a. land, 12 a. meadow, 100 a. wood, 80 a. pasture and 5 marks rent in Cowesfield (Coulesfeld Sturmy); and the bailiwick of the seneschalry of the forest of Savernake pertaining to the manor. The manor and bailiwick are held of the duke of Gloucester , services unknown, annual value £10.
Wolf Hall, the manor, held of the earl of Stafford , services unknown, annual value 10 marks.
Crofton, the manor, held of the same earl, services unknown, annual value 4 marks.
Stitchcombe, the manor, held of Thomas Hopewas , service unknown, annual value 12 marks.
Knowle, the manor, held of the same earl, services unknown, annual value 4 marks.
Standen, the manor, held of the king of his duchy of Lancaster, services unknown, annual value 20 marks.
Axford, the manor, held of the bishop of Salisbury , services unknown, annual value £10.
Huish, the manor, held of the king in chief by service of 13s. 4d., annual value 100s.
Stapleford, 1/2 manor together with the advowson of its church, held of the king in chief, services unknown, annual value £10.
Aldbourne, 300 a. land called ‘Pykedwodde’.
Timbridge, 2 a. land, annual value 5s., and
Henset, 5 marks rent,
both held of the earl of Stafford , services unknown. Long before his death he granted the manors of Burbage, Crofton, Wolf Hall and Stitchcombe and 1/2 manor of Stapleford with its advowson, with the bailiwick of the seneschalry of the forest of Savernake, to lord Thomas Polton, bishop of Worcester , John Benger, junior , and their heirs. Thomas and John were and are still seised in their demesne as of fee. Long before his death and by his deed shown to the jurors and dated at Wyke, 11 August 1427, n716_001 described as in the deed, he granted the manor of Knowle together with the land and rent in Timbridge and Henset to William Perschut , John Benger, junior , and Richard Harden , their heirs and assigns. They were and are still seised in their demesne as of fee. Long before his death he granted the manor of Axford to lord John Stafford, bishop of Bath and Wells , and the same Thomas Polton , their heirs and assigns. They were and are still seised in their demesne as of fee. Long before his death he granted the manor of Standen to the same John Stafford, bishop , Thomas Polton and Hugh Lutrell, chevalier , their heirs and assigns. They were and are still seised in their demesne as of fee. Long before his death, and described as William Esturmy, knight , he granted the manor of Huish to lord John Stafford, bishop of Bath and Wells , Thomas Polton, bishop of Worcester , Hugh Lutrell, knight , Richard Sotewell and Robert Torney , and their heirs and assigns. They were and are still seised in their demesne as of fee. From the lands and tenements in Cowesfield (Coulisfeld), Testwood, Cowesfield (Coulisfeld Spilman and Coulisfeld Sturmy) there issues 40s. rent to William Gatecombe at Easter, Midsummer, Michaelmas and Christmas equally, by gift of William Sturmy described as William Esturmy, knight , for his good service then and thenceforth as is clear in his deed to William Gatecombe shown to the jurors and dated at Wyke, 2 October 1425.
Date of death and heirs as in 714.
TNA reference

C 139/28/22 mm.4, 6

Writ Head

717 [Writ: see 716 .]

Inquisition Head

HAMPSHIRE. Inquisition. Basingstoke. 13 June 1427. [Assheley]


Jurors: Thomas Bannebury ; Thomas Palmer ; Nicholas Bernard ; Thomas atte Riche ; Robert Wodele ; Henry Serle ; Robert atte Hall ’; Roger Kent ; Thomas Coufold ; William Talbot ; John Leche ; and Thomas Smyth .


He held the following in his demesne as of fee.

Liss, the manor, with the hundred, of Queen Joan of her manor of Odiham, service unknown. In the manor there are 1 1/2 a. arable, worth 8d. yearly; 1 1/2 a. meadow, worth 20d. yearly; and £8 assize rents from individual free tenants at Michaelmas, Christmas, Easter and Midsummer equally. Annual value of the hundred 20s.
Heckfield, a virgate, of Johann... Ely [ms indistinct]service unknown, annual value 8d.,
jointly enfeoffed with Robert Erle who survives, by gift of William Pers of Heckfield by his deed to William and Robert, their heirs and assigns, shown to the jurors and dated at Heckfield, 20 February 1407. He was seised in his demesne as of fee of
a virgate called ‘Northlonde’ in Bramshill
. Long before his death he demised this to John Erle who survives, for life without annual payment. He was seised of the reversion, which he held to himself and his heirs in this form
of Elizabeth Hamlyn of her manor of Cranbourne, service unknown.
He held no other lands or tenements in demesne or in service of the king or another, but he was seised of the following in his demesne as of fee.
Poland, the manor, held of Queen Joan of her castle of Odiham, service unknown, annual value 20 marks.
Elvetham, the manor, with advowson of the church pertaining to it. The manor is held of the abbot of Chertsey , service unknown, annual value 10 marks.
Long before his death he granted the manors with advowson to William Brocas, esquire , John Benger, junior , Richard Harden and Thomas Hathi and their heirs. They were and are still seised in their demesne as of fee in this form.
Liss, a carucate called Wheatham, held of the queen of her same castle, service unknown, annual value 4 marks.
Long before his death he granted the carucate of land to William Perschut and John Benger, junior , and their heirs. They were and are still seised in their demesne as of fee in this form.

Date of death and heirs as in 714.
TNA reference

C 139/28/22 mm.4–5

Inquisition Head

DEVON. Inquisition [indented]. Great Torrington. 30 September 1427. [Cork]


Jurors: John Bilhole, senior ; John Bonde ; John Bilhole, junior ; John Glotte ; John Willyam ; Walter Neel ; Roger Parmanter ; Robert Pydeler ; Stephen Brendon ; William Pope, junior ; John Raulyn ; and Thomas Adam [ms holed].

He held no lands or tenements of the king in demesne or service but he was seised of the following, with Joan his wife, who survives, in her right and for her life, in which estate he died seised.
Saunton, the manor, annual value 10 marks, held of John earl of Huntingdon of his castle of Barnstaple, service unknown.
Bulkworthy, the manor, annual value £10, held of Philip Courtenay, esquire , of his manor of Cadeleigh by knight service.
Friar’s Hele (Fryeshele) and Stockleigh Barton, a messuage, a carucate and 14s. rent, annual value 5 marks, held of Philip Courtenay, esquire , as above.
He died on 22 March last. Identity and age of his next heir unknown.
TNA reference

C 139/28/22 mm.7–8

E 152/6/260 m.10 no.1



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Total: -
Total: -
Friar’s Hele, Stockleigh Barton
Total: -



No holding extent information available.




  • John Bilhole, senior
  • John Bonde
  • John Bilhole, junior
  • John Glotte
  • John Willyam
  • Walter Neel
  • Roger Parmanter
  • Robert Pydeler
  • Stephen Brendon
  • William Pope, junior
  • John Raulyn
  • Thomas Adam


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