Full text


Writ Head

533 Writ amotus.. ‡ 26 January 1425. [Wymbyssh]

Replacement writ de dote assignanda [CCR 1422–9, pp.156–7, replacing 30 October 1423 CCR 1422–9, p.82]. ‪Henry V‬ died before escheator executed previous writ of 2 March 1422 [CCR 1419–22, p.191]. Farmers of the lands and tenements to be warned.

Inquisition Head

NORFOLK. Assignment of dower. 1 August 1426 . [Cobyldyke]


In presence of John Cornwayll, chevalier , and William Ryman, esquire , farmers. The following is assigned to Eleanor widow of John Arundell of Arundel, chevalier , who held of ‪Henry V‬ in chief, and to Richard Ponynges, knight , who has married Eleanor.

Castle Acre, services and rents from the manor, annually from the following tenants and their respective heirs or successors: Reginald Payn 8d. rent; John Barbour 6d. rent; John Hwe 9d. rent; John Mariet 21d. rent; Thomas Catur 3s. 1d. rent; John Alden 17d. rent; Peter Priour 6d. rent; Simon Cook 5s. rent; Simon at Blyne 6d. rent; Katherine Deye 6d. rent; Richard Underwode 6d. rent; Robert Myne 2s. 3d. rent; John de le Kechyn 8d. rent; Richard Hosteler 6d. rent; John Reynam 8d. rent; William Carman 11 1/2d. rent; Isabel Lumbard 2s. 6 1/2d. rent; Thomas Bukton 6d. rent; William Souter 3d. rent; Peter Gannok 23d. rent; the prior of Castle Acre and his successors 12d. rent; Ralph Plombe 4d. rent; John Dunham 20d. rent; John Skyphon 2d. rent; Henry Abbot 5d. rent; Robert Broun 4d. rent; Thomas Baker of West Acre 20d. rent; John Curteys of West Acre 4d. rent; John Bakhous of West Acre 8d. rent; Henry Marram 4d. rent; Simon Strait 3d. rent; the abbot of ?Wendling and his successors for land in ?Wendling 4d. rent; the vicar of Castle Acre and his successors 12d. rent; John Dunhell 12d. rent; John Stegge 8d. rent; John Lumbard 4d. rent; Richard Baxtere 9d. rent; Walter Smyth 6d. rent; John Mason 7s. 3d. rent; Richard Horndon 3s. 3d. rent; Peter Whelwryght 3s. 5d. rent; Simon Jurdon 2s. 5d. rent; Geoffrey Wyghton 12d. rent; Robert Sawere 18 1/2d. rent; the prior of Castle Acre and his successors 2s. 4d. rent; and John Fox 4s. 8d. rent.
A piece of land called ‘Erlesthornam’ containing 40 a. land, each acre worth... and 10 a. land to the west of this piece and a whole piece of land called ‘Crowmer’ containing 20 1/2 a. land lying next to the countess’s land.
A piece of land called ‘Wynpittes’ containing 50 a. land to the east; 6 1/2 a. land in a piece called ‘Hedelondfurlong’ to the west of this piece; and 20 a. land in a piece called ‘Ouerhornam’ containing 60 a. land to the south of this piece.
The 1/3 rents and services of the heirs of Clyfton for the manor of Hilborough, namely a sparrowhawk, its value limited to 15d. by ancient service after the assignment of dower to the countess, whereof 5d. was assigned to Richard and Eleanor.
13 1/4d. from a salt-pan at ?King’s Lynn (Lynne), as 1/3 of 2 parts; 2s. 22/3d. rent from Marham turves; 1/3 of 2 parts of a meadow called ‘Northmede’ in the west, as clear by bounds; the third penny from 2 parts from the pasture of the castle ditch and the ‘Baillydiche’; the third penny from 2 parts from the agistment of cattle in 2 parts of the same pasture called ‘Bradmede’; and 1/3 of 2 parts of the house called ‘Tolhous’.
The third penny from the perquisites of 2 parts of the court and view of the honour of Castle Acre; 1/3 profits of 2 parts of the perquisites of the fairs at Castle Acre, one held on the feast of St James at ‘Upgrene’, the other in a place called ‘Richenesese’ on the feast of St Bartholomew; and the third penny from the tolls of 2 parts from the perquisites of the same fairs.
5 a. land in ‘le Wyken’ of the castle, [worth] nothing because reserved for impounding beasts of the chase, with free entry and exit only for impounding the distraints from Eleanor’s tenants.
Beeston Regis, Beeston and Southwood, the advowsons of the churches, the sixth time of presentation.
Mileham, the manor, annual services and rents from the following tenants and their respective heirs: Margery Smyth 14d. rent; Margery daughter of this Margery 12d. rent; John Person 2s. 7 1/2d. rent; Alice Smyth 7d. rent; Geoffrey Matelasque 3s. 10 1/2d. rent; Walter Bernard 4s. 7d. rent; Walter Halon 3s. 11d. rent; Nicholas Blanche 12 1/2d. rent; Robert Lombe 5 1/4d. rent; Robert Kempe 7 1/4d. rent; Margery Stanfeld 8 1/4d. rent; Walter Geffe 14d. rent; Robert Ropere 3s. 1 1/2d.; Thomas Bolwerk, clerk , 13 1/2d. rent; Edmund Burnay 14 1/4d. rent; Stephen Aubry 5s. 4d. rent; Alan Ellond 17d. rent; Thomas Turnam 3s. 10d. rent; John Hamond 6d. rent; Edmund Thornkyn 12s. rent; Hugh Codlyng 2s. 3d. rent; Roger Kede 20 3/4d. rent; Thomas atte Grene, junior , 3s. 9 1/4d. rent; Isabel Brocherd 3s. 2 1/2d. rent; John Aleyn 13 1/4d. rent; John Brendon 9 1/4d. rent; Thomas Broun 2s. 2d. rent; Simon Raufson 11 1/4d. rent; Thomas Perkyn 2s. rent; and John Dobilday 10d. rent; Thomas Shirlok 2 1/2d. rent.
Annual services and rents of the tenants of Beeston, 8s. 5d. and of the following tenants and their respective heirs: Cecily Fulcher 5d. rent; Thomas Saundre 11d. rent; John Brocherd 9d. rent; John Edyman 13d. rent; Edmund Aleyn 2s. 11d. rent; John Fugs 1 1/2d. rent; John Heye 12d. rent; Thomas Hayward 3d. rent; William Wattes 3 3/4d. rent; Robert Wilmont 3d. rent; and John Halle 3 3/4d. rent.
The pasture called ‘Newred’ and the third penny from the perquisites of the court of Mileham.
Mileham, 93 a. demesne land and ‘le Orcherd’; 1/3 of 1 1/2 a.; 1/2 rood; a piece of land called ‘Halcroft’; 4 a. 1/2 rood of a piece of land called ‘Rusthale’; 32 a. 1 1/3 roods of a piece of land called ‘Brende’; and 26 1/2 a. 1/2 rood of ‘Oldred’.Various parcels called ‘le Foketis’ containing 23 a. land.
The rents and services of John Bokkyng , namely 20s. for 1/3 of 1/4 manor of Longham, and 1/3 profits of a water-mill called ‘Cloknyll’ near Castle Acre. Third part of a meadow there called ‘Halmedewe’ at the south headland.
Southwood, annual rents of the following tenants and their respective heirs: Thomas Rycheman 2s. 6d. rent; Robert atte lee 6s. 8d. rent; Roger Holdewell 2s. 2 1/2d. rent; John Bray 2s. rent; John Snellyng 9s. 2d. rent; Robert Norwich 6s. 8d. rent; the same Robert 16d. rent; Richard Parke 2d. rent; Robert Clevere 2d. rent; John Thurkell 6d. rent; Alice Wyghton 16d. rent; and the vicar of ?Limpenhoe and his successors 7 1/2d. rent.
The following knights’ fees.
Egmere, 1/2 knight’s fee, which Edmund Wynter holds there of the prior of Pet’ ; and 1/4 knight’s fee.
Great or Little Hautbois, Tedyngdon, Calthorpe and Beeston, 3 knights’ fees.
Grimston, 1/4 knight’s fee of Richard Bosham .
Grimston, Burnham and ?‘Little’ Breckles, 2 fees formerly Benedict Brekles’s. 1/2 knight’s fee which Henry Pakenham holds.
and , 2 knights’ fees.
?Tittleshall (Titolerhale), 1/2 knight’s fee, formerly Philip Vyrly’s.
Little Ryburgh, 1/4 knight’s fee, formerly John Pauley’s.
North Wootton, 1/2 knight’s fee.
Snettisham, a knight’s fee, which John Briston holds.
Docking, 1/2 knight’s fee, formerly William Walton’s.
Rathyng, Essex, 1/2 knight’s fee formerly called ‘Racheford’; and 1/2 fee, formerly Hugh Blount’s
Arkesdon, Essex, 1/2 fee which the abbot of Walden holds.

TNA reference

C 139/20/54 mm.1–2



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Castle Acre, Wendling (Assigned Holding)
Total: -
Erlesthornam, Crowmer (Assigned Holding)
Total: -
Wynpittes, Hedelondfurlong, Ouerhornam (Assigned Holding)
Total: -
Hilborough (Assigned Holding)
Total: -
King’s Lynn (Assigned Holding)
Total: -
Castle Acre, Castle Acre (Assigned Holding)
Total: -
le Wyken (Assigned Holding)
Total: -
Beeston Regis, Beeston, Southwood (Assigned Holding)
Total: -
Mileham (Assigned Holding)
Total: -
Beeston (Assigned Holding)
Total: -
Mileham (Assigned Holding)
Total: -
Mileham (Assigned Holding)
Total: -
Longham, Castle Acre (Assigned Holding)
Total: -
Southwood (Assigned Holding)
Total: -
Egmere (Assigned Holding)
Total: -
Great, Little Hautbois, Tedyngdon, Calthorpe, Beeston (Assigned Holding)
Total: -
Grimston (Assigned Holding)
Total: -
Grimston, Burnham, ‘Little’ Breckles (Assigned Holding)
Total: -
Gresham (Assigned Holding)
Total: -
Aylmerton (Assigned Holding)
Total: -
Tittleshall (Assigned Holding)
Total: -
Little Ryburgh (Assigned Holding)
Total: -
North Wootton (Assigned Holding)
Total: -
Snettisham (Assigned Holding)
Total: -
Docking (Assigned Holding)
Total: -
Rathyng, Essex (Assigned Holding)
Total: -
Arkesdon, Essex (Assigned Holding)
Total: -



No holding extent information available.





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