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Writ Head

532 Writs de partitione facienda. 10 June 1424. [Wymbyssh]

To the escheators of Yorkshire and Lincolnshire regarding her share as one of the sisters and heirs of Edmund, late earl of Kent , who held of ‪Henry IV in chief, of lands held in dower by Lucy widow of Edmund earl of Kent of the inheritance of the following: Margaret; Joan duchess of York , second sister and heir whom Henry Brounflete, chevalier , married; Edmund earl of March son of Eleanor, third sister; Alice wife of Richard Nevyll, chevalier , and daughter of Eleanor late wife of Thomas earl of Salisbury and fourth sister; and Ralph son of Elizabeth late wife of John Nevyll, chevalier , and fifth sister, Ralph being a minor in the king’s wardship [CFR 1422–30, p.81]. Writ amotus.. ‡ 14 December 1424. [Clerk’s name missing: ms torn.] Replacement writ due to removal of previous escheator from office before execution of writ dated 10 June 1424. Partition into five equal parts, with profits since 10 June 1424, to Margaret, the earl of March, Richard and Alice, with the retention in the king’s hands of the parts of [the duchess of York and] Ralph. [Dorse:] Partition into five parts, with profits and full seisin, made to the duchess of Clarence, the earl of March, Richard and Alice. Writ amotus.. ‡ 12 January 1425 [Frank] Replacement writ due to removal of previous escheator from office before execution of writ dated 7 July 1424 [CFR 1422–30, p.81]. The previous escheator had been ordered to accept the security of Henry Brounflete for relief payable at the Exchequer. Robert Tirwhit had been ordered by the king to take the fealty of Henry Brounflete for the duchess of York’ s part. Escheator now ordered to deliver full seisin to Henry and the duchess of York of her part, with profits since 7 July 1424, and to retain Ralph’s part in the king’s hands [CCR 1422–9, p.167]. [Dorse:] As on dorse of writ above. Full seisin delivered to Henry Brounflete, chevalier , and Joan duchess of York for her part.

Inquisition Head

LINCOLNSHIRE. Partition of lands. 23 July 1425 . [Tailboys] [The ms is incomplete and generally worn and soiled.]


Allotted to Margaret duchess of Clarence as her share of all the lands and tenements, first partition:

[Market Deeping], a pasture called Cranmore, which part contains 97 a. lying to the east of the pasture and commonly called... and is worth £8 20s. in normal years.
Market Deeping, a water-mill called ‘Est mylne’, worth £6.
‘Fletgatwang’, 14 a. meadow, worth 26s. yearly.
Sum £15 7s. 8d. [sic] Allocated to Alice wife of Richard Nevyll, chevalier :
Cranmore, second furlong (quarentena) containing 72 a. pasture, and 11 a. parcel of the acres commonly called in the lord’s hands and lying to the north in this furlong called ‘the Custumes’, the 72 a. and 11 a. worth 103s. 9d. in normal years.
Barholm, 7 messuages and 9 1/2 virgates as follows: a messuage and 1 1/2 virgates in the tenure of William Power which yield 21s. yearly; a messuage and a virgate in the tenure of John Westgate which yield 13s. 4d. yearly; a messuage and 1 1/2 virgates in the tenure of Robert F... which yield xv...i s. 4d. yearly; a messuage and a virgate in the tenure of Andrew Petit which yield 15s. yearly; a virgate in the tenure of the same Andrew which yields 10s. yearly; a messuage and a virgate in the tenure of Richard Lucas which yield 16s. yearly; 1/2 virgate with a toft in the tenure of the same Richard which yields 6s. 8d. yearly; a messuage and a virgate in the tenure of John Clerk which yield 12s. 6d. yearly; and a messuage and a virgate in the tenure of the same John which yield 11s. yearly.
Market Deeping, 40 a. demesne land in St Guthlac’s parish to the west, namely 40 a. [?in] ‘le Milnecrosse’ of the 81 a. 1 roodn532_001 of demesne land which Lucy, late countess of Kent , held in dower, which yields 40s. yearly.
Market Deeping, a water-mill called ‘le Midelmyln’, worth 40s. yearly.
Sum £15 7s. 9d. Allocated to Edmund earl of March:
Cranmore, third furlong, containing 22 1/2 a. pasture, and 11 a. parcel of the acres commonly called in the hands of... and lying to the north, next to the 11 a. delineated in the second furlong. The 22 1/2 a. and 11 a. are worth....
Barholm, [6 messuages and 9 virgates] as follows: a messuage and 1/2 virgate in the tenure of...; a messuage and a virgate in the tenure of Geoffrey Smyth which yield 10s. yearly; a virgate with a toft in the tenure of... Lucas and Henry ?Haws which yields 10s. yearly; a messuage and a virgate in the tenure of Ralph Smyth which yield... yearly; a virgate with a toft in the tenure of Robert E...ot and John Blake which yields 12s. yearly; a messuage and a virgate in the tenure of Henry ?Hawe which yield 13s. 3[or 4]d. yearly; a messuage and a virgate without tenant which should yield 10s.; a messuage and a virgate in the tenure of Robert ?Esot which yield ?14s. yearly; a virgate with a toft in the tenure of the same Robert which yields ?12s.yearly; and 1/2 virgate in the tenure of John Freman, junior , which yields 6s. 8d. yearly.
40 a. demesne land in St Cuthlac’s parish to the west, namely the 40 a. next to... of that 81 a. 1 rood of demesne land which Lucy, late countess of Kent , held in dower, which yields 40s. yearly
20 a. land in ‘Northmede’ which the same Lucy held in [dower] and which yields 20s. yearly.
3 1/2 a. meadow to the east of Lo[l]ham bridge, worth 7s. 6d. yearly.
Barholm, 13s. 1 1/2d. free rents from tenements.
[At least] 12 a. demesne land in St James’ parish, parcel of the ?17 a. 2 1/2 roods according to the bounds fixed, worth 15s. 2d.
Sum£15 ?8s.1 1/2d. Allocated to Ralph son of Elizabeth, late wife of John Nevyll :
[Cranmore], fourth furlong, containing 72 a. pasture, 6 a. parcel of the acres commonly called in the lord’s hands and 4 1/2 a. called in the lord’s hands as of old, the 6 a. and 4 1/2 a. lying in the furlong called ‘the Custumes’ next to the same... delimited in... furlong. The 72 a. and 6 a. and 4 1/2 a. are worth 103s. 1 1/2d. in normal years.
Stowe, 5 messuages and 8 virgates as follows: a messuage and a virgate in the tenure of John Larke and William Cok which yield 10s. yearly; a messuage and a virgate in the tenure of Nicholas Andrewe which yield 14s. yearly; a messuage and a virgate in the tenure of John atte Stile which yield 12s. yearly; a messuage and a virgate in the tenure of Nicholas Sqwyer which yield 10s. yearly; a messuage and a virgate in the tenure of Andrew atte Style which yield ?11s. yearly; a virgate with croft in the tenure of Thomas ?Nicoll of West Deeping which yields 7s. yearly; a virgate with croft in the tenure of Nicholas Andrew which yields 12s. yearly; and a virgate with croft in the tenure of Andrew atte Stile which yields 10s. yearly.
3 cottages in....
Stowe, all free rents, worth 6s. 1 1/2d. yearly.
Barholm and Stowe, the rents called ‘Stonsilver’ and ‘Fensilver’, with 4d. from the new rent from 4 a. land in the Barholm field: 17 1/2d.14 a. land in the tenure of Thomas Pycard of B... which yield...s. yearly.
Barholm, 20 a. called ‘Bawdewynland’ with a toft and croft which yield 13s. 4d. yearly; 12 a. land called ? ‘Gysland’ which yield 7s. yearly; 40 a. demesne land in the tenure of the tenants of ?Market Deeping, which yield 26s. 8d. yearly; 3 cottages which yield 2s. 11 1/2d. yearly; 35 a. 2 1/2 roods of demesne land in the parish of St James, together with 13 a. assigned... furlong are the 48 a. 2 1/2 roods which were parcel of the dower of Lucy, late countess of Kent [and which yield] 41s. 8 1/2d.; 1 a. called ‘Pyketr’’ which yields ?12d. yearly; and 2 a. 1 rood of the 81 a. 1 rood delimited in St Guthlac’s parish, [which yield] 15d.
Sum £157s. ?5 1/2d. Allocated to Joan duchess of York :
Cranmore, fifth furlong, containing 48 a. pasture, and 41 1/2 a. called ‘Smythes’, in total 99 1/2 a. worth £6 5s. 6d. in normal years.
Barholm and Stowe, 8 messuage and 9 virgates as follows: a messuage and a virgate in the tenure of John Blake which yield 10s. yearly; a messuage and a virgate without tenant which should yield 13s. 3[or 4]d.; a messuage and a virgate in the tenure of John Whyte which yield 10s. yearly; a messuage and a virgate in the tenure of John Nicoll and William Broke which yield 10s. yearly; a messuage and a virgate in the tenure of the vicar and clerk of Barholm which yield 16s. yearly; a messuage and a virgate without tenant which should yield 12s. yearly; a virgate with toft in the tenure of William Bergham which yields 10s. yearly; a messuage and a virgate in the tenure of William Tope which yield 13s. 4d. yearly; and a messuage and a virgate in the tenure of John Lake which yield 13s. 4d. yearly.
West Deeping, a water-mill called ‘West Depyng milne’, worth 60s. yearly.
Barholm, 30 a. demesne land which yield 15s. 6d. yearly.
Sum £15 9s. [Foot:] Before the king in Chancery.

TNA reference

C 139/20/53 mm.1–3

E 149/131/1 mm.2, 4

n532_001^: See 331 where this is 81 a. 1 1/2 roods.



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Market Deeping
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Market Deeping
Market Deeping
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
St Cuthlac’s
Total: -
Total: -
Lo[l]ham bridge
Total: -
Total: -
St James’
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Barholm, Stowe
Total: -
Barholm, Market Deeping
Total: -
Total: -
Barholm, Stowe
Total: -
West Deeping
Total: -
Total: -



No holding extent information available.





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