Full text


Inquisition Head

SOMERSET. Inquisition. Yeovil. 23 April 1423. [Carant]


Jurors: John Gildon ; Stephen H...per [ms torn] ; William Lumbard ; John Blakaler ; William Towkell ; William Boyton ; William Seel ; Thomas Jerman ; John Broun ; John Bathe, senior ; Richard Slade ; and John Symond .


He held no lands or tenements of ‪the king in chief or in service. He died seised in his demesne as of fee of

2 messuages, 12 a. land and 12d. rent in Chilton ?Polden (Chelton), held of Margaret lately wife of Richard Boyton, service unknown, annual value of the messuages and land 7s.

He died on 2 January last. William Bykebury , William Gilbert and William atte Wode are his kinsmen and next heirs, each aged 40 years and more, William Bykebury as son of Katherine daughter of Thomas son of Margaret one of the sisters of Richard father of Otes; William Gilbert as son of Elizabeth, second sister of the same Richard father of Otes; and William atte Wode as son of Joan, third sister of the same Richard father of Otes.

TNA reference

C 139/5/44 mm.1–2

Inquisition Head

DEVON. Inquisition. Exeter. 13 April 1423. [Copleston]


Jurors: Hugh Sampford ; Thomas Barry ; Henry Godman ; Matthew Chapman ; Arnald Attebrugg ; Henry Ferrers ; John Devowe ; John Hamlyn ; Robert Legh ; Robert Heth ; John Halwill ; and Richard Vppeton .


He held no lands or tenements of ‪the king in chief of the crown in demesne or in service. Laurence Haukyn, late canon of the cathedral church of Exeter, Henry Foleford and Thomas Raymond , all deceased, were lately seised in their demesne as of fee of the manor and hundred of North Tawton. By their charter shown to the jurors and dated at North Tawton, 16 June 1408, they demised these to Otes, described as Otes Chambernon , and Agnes his wife and his heirs, with all their lands, tenements, rents, services and reversions of all tenancies in North Tawton. Otes was seised in his demesne as of fee and Agnes as of free tenement, and Otes died seised of this estate jointly with Agnes, who survives.

North Tawton. The manor, hundred and tenements are held by knight service of Thomas Courtenay, earl of Devon , a minor in ‪the king’s wardship, annual value £20, the reversion nil until it occurs.
He died seised in his demesne as of fee of 10 messuages, 10 furlongs land, 1 a. meadow and 17s. rent as follows.
Exeter, a messuage, held of the prior of St Nicholas, Exeter, by a grain of wheat, annual value 6s.
Sutton Prior and Sutton Vautort, a messuage, 2 furlongs and 17s. rent, held of John Alcoberd , service unknown, annual value 100s.
North Buckland, 6 messuages and 6 furlongs, held of the heir of Richard Champernon, knight , service unknown, annual value 30s.
Langtree, a messuage and a furlong, held of the countess of Worcester in free socage by service of a rose, annual value 6s. 8d.
Gappah, 1 a. meadow, held of the heirs of John Petypas , service unknown, annual value 12d.
Houghton, a messuage and a furlong, held of William Bykebury , service unknown, annual value 6s. 8d.
He died seised in his demesne as of fee tail of the following
in Compton and Doddiscombsleigh: a messuage, 3 furlongs of land, 2 a. meadow, 2 a. wood, 7s. rent and a moiety of a dovecot, 1 a. garden, a water-mill, a stank and of 1/4lb. pepper
; and
in Doddiscombsleigh 1/5 of 1/3 manor and the advowson of 1/5 church
. Robert Tantefer, parson of the church of Doddiscombsleigh, and Ralph Tregotz , both deceased, were lately seised of these and of others in the same vills and granted them to John Dodescombe and Cecily his wife and the heirs of their bodies, remainder to the right heirs of John Dodescombe . John and Cecily died seised of this estate. The holdings then descended to Alice, Emma, Agnes, Cecily and Elizabeth, their daughters and heirs, according to the form above.
The tenement in Compton and Doddiscombsleigh
1/5 of 1/3 manor and advowson of 1/5 church of Doddiscombsleigh
were allowed to Agnes as her share of the lands and tenements shared between herself and Alice, Emma, Cecily and Elizabeth, her co-heirs. Agnes married Adam Brannscombe and they had issue Ebote (Ibota). After Adam’s death, Agnes married Richard Champernon and they had issue Otes, named in the writ. Agnes died seised of the holdings, which descended to Otes as her son and heir. He died seised without heirs of his body and the holdings allowed to Agnes then descended to Margaret wife of Thomas Wyse and Elizabeth wife of John Fortescu, junior , a minor, as the kinswomen and heirs of Agnes, being the daughters of Robert son of Ebote daughter of Agnes. Margaret is aged 17 years, Elizabeth 13 years and more.
The tenement in Compton is held of the bishop of Exeter , services unknown, annual value 40s.
The tenement in Doddiscombsleigh is held by knight service of Thomas earl of Devon , a minor in ‪the king’s wardship, annual value 10s. Annual value of the advowson of the fifth part nil.
He died seised in his demesne as of fee tail of
6 messuages, 8 gardens, 67 a. land and 10d. rent in Whympston, Shilston Barton, Ayleston, ?Stockenbridge, Stoliford and Modbury
. William Fortescu and John Hylle of Tamerton were lately seised in their demesne as of fee of these tenements and rent. By their indented charter shown to the jurors and dated at Modbury, 16 October 1385, they granted these –
described as all their land in ?Leigh (Leye) in the lordship of Shilston Barton, all their land in Woodland and a piece of land called ‘Galpynyslond’ in the lordship of Whympston, all their land in Ayleston and Stockenbridge, all their land in Bywe...churche [ms worn] and a piece of land which fell to Thomas Chambernon as escheat, all their land in Stoliford in the parish of Modbury, a rose as annual rent from a tenement in the borough of Modbury which Joan Rauf held for life, with its remainder, and all their lands and tenements in the borough with reversion of all lands and tenements which Alice Wymond held of them for life – to John Chambernon and the heirs of his body, successive remainders to Richard Chambernon , William Chambernon and Hugh Chambernon , sons of the same Joan Rauf , and the heirs of their bodies, and Thomas Chambernon and the heirs of his body
. John, Richard, William and Hugh were seised, according to the form of the grant, and each died without heir of their bodies. After their deaths Otes entered the tenements and rent, by virtue of the remainder to him according to the entail and died seised of this estate without heir of his body. The tenements and rent remain to Alexander Champernon as kinsman and next heir of Thomas Chambernon , being son of Richard son of Thomas, by virtue of the entail to Thomas and his heirs.
Alexander is aged 40 years and more.
Of this holding, 59 a. land in Shilston Barton, Whympston, Ayleston, Stockenbridge and Stoliford is held severally of William Fortescu , William Bykebury and John Prydeaux , services unknown, annual value 40s. The remaining 6 messuages, 8 gardens, 6 a. land and 10d. rent in Modbury, are held of John Cornwaill, knight , and Elizabeth his wife in her right, of their castle and honour of Trematon in free burgage, annual value 40s.
He held
a messuage in Plymouth in fee tail by grant of Simon de Whitewell and John Hylle of Tamerton, to himself and the heirs of his body, remainder to Richard Champernon , now deceased, father of Alexander, whose heir he is, and to his heirs. Otes died seised of this estate without heir of his body. It is held of William Facy , service unknown, annual value 6s.
He held jointly with John Pen and Baldwin Trevylan , who survive,
3 messuages and 3 furlongs in Mened...nek [ms worn],
by grant of Richard Chambernon son of John Chambernon , to them and Thomas Tyso, late rector of the church of St John in Cornwall, John Whitewell, late rector of the church of St Wynwel... in Devon , Richard Pyncerna , John Coda and William Chambernon, clerk , all now deceased, and their heirs, as is evident in the charter shown to the jurors and dated at ...rok, the Friday after the feast of... 11 Richard II. They were all seised and Otes died seised jointly of this estate.
The messuages and furlongs are held of John Vautort , service unknown, annual value 40s.

Date of death and heirs as in 141.

TNA reference

C 139/5/44 mm.3, 5

Writ Head

143 [Writ: see 142 .]

Inquisition Head

CORNWALL. Inquisition. ?Callington. 22 April 1433. [Copleston]


Jurors: John Langge ; Nicholas Martyn ; Richard Geade ; John Westcote ; Nicholas Dunston ; Ellis Byttelworthy ; John Wyschford ; John Clement ; Thomas Kene ; Ralph Enys ; Robert Kene ; and Roger Trusket .


He held no lands or tenements of ‪the king in chief of the crown in demesne or in service. He died seised of 5 messuages, a dovecot, 3 gardens, 2 a. Cornish land and 3 a. English land in the vills of ?Furze, Kerslake, ?Trethuan or ?Treyone and Millbrook, as follows, by the grant of Simon Whitewell and John Hille of Tamerton detailed in 142, remainder now to Alexander Champernon as in 142.

?Furze, a messuage and 1 a. Cornish land, held of John Marys , services unknown, annual value 13s. 4d.
Kerslake, a garden, a dovecot and 3 a. English land, held of Edmund Gantell , services unknown, annual value 3s. 4d.
?Trethuan or ?Treyone, a messuage and 1 a. Cornish land, held of Richard Croke and Millicent his wife in her right, services unknown, annual value 10s.
Millbrook, 3 messuages and 2 gardens, held of John Champernon, lord of the manor of Inswork, of the same manor, service unknown, annual value 6s.

Date of death and heirs as in 141.

TNA reference

C 139/5/44 mm.3–4




No holding extent information available.




  • Hugh Sampford
  • Thomas Barry
  • Henry Godman
  • Matthew Chapman
  • Arnald Attebrugg
  • Henry Ferrers
  • John Devowe
  • John Hamlyn
  • Robert Legh
  • Robert Heth
  • John Halwill
  • Richard Vppeton


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