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Inquisition Head

Shropshire and the Adjacent March of Wales . Inquisition. Shrewsbury. 12 Jan. 1422. [Horde].


Jurors: Thomas Corbet ; Richard Archer ; John Skryveyn ; John Esthorp ; John Leghthous ; William Poynour ; John Boterell of Aston Botterell ; Roger Lyneye ; Geoffrey Kynaston ; Robert Rodyngton ; John Paternoster ; Roger Forster of Wellington ; William Baudewyn ; and Richard Barbour n866_001


He held to him and the heirs of his body of the king in chief in fee tail by grant of the king the castle, town and lordship of Mold with its members in north Wales and elsewhere in the march adjoining of the king in chief by knight service, annual value £75 10s. paid at St. Martin, St. Andrew, Christmas and the Nativity of St. John the Baptist and made up of £55 in rents, 40s. in farm of meadows, £10 farm of 2 water-mills, 40s. in new escheats, 30s. in agistment of pasture and £4 perquisites of courts.

He died on 22 March last without issue. The king is his next heir and is of full age, i.e. 30 years and more.

TNA reference

C 138/61/64 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

Middlesex. Inquisition. Westminster. 12 Dec.


Jurors: John Clerk of Westminster ; Thomas Tottisham ; John at Lyghie ; Adam Barbour ; William Willyngham ; John Rawlyn ; John Bogeys ; Walter Chamberleyn ; Hugh Egesle ; John Rypon ; John Fenyngle ; and Richard Jonson .


‪ Henry IV , who created his son Thomas earl of Aumale and duke of Clarence , granted him in tail male £40 from the Exchequer at Easter and Michaelmas in equal portions by letters patent on 9 July 1411 [not found]. By other letters patent on 15 May 1415 [CPR 1413-16, p. 327], it was recited that whereas ‪ Henry IV by letters patent granted for life to Ralph Rochfort, knight , the castle, manor and lordship of Somerton, rendering nil, Ralph has surrendered his estate in them to Thomas, duke of Clarence , in return for 40 marks yearly for life at the Exchequer to be deducted from the £40 received yearly by Thomas. Ralph has made an affidavit that the letters patent have been lost and that he will surrender them if found. By these letters patent the present king grants the castle, manor and lordship to his brother Thomas in tail male, with deduction of 40 marks from the £40 yearly for life of Ralph.

TNA reference

C 138/61/64 mm. 3-4

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

Lincolnshire. Inquisition. Navenby. 29 Sept. [Feriby].


Jurors: John Berkeley ; John Blake ; William Tylle ; John Dalby ; Robert Dykes ; Robert Wynter ; Thomas Amwyke ; Nicholas Warde ; John Hamond ; William Dyke ; John Rogerson ; and John Hoggeson .


He held in his demesne as of fee the castle, manor and lordship of Somerton in Boothby Graffoe, Coleby, Bassingham, Navenby, Waddington, Carlton le Moorland and Timberland of the king in chief in tail male, service unknown, remainder to the king, by letters patent of 15 May 1415 [cf. 867]. Annual values: the site nil; in Somerton 120 a. demesne arable which lie fallow, with other pastures, £5; 33 a. meadow worth yearly 12d. an acre; a dovecot, 2s.; an enclosure called `le parke', 24 a., 20s.; in Boothby Graffoe 2 messuages and 16 bovates of arable and pasture, 4 marks, and 6s. 6d. assize rents; in Coleby 6 a. arable, 12d., and 10 1/2d. assize rents; in Bassingham 2 messuages and 5 bovates, 24s., and 1d. assize rents; in Navenby a messuage and 80 a. arable and meadow, 10s., and 10s. assize rents; in Waddington 29 bovates of arable and meadow, £7 but burdened with payments of 40s. yearly to Lord Darcy and 40s. to Lord Abergavenny , so only £3; a meadow called `Toft', 8s.; in Carlton le Moorland a barn with garden adjoining, 2 crofts, 16 bovates, 100 a. meadow, £6 5s., and 35s. assize rents; in Timberland 8 a. wood, 3s. 4d.

He died on 22 March last. Henry V is his next heir, aged 24 years and more.

TNA reference

C 138/61/64 mm. 5-6

E 149/124/12

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

n866_001^: Same jury as 786.



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  • Mapilton(Writ Clerk)


  • Thomas Corbet
  • Richard Archer
  • John Skryveyn
  • John Esthorp
  • John Leghthous
  • William Poynour
  • John Boterell of Aston Botterell
  • Roger Lyneye
  • Geoffrey Kynaston
  • Robert Rodyngton
  • John Paternoster
  • Roger Forster of Wellington
  • William Baudewyn
  • Richard Barbour


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