Full text


Writ Head

607 Writ ‡ 24 April 1420. [Wymbyssh]. Teste Humphrey, duke of Gloucester.

Inquisition Head

Worcestershire. Inquisition. Bromsgrove. 21 Oct. [Gower].


Jurors: Edward Hambury ; William F..kes ; John Curteys ; Thomas Clerk ; John Barker ; John Bradwall ; John Grete ; Richard Luyde ; John Blakeburn ; John Hawe ; Thomas Otheyn ; and John Honyman .


He held no lands or tenements of the king in chief in his demesne as of fee either in demesne or by service. He held in his demesne as of fee of Richard, earl of Warwick , 2 messuages, one called `Bromhales tenement', the other `Otheynes'n607_001, 2 carucates, 24 a. meadow, 8 a. wood, 12 a. moor, 16 a. pasture and 2d. rent in Yardley, which descended to Gillian [Juliana], wife of William Northfolk, carpenter , Elizabeth wife of John Shyngeler and Isabel wife of Thomas Smyth of Yardley , as the three daughters and heirs of John de Bromhale , and to John Colet alias Bromhale n607_002, son and heir of Joan, John's fourth daughter, deceased. The lands were partitioned as follows between the coheirs. Gillian was allotted in Bromhales tenement: a room at the lower end of the hall and `le bachoris' in folds, gardens and crofts called `Bernecrofte', an orchard there, an arable field called `Bromfeld', [another] field called `Overknasse', another field called `Netherknasse' or `Parrokes' as they lie adjacent with meadows, woods and moors [more], and in Otheynes tenement: 2 arable fields called `Brendehethes', and 20d. rent yearly from a field called `Waxhull', part of the tenement called `Otheynes'. Annual value of Gillian's purparty, 17s. John Colet alias Bromhale was allotted in Bromhales tenement: a field called 'Muchelefeld', a croft called `Oldeorchard', 2 moors with oaks and other trees growing there called `Clauermore' and `Hurstemore' and a portion of pasture called `Peetmore' in `Otheynes' as they lie adjacent, and from the tenement called Otheynes: a carucate called `Muchelefeld' as enclosed with hedges and ditches, with meadows, woods and moors being in the said field, 20d. yearly rent from the field called ‘Waxhull’, parcel of the tenement called ‘Otheynes’, [C 138 only: paid at Michaelmas and Lady Day] with power to distrain, annual value of John’s purparty, 17s. 4d., and it now belongs to the king because at the county court held at Worcester on 10 April 1420 and at the four preceding county courts John Colet of Yardley alias John Bromhale was summoned to answer Agnes who was wife of William Baudryk who appealed him for her husband’s death, and because he made no appearance was outlawed by Thomas Rudyng and William Aldebury , the king’s coroners in Worcestershire, and is still outlawed [E 152: and still lives]. Elizabeth, wife of John Shyngeler , the third daughter of John Bromhale, was allocated from Bromhales tenement: divers parcels of land called Outlondes pertaining to ‘Bromhales tenement’, namely 2 crofts of land called 'Ravenhurstes', a croft of land called 'Fowelerslough', 2 crofts of land called ?’Hyebirches’, a croft of land called ‘Symmelond’, a croft of land called ’Snellescroft’, a croft of land called ‘Redmores’, and all lands and appurtenances pertaining to Bromhales tenement lying in the common fields of Yardley, and 2d. yearly rent from the tenement of John Hawe and 20d. yearly rent issuing from the field called ‘Waxhull’, parcel of Otheynes tenement, with power to distrain, and from Otheynes tenement: the messuage, fold [falda], garden and all the arable and mowable land within the boundaries there, fully as Simon Bromhale held them at lease, and a croft of land lying opposite the gate of Otheynes messuage, annual value of Elizabeth’s purparty, 17s. John Shyngeler and Elizabeth have occupied her share ever since her father’s death. Isabel, wife of Thomas Smyth , the fourth daughter of John Bromhale, was allocated as her share of Bromhales tenement: a field of land called ‘Cullenfield’, with a water meadow within, a field of land called ‘Marleputtefeld’ [E 152: Marleputfeld], with a meadow and pond within, a field of land called ‘Londfeld’ and a moor at the end with oaks growing in it, a field of land called ‘Birchholt’ [E 152: Bircheholt] with hedges and ditches, 2 parcels of pasture called ‘Cartefordemedes’ [E 152: Cartefordemores], a moor called ‘Odyesmore’, a croft of land lying opposite the gate of the messuage there, and from Bromhales tenement the principal chamber and [E 152: at] the upper end of the hall, the cattle-shed, barn, sheep-house and tiled barn and sufficient easements in the fold and to place ladders these buildings when necessary to roof or repair them, and from Otheynes tenement: a field of land with a parcel of pasture adjacent called ‘Rokesmore’, and a field of land called ‘Waxhull’ with the rent of a croft called ‘Jakkelond’, annual value of Isabel’s purparty, 17s. Thomas Smyth and Isabel have occupied her share ever since her father’s death. Each of the parcenars renders to the earl of Warwick for her purparty 4s. 6d. at Lady Day and Michaelmas in equal portions.

He died on 6 June 1419. His daughters Gillian, aged 40 years, Elizabeth, aged 30 years, and Isabel, aged 26 years, and John Colet , aged 24 years and more, are his next heirs. John Colet's purparty is in the king's hand by reason of his outlawry for felony.

TNA reference

C 138/51/100 mm. 1-2


ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: This IPM is substantially new, containing much material which did not appear in the print edition of CIPM XXI, and some corrections to it.

n607_001^: Not 'Scheynes', as in CCR 1422-9, pp. 13, 34.

n607_002^: Colleton once in E 152, but otherwise always Colet, and always Colet in C 138.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.




  • Edward Hambury
  • William F..kes
  • John Curteys
  • Thomas Clerk
  • John Barker
  • John Bradwall
  • John Grete
  • Richard Luyde
  • John Blakeburn
  • John Hawe
  • Thomas Otheyn
  • John Honyman


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