Full text


Writ Head

489 Writ mandamus as to his lands and heir ‡ 24 March 1420. [Wymbyssh]. Teste Humphrey, duke of Gloucester.

Inquisition Head

Dorset. Inquisition [indented]. Dorchester. 24 June. [Welyngton].


Jurors: John Skotte ; Robert Chyke ; Robert Foke ; Robert Govayr ; John Dudde ; Richard Webbe ; John Elys ; Richard Pyle ; John Sherle ; John Parker ; Richard Turk ; and John Odam .


He held no lands or tenements of the king in chief either in demesne or by service. John de Doulre was formerly seised in his demesne as of fee of the manor of Dullar, and married Alice, daughter of Richard Haveryng, knight , and had issue a son John and a daughter Joan. Joan married James Husee and had issue Thomas. Joan and James died, and Thomas son of James married Joan daughter of John Bowode , and Thomas and Joan had issue Thomas, who survives. Thomas son of James died, John de Doulre the father died seised of the manor, and after his death it descended by hereditary right to his son and heir John. John the son married Maud daughter of Roger Cormaille , and had issue Agnes and Christine. Christine took the religious habit at Wilton abbey in Wiltshire and was professed there. John died seised of the manor in his demesne as of fee and it descended to his other daughter and heir Agnes, who married Roger Mautravers . Agnes and Roger had issue Edward. Roger died, and Agnes married John Levesham named in the writ and had issue Alice. After Agnes's death John Levesham held the manor by the law of England by reason of having had issue Alice, with reversion to Edward Mautravers , son and heir of Agnes. John Levesham surrendered his interest in the manor to Edward Mautravers , who was seised in his demesne as of fee. Edward afterwards demised to Thomas Gandy of Shapwick for life for 12s. yearly the following portions of the manor: a messuage, 40 a. arable and 6 a. meadow in Shapwick. Edward retained the rest of the manor and died seised in his demesne as of fee without issue. After Edward's death the manor descended to Thomas Husee as his kinsman and heir, i.e. son of Thomas son of Joan sister of John de Doulre father of Agnes mother of Edward Mautravers . Thomas Husee was seised by hereditary right in his demesne as of fee in the manor except the messuage and land mentioned above. The jurors therefore say that John Levesham named in the writ had no estate in the manor at his death.

Dullar. The manor is held of John Arundell, knight , by knight service, annual value 4 marks.

He died on 10 May 1417. Agnes Cryschurche , aged 7 years and more, is his kinswoman and next heir, i.e. daughter of his daughter Alice.

TNA reference

C 138/47/57 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



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  • John Skotte
  • Robert Chyke
  • Robert Foke
  • Robert Govayr
  • John Dudde
  • Richard Webbe
  • John Elys
  • Richard Pyle
  • John Sherle
  • John Parker
  • Richard Turk
  • John Odam


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