Full text


Writ Head

375 [Writ to assign dower. 10 Feb. 1420: CCR 1419-22, p. 32.] [Wymbyssh]. Teste Humphrey, duke of Gloucester.

The escheator of Lincolnshire ordered to take her oath not to marry without royal licence, and to assign dower from the lands taken into the king’s hands owing to the death of her husband Geoffrey Loterell, knight. Assignment to be in presence of Godfrey de Hilton, who married Hawise, Geoffrey Loterell’s sister and heir. [CCR 1419–22, p.32]

Inquisition Head

Yorkshire. Assignment of dower [indented]. Hooton Pagnell. 10 March. [Manston].


In presence of John Maweleverer and John App[ely]erd, attorneys of Godrey Hilton, the following are assigned in the manor of Hooton Pagnell: 1/3 of the large hall of the manor, that is, the northern part; 1/3 of the great chamber, that is the western part, with the... and oratory under the chamber, as marked out, with full rights of access at all times; 1/3 of the great barn, that is, the eastern part; 1/3 of the dungheap and yard; 1/3 of the orchard, that is, the northern part, as marked out; an out-building called `le schippen'; a garden called `le doffcotyerd'; 1/3 of a pear-garden on the west side of the great chamber, as marked out; 1/3 of a dovecote, as marked out, with 1/3 of all profits therefrom; 1/3 of a windmill, with 1/3 of all profits therefrom; 1/3 of the profits of a common oven; the following rents and services of free tenants and tenants at will: 2s. yearly from John Ward, Richard Campion, John Hepworth and his wife Joan, as of Joan's right, and the heirs of John, Richard, John and Joan; each for his lands and tenements in Clayton and elsewhere which they late held of Geoffrey Loterell of the manor of Hooton Pagnell; ...s. 2d. free rent from John Porter of Hooton Pagnell and his heirs for lands and tenements which they late held of Geoffrey of the same manor; 8s. 6d. free rent yearly from Adam Bell and his heirs for the lands and tenements which he late held of Geoffrey of the same manor; 23d. free rent yearly from John Harre and his heirs for the lands and tenements which he late held of Geoffrey of the same manor; 2s. 9d. free rent yearly from Robert Dyconson and his heirs for the lands and tenements which he late held of Geoffrey of the same manor; 3s. free rent yearly from John Palmer and his heirs for the lands and tenements which he late held of Geoffrey of the same manor; all messuages, lands, tenements, rents and services which John Clyfforth of Hooton Pagnell holds or occupies in Hooton Pagnell for a yearly rent of 10s.; all messuages, lands, tenements, rents and services which John Kees holds or occupies in Hooton Pagnell for 10s. yearly; all messuages, cottages, a grange, lands, tenements, rents and services which John Smyth of Hooton Pagnell holds or occupies in Hooton Pagnell for 25s. yearly; all messuages, cottages, lands, tenements, rents and services which John Wright holds or occupies in Hooton Pagnell for 4s. yearly; all messuages, cottages, lands and tenements which John Taillour of Hooton Pagnell holds or occupies in Hooton Pagnell for 18d. yearly; Demesne lands of the manor of Hooton Pagnell: in `le Milnfeld' in Hooton Pagnell, 1/3 of a piece of land there called `Scutardflat', i.e. the south part; 1/3 part of `Littelcarflat'; 1/3 of `Esshwellflat', i.e. the south part; 1/3 of `del Milnflat' with 1/3 of `del Milnflat' on the hill there, i.e. the south part; 1/3 of `Wachelifflat', i.e. the east part; 1/3 of a piece of land lying on the hill, i.e. the east part; 1/3 of `Burghflat' on the south part; 1/3 of a piece of land abutting on `Billamkare' called `Scharflet'; 1/3 of `del Colpitflat', i.e. the south part; 1/3 of `del Watirfalflat' with 1/3 of `Breddesworthbuttesflat', i.e. the west parts; in a field called ‘le Westfeld’ of Hooton Pagnell, 1/3 of ‘Breredolflat’; 1/3 of ‘del ?Toftflat’; 1/3 of a piece of land butting on ‘Hampoll Wod’ … … … [ms torn]; 1/3 of ‘Mynchonflat’ on the hill; 1/3 of ‘Mynchonflat’ under the hill; 1/3 of ‘del Riddyngflat’; 1/3 of ‘del Leysflat’ … … … …flat’; 1/3 of a piece of land at the north end of the township called ‘le Fouracres’; 1/3 of 3 a. of land at the south end of ‘Wach…’ … … And generally she was assigned 1/3 … … … meadows; and 1/3 of a garden called ‘le appulyerd’; 1/3 of a meadow called ‘le Neweng’, i.e. the eastern part; 1/3 of a p… … …. Woods: 1/3 of a several wood called ‘le Frith’, i.e. the eastern part, 1/3 … … … wood called ‘le common wode’, ie the south part. The fealty and service of John Talbot, lord of ‘Fournyna…' … … Pagnell; the fealty and service of Richard Anne for his lands and tenements which he late held of Geoffrey in ‘Thirnestheth’ by knight service of the same manor; the fealty and service of John … … … Work services: the services, customs and works which [?Adam Bell] late owed to Geoffrey by right as parcel of the manor … … … works of ?Sibyl de Staynton and her heirs, i.e. 2 boon-works in autumn. 1/3 profits of the fisheries and water … … … Profits of courts: 1/3 profits and perquisites of all sheriff’s tourn courts and views … … … chattels of felons and fugitives and all other liberties and franchises … … ….

[The right-hand third of the last 13 lines is mutilated.]

TNA reference

C 138/43/93 m. 1 [assignment only]

E149/116/8 m. 3 [writ only]

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: This IPM is substantially new, containing much material which did not appear in the print edition of CIPM XXI, and some corrections to it.



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