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Inquisition Head

Cumberland. Assignment of dower [indented]. 7 Sept. [Thornburgh]. In the presence of James de Pykeryng and John Usher, attorneys of William de Haryngton, knight, brother and heir, and Thomas de Broghton, attorney of Elizabeth Haryngton.


In Egremont, 1/3 of John Haryngton's lands: land and meadow in demesne lying to the north of the highway which leads to the stream from `Boegill' to `le Stywardeyng' containing by estimate 11 a. arable and meadow beyond woods and wastes; 1/3 of 1 1/2 a. demesne on `Calfordbank', i.e. the middle 1/2 a.; 1/3 of his park, beginning with the middle at the highway to the west leading from Egremont to Braystones, thence to the `Dyne' stream, then to the highway leading to `Stretebek', and on the other side including 4 a. arable, wood and waste; 1/2 a. in an enclosed park of 1 1/2 a.; 5 a. in Egremont to the west of `Grayberghowes' called `Crusestele' at `Heeldbank' with free ingress etc.; 5 a. lying in `Filterfelde' to the west; the grange which William Baglay holds at will; the rents and services of John Hogeston, Alan de Dale, Robert Collande, Thomas de Crayke, Robert Johnson, ... Thomson, Isabel widow of Henry de Crakeplace, John Richardson, Thomas de Nedreton and Thomas Baron for burgages and free tenements in Egremont. Harrington, 1/3 lands and meadows in demesne, the part which William Johnson formerly held at will, with 1/3 close called `Hallerparke', from a corner of the granary to the west to an oak in the ditch of the close, thence to `Malkyndyke', as defined by metes and bounds; 1/3 of Harrington park called Walton wood, next the township beginning at `le Bught fossete' at the upper part of Walton, and thus to the end of `Hodeland' and`Fendysake' and so descending to the corner of `Deveneshirecombe' and thence to the sea; 1/3 portion in Harrington called `le Carluyre' to the north; various messuages, cottages, parcels etc. held at will by: John Dykes, Philip del Kychyn, Thomas Scope, John Walkere, Christine Grayfeson, John Stele, John Sumpter, Joan widow of William Moresson, William Robynson senior, John Benson, John de Thoresby; and a piece of waste called `le Mikylholme', now held by Thomas Scarfe. Kelton, rents and services of Robert Thomson, John Cragg, William Dikson, Roger Scayfe, John Dikson Henrison, Gilbert Pierson, Richard Henryson, Thomas Milner, John Roger, Robert Frere; and 1/3 rent called `walkyngsilver'. Ennerdale, rents and services of tenants at will: Robert Wilson, William de Stokdale, John Thomson Diconson, Richard Thomson Bowreman, Alan Rogerson, John Diconson, Robert Gibson, Thomas Taillour, John Thomson, Alan Gibson, Thomas Rogerson, John Gill; 1/3 of separate pasture held by tenants at will, by the farm called `Dalenale', from Green Cove Beck descending to Upper Windgate Beck to the south and ascending to Gilflinter Beck to the north to the wall called `le Dalewall' from the same part with free ingress etc.; 1/3 forest of Ennerdale called `le Fense' in the middle of the forest ascending to `Drybek' to the south as far as `Depegill' and thus ascending to `Leyhergreves', to `le Terme de Tutehowse' on one part, and on the other ascending to `Depegelhead' to `le Peterstele', with hunting, agistment and other profits and commodities; a close in Ennerdale called `Brathemyre'... `Whynneyhed' above a corn-mill extended proceeding to the north of the ditch to the close on one side, and beginning at `le Herberbrowe' on the other and so to `le Gaytgyll', and the ditch with free ingress etc.; also enclosed lands and pastures in Ennerdale which John son of John Thomson and John de Clyfton now hold at will, by a farm called `garthsilver', including to the north the stream of Lesay. Gosforth, rents and services of tenants at will: Robert son of John Mason, William Bowerman, John Whyncopper, Robert del Olebek, William Jakson, John del Kechyn, Nicholas Johnson and Robert Lawe. Drigg and Carleton, similar rents and services of Nicholas Wilkynson, Richard Wilson, Richard Gabman, John Kay, John Wilson and Richard Drygg, chaplain. Great Beckermet or Little Beckermet, William Godmayn. Winscales, Richard de Merton and Thomas Matson for their messuages. Egremont by `Graybergh', John Collane for his tenement. Workington, William Riberton and John Bygryg for their holdings. Coulderton, Richard Wodcok for his tenement. Weddicar, John de Wyliby alias Jak de Wyliby, Thomas Nicolson, Thomas de Linde, William de Melys and John Whitheved for their messuages. Millom, manor, 1/3 rent and services of Richard de Hodilston, knight. Mosser, manor, 1/3 rent etc. of Hugh de Salkeld. Egremont, the rents etc. of John de Hawebank and Thomas Loweswatere, chaplain, and 1/3 of the park. Sandwith, manor, 1/3 rents etc. of Thomas, Lord Dacre. Drigg, manor, 1/3 rent etc. of Lord Wake. Copeland, barony, 1/3 rents called `le seewakes' and `sergeantfee' and of fines for mooring, of profits and perquisites of courts, and 1/3 of 1/3 of pasture and of the goods and chattels of felons and fugitives, beheaded and condemned. Weddicar, 1/3 mines. Gosforth, Egremont, Drigg, Weddicar, Harrington and Ennerdale, 1/3 of 1/3 profits of corn-mills. Ennerdale, 1/3 fishery and pasture of `Brithmere', Weddicar and Ennerdale, to the south, mentioning `Dengyll', `Garngyll', `Grenegyll', Whitesk Beck, `Shyndgyll', `Bryggyll' and `Grain Gill'. `Brithemere'. Weddicar, 1/3 pasture called `Wedacremore'.

TNA reference

C 138/32, no. 25, mm. 18, 26

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. A small number of corrections and additions have also been made.

Writ Head

73 Writ 8 July 1418. [Wymbyssh]. Teste John, duke of Bedford.

Royal writ addressed to the chancellor of the county palatine of Lancaster to assign dower, requiring the issue of a writ under the seal of the county palatine to the escheator of the county, informing him that Edmund, bishop of Exeter, has been ordered to take her oath not to marry without royal licence, and requiring him to assign dower from the lands taken into the king’s hand owing to the death of her husband. Assignment to be in presence of her husband's brother and heir William Haryngton, knight. [CCR 1413–19, p.468].

Writ Head

Writ ‡ 8 Aug. 1418. Lancaster. [Burton]. Teste John, duke of Bedford.

Like royal writ addressed to the escheator of the county palatine..

Inquisition Head

Lancaster. Indenture for assignment of dower. [Halsale]. In the presence of James de Pykeryng , Nicholas de Haryngton , John de Urswyk and others.


A large part of this assignment is illegible. Amongst the places and tenants named are: Upper Aldingham, `Bacheleyes', Lower Aldingham, `Ladycroft', `Williamgarthes', `Calfecar', `Bradyng', `Brakenhilclos', `Hegh park', `Colt park', `Benok', `Schotte', `Wyndhilclos', `Langpark', Portlanddyke', `Herehall', `Worthleghdyke', `Warlotes', `Arlythyng', `Sewod', Newbiggin, `Brakanhill', `Hertkarr', `Belclyf', `Bickanthwayt', `Senbrek', `Estthwayt', `Birker in Senbrek', Scales, Ulverston, `Demon', `Whynhill', `Holmefeld', `Suwaselfelde', `Coewhirdkarr', Urswick, `Calegarth', Bardsea, `Hallegarth', `Torberfell', `Torberwode', `Newland', `Whitesoncroft', `Blawyll', Plumpton, Thurnham. Tenants: John de Fell , William del Park , John Spencer , John Barray , William de Bowclere , Joan Michell , John Atkynson , Thomas del Park , John Wilson , Robert Taillour , Joan Gad , Thomas Fouler , Richard Archer , Thomas Marre , Magote del Halle , Thomas Paner , Richard Gryse , Margaret widow of John del Halle , Thomas Gryse , John Davidson , John de Chepyndale , John Souter , John Corbet , William Berdesey , John del Freres , Joan de Alombrigg , John Raper , John Annotson , Thomas Caffon , William Permane , the abbot of Furness, William Thomlinson , Christopher de Stryklande , William Gardiner , Goodeth Grondy , John Bampton .

TNA reference

C 138/32, no. 25, mm. 18, 25-7

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. A small number of corrections and additions have also been made.



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