Full text


Inquisition Head

SOMERSET. Inquisition. Bridgwater. 2 Sept. [Otery].


Jurors: Thomas Caue ; William Stapleton ; Walter Sydenham ; Thomas Ermyte ; Richard Bretill ; John Horlok ; John Broun ; John Gale ; John Godehyne ; William ?Cozewill ; John Magot ; and Thomas Wynston .


She held for life:

North Petherton, the manor and hundred, with remainder to Agnes wife of John Bevyle and her heirs by John Bluet , her former husband, by a fine of 1403 made with the king’s licence [CP 25(1)/201/33, no.26; CPR 1401–5 , p.410]. They are held of the king in chief by a rent of 100s. payable by equal parts at Easter and Michaelmas by the sheriff, annual value 20 marks.

Knowle, the manor and advowson, and 2 messuages, 1 virgate and 9 a. meadow in Bedminster, of Thomas Lord Berkeley of his manor of Bedminster by knight service, annual value 100s.;
and the reversion of the manor of Morton, which Richard Walbronde and Alice his wife hold for the term of their lives, of the abbot of St. Mary Graces by knight service, annual value 100s. during the lives of Richard and Alice
; all by another fine of 1403 [CP 25(1)/201/33, no.24] with remainder to William Venour and Elizabeth his wife and the heirs of their bodies .

She died on 26 July. Margery widow of John Harewill , Elizabeth, Margaret widow of William Wroughton , and Agnes are her daughters and heirs, aged 34, 30, 24 and 23 years.

TNA reference

C 137/71/23 mm. 3-4

E 152/9/427 rot. 2 #3 (cancelled); rot. 2 #6

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. Some additions have also been made to the findings.

Inquisition Head

DORSET Inquisition. Blandford. 10 Sept. 1409.[Otery].


[Jurors not listed]


Thomas Beaupyne, late husband of Margaret Beaupyne named in the writ, was seised in demesne as of fee of the manor of Sturminster Marshall, called 'Beauchampesmaner', and granted it to Philip Wodeman and William Basket for the term of their lives, they rendering him and his heirs 12m. yearly at Easter and Michaelmas. Afterwards Thomas granted the 12m. rent to Thomas Harewill, Robert Orchard, and William Pynche, and the heirs and assigns of Thomas, together with the reversion of the manor. Afterwards, with royal licence, by a fine on the octave of Trinity 1403, between the said Thomas, Robert and William querents, and Henry Darleston, clerk, Thomas Colston, and the said Thomas Beaupyne and Margaret, deforciants, Thomas, Robert and William granted the reversion to Henry, Thomas, Thomas, and Margaret, for the lives of Thomas and Margaret, with remainder to Henry Venour and his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, then to the heirs of the body of Elizabeth.

Philip and William Basket are still alive. Margaret died seised as of free tenement of the rent issuing from the manor. The manor is held of the king in chief by knight service.

She died on 26 July last. Her daughters and heirs are: Margaret, wife of John Harewill; Elizabeth, wife of William Venour; Margaret, late wife of William Wroghton; and Agnes, wife of John Bevyll, aged 32 and more, 30 and more, 27 and more, and 24 and more.

TNA reference

E 152/9/427 rot. 2, m. 4, #10

This inquisition was not published in the print calendar.

Writ Head

527 Writ, melius inquirendo . ‡ 6 March 1410 [Gaunstede].

Regarding CIPM XVIII.982. Inquire whether Philip Wodeman and William Basket attorned to Thomas Harewell, Robert Orchard, and William Pynche; and whether they attorned to Henry Darleston, Thomas Colston, Thomas Beaupyne, and Margaret by virtue of the fine, and paid them the rent; and to whom the rent pertains after Margaret’s death and how.

Inquisition Head

DORSET. Inquisition. Shaftesbury. 29 March. [Coker].


Jurors: Thomas Hody ; John Gerold ; William Grygge ; Laurence Brook ; Thomas Ponder ; John Wydmore ; Geoffrey Sutton ; William Breech ; John More ; William Cotton ; Roger Barton ; and Thomas Bele [or Bole].


Philip Wodeman and William Basket attorned to Thomas Harewell , Robert Orchard and William Pynche , to whom Thomas Beaupyne granted the rent and the reversion of the manor, and paid them the rent for the whole of their lives. They by a fine [CP 25(1)/51/53, no.16] granted it to Henry Darleston, clerk , Thomas Colston , Thomas Beaupyne and Margaret with remainder to William Venour and Elizabeth, and Wodeman and Basket attorned to them. After the death of Margaret it should remain to William Venour and Elizabeth and the heirs of their bodies.

TNA reference

C 137/71/23 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



No holding information available.



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