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Inquisition Head

SUSSEX. Inquisition. Horsham. 23 Feb. [Halle].


Jurors: John Bradebregge ; Bartholomew atte Nore ; John Whyte ; William a Bury ; John ?Rombem ; John Stanbregge ; Thomas atte Ree ; Richard Ede ; John Monk ; Stephen Sloghterforde ; Richard Chalfold ; and Richard Blake .


Long before his death he granted the manor of Denne by charter to John Marys, rector of Crawley , John, parson of Broadwater , John Berdeye , Edward atte Hale , John Payn , Henry Stofold , Henry Garston , John atte Hoo , John Northe and John atte Stone and their heirs. They have held it of the heir of William de Brewes and taken the profits for their own use (ad usos suos proprios).

The manor of Denne is held of the heir(s) of William de Brewes, service unknown.

He died on 27 Jan. last . Elizabeth and Joan, aged 6 years and 5 years, were his daughters and heirs. Elizabeth died on 16 Feb. last .

TNA reference

C 137/71/21 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

524 Writ, melius sciri. ‡ 13 Oct. 1410 [Asplion].

Regarding 523. The king has been given to understand that the manor is held of John, brother and heir of Thomas late earl Marshal, a minor in the king’s ward, by knight service and by service of various yearly rents. Various tenants render these rents to the manor which come to the sum of 8 marks and more; these tenants never attorned to the feoffees; and therefore the rent should pertain to the king during the minority of John. Inquire whther the manor is held of William de Brewes or the above John; which tenants should render the rents, and how much each should render, at what terms, and how; and whether the tenants attorned or not.

Inquisition Head

SUSSEX. Inquisition. Horsham. 7 Nov. 1412. [Wyntereshull].


Jurors: John Godefray ; Thomas Randolff ; Thomas atte Ree ; Gilbert ?James ; John Sloghterford ; Richard Chalford ; John Warde ; John May ; Robert Geffray ; William Milleward ; Richard Bechet ; and William Bottyng .


The manor named in the writ, Denne, is held of John brother and heir of Thomas, Earl Marshal , in the king’s ward, by the service of half a knight’s fee.

There are certain free tenants who should render £6 9s.2d. by equal parts at Christmas and Midsummer, namely Richard Chalford 4s.4d., John Clousere 4s.6d., Richard Fust 3s.8d., William Weston 9s.4d., John Gyles 3s., Robert Flusshe 6s., William Seriche 4s.9d., the heirs of John Nudegate 16d., Richard Blake 4s.3d., Richard Bechet 9s.7d., William atte Bechet 14d., John Whitthere 14d., Richard Cok 18d., William Hamond 3d., John Godefray 10s., Thomas atte Ree 6d., John Warnecamp 8s., John Eldrich 4s., John Grymmesgrove 7s., John Urry 3s.10d., William Mascot 14d., James Bonewyke 12d., the heirs of Alice Smyth 6 1/2d., the heirs of William Judde 7d., John Bole, senior , 3d., William Eylyot 5d., Henry Frenssh 3s.4 1/2d., William Rydelere 7d., George Brewys 5s., Robert Shephurd 1/2d., Richard Bowrer 16d. Agnes Colom 8s.6d., the heirs of Roger Colom 5d., Isabel Bradebrugge 5d., William Pyke 2 1/2d., John atte Gate 10d., Thomas atte Mere 3s., the heirs of John atte Mere 6d., Lady Hungerford 5s.8d., the heirs of Ellis Grete 2s., John Monk 2s.6d., John Bayle of Ifield 8 1/2d., Richard Wyldgoos 6d., William Monk 1d., and Robert Nutymbre 17d. They attorned to John Marys and the other feoffees. John Newdegate has taken all the profits since the death of John Leukenore .

TNA reference

C 137/71/21 mm. 3-4

Inquisition Head

HEREFORDSHIRE. Inquisition ex officio [indented]. . Hereford. 25 April 1411. [Russell].


Jurors: Richard Marssh ; William Hert ; John Clercke ; Roger Hull ; John Hugges ; Walter Gardiner ; John Smethis ; John Orchard of Felton ; John Smyth of Felton ; Adam de la Roke; Thomas Aderiche ; Thomas Yedeffyn .


Richard II granted 20 a. called ‘Revefurlong’ in Fromington and Marden to John Lewkenore for life with reversion to himself and his heirs, annual value 6s.8d. John died on 31 March last .

In Hillhampton are 2 a. lying fallow without claimant or any cultivation for a long time. 1 a. lies between the lands of John Sewall and Roger Hull , the other in ‘Hamstalleforlesfeld’ between the land of John Hillampton and the enclosure of Edmund Brugge ; annual value 8d. By escheat they belong to the king.

TNA reference

E 149/96/10

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Russell(Escheator)


  • Richard Marssh
  • William Hert
  • John Clercke
  • Roger Hull
  • John Hugges
  • Walter Gardiner
  • John Smethis
  • John Orchard of Felton
  • John Smyth of Felton
  • Adam de la Roke
  • Thomas Aderiche
  • Thomas Yedeffyn


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