

Referenced in E-CIPM(s)

E-CIPM Date Inquisition subject Document type Holding
19-89314 May 1411Arnold Savage, KnightInquisitionHe held the manor of Bobbing in his demesne as of ...
21-22026 Jul 1419Elizabeth Widow Of Nicholas Keryell, KnightInquisition

Related places

Place name Relationship
BobbingSubentry of
KentIn county of

Extents and values

Total: 2540d, 900d, (£10 11s. 8d. // £3 15s. )
(Bobbing, )

There are the site, annual value nil

120 a. arable at 6d.

60 a. pasture at 3d.

70 a. wood of which 10 may be cut each year, then 4s.

rents of £10 at the 4 terms

70 hens and 12 cocks at 3d. at Christmas,

1,000 eggs at 6d. the 100 at Easter,

120 quarters of palm barley at Michaelmas at 3d. the quarter

and perquisites of court 6s.8d.

Value variation

100.0%1411-05-1405001000150020002500300035001411-05-14Values (d)