Staveley, 1/2 Manor

(Manor (Fraction Of))

Referenced in E-CIPM(s)

E-CIPM Date Inquisition subject Document type Holding
20-6522 Feb 1414John Hothome, KnightInquisition
20-6721 Mar 1414John Hothome, KnightInquisition
24-16421 Oct 1434John Hothom, ChevalierInquisition1/2 manor of Staveley in his demesne as of fee of ...
24-16501 May 1435John Hothom, ChevalierInquisition

Related places

Place name Relationship
StaveleyFractional part of
WestmorlandIn county of

Extents and values

Total: 2080d, (£8 13s. 4d.)
(Staveley, )

a messuage and 200 a. land, worth 40s. yearly

a messuage and 60 a. land in the hamlet of Sadgill, worth 13s. 4d. yearly

3 messuages and 160 a. land in the hamlet of Grasmere, worth 40s. yearly

2 messuages and 40 a. land in the hamlets of Hugill and Reston, worth 4 marks yearly

3 messuages and 100 a. land in the hamlets of Skelsmergh and Langdale, worth 2 marks yearly

Value variation

100.0%1434-10-21-200020040060080010001200140016001800200022001434-10-21Values (d)