Full text


Inquisition Head

SUSSEX. Inquisition [indented]. Bramber. 31 October 1446. [Dautre].


Jurors: John Goryng ; John Veske ; Ralph Emery ; John Brok ; William Danell ; Roger atte Lowe ; Richard Waulyng ; John Stronge ; John Snellyng ; John Graunt of Oreham; John Welger ; John Estonfilder ; John Pykwell ; and Thomas Breche .


He held no lands or tenements of the king in chief, in demesne or in service. He was seised of the following in demesne as of fee.

‘Great’ Perching, the manor, true annual value £10;
Shelley, the manor, true annual value 10s.; and
Crawley, the manor, true annual value 20s.,
of whom held and by what services not known. He was once seised in demesne as of fee of the manors of
Waldron, Wick, and
Sonde’, of
£3 rent in East or West Blatchington, and of
certain lands and tenements in Hangleton, ‘Little’ Hangleton, and Aldrington
. Long before his death, by charter shown to the jurors, dated 27 November 1434, he granted the same to Henry Percy, earl of Northumberland , John Martyn , John Blast , and John Bolnee , and their heirs, so that they were seised in demesne as of fee. They continued their estate until John, John, and John died. The earl survived them and was solely seised in demesne as of fee by right of survivorship, and still continues his estate. He was once seised in demesne as of fee of the manors of
Lynde , and
2/3 manor of Truleigh, and of
3 messuages, 300 a. land, 300 a. wood, n285 200 a. heath, 40s. rent, and pasture for 200 sheep in Southwick, Crawley, Ifield, Shelley, Slaugham, Bolney, and Twineham
. Long before his death, by a fine [CP 25/1/293/ 71/303] in the king’s court, in the quindene of Michaelmas, 1445, between William Westbury , Robert Jos , Walter Moyle , Richard Croner, parson of the church of Broadwater , Robert Shorter, parson of the church of Poynings , John More , Richard Jay , John Foche, parson of the church of Westdean , John Molton , John Bekeswell , and John Norton, querents , and Robert Ponynges, deforciant , he acknowledged the above to be the right of John Foche , as those which the querents had by grant of Robert Ponynges , and quitclaimed the above to them. The fine was to the use of Robert Ponynges and his heirs, and he received the issues of all the above for his whole life, notwithstanding the fine.

He died on 2 October 1446. Eleanor, wife of Henry Percy, knight , is his kin and next heir, as the daughter of Richard, the son of Robert. She was aged 20 and more on the day of Robert’s death.

TNA reference

C 139/126/24 mm. 1, 3

Inquisition Head

SURREY. Inquisition [indented]. Guildford. 2 November 1446. [Dautre].


Jurors: Henry Pakker ; Richard atte Lee ; Nicholas Jurdan ; Thomas Mugge ; John Sturmyn ; Thomas atte Wode ; Henry atte Hill ; John Gadde ; William Grevet ; Robert Parvys ; Thomas Pennersh ; William Whithewell ; Richard Wheler ; Thomas Waltham ; and John Martyn, junior .


He held no lands or tenements of the king or of any other in demesne or in service.

Date of death and heir as 524.

[Head:] Delivered to the court of Chancery by William Est on 27 November 1446.

TNA reference

C 139/126/24 mm. 1–2

Inquisition Head

SUFFOLK. Inquisition. Blythburgh. 10 November 1446. [Harleston].


Jurors: William Hoo ; Richard Skylman ; Robert Bumstede ; Henry Pye ; John Depdene ; Peter Glovere ; Geoffrey Brabson ; John Gyle ; William Brabson ; Robert Barbour ; Richard Nunne ; John Notyngham ; and John Corby .


He held no lands or tenements of the king in chief or of any other, in demesne or in service. Long before his death he was seised of the manor of Wrentham in demesne as of fee. He feoffed of the manor, among other things, Richard Wakehurst, senior , and William Russell, clerk , who survive, and John Martyn , late justice of the bench, William Pawlot , William Gosse , William Scot , Thomas Fykeys , William Hastyng , Richard Shirfeld , John Bradley, clerk , Hugh Cary , John Blast , and John Bolney , now deceased, and their heirs, so they they were seised in demesne as of fee. Afterwards on 1 May 1424 Robert, in writings sealed with the seal of his arms and shown to the jurors, declared his last will concerning the manor, as follows. After Robert’s death, each of the surviving feoffees should feoff of the manor William, son of Robert, and the heirs of his body, with remainders to Robert, son of Robert, who survives, and the heirs of his body; to Edward, son of Robert the father, and the heirs of his body; and to the right heirs of Robert the father. The above-named deceased feoffees died seised of their estate as above. After their deaths Richard Wakehurst and William Russell were solely seised of the manor in demesne as of fee by right of survivorship. By indented charter, shown to the jurors, they granted the manor to Robert, son of Robert, and the heirs of his body – because William, son of Robert, died without heir of his body in his father’s lifetime – with remainders as above. Robert the son was seised of the manor in demesne as of fee tail and is still seised. Wrentham, the manor [value not specified], held of John, earl of Arundel , of his manor of Castle Acre, service unknown.

Date of death and heir as 524. She is aged 24 and more.

[Head:] Delivered to court on 24 November.

TNA reference

C 139/126/24 mm. 4–5

Inquisition Head

NORFOLK. Inquisition. Diss. 12 November 1446. [Harleston].


Jurors: Matthew Broun ; John Champeneys ; William Elyngham ; Hugh Bekke ; Edmund Folyshere ; Robert Popy ; John Rokyngham ; Richard Payn ; Robert Edewyn ; Richard Coterell ; John Godewyn ; and John Pegge .


He held no lands or tenements of the king or of any other in demesne or in service. Long before his death, he was seised of the following in demesne as of fee. By fine, as in 524, he quitclaimed the manor to William Westbury , Robert Joce , Walter Moyle , Richard Corner, parson of the church of Broadwater , Robert Shorter, parson of the church of Poynings , John More , Richard Jay , John Foche, parson of the church of Westdean , John Multon , John Bekeswell , and John Norton , and the heirs of John Foche , with warranty. John Foche was seised in demesne as of fee and the others in demesne as of free tenement. In the fine Robert Ponynges was described as Robert Ponynges, knight . The manor was described as the manor of Hockwold cum Wilton, and the advowson of the same, with 2 messuages, 200 a. land, 10 a. meadow, and 100s. rent in Hockwold cum Wilton. [The Sussex properties given in the fine in 524 are also listed, reading 200 a. wood for 300 a. wood.] John Foche , by charter shown to the jurors, granted the manor to Robert Ponynges , son of Robert Ponynges, knight , and his heirs and assigns, with warranty. Robert the son was seised of the manor in demesne as of fee, and still is seised.

Hockwold cum Wilton, the manor [value not specified], held of the earl of Arundel , of his manor of Castle Acre, service unknown.

Date of death and heir as 526.
TNA reference

C 139/126/24 mm. 4, 6

Writ Head

528 [ Writ not extant .]

[28 October 1446: CFR 1445–52, p. 44]

Inquisition Head

KENT. Inquisition [indented]. Hollingbourne. 26 July 1447. [Seyncler].


Jurors: William Kaym ; Ralph Caryet ; Robert Telden ; John Pastron ; Nicholas Ferham ; John ... [ms worn]; John Chillyngton ; Richard Bele ; John Shymmyng ; Roger Steyle ; William Carter ; and Geoffrey Chartham .


Long before his death he was seised of the following in demesne as of fee. He feoffed John Frank, clerk , and John Martyn , and their heirs so that they were seised in demesne as of fee. Thus seised John and John feoffed Robert and Margaret his wife, who survives, and the heirs of Robert. Robert was seised in demesne as of fee, and Margaret in demesne as of free tenement. Robert died seised of such estate.

Terlingham, the manor, annual value 66s. 8d.
Folkstone, a moiety of the hundred, annual value 3s. 4d., with a windmill, of no annual value, and the following rents held in gavelkind (de tenura de Gavelkynde) n286: assize rent of £32 19s. 11¾d., and of 7 quarters and 4 bushels of palm-barley, 214 hens, and 300 eggs, issuing from various lands and tenements held in gavelkind. The rent of £32 19s. 11¾d. is payable at 9 annual terms, as follows: £6 6s. 4d. at Martinmas; 8s. 8¼d. at the feast of St Andrew ; 16s. 1d. at Christmas; £4 10s. 7d. at Candlemas; £6 19s. at mid-Lent Sunday; 4s. at Palm Sunday; £6 14s. at Whitsun; 70s. 7¾d. at Midsummer; and 70s. 7¾d. at Michaelmas. The barley, each quarter worth 2 or 3s. [ms torn], is payable at Michaelmas; the hens, each worth 1½d., are payable at Christmas; and the eggs, each 100 worth 5d., are payable at Easter.
He was seised of the following in demesne as of fee.
Newington ‘Bertram’, the manor. The site of the manor is worth nothing yearly. There are there 100½ a. arable, held in gavelkind, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 150 a. pasture, held in gavelkind, each acre worth 2d. yearly; and perquisites of court, worth 12d. yearly. Hastingleigh, the advowson of the church, worth 40d. yearly when it falls.
He was seised in demesne as of fee of £14 16s. 8¾d. assize rent, ?issuing from various lands and tenements held in gavelkind, of which 100s. from various tenants of various lands and tenements in ‘Donemerssh’ and Newington is payable at Midsummer and Michaelmas, and the residue is payable at 9 annual terms, as follows: 50s. 5d. at Martinmas; 15s. 7½d. at the feast of St Andrew ; 5s. 7d. at the feast of St Nicholas ; 22d. at Christmas; 40s. 11¾d. at mid-Lent Sunday; 4s. 1¼d. at Easter; 19s. 3¾d. at Whitsun; 12s. 10½d. at Midsummer; and 46s. at Michaelmas.
He was seised in demesne as of fee of rent, issuing from various lands and tenements held in gavelkind, of 71 hens, each worth 1½d., payable at Christmas, and of 300 eggs, each 100 worth 5d., payable at Easter.
The manor of Terlingham, the moiety of the hundred of Folkstone, the manor of Newington ‘Bertram’, and the advowson of Hastlingleigh are held of the king in chief, of the castle of Dover, by homage and as ¼ knight’s fee, except for the lands and tenements held in gavelkind, and the rents and services issuing from lands and tenements held in gavelkind. These are not held of the king , but of whom they are held the jurors do not know. He was seised of the following in demesne as of fee.
Westwood, the manor, held of the king in chief, of the manor of Leeds, as 1/3 knight’s fee and by paying 3s. 4d. at the end of every 24 weeks to the ward of the castle of Dover. In the manor there is a site, worth nothing yearly; a windmill, worth nothing yearly because it is broken (dirumpitur); 84 a. arable, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 24s. assize rent, payable at Christmas, Lady Day, Midsummer, and Michaelmas; and perquisites of court, worth 2s. yearly.
Westwood, Sheldwich, Harty, and Faversham, 300 a. arable, held in gavelkind, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 7 a. meadow, held in gavelkind, each acre worth 6d. yearly; and £7 assize rent issuing from lands and tenements held in gavelkind.
Graveney, Hernhill, Ospringe, Chilham, Selling (Sellyng iuxta Chilham), Upchurch, Kennington, Wye, Hinxhill, Alkham, and Wolverton, 7 a. meadow, held in gavelkind, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 351 a. pasture, held in gavelkind, each acre worth ½d. yearly; 47 a. wood, held in gavelkind, worth nothing yearly beyond the cost of enclosure; £22 16s. 11d. assize rent, and rent of 4 cocks, 45 hens, 270 eggs, 20 quarters of palm-barley, and 40 quarters of oats, issuing from various lands and tenements held in gavelkind. The above assize rents, totalling £29 16s. 11d., are payable at Christmas, Lady Day, Midsummer, and Michaelmas. The 4 cocks, each worth 1d., and 45 hens, each worth 1½d., are payable at Christmas. The eggs, each 100 worth 5d., are payable at Easter. The barley, each quarter worth 2s., is payable at Michaelmas. The oats, each quarter worth 16d., are payable at Christmas. The lands, etc., held in gavelkind are not parcel of the manor of Westwood. They are not held of the king , but the jurors do not know of whom they are held or by what service.
Frittenden, a tenement or messuage, annual value 6s., held in gavelkind of the abbot of Faversham , service unknown.
Standen, the manor, and Combysdane , the manor, annual value 10 marks, held in gavelkind of Margaret, queen of England , of her manor of Milton, service unknown.
Hucking, the manor, once of Michael Ponynges, knight , and 48 a. arable, held in gavelkind, true annual value 12s.; 10s. ¼d. assize rent, payable at Michaelmas, Christmas, Easter, and Midsummer; and rent of 2 cocks, each worth 1d., and 13½ hens, each worth 1½d., payable at Christmas, issuing from various lands and tenements held in gavelkind. The manor, lands, and tenements are held of the prior of Christchurch , Canterbury , of his manor of Hollingbourne, by rent of 15s. 1d. and by suit of court twice a year.
Ruxley, the manor, with the advowson of the church of the manor, held of the king in chief, of the castle of Dover, by paying 3s. 4d. at the end of every 24 weeks to the ward of that castle. In the manor there is a site, worth nothing yearly. The advowson is worth 2s. yearly when it falls.
Ruxley, a water-mill in the parish, held in gavelkind, worth nothing yearly.
Ruxley, North Cray, and Foots Cray, in the parishes, the following, held in gavelkind: 120 a. arable, each acre truly worth 1d. yearly; 200 a. pasture, each acre worth ½d. yearly; 10 a. heath, each acre worth 1d. yearly; another heath, called ‘Okholteshoth’, worth nothing yearly; 118 a. wood, of which 6 a. can be felled each year, each acre then worth 2s.; 5 a. and 3 roods meadow called ‘Kyngesmede’, lying in the marsh of Dartford, worth nothing yearly because flooded every year by salt water; 100s. 8d. assize rent, payable at Christmas, Easter, Midsummer, and Michaelmas, issuing from various lands and tenements held in gavelkind; rent of 6 cocks, each worth 1d., and 37 hens, each worth 1½d., payable at Christmas; rent of a goose, worth 3d., payable at Michaelmas; rent of 200 eggs, each 100 worth 5d., payable at Easter; and rent of 2½ ploughshares (vomorum), worth 12d., payable at All Saints. The following custom and rent in the manor of Ruxley also issue from lands and tenements held in gavelkind: a custom of ploughing and mowing 3½ a. land, worth 2s. 6d. yearly, received at All Saints; and a rent of a sore sparrowhawk, or of 2s. for the same, payable at Midsummer. All the above lands, etc., held in gavelkind are held of the abbot of Lessness , in right of his abbey, by fealty and service of 8s. yearly.
Horsmonden, the manor or messuage, with the advowson of the church of the same, of no annual value, held of the archbishop of Canterbury , service unknown; and the following parcels of land, held in gavelkind, pertaining to the manor or messuage: 200 a. pasture, each acre worth ½d. yearly; and 27s. 6d. assize rent issuing from various lands and tenements held in gavelkind, payable at Easter and Michaelmas.
Leaveland, the manor, true annual value 60s., held in gavelkind of the archbishop of Canterbury , service unknown; 22s. 9½d. assize rent, payable at Easter and Michaelmas; and rent of 8 cocks, each worth 1d., and 32 hens, each worth 2d., payable at Christmas, and of 396 eggs, each 100 worth 5d., payable at Easter, all rents issuing from various lands and tenements there held in gavelkind.
Penenden, the manor or messuage, truly of no annual value, and 100 a. arable there, each acre worth 1d. yearly, held in gavelkind, not of the king, but of whom or by what service not known.
Norwodefeld’, in the parish of Teynham, 9 a. arable, each acre worth 4d. yearly, held in gavelkind of the archbishop of Canterbury , of his manor of Teynham, by service of 3s. 7¾d. yearly.
Teynham, 1 a. and 3 roods of arable, worth 12d. yearly, and 14 a. marsh, each acre worth 4d. yearly, held in gavelkind, not of the king, but of whom not known.
North Cray, the manor, and the advowson of the church of the manor. The site of the manor, and the advowson, are worth nothing yearly. The following are held in gavelkind: 176 a. arable, each acre worth 1d. yearly; 24 a. pasture, each acre worth ½d. yearly; 160 a. wood, worth nothing yearly beyond the cost of enclosure; 60s. 8½d. assize rent, payable at Michaelmas, Christmas, Easter, and Midsummer; rent of 1 cock, worth 1d., and 24 hens, each hen worth 2d., payable at Christmas; and rent of 10 eggs, worth ½d., payable at Easter, all rents issuing from various lands and tenements there held in gavelkind. All the above are held of Richard Drayton , of his manor of Horton ?Kirby, by fealty, and suit of court once a year.
Knokkyng’, the manor, of no annual value, held of the king , of the castle of Dover, by paying 4d. to the ward of the castle at the end of every 24 weeks. The following are held in gavelkind, not of the king, but of whom not known: 40 a. arable, each acre worth 2d. yearly; and 40s. assize rent, payable at Michaelmas, Christmas, Easter, and Midsummer, issuing from various lands and tenements there held in gavelkind.
Eastwell, the manor or tenement, annual value 46s. 8d., held of the king , service unknown; and the advowson of the church, annual value 6s. when it falls, held of the king , of the honour of Arsik [service not specified]
The following in the vill of Eastwell are held in gavelkind: 52 a. land, of which 20 a., enclosed in the park of Wilmington, of the marquess of Dorset , are worth nothing beyond the cost of enclosure, each of the remaining 32 a. worth 2d. yearly, not held of the king , but of whom held or by what services not known; 7 a. meadow, each acre worth 5d. yearly, held of the abbot of Battle , by paying 12d. yearly to his manor of Wye; 4 a. meadow, each acre worth 5d. yearly, held of the abbot of St Augustine’s by Canterbury , by paying 2s. 6d. yearly; and 16 a. land, called ‘le Park’, each acre worth 2d. yearly, held of the same abbot, service unknown. The following are held in gavelkind, not of the king, but of whom or by what service not known: 163 a. land in several parcels, each acre worth 1d. yearly; 26 a. meadow, each acre worth 5d. yearly; £12 9s. 6d. assize rent, payable at 7 yearly terms, namely St Andrew, Christmas, Palm Sunday, Easter, Midsummer, St Peter in Chains, and Michaelmas; and rent of 65 hens, each worth 1½d., payable at Christmas, and 700 eggs, each 100 worth 5d., payable at Easter, issuing from various lands and tenements there held in gavelkind.
Eastwell and Podberry, 26s. 8d. annual rent issuing from lands held in gavelkind called ‘Raynoldesfeld’, containing an estimated 60 a. land. The land and rent are not held of the king , but of whom they are held or by what service the jurors do not know.
At Robert’s death, John Vampage , John More , Thomas Palmere , John Golde , and John Norton were seised of the following in demesne as of fee, by grant of John Ayot , William Payn , and Reynold Buntyng . The grant was to them and John Hody, late king’s justice , deceased, to the use of Robert Ponynges, esquire , son of Robert, named in the writ, and his heirs and assigns.
Hucking, 2 messuages, 400 a. land, 300 a. pasture, and 180 a. wood, called ‘Ayotes’ and ‘Pendes’, in the parishes of Hollingbourne and Biknor, annual value £4 3s. 4d., not held of the king , but of whom held and by what service not known.
Long before his death, he was seised of the following in demesne as of fee. He feoffed therein Walter Metford, clerk, John Pelham, knight , John Martyn , Richard Wakehurst , Edmund Hardes , Thomas Fykeys , William Russell, clerk , William Hastyng , John Bradley, clerk , John Blast , John Bolne , William Pawlot of Beere, William Scot , William Gosse , William Pye , John Bungey, clerk , Hugh Cary , and Richard Shirfeld , and their heirs, so that they were seised in demesne as of fee. Walter, John Pelham , William Pawlot , William Scot , William Gosse , William Pye , John Bungey , Hugh, and Richard Shirfeld died seised of such estate. After their deaths John Martyn , Richard Wakehurst , Edmund Hardes , Thomas Fykeys , William Russell , William Hastyng , John Bradley , John Blast , and John Bolne were solely seised in demesne as of fee by right of survivorship. Richard, Edmund, Thomas, William, William, and John Bradley , by writing dated 12 September 1434, shown to the jurors, quitclaimed the manors to John Martyn , John Blast , and John Bolne , and their heirs and assigns, so that they were solely seised in demesne as of fee. John, John, and John, by tripartite indented charter, dated at Aylesford, 16 May 1435, demised the manors to Thomas Palmere and his heirs and assigns, he rendering to them and their heirs and assigns an annual rent of 14 marks at Easter and Michaelmas. The rent was reserved to the use and profit of Robert Ponynges and his heirs and assigns. In the charter, shown to the jurors, the manors were described as the manors of Tottington and Eccles which the grantors lately had together with Richard Wakehurst , Edmund Hardes , Thomas Fykeys , William Russell , William Hastyng , and John Bradley , surviving, and Walter Metford , John Pelham , William Scot , William Pawlot , William Gosse , William Pye , John Bungey , Hugh Cary , and Richard Shirfeld , deceased, by grant and feoffment of Robert Ponynges .
Tottington, the manor, and the advowson of the free chapel of St Stephen in the manor [values not specified], held of the king , of the honour of Crevequer, as ¼ knight’s fee, except for a rood of land, worth ½d. yearly, held in gavelkind.
Eccles, the manor [value not specified], held of the king , of the duchy of Lancaster, viz. of the honour of Lisle (Leile), as ¼ knight’s fee, and of the earl of March, of his manor of Swanscombe, as ¼ knight’s fee, except for the following parcels of land, held in gavelkind: a pasture, worth 12d. yearly; rent of a quarter of palm-barley, worth 2s., and of 4 bushels of wheat, worth 2s., issuing from various lands and tenements held in gavelkind, payable at All Saints; a rood and 9 ‘daywerkes’ of pasture in ‘Fontaynescrofte’, worth ½d. yearly; 1 a. pasture in ‘Weyvelyng’, worth ½d. yearly; a pasture in ‘Bromfeld’, ‘Batell’, and ‘Kyngesfeld’, worth 2s. 1d. yearly; and 6 a. meadow in ‘Buttonesmede’, worth 6s. yearly, each acre worth 12d. In the same manor there is 20s. assize rent, payable at Easter and Michaelmas; assize rent of 4½ hens, each worth 1½d., payable at Christmas; and rent of 22 eggs, worth 1d., payable at Easter, issuing from certain lands and tenements held in gavelkind [tenure and service of the lands, etc., held in gavelkind not specified].
All the above lands and tenements held in gavelkind, and the rents and services issuing from lands and tenements held in gavelkind, are partible among heirs male, according to the custom of gavelkind used in the county, and have been from time out of mind.

Date of death as 524. He had issue: Richard, Robert, and Edward. Richard had issue: Eleanor, the wife of Henry Percy, knight , and died in the life of his father. So Eleanor is the kin and next heir of Robert the father, as to the lands and tenements held at common law. Eleanor, Robert, and Edward are the next coheirs of Robert the father, according to the custom of gavelkind. Eleanor is aged 26 and more, Robert is aged 28 and more, and Edward is aged 28 and more.

Henry Percy, knight , and Eleanor his wife received the issues of all the above from the time of Robert’s death until the day of this inquisition, for which they are to answer to the king.

[Head:] Delivered to the Chancellor at Lambeth on 21 August; [in later hand] Kent, after the death of Robert Ponynges, knight , 25 ‪ Henry VI , writ attested at Westminster, 28 October 1446.

TNA reference

C 139/126/24 m. 7

Inquisition Head

SOMERSET. Inquisition. Bridgwater. 5 November 1446.[Champeneys].

[Inquisition: ms galled in places.]


Jurors: John Mayo ; William Smyth ; Robert Love ; John Smyth ; John Elys ; Thomas ...hyue; ? Thomas Lacone ; John Yely ; John Berecorne ; John Terante ; Geoffrey Hamelyn ; and John Hanford .

Robert fitz Payn was lately seised in demesne as of fee of the manors of Stogursey, Radway Fitzpaine, Cary Fitzpaine, and Charlton Mackrell, the hundred of Cannington, and the advowson of the church of Charlton Mackrell . A fine [CP 25/1/286/32/224] concerning the manors, hundred, and advowson, shown to the jurors, was raised in the king’s court, in 17 ‪ Edward II [1323–4], between Robert and Ela his wife, querents, and Jordan de Byntre, parson of the church of Wraxall, and Geoffrey de Godmaneston, parson of the church of Wootton Fitzpaine, deforciants. Robert and Ela recognized the manors, etc., to be the right of Jordan and Geoffrey, as those which Jordan and Geoffrey had by grant of Robert and Ela, for which Jordan and Geoffrey granted the manors, etc., to Robert and Ela and the heirs male of Robert by the body of Ela; with remainder to Robert, son of Richard de Grey of Codnor , and the heirs of his body. Another fine [CP 25/1/286/32/225], also shown to the jurors, was raised in the king’s court, the same year, between the same parties, concerning the manor of Staple Fitzpaine, a messuage and a carucate of land in Wyndeyate , and the advowson of the church of Staple Fitzpaine. Robert and Ela acknowledged the tenements and advowson to be the right of Jordan, as those which Jordan and Geoffrey had by grant of Robert and Ela, for which Jordan and Geoffrey granted the tenements and advowson to Robert and Ela, and the heirs male of their bodies, with remainder to the above Robert, son of Richard de Grey , and the heirs of his body. Afterwards Robert and Ela died without heir male by the body of Ela, and without heir male of the bodies of Robert and Ela. After their deaths Robert, son of Richard de Grey entered the manors, messuage, land, hundred, and advowsons by virtue of the fine, and was seised in demesne as of fee tail. Afterwards he had issue: Isabel, whom Richard Ponynges, knight , married. Afterwards Robert, son of Richard de Grey died seised as above. After his death Richard Ponynges and Isabel entered the manors, etc., by virtue of the fine. They had issue: Robert Ponynges, knight , named in the writ, and died seised as above. After their deaths Robert entered the manors, etc., by virtue of the fine, and was seised in demesne as of fee tail. He died seised of such estate.
Stogursey, the manor, annual value £20;
Rodway, the manor, annual value 10 marks;
Cary Fitzpaine, the manor, annual value 10 marks;
Charlton Mackrell, the manor and the advowson of the church, annual value 100s.;
Cannington, the hundred, annual value 33s. 4d., namely the perquisites of 2 courts (cur’ legal’), one at Martinmas, and one at ‘Hockeday’, and of a court baron every 3 weeks, beyond the fee of the steward and other ministers; and
Wyndeyate , a messuage and a carucate of land, annual value 33s. 4d
. All the above are held of the king in chief by knight service.
Staple Fitzpaine, the manor and the advowson of the church, annual value £20, held of the bishop of Winchester , by knight service.
Robert, named in the writ, held the following in demesne as of fee.
Wick, the manor, annual value 100s., held of others than the king, but of whom or by what services the jurors do not know.
Cheddon Fitzpaine, the manor, annual value 10 marks, held of the bishop of Winchester , by knight service.
Speckington, the manor, annual value £10, held of the heirs of John Mautrauers, knight , in socage, by service of 8s. yearly.
Lyde, a messuage and 2 carucates of land thereat, annual value 60s.; and
Bridgehampton, a messuage and a carucate of land, annual value 40s.,
held of the king in chief by knight service.

Date of death and heir as 524. She is aged 20 and more.

[Head:] Delivered to the king’s court of Chancery on 26 November 1446.

TNA reference

C 139/126/24 mm. 8, 10

Inquisition Head

DORSET. Inquisition. Shaftesbury. 7 November 1446. [Champeneys].


Jurors: Roger Pygeon ; Thomas Haselmere ; John Cookes ; Edmund Martyn ; Thomas Langford ; John de Melcomb ; John Sylly ; Thomas Goldsmyth ; John Wylkyn ; John Plommer ; Philip Best ; and John ?B[unclear: ailyff] [ms torn].


He held no lands or tenements of the king in chief or of any other, in demesne or in service.

Date of death and heir as 529.
TNA reference

C 139/126/24 mm. 8–9



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Total: -
Total: -
Cary Fitzpaine
Total: -
Charlton Mackrell, advowson
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Staple Fitzpaine, advowson
Total: -
Total: -
Cheddon Fitzpaine
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No holding extent information available.



  • Mapilton(Writ Clerk)


  • John Mayo
  • William Smyth
  • Robert Love
  • John Smyth
  • John Elys
  • Thomas ...hyue
  • Thomas Lacone
  • John Yely
  • John Berecorne
  • John Terante
  • Geoffrey Hamelyn
  • John Hanford


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