Full text


Writ Head

518 Writ que plura . ‡ 10 July 1447. [Louthe].

Regarding CIPM, XXV, 607, an inquisition taken in 1442.

Inquisition Head

CORNWALL. Inquisition [indented]. Lostwithiel. 30 October 1447. [Gyffard].


Jurors: Oliver Wisa ; Walter Trembethowe ; John Yonge ; Thomas Calway ; John Laveduan ; John Polreden ; William Melyhonek ; Robert Tregarthen ; John Porth, senior ; Thomas Treveke ; Thomas Byan ; Peter Carthu ; John Porth, junior ; Thomas Penwern ; John Trevusyn and William Trelowyth .


He held no lands or tenements of the king in chief in demesne or in service, but he held more lands and tenements than were specified in the earlier inquisition, as follows. He held the following by grant of Otes Bodrugan, knight , to Otes Bodrugan his son, and the heirs of his body. William, named in the writ, was the kin and heir of Otes the son, as the son of William, the son of Joan, the daughter of Otes the son.

Trethew, the manor, held of John Dynham, knight , of his manor of Bodardle, service unknown. It contains (habet in se) a capital messuage with a garden, worth nothing yearly. There are there 40 a. arable, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 8 a. meadow, each acre worth 2d. yearly; a water-mill, worth 3s. 4d. yearly; a fulling-mill, worth 12d. yearly; 20 a. wood, worth 20d. yearly; 10 a. pasture, each acre worth 1d. yearly; 5s. rent from various free tenants at Michaelmas and Easter; 6 messuages and 6 ferlings of land in the tenure of various tenants at will, each messuage worth 12d. yearly, and each ferling worth 20d. yearly; and a dovecot, worth 6d. yearly.
Markwell, the manor, held of the prior of St Germans, service unknown. There is there a capital messuage, worth nothing yearly; 8 a. arable, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 1 a. meadow, worth 6d. yearly; 8 a. underwood, worth 12d. yearly; 6 a. pasture, each acre worth 1d. yearly; 4s. rent from various free tenants at Michaelmas and Easter; and 10 messuages and 4 ferlings of land in the tenure of various tenants at will, each messuage worth 12d. yearly, and each ferling worth 20d. yearly.
Cosawes, the manor, of whom held not known. There are there 4 messuages and 4 ferlings of land in the tenure of various tenants at will, each messuage worth 12d. yearly, and each ferling worth 12d. yearly; 100 a. wood, each acre worth 1d. yearly; 20 a. arable, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 30 a. gorse and heath, each acre worth 1d. yearly; a toll on tin (tolnet’ stanni), worth 20d. yearly; and 3s. rent from various free tenants at Michaelmas and Easter.
Carburrow, the manor, of whom held not known. There are there 5 messuages and 4 ferlings of land in the tenure of various tenants at will, each messuage worth 12d. yearly, and each ferling worth 12d. yearly; 30 a. arable, each acre worth 1d. yearly; 30 a. pasture, each acre worth 1d. yearly; 60 a. gorse and heath, worth 12d. yearly; a water-mill for corn, worth 3s. yearly; and 4s. rent from various free tenants at Easter and Michaelmas.
He held the following [estate not specified].
Halgavor, a messuage, of no annual value, held of the prior of Bodmin , service unknown. There is there a water-mill for corn, worth 2s. yearly, of whom held not known; 4 a. arable, worth 6d. yearly, of whom held not known; 4 a. pasture, worth 6d. yearly, of whom held not known; and 4 a. waste land, worth nothing yearly, of whom held not known.
Trefullock, 2 messuages, of no annual value, held of the lord of Arrallas , service unknown. There are there 12 a. arable, worth 12d. yearly, of whom held not known; and 4 a. pasture, worth 6d. yearly, of whom held not known.
Trelaske, a messuage, of no annual value, held of the lord of Gluvian , service unknown. There are there 12 a. arable, worth 12d. yearly, of whom held not known; and 10 a. pasture, worth 10d. yearly, of whom held not known.
He held the following in demesne as of fee tail.
Trelasker, a messuage, n275 held of the lord of Grogoth , service unknown. There are there 8 a. arable, worth 8d. yearly, and 7 a. pasture, worth 10d. yearly.
‘Lower’ Lamellyn, a messuage, of no annual value, held of the lord of Tregony , service unknown. There are there 20 a. arable, worth 20d. yearly, and 20 a. pasture, worth 20d. yearly.
Kylnoddret’, a messuage, annual value 12d., held of John Colsyll, knight , service unknown. There are there 30 a. arable, worth 2s. yearly; a ferling of land, worth 12d. yearly; and 20 a. pasture, worth 20d. yearly.
Truro, 8 tenements, annual value 3s. 4d., held in burgage [of whom not specified].
Treworyan, 2 messuages, of no annual value, held of the lord of Helland, service unknown. There are there 16 a. arable, worth 16d. yearly; and 14 a. pasture, worth 14d. yearly.
Pencoose, a messuage, annual value 8d., held of the lord of Idless , service unknown.
Talgarrek, a messuage, annual value 12d., held of John Lagharn , service unknown. There are there 9 a. arable, worth 9d. yearly; 10 a. pasture, worth 10d. yearly; and a ferling of land, worth 12d. yearly.
Trebilcock, 3 messuages, of no annual value, held of the lord of Tremodrett , service unknown. There are there 20 a. arable, worth 20d. yearly; 4 a. pasture, worth 6d. yearly; 40 a. gorse and heath, worth 10d. yearly; and a ferling of land, worth 12d. yearly.
Nanswerun and Ponsvyvyer, 2 messuages [value not specified], held of the bishop of Exeter , service unknown. There are there 2 ferlings of land, worth 2s. yearly.
‘Little Lantyan’ and Castle, 2 messuages, annual value 8d., held of the lord of Nansladron , service unknown. There is there a ferling of land, worth 12d. yearly; 17 a. arable, worth 17d. yearly; and 10 a. pasture, worth 10d. yearly.
Huntyngton’, a messuage, annual value 12d., held of the lord of Nansladron , service unknown. There are there 16 a. arable, worth 16d. yearly; 12 a. pasture, worth 12d. yearly; and a water-mill for corn, worth 2s. yearly.
‘Lower’ Trestrayle, a messuage, annual value 13d., held of [?the lord of] n276 Bodrugan, service unknown. There are there 16 a. pasture, worth 16d. yearly.
Tregony, 5 tenements, annual value 5s., and 1 a. land in a field thereby, annual value 3d., held of the lord of Tregony , service unknown.
Penryn, a tenement, of no annual value, and 1 a. land in a field there, annual value 3d, n277 held of the bishop of Exeter [service not specified].
Bodmin, a tenement, annual value 6d., held of the prior of Bodmin , service unknown.
Ferder and ‘Brokholl’, 2 messuages, annual value 16d., held of the lord of Goviley , service unknown.
‘Bloffan’ alias ‘Blofmond’, a messuage, of no annual value, n278 held of the king in socage, of the manor of Tybesta, parcel of the duchy of Cornwall, by rent of 2d. for motlet (pro molet’). n279 There are there 20 a. arable, worth 6s. 6d. yearly; 20 a. pasture, worth 7s. 6d. yearly; a ferling of land, worth 3s. yearly; and 16 a. gorse and heath, worth 12d. yearly.

He died on 24 December 1441. Henry Bodrugan is his son and next heir, aged 21 and more.

The jurors do not know who occupied the above from the time of his death.

[Head:] Delivered to court on 20 November 1447.

TNA reference

C 139/126/22 mm. 1–2

n275^: Called the manor of Trelasker in the extent.

n276^: ms: held of Bodrugan.

n277^: In the extent the total annual value of the messuage and 1 a. land is given as 6d.

n278^: In the extent the annual value is given as 2s.

n279^: See above, note 232.



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
‘Lower’ Lamellyn
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
‘Little Lantyan’
Total: -
Total: -
‘Lower’ Trestrayle
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Ferder, Brokholl
Total: -
Total: -



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -



  • Louthe(Writ Clerk)


  • Oliver Wisa
  • Walter Trembethowe
  • John Yonge
  • Thomas Calway
  • John Laveduan
  • John Polreden
  • William Melyhonek
  • Robert Tregarthen
  • John Porth, senior
  • Thomas Treveke
  • Thomas Byan
  • Peter Carthu
  • John Porth, junior
  • Thomas Penwern
  • John Trevusyn
  • William Trelowyth


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