Full text


Inquisition Head

LEICESTERSHIRE. Inquisition. Leicester. 15 May 1447. [Porter].


Jurors: Thomas Jakes of Wellsborough; Gilbert James of Leicester; John Boteler of Market Bosworth; John Nicols of Braunstone; Robert Foster and Thomas Skeryngton of Knighton; Richard Persones of Glenfield; John Webster of Whetstone; Richard Ayrek and Henry Cokke of Wigston Parva; ?Hugh [ms torn] Reynold of ?Braunstone; n264 William Passewater of Blaby; John Bodycote and William Marteyn of Whetstone; and Thomas Symondes and John Pauley of Wigston Parva.

She held no lands or tenements in demesne as of fee of the king in chief or of any other. William Mosse, parson of the church of Lamport, and Walter Swan, parson of the church of Pembridge, were seised of the following in demesne as of fee. By writing, shown to the jurors, they granted the manor and advowson to Fulk and Isabel, then his wife, and the heirs between them, with remainder to the right heirs of Fulk, so that Fulk and Isabel were seised of such estate. Afterwards Fulk died without heir between him and Isabel. Afterwards Isabel surrendered all her estate in the manor and advowson to Richard Vernon, knight , and his heirs. Richard, who survives, is the kin and heir of Fulk, as the son of Richard, the son of Juliana, the sister of Fulk. Afterwards Richard demised the the manor and advowson to Isabel for the term of her life. She occupied and held the manor and advowson during her life.
Aylestone, the manor, and the advowson of the church, annual value £40, held of Robert Harecourt, knight , of his manor of Market Bosworth, service unknown.

She died on 13 December last. William Ludlowe is her son and next heir, aged 40 and more. The above Richard Vernon is the kin and next heir of Fulk, aged 50 and more.n265

[Head:] Delivered to court on 26 May 1447 by Roger Palmer .

TNA reference

C 139/125/9 mm. 1–2

Inquisition Head

STAFFORDSHIRE. Inquisition. Stafford. 6 February 1447. [Barbour].


Jurors: Thomas Ruggeley ; Thomas Salte ; William Bolde of Enson; Thomas Warde of Shallowford; William Wolrich ; Roger Gaywode ; Richard Dun of Dunston; William Delff ; Thomas Pulesden and Stephen Coke of Salt; Hugh Nykelyn and Thomas Jekes of Burston; John Bithom of Bitham; and William Saunderston of Spot.


She held the following [+1] to her and the heirs between her and Fulk, her late husband, by grant of William Mosse, parson of the church of Lamport , and Walter Swann, parson of the church of Pembridge , with remainder to William, son of Laurence Trussell , and his heirs and assigns, as appears by an indented charter shown to the jurors. She died seised of such estate without heir between her and Fulk. [1+] The manor ought to remain to William, son of Laurence Trussell and his heirs and assigns.

Cuttlestone, the manor, annual value £20, held of Ralph Nevill, knight, lord of Tyrley , service unknown.
She held the following, as [+1] above. The manor and moiety ought to remain to William, son of Laurence Trussell and his heirs and assigns.
Acton Trussell, the manor, annual value 10 marks, held of the duke of Buckingham , as 1/3 knight’s fee.
Sheriffhales, ½ manor, annual value £4, held of the earl of Arundel , as ¼ knight’s fee.

Date of death and heir as 487, heir here aged 30 and more. William Trussell is aged 60 and more.

[Head:] Delivered to court on 2 March 1447.

TNA reference

C 139/125/9 mm. 3–4

Inquisition Head

NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Inquisition. Kettering. 10 January 1447. [Gage].


Jurors: William Haldenby and Thomas Beauer , esquires; John Porter ; Richard Pykeryng ; John Cook ; Thomas Flesshever ; William Derwynt ; Simon Yorke ; John Astell ; William Bate ; William Pye ; Richard Chestre ; Thomas Pidyngton ; John Burdon ; and William Burdon .


William Mosse and Robert Say, clerk , were seised of the following in demesne as of fee. They granted the manors, with the advowsons of the churches of the manors, which they had by grant and feoffment of Fulk, to Fulk and Isabel, then his wife, for the term of their lives, with remainder to William Trussell, knight , and Margery then his wife, now deceased, and the heirs of their bodies; with successive remainder to William Trussell and his heirs. In the charter, dated at Marston Trussel, 28 December 1401, and shown to the jurors, William was described as William Trussell , son of Laurence Trussell . Fulk and Isabel were seised in demesne as of free tenement. Afterwards Fulk died. Isabel survived him, and died seised of such estate. The remainder pertains to William Trussell , as above.

Marston Trussel, the manor, annual value £18, held of William Wyvyll, esquire , service unknown.
Thorpe Malsor, the manor, annual value £13, of whom held and by what service not known. n266
She held the following for the term of her life, by grant of the above William Mosse and Robert Say , with reversion to the above William Trussell, knight , and the heirs of his body.
Lamport, the manor, annual value £20, and the advowson of the church, held of the heirs of the barony of Wahull, service unknown.
Orlingbury, lands and tenements therein, annual value 5s., and the advowson of the church, not held of the king, but of whom held not known.

She died on 9 December 1445 [sic]. Heir as 487.

[Head:] Delivered to court on 7 February by Thomas Palmer .

TNA reference

C 139/125/9 mm. 5–6

Inquisition Head

SHROPSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition [indented]. Shrewsbury. 20 February 1447. [Fouler].


Jurors: Roger Corbet of Moreton Corbet ( Morton ); Thomas Corbet of Lye; Hugh Cresset ; Robert Chorleton ; John Sondford ; Edmund Plowden ; William Seyntgeorge ; William Coton ; Roger Pole ; John Colle, junior ; Philip Yonge ; and William Leghton .


She held the following to her and the heirs between her and Fulk, her late husband, by grant of William Mosse, parson of the church of Lamport , and Walter Swann, parson of the church of Pembridge , with remainder to William, son of Laurence Trussell, knight , and his heirs and assigns, as appears by an indented charter shown to the jurors. She died seised of such estate without heir between her and Fulk. The moiety ought to remain to William and his heirs and assigns.

Sheriffhales, ½ manor, annual value £4, held of the earl of Arundel , as ¼ knight’s fee.
She held the following to her and the heirs between her and Fulk, by grant of William Mosse, parson of the church of Lamport , and Walter Swan, parson of the church of Pembridge , with remainder to Richard Pembrugge – son of Richard Vernon , nephew of Fulk – and Benet his wife, and the heirs between them; with successive remainders to William Ludlowe and Isabel his wife, and the heirs between them; and to Joan – sister of the above Richard, son of Richard Vernon – wife of Baldwin Mounfort, knight , and her heirs and assigns, as appears by an indented charter, shown to the jurors. Isabel died seised of such estate without heir between her and Fulk. The manor ought to remain to Richard Pembrugge and Benet and the heirs between them, with successive remainders as above.
Tong, the manor, annual value 20 marks, held of William, lord Zouche, knight , as 1 knight’s fee.
She held the following to her and the heirs between her and John Ludlowe, knight , her late husband, by grant of Griffin, vicar of the church of ?Aymestrey (Aylemestre) , and William Swan, chaplain , with remainder to the right heirs of John. John and Isabel had issue: William Ludlowe of Stokesay, esquire . Afterwards John Ludlowe died. Isabel survived and died seised of such estate.
Moston, and
, the manors, annual value £15, and
a mill in ?Hayford, annual value 10s.,
with the
advowsons of 2 benefices in the church of Westbury
. The advowsons are filled by John Wydurton and Robert Gronowe . The manor of Hodnet is
held of the king in chief as 1 knight’s fee
. The mill in ?Hayford is
held of the king by service of 10s. yearly
. The jurors do not know of whom the other manors and advowsons are held, or by what services.

She died on 6 December last. The above William Ludlowe is her son and heir, aged 40 and more. Willam, son of Laurence Trussell, knight (miles), is aged 60 and more. Richard Pembrugge , son of Richard Vernon, knight (mil’), is aged 60 and more. Benet his wife is dead.

[Head:] Delivered to court on 3 March 1447.

TNA reference

C 139/125/9 mm. 7–8

n264^: ms: Hugh Reynold of the same Braunstone.

n265^: E 149: 40 and more.

n266^: Marginal note: inquire of the tenure.



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  • Bate(Writ Clerk)


  • Roger Corbet of Moreton Corbet ( Morton )
  • Thomas Corbet of Lye
  • Hugh Cresset
  • Robert Chorleton
  • John Sondford
  • Edmund Plowden
  • William Seyntgeorge
  • William Coton
  • Roger Pole
  • John Colle, junior
  • Philip Yonge
  • William Leghton


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