Full text


Writ Head

315 Writ que plura . ‡ 12 September 1444. [Louthe].

Regarding CIPM, XXV, 403, an inquisition taken in 1439.

Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Inquisition. Great or Little Dunmow. 2 November 1444. [Legh].


Jurors: Geoffrey Janyn ; John Bronde ; Simon Lyndesell ; Thomas Barbour ; John Paunfelon ; John Fuller , ‘draper’; John Mylsent ; William Hampere ; John Bryd ; John Dereham , ‘couper’; William London ; Henry Profete ; and William atte Hyll .


He held more lands than were specified in the earlier inquisition, as follows.

Paglesham and Hawkwell, a manor called ‘Chirchehall’, annual value 10 marks, held of the abbot of the monastery of St Peter, Westminster, in socage.
Great Stambridge, a toft called ‘Byggynges’ with 100 a. land and 40 a. marsh, annual value 13s. 4d., held of the prior of Prittlewell , service unknown.

He died on 5 February 1439. n153 John Warner is his son and next heir, aged 13 and more.

The following occupied the above and received the issues: Thomas Blossome of South Benfleet, deceased, and Margery his wife from John’s death until 20 April 1441; Margery, after Thomas’s death when she was single (sola), from then until 26 January 1442; and Roger Appulton – whom Margery espoused – and Margery from then until the day of this inquisition, title unknown.

TNA reference

C 139/119/28 mm. 1–2

Writ Head

316 Writ melius inquirendo . ‡ 21 April 1445. [Bate].

Regarding 315 above. Inquire as to his estate in the lands detailed therein.

Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Inquisition [indented]. Chelmsford. 13 May 1445. [Cresacre].


Jurors: Thomas Rolf ; Thomas Wodeham ; Geoffrey Janyn ; Thomas Hygate ; John Hygate ; John G...rd [ms torn] ; John Hawkyn ; William Kelet ; John Yon , ‘glover’; John Nicoll ; John Wyther ; Stephen Dobbes ; and John Swetyng .


He was seised of the toft, land, and marsh, tenure as in 315, in demesne as of fee. He was seised of the manor, tenure as in 315, in demesne as of fee tail. A fine was raised in the court of Edward [II], in the quindene of Hilary, 1308 [CP 25/1/60/118/9], between John de Pakelesham and Margery his wife, querents, and John Dyen of Halstead, deforciant , concerning the manor of ‘Chirchehall’ in Paglesham, described as the manor of Paglesham. John de Pakelesham acknowledged the manor to be the right of John Dyen , as that which John Dyen had by grant of John de Pakelesham ; for which John Dyen granted the manor to John de Pakelesham and Margery, and the heirs of John by the body of Margery, with remainder to the right heirs of John de Pakelesham . One part of the fine in the form of a chirograph was shown to the jurors. By virtue of the fine John and Margery were seised in demesne as of fee tail to them and the heirs of John by the body of Margery. They had issue: Isabel, and died seised of such estate. The manor descended by form of the fine to Isabel as daughter and heir, and she was seised in demesne as of fee tail. She married Robert de Maldon , and they had issue: William de Maldon . Robert died; afterwards Isabel died, seised as above. After her death the manor descended to William as son and heir, and he was seised in demesne as of fee tail by form of the fine. He had issue: John and Joan, and died seised as above. After his death the manor descended to John as son and heir, and he was seised in demesne as of fee tail by form of the fine. Joan married John Warner, senior , and they had issue: John Warner, junior , named in the writ. Joan died, and John son of William died seised as above without heir of his body. After his death the manor descended to John Warner, junior , as kin and heir, being the son of Joan, the sister of John, the son of William. He was seised in demesne as of fee tail by form of the fine. He had issue: John, as in 315, and died seised as above.

After his death the manor descended to this John, as son and heir, who is aged 13 and more, as specified in the earlier inquisition.

[Head:] Returned on 29 May 1445.

TNA reference

C 139/119/28 mm. 3–4

Writ Head

317 Writ melius inquirendo . ‡ 3 March 1445. [Stopyndon].

Regarding 315 above. Inquire as to when and how he held the estates detailed therein.

Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Inquisition. Horndon on the Hill. 24 March 1445. [Grisacre].


Jurors: Richard Claidon ; William atte Hacche ; Simon Tiler ; Stephen Sawier ; John Breton ; John Glower ; Richard Pichesey ; William Richer ; Peter Jeffrey ; William Reyner ; John Swayne ; Adam Baker ; Ralph Wright ; Richard Gossip ; Thomas Ferthyng ; John atte Ree ; Robert Austyn ; John Belamy ; John Elys ; and John Bernard .

He held the manor of the abbot of the monastery of St Peter, Westminster, in right of the monastery, in free socage, by paying £9 rent yearly to the abbot and convent. He held the toft, land, and marsh of the prior of Prittlewell in free socage. He was seised of all the above in demesne as of fee. Long before his death, by indenture dated at Paglesham, 3 February 1429, he demised them at farm to Thomas Blosme of South Benfleet and Thomas Rede of Writtle, for 40 years from the following Michaelmas, they paying £8 usual English money yearly at Easter and Michaelmas. One part of the indenture, sealed with John’s seal, was shown to the jurors. In the indenture the premises were described as the manor called ‘Chirchehalle’ and all John’s lands and tenements called ‘le Biggynges’, excepting the wards, marriages, and reliefs of tenants who hold by charter, and escheats of all tenants. From the following Michaelmas Thomas Blosme and Thomas Rede were in possession of the above, which they occupied by virtue of the demise during the life of Thomas Rede , after whose death Thomas Blosme held and occupied the above by right of survivorship for his whole life. On his death-bed (languens in extremis) in his last will and testament this Thomas bequeathed his estate and future term to Margery, then his wife. He died, possessed as above, on 20 April 1441. After his death Margery entered and was in possession by virtue of the legacy, and married Roger Appelton . From the time of their espousals they held and occupied the above, and still do so, by virtue of the demise and legacy. From 3 February 1429 until his death on 4 February 1440, for 11 whole years, John, named in the writ, received the £8 farm, delivered by Thomas Blosme . From 4 February 1440 until 6 April 1441 [sic] when Thomas died, that is for a year and 62 days, Elizabeth, who was John’s wife, as keeper of the manor, etc., in socage received the farm from Thomas. An acquitance of Elizabeth’s, shown to the jurors, witnesses to the receipt of the money. Elizabeth later married Thomas Drakes . From 6 April 1441 until 29 September 1444, the farm was received by Elizabeth while she was single (sola), and by Thomas Drakes and Elizabeth after their marriage, as keepers of the manor, etc., in socage. The farm was delivered by Margery, late wife of Thomas Blosme , and by Roger Appelton , who married Margery. Acquitances of Elizabeth and of Thomas Drakes , shown to the jurors, witness to the receipt of the money. From 29 September 1444 until the day of this inquisition Roger and Margery occupied the manor, etc., and still do so, by virtue of the demise and legacy.

He died on 4 February 1440. John Warner, junior , is his son and next heir, aged 13 and more.

[Head:] Returned in Chancery on 6 April 1445.

TNA reference

C 139/119/28 mm. 5–6



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Stopyndon(Writ Clerk)


  • Richard Claidon
  • William atte Hacche
  • Simon Tiler
  • Stephen Sawier
  • John Breton
  • John Glower
  • Richard Pichesey
  • William Richer
  • Peter Jeffrey
  • William Reyner
  • John Swayne
  • Adam Baker
  • Ralph Wright
  • Richard Gossip
  • Thomas Ferthyng
  • John atte Ree
  • Robert Austyn
  • John Belamy
  • John Elys
  • John Bernard


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