Full text


Inquisition Head

WILTSHIRE. Inquisition. Warminster. 21 February 1444. n095 [Baynard].


Jurors: John Rous of Baynton; John Lambard ; John Wolley ; John Husee ; John Lyvedene ; Nicholas Beche ; Thomas Osbarn ; Richard Plowman ; Ralph Lytelcote ; John Wodehous ; John Harryes ; and Richard Frankeleyn .

He held no lands or tenements in demesne or in service of the king in chief. But he held the following in right of Joan, late his wife, who survives, and from her inheritance.
Chicklade, a messuage and a virgate of land, worth 6s. yearly; a messuage and 2 virgates of land, worth 6s. 8d. yearly; 20 a. pasture, worth 12d. yearly; 4 a. wood, each acre worth 3s. 4d. yearly when cut; and the advowson of the church of the Virgin Mary, worth 26s. 8d. yearly, held of the earl of Salisbury , of his manor of Sherston, by service of a red rose at Midsummer.
Ridge, a messuage and ½ virgate of land, annual value 2s., held of the abbess of Wilton , service unknown.

He died on 19 November 1443. Elizabeth, now the wife of Reynold West, knight, lord de la Warr, is his daughter and next heir, aged 23 and more.

[Head:] Delivered to court on 16 February [sic] 1444.

TNA reference

C 139/115/34 mm. 1–2

Inquisition Head

HEREFORDSHIRE. Inquisition. Hereford. 20 April 1444. [Lyngen].


Jurors: John Grey ; Richard Henberewe ; John Bydyn, junior ; John de Baynton ; John Hardewyke ; John Stalward ; John Hoper ; William Duke ; Richard Mayowe ; Richard Appurley ; Richard Byrche ; and Roger Hyll .

He held no lands or tenements in demesne or in service of the king in chief. But he held the following in demesne as of fee. n096
Aston Ingham, the manor, annual value £10, with the advowson of the church of St Nicholas , annual value 6 marks, held of the earl of Ormond , service unknown. In the manor there is a site, worth nothing yearly; a hall, worth 12d. yearly; 2 chambers, each worth 12d. yearly; a kitchen, worth 2s. yearly; a stable, worth 12d. yearly; a byre, worth 12d. yearly; a barn, worth 3s. yearly; a stank, worth 12d. yearly; 40 a. land, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 12 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. yearly; 8 a. seasonable wood, each acre worth 2s. yearly when cut; 100 a. pasture, each acre worth 1d. yearly; 40s. assize rent payable by various free tenants at Michaelmas and Easter; 20s. assize rent payable by various tenants at will at the same feasts; and perquisites of court, worth 2s. yearly beyond the fee and expenses of the steward.
Joan Greyndour , Robert’s late wife, ought to have reasonable dower from the above, namely 1/3 manor and presentation to the church every third vacancy.
Date of death and heir as 224.
TNA reference

C 139/115/34 mm. 3–4

Writ Head

226 Writ. ‡ 14 January 1444. [Louthe].

Addressed to the escheator of Somerset and Dorset .

Inquisition Head

SOMERSET. Inquisition. Ilchester. 4 November 1444. [ Roger ].


Jurors: Richard Smyth ; John Irlond ; William Andrewe ; Walter Personys ; Thomas Bayford ; William Knappelok ; William Jermayn ; John Vyrgyn ; Richard Slade ; John Skynner ; John Hille ; and John Munke .


He held no lands or tenements in demesne or in service of the king in chief or of any other.

He died on 6 January 1444. [ms blank], the wife of Reynold, lord de la Warr , is his daughter and next heir, aged 24 and more.

[Head:] Delivered to Chancery on 30 November 1444.

TNA reference

C 139/115/34 mm. 5–6

Inquisition Head

SOMERSET. Inquisition. Ilchester. 6 April 1444. [ Roger ].


Jurors: John Welweton ; Leonard Tylly ; Robert Golde ; John Milborn ; Robert Shereve ; John Brympton ; Richard Boys ; James Brydde ; John Goldsmyth ; Richard Doubylton ; John Harryes ; Simon Hopkyns ; Thomas Smyth ; John Salford ; John Styver ; and Richard Smyth .

He held no lands or tenements in demesne or in service of the king in chief. But he held the following in right of Joan, late his wife, who survives, and from her inheritance. n097
Charlcombe, the manor, annual value 5 marks, with the advowson of the church of the Virgin Mary, annual value 4 marks, held of the bishop of Bath , service unknown. n098 In the manor there is a site, worth nothing yearly; a hall, worth 20d. yearly; a chamber, worth 20d. yearly; a kitchen, worth 12d. yearly; a barn, worth 40d. yearly; a byre, worth 40d. yearly; 100 a. land, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 12 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 20 a. pasture, each acre worth 2d. yearly; and 13s. 4d. rent payable by various tenants at will at Michaelmas and Easter.
Norton Malreward, the manor, with the advowson of the church of All Saints, annual value 6 marks, held of the abbot of Keynsham , service unknown.
In the manor there is a site, worth 4d. yearly; a hall, worth 8d. yearly; a chamber, worth 12d. yearly; a kitchen, worth 20d. yearly; a barn, worth 40d. yearly; a byre, worth 12d. yearly; a sheepfold, worth 20d. yearly; 200 a. land, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 12 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 20 a. pasture, each acre worth 1d. yearly; and 20 a. seasonable wood, each acre worth 20d. yearly when cut.
Merridge, 4 messuages and 4 virgates of land, each messuage and virgate worth 20s. yearly, held of James, lord Audley , of his manor of Nether Stowey, service unknown.
Heathcombe, 5 messuages with 5 virgates of land, [?annual value 100s.],n099 held of James, lord Audley , of his manor of Nether Stowey, service unknown. n100
Perry, 5 messuages with 5 virgates of land, annual value 100s., held of William Stafford, esquire , of his manor of Compton Dundon, service unknown. Joan and all her ancestors had and ought to have a fair in the vill every year on the vigil and feast of St George , of which the toll is worth 2s. yearly.
Shurton, 5 messuages with 5 virgates of land, annual value 5 marks, held of John Hill of Spaxton, service unknown.
Stringston, 5 messuages and 5 virgates of land, annual value 5 marks, held of James, lord Audley , of his manor of Nether Stowey, service unknown.

Date of death and heir as 224.

[Head:] Delivered to court on 5 May 1444.

TNA reference

C 139/115/34 mm. 7–8

Inquisition Head

GLOUCESTERSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition. Gloucester. 29 January 1444. [de la Ryver].


Jurors: Thomas Longe ; John Oswold ; John Lymeryke, senior ; Richard Robertes of Arlingham; Walter Oscote ; John Coggeley ; Robert Beauchamp ; Hugh Degas ; Walter Waryn ; John Mede ; John Hert ; Thomas Freme ; Thomas Stancombe ; Thomas Colwall ; John Aylberton ; and Richard Clavyle .

He held no lands or tenements in demesne or in service of the king in chief. But he held the following in demesne as of fee. n101
Abenhall, the manor, annual value 100s., with the advowson of the church of St James , annual value 8 marks, held of Ralph Boteler, lord Sudeley, knight , and John Beauchamp, knight , of the castle of St Briavels, which is in the forest of Dean, as ¼ knight’s fee. In the manor there is a site, worth nothing yearly; a dovecot, worth 12d. yearly; a hall, worth nothing yearly; 100 a. arable, each acre worth 1d. yearly; 4 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 20 a. seasonable wood, each acre worth 3s. 4d. yearly when cut; 20s. assize rent from various free tenants, payable at Michaelmas and Lady Day; and perquisites of court, worth nothing yearly beyond the fee and expenses of the steward. An office called ‘Wodewardshipp’ in the forest of Dean pertains to the manor from time without mind, with a profit called ‘le thyrd dryfte’ of all beasts (averiis) and animals (animalibus), and with various other profits pertaining to the office of old.
Joan Greyndour , late wife of Robert, ought to have reasonable dower from the above, viz. 1/3 manor, and presentation to the church every third vacancy.
Mitcheldean, ½ manor, with the advowson of the church of St Michael , viz. every third presentation, held of Ralph Boteler, lord Sudeley, knight , and John Beauchamp, knight , of the castle of St Briavels, as ¼ knight’s fee. The moiety is worth yearly in assize rent from various free tenants, payable at Michaelmas and Lady Day, and not in other profits, [ms blank]. n102. Perquisites of court are worth nothing yearly beyond the fee and expenses of the steward.
Joan ought to have reasonable dower from the above, viz. a third of the moiety, and presentation to the church every third vacancy.
Bledisloe in the lordship of Awre, n103 a messuage, a carucate of land, 3 a. meadow, and 3 a. wood, annual value 20s., held of the earl of Ormond , by service of a red rose at Midsummer.
St Briavels, n104 a messuage, a virgate of land, 4 a. meadow, and 4 a. wood, called ‘Hatheweys tenement’, annual value 20s., held of Ralph Boteler and John Beauchamp , knights, by service of 28s. 4d. to the castle of St Briavels, and of being chief forester in the forest of Dean. There ought to pertain to this office and has pertained from time out of mind a profit of 20d. at the end of every 6 weeks from each pit of wood-coal (puteo carbonum boscalium).
?Lower Ley (Ley), n105 a messuage and a carucate of land called ‘le Ley’, annual value 20s., held of James Ormond, knight , by service of 1d. at Michaelmas.
Chepstow in the march of Wales, n106 40 a. arable, each acre worth 2d. yearly, held of the lord Beaumont , of his castle of Chepstow, which he holds in right of his wife (consortis) Katherine, duchess of Norfolk .
By his testament n107 shown at the inquisition, Robert bequeathed to Joan, late his wife,
10½ burgages in Chepstow, annual value 30s.,
for the term of her life, with remainder to Elizabeth, the daughter of Robert and Joan, and her heirs. Thomas Seriaunt and William Grey were previously seised of the following, in the forest of Dean, in demesne as of fee. They granted the same to Robert Greyndour and Joan his wife, and the heirs male of their bodies, with remainder to the right heirs and assigns of Robert. In the charter, dated 23 April 1419, and shown to the jurors, the premises were described as their manors of Clearwell and Noxon and all the lands, tenements, meadows, pastures, woods, rents, reversions, mills, and services which they had together with Thomas Berkeley, late lord Berkeley , deceased, by the grant of Robert Greyndour , within the fees and parishes of Newland, Staunton, and St Briavels in the forest of Dean. Robert and Joan were seised in demesne as of fee tail. Robert died seised of such estate without male heir of his body, and Joan survives.
Noxon, the manor, annual value 40s., held of the abbot of Flaxley , service unknown. In the manor there is a barn, worth nothing yearly; a vaccary, worth 12d. yearly; a byre, worth 12d. yearly; 40 a. land, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 100 a. pasture, worth 6s. 8d. yearly; and 20 a. seasonable wood, each acre worth 3s. 4d. yearly when cut.
Clearwell, the manor, annual value £10, held of Ralph Boteler and John Beauchamp , knights, of the castle of St Briavels, by suit to the court there and service of 40s. at Michaelmas. In the manor there is a hall, worth 12d. yearly; a chapel, worth 12d. yearly; 12 chambers, each worth 8d. yearly; a buttery, worth 6d. yearly; a brewhouse (unum pandoxatorium), worth 6d. yearly; a cellar, worth 6d. yearly; 2 barns, each worth 8d. yearly; a granary, worth 6d. yearly; a byre, worth 6d. yearly; a stable, worth 6d. yearly; a smithy, worth 6d. yearly; a sheepfold, worth 6d. yearly; 24 a. arable, each acre worth 1d. yearly; 100 a. pasture, worth nothing yearly n108; 100 a. wood, each acre worth 20d. yearly when cut; 10 marks assize rent from various free tenants, payable at Michaelmas; and perquisites of court, worth 12d. yearly beyond the fee and expenses of the steward.
St Briavels, n109 a messuage, a carucate of land, 3 a. meadow, and 3 a. wood, called ‘le Herthull’, annual value 10s., held of the prior of Monmouth , service unknown.
He held the following in right of Joan, late his wife, and from her inheritance.
Hurst, n110 a messuage and a carucate of land, annual value £4, held of the abbot of Flaxley by service of a red rose at Midsummer.
Hanham, the manor, annual value 10 marks, held of John Blount, esquire , and Thomas Wykes , by service of 8s. at Michaelmas. In the manor there is a hall, worth 12d. yearly; 3 chambers, each worth 6d. yearly; a kitchen, worth 12d. yearly; a barn, worth 12d. yearly; a byre, worth 12d. yearly; a dovecot, worth 12d. yearly; a garden, worth 6d. yearly; an orchard, worth 8d. yearly; a warren, worth 20d. yearly; 100 a. arable, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 20 a. meadow, each acre worth 6d. yearly; a waste land in the wood of John Blount and Thomas Wykes in the forest of Kingswood, pertaining to the manor from time without mind, for taking ‘housebote’, ‘byrebote’, and ‘heybote’; 40 a. wood, each acre worth 20d. yearly when cut; 20s. assize rent from various free tenants, payable at Easter and Michaelmas; and perquisites of court worth 12d. yearly beyond the fee and expenses of the steward.
Naas, the manor, annual value £3, held of the abbot of Flaxley , service unknown. In the manor there is a hall, worth nothing yearly; a stable, worth 12d. yearly; a barn, worth 12d. yearly; a byre, worth 8d. yearly; a water-mill called ‘Newarnis mylle’, worth 6s. 8d. yearly; 100 a. arable, each acre worth 1d. yearly; 6 a. meadow, each acre worth 8d. yearly; 20 a. wood, each acre worth 20d. yearly when cut; and 20s. assize rent from various free n111 tenants, payable at Michaelmas and Easter.
Stone, n112 a messuage, 40 a. land, 10 a. meadow, and 10 a. wood, annual value £3, held of James, lord Berkeley , by service of a red rose at Midsummer. There pertain to the messuage: 40s. assize rent in Stone, Berkeley, Ham, North Nibley, and Wanswell, payable by various free tenants at Michaelmas; perquisites of court worth nothing yearly beyond the fee and expenses of the steward; and a free chantry in the chapel of Stone, to which Joan and her heirs have the right of presentation after the death of a parson.
Upton Cheyney, n113 2 messuages, 3 virgates of land, 12 a. meadow, and 2 a. wood, annual value 40s.; and 10s. assize rent, payable at Michaelmas, pertaining to the messuages, held of Humphrey, earl of Stafford , by rendering a clove of gillyflower yearly at Michaelmas at his manor of Haresfield.
Churchley, 3 messuages, 2 virgates of land, 10 a. meadow, and 4 a. wood, annual value 4 marks; 2s. assize rent, payable by various free tenants at Michaelmas, pertaining to the messuages; and perquisities of court, worth nothing yearly beyond the fee and expenses of the steward, held of the bishop of Bath , of his manor of Pucklechurch, by service of 7s. yearly.
He held the following jointly with Joan, who survives, for the term of their lives, by grant of James Berkeley, knight, lord of Berkeley . n114 The charter was shown to the jurors.
Shobbenasshe parke’, a pasture so called, in the hundred of Berkeley [value not specified], held of the lord of Berkeley , service unknown.
Described as Robert Greyndour of Clearwell, esquire , and Joan his wife, he and his wife were pardoned any grants, alienations or acquisitions of lands or tenements held of the king or his predecessors in chief, and any alienations in mortmain, carried out without royal licence; and also all manner of intrusions into their inheritance in part or whole after the deaths of their ancestors without it being duly sued out of the king’s hand, before 2 September 1431, together with any issues received in the mean time. This was by royal letters patent [not found], shown to the jurors, issued at the special request of the whole community of the realm in parliament at Westminster, 22 April 1437, and with the assent of the lords spiritual and temporal then present.

Date of death and heir as 224.

[Dorse:] Escheat(s) (Escaetr’).

TNA reference

C 139/115/34 mm. 9–10



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Louthe(Writ Clerk)


  • Richard Smyth
  • John Irlond
  • William Andrewe
  • Walter Personys
  • Thomas Bayford
  • William Knappelok
  • William Jermayn
  • John Vyrgyn
  • Richard Slade
  • John Skynner
  • John Hille
  • John Munke


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