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Inquisition Head

NORTHUMBERLAND. Inquisition. Newcastle upon Tyne, the king’s castle. 21 April 1444. [Weltden].


Jurors: William Lumley, knight ; Simon Weltden and William Heron , esquires; John Park; Thomas Heryng ; William Barton ; William Benett ; John Trewyk ; Nicholas Rodom ; William Kyllyngworth ; Nicholas Turpyn ; and Robert Musgrave, senior .


He held no lands or tenements in demesne or in service of the king or of anyone else, nor was he seized in any way of any lands or tenements in the county. He was lately seised of the following in demesne as of fee. But long before his death – described as William Tempest, esquire – he granted the manor – described as all his lands, tenements, rents, reversions, and services in Yorkshire and Northumberland and in the bishopric of Durham – to Richard, earl of Salisbury , Ralph, lord Sudeley , John Mongomery, knight , John Conestable, knight , Thomas Grene , Christopher Boynton , Robert Danby , Roland Tempest , and William Clerk , and their heirs and assigns. As a result they were seised in demesne as of fee and continued in that estate long before William’s death, at the time of his death, and afterwards, and are still seised at present. The charter, dated 21 May 1443, was shown to the jurors.

Hetton, the manor or vill, annual value 100s., held of Henry, earl of Northumberland , service unknown.

He died on 20 December last. John is his son and next heir, aged 1½ and more.


Delivered to court on 16 May 1444.

TNA reference

C 139/115/29 mm. 1–2

Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE. Inquisition. York, the king’s castle. 24 April 1444. [Portyngton].


Jurors: Ralph Rokeby ; William Routh ; William Hodeswell ; William Barry ; Thomas Kyllom ; George Thoresby ; Thomas Belford ; John Grenewode ; John Laton of Newsham; Henry Maunsell ; George Palms ; and Robert Marshall .


He held the following in demesne as of fee [sic], of the king in chief, of the honour of Richmond, by knight service.

Hartforth and ?Walburn (Walkebourn), a messuage and 20 a. land, once of John Seriangeson , deceased.
William Asscogh , John Rossell , and Thomas Seggewyk were seised therein in demesne as of fee [sic], held of William Tempest, esquire , on the day of his death by knight service, viz. by homage and fealty, and scutage of 4d. when it runs at 20s., and less or more when it is less or more, and by rent of 16s. payable at Whitsun and Martinmas. William Tempest, knight , father of William, granted the following to William – described as William Tempest his son – and to Elizabeth, daughter of John Moungomery, knight , and the heirs of their bodies, with reversion to William Tempest, knight , and his heirs. The manor of Hartforth was described as the manor of Hartforth with all the lands and tenements which William the father had in the vill of Hartforth with the services of free tenants there, excepting a close called ‘le Lyth’. The indented charter, dated at Hartforth, 3 March 1440, was shown to the jurors. William the son and Elizabeth were seised in demesne as of fee tail, and continued in that estate for the whole life of William the father.
Hartforth, the manor – which extends in Hartforth, Gilling West and Richmond – excepting a close there called ‘le Lyth’, annual value £10, held of the king in chief, of the honour of Richmond, by knight service.
Stainton, the manor, annual value 10 marks, service and of whom held unknown, but not held of the king .
He was seised of the following in demesne as of fee. Afterward, described as William Tempest, esquire , by charter dated 21 May 1443, shown to the jurors, he granted all the premises – described as all his manors, lands, tenements, rents, reversions and services in Yorkshire and Northumberland and in the bishopric of Durham – to Richard, earl of Salisbury , Ralph, lord Sudeley , John Moungomery, knight , John Conestable, knight , Thomas Grene , Christopher Boynton , Robert Danby , Roland Tempest , and William Clerk , and their heirs and assigns. As a result they were seised in demesne as of fee and are still seised. The jurors do not know whether the earl of Salisbury agreed to the feoffment of the manor of Linton which is held of him.
Studley Royal, the manor, which extends in the vills and hamlets of Studley Royal, Sawley, Catton, Grantley, Hungate, Eavestone, ?Gowbusk and Winksley, annual value £20, held of John, cardinal and archbishop of York , service unknown;
Linton, the manor, annual value 10 marks, held of Richard, earl of Salisbury , service unknown;
East Appleton, the manor, annual value 66s. 8d., held of Thomas Mountfort , service unknown;
Hartforth, a close called ‘le Lyth’, of no annual value beyond the cost of enclosure, held of the king in chief, of the honour of Richmond, by knight service;
Gilling West, 2 cottages and 3 a. land, annual value 5s., held of the king , of the honour of Richmond, service unknown;
Richmond, 2 messuages, 2 tofts, and a close containing an estimated 2 a. land, annual value 10s., held of the king , of the honour of Richmond, in free burgage; and
Ripon, 10 messuages, annual value 40s., held of John, cardinal and archbishop of York , service unknown
. All the above – among other manors, lands, and tenements – descended to William the son as son and heir after the death of William the father, who had been seised in demesne as of fee.
?Studley Royal (Stodeley), 2 messuages and 60 a. land [value not specified], service and of whom held unknown, but not held of the king . The messuages and land were granted to William the son by Brian Dayvill in exchange for other tenements.

Date of death as 213. John, son of William and Elizabeth his wife, is his next heir, aged 1½ and more.


Delivered to court on 16 May 1444.

TNA reference

C 139/115/29 mm. 3–4



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Hartforth, Walburn
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Studley Royal
Total: -
Total: -
East Appleton
Total: -
Total: -
Gilling West
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Studley Royal
Total: -



No holding extent information available.



  • Louthe(Writ Clerk)


  • Ralph Rokeby
  • William Routh
  • William Hodeswell
  • William Barry
  • Thomas Kyllom
  • George Thoresby
  • Thomas Belford
  • John Grenewode
  • John Laton of Newsham
  • Henry Maunsell
  • George Palms
  • Robert Marshall


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