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Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Inquisition. ?Waltham Abbey (W...ham). 31 October 1444. [Legh].

[Inquisition: head of ms torn.]


Jurors: John Leveg[unclear: o]r ; Roger Rolfe ; John Lyon ; William Tabur ; Henry Carpenter ; John Waleys, senior ; John Waleys, junior ; John Vyncent ; Henry Gouell ; John ?Fyppe ; Richard Fuller ; and Edmund Loveday .


She held the following with Robert for the term of her life, with remainder to Philip Thornebury, knight , John Brokholes , Henry Gairstang , Robert Armeburgh , and Joan Palmer for the term of ten years; and after this term successively to John Palmer and the heirs of his body; to Joan Palmer and the heirs of her body; and to the above Philip Thornebury , John Brokholes , Henry Gairstang , Robert Armeburgh , and John Gerveys , and the heirs of Philip.

Radwinter, ½ manor of ‘Roos’, also called Brockholds, annual value 6 marks, held of the king , of the duchy of Lancaster, by knight service.
Asheldham in the hundred of Dengie, ½ manor of New Hall, annual value 5 marks, held of the duke of York , of the honour of Rayleigh, by knight service.
She held the following with Robert for the term of their lives, with successive remainders to John Palmer and the heirs of his body; to Joan, sister of this John, and the heirs of her body; and to Philip Thornebury, knight , John Brokholes, clerk , Henry Gairstang , Robert Armeburgh , Reynold Armeburgh , and John Gervays , and the heirs of Philip.
Great Sampford, ½ manor of Stanley, also called Gifford’s, annual value 6 marks, held of the lord of Wimbish , of his manor of Wimbish, service unknown.
She held the following for the term of her life by feoffment of Thomas Bendissh , Thomas Welles, clerk , William Rokewode , and John Goldston , with successive remainders as follows: to Robert, son of Philip Kedyton and the heirs of his body; to John, son of this Philip, and the heirs of his body; to Thomas, son of Philip, and the heirs of his body; to Ellen and Margaret, daughters of Philip, and the heirs of their bodies; and to Thomas Bendissh , Thomas Welles , William Rokewode , and John Goldston and their heirs and assigns. n086
Ashdon, Bartlow End, and Coupal’s Farm (Chelveston), all the lands, tenements, rents and services which Thomas Bendissh and the others named above had by feoffment of Philip de Kedyton , annual value 12 marks. The lands in Ashdon and Bartlow End are held of the following, service unknown: John de Vere, earl of Oxford , of his manor of Castle Hedingham; the lord of Ashdon Hall ; the lord of Newnham Hall ; and the lord of ?Linton (Lynton halle). The lands in Coupal’s Farm are held of John de Vere, earl of Oxford , by raising 9 ‘wardepens’ from the tenants of the lands and paying them to the earl.

She died on 17 November 1443. Robert Armeburgh survives.
TNA reference

C 139/115/28 mm. 1, 3

Inquisition Head

HERTFORDSHIRE. Inquisition. Hertford. 4 November 1444. [Legh].


Jurors: John Eliot ; Simon Taillour ; John Dyer ; John Lokley ; John Rodyer ; John atte Myll ; Robert Taillour ; Stephen Marchall ; John Adam ; John Blak ; Laurence Clerk ; and John Wilkoc .

She held the following with Robert her husband for the term of their lives, with the following remainders: to John Palmer and the heirs of his body; to Joan, his sister, and the heirs of her body; and to Philip Thornbury, knight , John Brokholes, clerk , Henry Garestang , Robert Armeburgh , John Gervays , and the heirs of Philip.
Gilston, ½ manor of Overhall, annual value 5 marks, held of the king , of the duchy of Lancaster, by knight service.
Great Munden, ½ manor of Brockhold’s, annual value 26s. 8d., held of the lord of the manor of Great Munden, service unknown.
Sarratt, ½ manor of Rosehall (Roos), annual value 25s., held of the abbot of St Albans , service unknown.
Weston, a messuage, 2 carucates of land, 2 a. meadow, 100 a. pasture, 4 a. wood, and 6s. 8d. annual rent, called Howells (‘Hawvilles’), annual value 26s. 8d., held of the lord Grey of Ruthin by socage.
Date of death and other details as 211.
TNA reference

C 139/115/28 mm. 1–2



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  • Legh(Escheator)


  • John Eliot
  • Simon Taillour
  • John Dyer
  • John Lokley
  • John Rodyer
  • John atte Myll
  • Robert Taillour
  • Stephen Marchall
  • John Adam
  • John Blak
  • Laurence Clerk
  • John Wilkoc


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