Full text


Writ Head

103 Writ. ‡ 6 February 1443. [Bate].

Addressed to John Atherley, mayor and escheator.

Inquisition Head

CITY OF LONDON. Inquisition. The guildhall. 26 October 1443. [Atherley].


Jurors: Walter Warmyngton ; John Luttur ; William Underhill ; Walter Norwold ; John Bracy ; John Humbre ; Thomas Holme ; Richard Lomlay ; John Lane ; John Knyght ; Thomas Edolf ; and John Broun .


He held no lands, tenements, rents, or services of the king or of others in demesne, reversion, or in service.

He died on 4 January 1442. Stephen Bugge is his son and next heir, aged 22 and more.

[Foot:] Examined.

TNA reference

C 139/111/48 mm. 1–2

Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Inquisition. Brentwood. 25 October 1443. [Thorp].


Jurors: Robert Hothum ; Richard Sewale ; John Rotheman ; Ellis Swerder ; Thomas Dalon ; John Mawny ; John Tagell ; John Ferrour ; John Proudefote ; John Wyberd ; Reynold Pulter ; John Lyndesell ; and John Hoberd , ‘potter’.


He held no lands, tenements, rents or services of the king in chief. He was seised of the following in demesne as of fee, jointly with the lord Fanhope and John Pattesley , who survive, and not in any other estate. The manor, etc., had been granted as follows by Richard Stace , late citizen and ‘jeweller’ of London, to lord William Cheyne, knight and Chief Justice, William Wetnale, esquire , John Ray , citizen and skinner of London, John Bugge, esquire , named in the writ, and Joan his wife – all now deceased – and lord John Cornewaill, knight, lord Fanhope , and John Pattesley , citizen and goldsmith of London , who survive, and their heirs and assigns, so that they were seised in demesne as of fee. [1.] The manor of Brenthall – described as Richard’s whole manor of Brenthall – was granted by charter dated at Latton, 14 July 1433. [2.] The other premises – described as his whole manor called Kitchen Hall in the vill of Harlow, with appurtenant lands, woods, meadows, pastures, hedges, ditches, rents, services, and reversions, and as all his lands, tenements, rents, services, woods, meadows, and pastures in the vills of Latton, North Weald Bassett, and Harlow – were granted by charter dated at Harlow the same day. Both charters were shown to the jurors. Both were recited in a writing dated 21 July 1433, shown to the jurors, in which Richard quitclaimed to the lord Fanhope, William Cheyne , John Pattesley , William Wetnale , John Raye , John Bugge , and Joan any right in the above manors, lands, tenements, rents, services, reversions, woods, meadows, and pastures, as more fully appears therein. Richard Stace had been seised in demesne as of fee because of the following grants. [1.] Brenthall was granted by Thomas Langley, bishop of Durham , William Harleston, abbot of Waltham Holy Cross , John Legbourne, clerk , Roger Tiddebury , Ranulph Appulton, and Robert Suthwell , to William Hankford, knight and royal justice, John Michele , vintner, William Middleton , grocer and citizen of London, Richard Colfox, esquire , Philip Morsell , Robert Walton, goldsmith , William Wanstall – all dead at the time of Richard Stace ’s grant – and the said Richard Stace , Alice his wife, and John Gedney , citizen and alderman of London, and their heirs and assigns. Alice was also dead at the time of Richard’s grant, and John Gedney quitclaimed all his right to the others (eis) and their heirs and assigns. [2.] The other premises were granted by William Hankeford, knight and royal justice, Thomas Knolles , alderman, Richard Chadeshunt, clerk , Philip Morsell , and William Breton , draper of London, to John Michele , vintner and William Middelton , grocer, citizens of London, Richard Colfox, esquire , Robert Walton , citizen and goldsmith of London , William Wanstall , Ralph Bate – all deceased at the time of Richard Stace ’s grant – and the said Richard Stace , Alice his wife, and John Gedney , citizen and alderman of London, and their heirs and assigns. Alice was also dead at the time of Richard’s grant, and John quitclaimed all his right to the others (eis) and their heirs and assigns.

Harlow, a manor called Kitchen Hall, annual value 12 marks, held of Richard, duke of York , service unknown; and
the manor of Brenthall, annual value 18 marks, held of the king, of the duchy of Lancaster, service unknown.
Harlow and Latton, 140 a. land, meadow, pasture, and wood, annual value 4 marks, held of John Bybbesworth and others, service unknown.
North Weald Bassett, 60 a. land, meadow, pasture, and wood, annual value 40s., held of Richard Nevill, earl of Salisbury , service unknown.

Date of death and heir as 103.

[Head:] Delivered to court on 20 November 1443.

[Dorse:] Escheats (Escaetr’).

TNA reference

C 139/111/48 mm. 3, 5

Inquisition Head

HERTFORDSHIRE. Inquisition. Ware. 8 November 1443. [Thorp].


Jurors: John Holt ; William Broun ; William Dale ; John Sonder ; Thomas Freman ; Thomas Fadir ; John ...hape [ms torn] ; Roger Toone ; Robert Forde ; Alexander Newman ; John Caps ; and Thomas Southe .


He held no lands, tenements, rents, or services of the king or of any other in demesne, reversion, or in service.

Date of death and heir as 103.
TNA reference

C 139/111/48 mm. 3–4



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Kitchen Hall
Value12 marks£8 (=1920d.)
Total: £8 (=1920d.)
Value18 marks£12 (=2880d.)
Total: £12 (=2880d.)
Harlow, Latton
land, meadow, pasture, wood140 a. (140 x acre) -
Value4 marks£2 13s. 4d. (=640d.)
Total: £2 13s. 4d. (=640d.)
North Weald Bassett
land, meadow, pasture, wood60 a. (60 x acre) -
Value40s.£2 (=480d.)
Total: £2 (=480d.)



No holding extent information available.



  • Bate(Writ Clerk)


  • Robert Hothum
  • Richard Sewale
  • John Rotheman
  • Ellis Swerder
  • Thomas Dalon
  • John Mawny
  • John Tagell
  • John Ferrour
  • John Proudefote
  • John Wyberd
  • Reynold Pulter
  • John Lyndesell
  • John Hoberd


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