Full text


Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Inquisition. Chelmsford. 5 November 1443. [Thorp].


Jurors: Robert Hothum ; Simon Swetyng ; Roger Hamond ; Peter Upchar ; John Sleve ; John Roper ; John Bown ; William Colman ; Robert Strode ; Richard Dyue ; Peter Fenton ; and Nicholas Sto[unclear: n]e [ms torn] .


He held no lands, tenements, rents, or services of the king or of any other in demesne, reversion, or in service.

He died on 31 January last. John Tiptoft is his son and next heir, aged 16 on 8 May last.

[Head:] Delivered to court on 28 November 1443


TNA reference

C 139/110/45 mm. 1, 3

Writ Head

83 [Writ: see 82.]

Inquisition Head

HERTFORDSHIRE. Inquisition. Much Hadham. 7 November 1443. [Thorp.]


Jurors: William Freman ; John Harpoll ; Nicholas ?[unclear: D]unton [ms torn] ; Richard Snode ; Robert Tame ; John Sonde ; John Caps ; John Joly ; Robert Frome ; Thomas Causton ; Thomas Frynton ; and Nicholas Colyns .


He held no lands, tenements, rents, or services of the king or of any other in demesne or in service.

Date of death and heir as 82.
TNA reference

C 139/110/45 mm. 1–2

Inquisition Head

CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Cambridge. 14 June 1443. [Ansty].


Jurors: Richard Sutton ; John Nutkyn ; William Todney ; John Thirlowe , ‘clerke’; Edmund Bendissh ; Thomas Bye ; Roger Fynne ; Robert Couper ; John Malkyn ; Andrew Tebald ; William Ermyngland ; and John Bagott .

He held the following in demesne as of fee jointly with Joyce his wife by virtue of the following grants made to them and the heirs of John. The following were granted by Walter, lord Hungerford, knight , John Tirell , Robert Skott , Roger Hunte , and John Warde , by charters shown to the jurors, in which John Tiptoft was described as John, lord Tiptoft and Powis, knight .
Harston, the manor, annual value 20 marks; and
the manor of ‘Shadworth’, annual value 10 marks,
described in the charter as all the grantors’ lands and tenements in Harston.
Great and Little Eversden, the manor, annual value 40 marks; and
a tenement called ‘Courthoses’, annual value 40s., described in the charter as all the grantors’ lands and tenements in Great and Little Eversden.
The following was granted by Henry Goodefrey , Miles Skulle , Nicholas Hamond , and Thomas Stapulton , by charter shown to the jurors, in which John was described as John, lord Tiptoft and Powis, knight.
Harston, the manor of ‘Botelers’, annual value 10 marks.
In the charter this was described as all the grantors’ lands, tenements, rents, and services in Harston, once Thomas Whaddon’s, called ‘Botelerslandes’. The following were granted by Thomas Wauton, knight , Nicholas Steuecle, knight , Robert Scot , Roger Hunte , William Goodred, junior , Miles Skulle , and Nicholas Hamond , by charters shown to the jurors, in which John was described as John, lord Tiptoft and Powis, knight.
Badlingham, the manor, annual value £20; and
a messuage and 200 a. land, meadow, and pasture, called ‘le Grange’, described in the charter as the manor of Badlingham, annual value 100s.
The following was granted by William Vaux, esquire .
Burwell, the manor of ‘Dulyngham’, annual value 10 marks.
The jurors do not know of whom any of the above are held. He held for the term of his life by grant of Henry VI [cf. CPR 1436–41, pp. 193–4]
two parts of the manor of Bassingbourn and of the bailiwick of Babraham, of the honour of Richmond, with appurtenant lands, tenements, rents, services, bailiwicks, hundreds, tourns, courts leet, liberties, and franchises, annual value 100 marks.
The reversion pertains to the king.

Date of death and heir as 82.

[Head:] Delivered (deliberat’ fuerunt) to court on 24 June 1443.

TNA reference

C 139/110/45 mm. 18, 20

Writ Head

85 [Writ: see 84.]

Inquisition Head

HUNTINGDONSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Huntingdon. 15 June 1443. [Ansty].


Jurors: John Swauesey ; John Holcote ; John Gymbyr ; John Ilger ; Thomas Kynge ; Richard Herrys ; Thomas Oldy ; John Fissher ; William Mastre ; John Wynnewyke ; John Lane ; and William Hardeby .


He held in demesne as of fee

10 marks annual rent in Hartford, held of the king , service unknown,
parcel of a fee farm of £12 owed to the king by the prior and convent of the Virgin Mary, Huntingdon, for the manor of Hartford, delivered by the sheriff. The rent, to be delivered by the prior and convent at Easter and Michaelmas, was granted to John and his heirs and assigns by letters patent of Henry VI [CPR 1429–36, p. 118]. He also held in demesne as of fee, by grant of Henry IV [CPR 1405–8, p. 318],
the office of keeper of the king’s forests of Weybridge and Sapley, with appurtenant rights, profits, and fees, of no annual value, held of the king , service unknown.
From time out of mind the holder of the office has had the right to appoint lieutenants in the forests, and John appointed the following lieutenants, who were to have customary rights, profits and fees, and each lieutenant ought to receive the fee that a forester receives yearly from time out of mind. [1.] By indented charter shown to the jurors, described as John, lord Tiptoft and Powis, he constituted Nicholas Styueclee, knight , and the heirs male of his body, his lieutenant in the forest of Sapley. [2.] By indented charter, shown to the jurors, described as above, he constituted Everard Dygby and the heirs male of his body his lieutenant in the forest of Weybridge.

Date of death and heir as 82.
TNA reference

C 139/110/45 mm. 18–19, 7

E 149/174/2 m. 2

Inquisition Head

HUNTINGDONSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Huntingdon. 24 July 1443. [Ansty].


Jurors: Thomas Bowlaste ; John Bailly of Fen Stanton; Richard Syre ; William Nicholas ; William Ilger ; William Portos ; John Ive ; Robert Glover of Hemingford Abbots or Hemingford Grey; William Moyses ; John Gosselyn ; John Dadyngton ; and John Smyth of Keyston.

He held the following in demesne as of fee jointly with Joyce his wife, by grant and feoffment of Nicholas Styvecle, knight , and others, to John, Joyce, and their heirs.
Woolley, the manor, annual value £20,
with the appurtenant advowson of the church of Woolley, annual value 20 marks,
held of Richard, duke of York , of his honour of Clare, as ½ knight’s fee.
Date of death and heir as 82.
From the time of John’s death until the taking of this inquisition, John Waleis of Woolley, ‘husbondman’, occupied the manor and received the issues, by what title the jurors do not know.
TNA reference

C 139/110/45 mm. 4, 6

Writ Head

87 [Writ: see 86.]

Inquisition Head

CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Cambridge. 25 July 1443. [Ansty].


Jurors: Richard Sutton of Thriplow; John Trippelowe ; Henry Collard ; William Fuller ; Simon Wayneshed ; John Clement ; Henry Koche ; Richard Sutton of Meldreth; William Farneham ; John Trope ; William Saxsy ; and Thomas Mylcent of Linton.

He held the following in demesne as of fee jointly with Joyce his wife, to them and the heirs of John.
Burwell, the manor, called ‘Tiptot maner’ or ‘Camoys maner’, with all the houses built on the site of the manor and annexed to the site, and with all other profits of the manor, annual value 20 marks, held of the honour of Richmond, service unknown.
Date of death and heir as 82.

The jurors do not know who occupied the manor and received its issues from the time of his death.

[Head:] Delivered to court on 20 August 1443.

TNA reference

C 139/110/45 mm. 4–5

Writ Head

88 Writ. ‡ 6 February 1443. [Bate].

Addressed to John Atherley, mayor and escheator .

Inquisition Head

CITY OF LONDON. Inquisition. The guildhall. 26 October 1443. [Atherley].


Jurors: Edward Warmyngton ; John Luttur ; William Underhill ; Walter Norwold ; John Bracy ; John Humbre ; Thomas Holme ; Richard Lomlay ; John Lane ; John Knyght ; Thomas Edolf ; and John Broun .


He held no lands, tenements, rents, or services of the king or of any other in demesne or in service.

Date of death and heir as 82, heir here aged 16 and more.
TNA reference

C 139/110/45 mm. 8–9

Inquisition Head

MIDDLESEX. Inquisition. Westminster. 23 February 1443. [Slegge].


Jurors: John Danyell ; William Bodvyle ; James Peryngton ; Richard Pykot ; John Brystow ; John Luty ; Thomas Hoo ; William Fuller ; Robert Stubbe ; John Fawne ; John Querne ; John Dauntree, junior ; and Thomas Barbour , ‘glover’.

He held the following in demesne as of fee jointly with Joyce his wife, by virtue of a grant made to them and the heirs of John by Walter, lord Hungerford, knight , John Tyrell , Robert Scot , Roger Hunte , and John Warde . In the charter, shown to the jurors, John was described as John, lord Tiptoft and Powis , knight.
Enfield, the manor, annual value 50 marks, held of the king in chief as a third part of an eighth part of a fourth part of a knight’s fee.
He also received the issues of the manor of Shepperton, annual value 20 marks, held of the abbot of St Peter’s, Westminster , in right of that church [service not specified]

He died on 30 January last. John Tiptoft is his son and next heir, aged 15 and more.

[Head:] Delivered to court on 27 March 1443.

TNA reference

C 139/110/45 mm. 10–11

Inquisition Head

SUFFOLK. Inquisition. ‘Henhowe’. 28 October 1443. [Ulveston].


Jurors: John Braddewey ; John Coket of Ampton; William Barnabe ; Robert Braddewey ; John Wolcy ; Richard Kegyll ; Peter Glover ; Alexander Totewey ; William Edward ; John Love ; Roger Meyner ; Thomas Gerveys ; and Richard Eybrooke .


He held the following jointly with Walter Hungyrford and others, by grant of William Paston and others.

Mutford and ‘Fastolfs’, the manors, and the half-hundred of Mutford, true annual value £40, held of the king by knight service.
He held the following in right of Joyce his wife.
Layham, 1/3 manor, annual value £10, held of the king , of the duchy of Lancaster, service unknown.

Date of death as 82. John his son is his next heir, aged 16 and more on 3 May last.

TNA reference

C 139/110/45 mm. 12–13

Inquisition Head

WILTSHIRE. Inquisition. Warminster. 17 January 1444. [Baynard].


Jurors: John Rous of Baynton; John Lambard ; John Wolley ; John Husyet ; John Leueden ; Nicholas Beche ; Thomas Osbarn ; Richard Plowman ; Ralph Litelcote ; John Wod[unclear: ho]us [ms torn]; John Harryes ; and Richard Frankeleyn .

He held no lands or tenements, but by his charter dated 24 May 1415, shown to the jurors, he granted the following – described as all his lands and tenements in the county – to Walter Hungerford, knight , Roger Hunt , and John Ward , who survive, and William Lasyngby , William Ludyngton , John Tirell , Robert Scot , Matthew Coker , and John Boteler , now deceased, and their heirs, so that they were seised in demesne as of fee.
Puck Shipton and Beechingstoke, the manor, annual value 10 marks, of whom held not known.
Fyfield, a messuage with a dovecot, of no annual value; and a carucate of land, 6 a. meadow, and 200 a. pasture, annual value 40s., held (tenetur) of the prior of St Swithun, Winchester , in right of the church of St Swithun [service not specified].
Barford Redlynch’, the manor, and a close called ‘Wodefold’ in the parish of Downton with hawthorns and blackthorns growing therein, containing 200 a. pasture, annual value 10 marks, held of the bishop of Winchester , service unknown.

He died on 1 February last. John Tiptoft is his son and next heir, aged 17 and more.

[Head:] Delivered to court on 4 February 1444


TNA reference

C 139/110/45 mm. 14–15

Inquisition Head

HAMPSHIRE. Inquisition. Andover. 18 January 1444. [Baynard].


Jurors: Edward Harries ; John Frelond ; John Emery ; John Clement ; Richard Cotesmore ; John Sampson ; Richard Prycher ; Henry Smert ; John ?[unclear: N]orton [ms torn] ; William Maffey ; Walter Douce ; and John Nayle .


He held the following in right of Joyce his wife, who survives, and he had nothing therein except as her husband and of her right and inheritance.

Andover, a third part of a third part of fourth part of the fee-farm, annual value 100s. The manor is held of the king in chief, service unknown.
Basingstoke, £11 17s. 7¾d. assize rent, held of the king in chief, service unknown.
Alton, ½ manor, annual value £32, containing 20 messuages, 12 a. arable, and 16 a. meadow [service and tenure not specified].
By his charter dated 24 May 1415, shown to the jurors, he granted the following – described as all his lands and tenements in the county – to Walter Hungerford, knight , and the others named in 91, and their heirs, so that they were seised in demesne as of fee.
Brookley, the manor, annual value 100s., of whom held not known.
Over Wallop, the manor, annual value 10 marks; and
Nether Wallop, the manor, annual value 100s.,
held of the treasurer of the cathedral church of York [service not specified]; and
a parcel of pasture called ‘le Rownehull’, of no annual value, held of Edward Harries by 4s. rent.
Broughton, the manor, annual value 30s., held of John Foxholes of Broughton [service not specified].

Date of death and heir as 91.

[Head:] Delivered to court on 4 February 1444.

TNA reference

C 139/110/45 mm. 16–17

Inquisition Head

SOMERSET. Inquisition. Ilchester. 30 October 1443. [Bayhous].

[Inquisition: ms galled, worn, and torn in places]


Jurors: Robert Goolde ; John Mauncell ; Thomas Lyte ; John Welweton ; William Mountague ; William Drewe ; John Raly , William Note ; John Brympton, senior ; John Gos[unclear: grove];...

He held the following for the term of his life, by grant of Henry IV [not found]. The reversion pertains to Henry VI as king and heir of ‪ Henry IV , namely the son of ‪ Henry V, the son of ‪ Henry IV .
Stoke sub Hamdon, the manor. [In the manor there is] a site, with large and attractive buildings (grande et pulchr’ edificat’), worth nothing yearly beyond the costs of repair and maintenance of the houses in the manor; 100 a. barton land, each acre worth ?4d. yearly;... a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; and £27 6s. 8d. assize rent from various customary tenants at will, 66s. 8d. payable at Christmas, 66s. 8d. at Easter, 66s. 8d. at Midsummer, and £17 6s. 8d. at Michaelmas.
Milton Falconbridge, the manor. In the manor there is a site, worth nothing yearly; ?60 a. barton land, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 6 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; and £10 assize rent from various customary tenants, payable at four annual terms.
Midsomer Norton, the manor. In the manor there is a site, worth nothing yearly beyond the costs of repair and maintenance; 50 a. barton land, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 6 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; and £10 assize rent from various customary tenants, payable at four annual terms.
Stratton-on-the-Fosse, the manor. In the manor there is a site, worth nothing yearly beyond the costs of repair and maintenance; 60 a. arable barton land, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 40 a. pasture, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 20s. assize rent from various free tenants payable at Michaelmas only; and 100s. rent from various customary tenants at will, payable at four annual terms.
Farrington Gurney, the manor. In the manor there is a site, worth nothing yearly beyond the costs of repair and maintenance; 100 a. barton land, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 30 a. pasture, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 10s. assize rent from various free tenants payable at Michaelmas; and 100s. assize rent from various customary tenants, payable at four annual terms.
Welton, the manor. In the manor there is a site, worth nothing yearly; 50 a. barton land, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 8 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 12s. assize rent from various free tenants, payable at Michaelmas only; 100s. rent issuing from various customary tenants, payable at four annual terms; 20 a. pasture, each acre worth 6d. yearly; and ?40 a. gorse, each acre worth ½d. yearly.
Englishcombe, the manor. In the manor there are a messuage [and ] a grange, worth nothing yearly beyond the costs of repair and maintenance; 100 a. ?barton land, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 200 a. mountainous land, each acre worth 1d. yearly; 5s. assize rent from various free tenants payable at Michaelmas only; 100 a. wood, of which the underwood is worth 40d. yearly; and £10 assize rent from various customary tenants, payable at four annual terms.
?North Widcombe (Wydecombe), the manor. In the manor there is a site, worth nothing yearly; 40 a. barton land, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 40 a. pasture, each acre worth ?6d. yearly; 40 s. assize rent from various [customary] tenants, payable at four annual terms; and 20 a. wood, worth nothing yearly beyond the cost of its enclosure.
Laverton, the manor. In the manor there is a capital messuage and a grange, worth nothing yearly beyond the costs of repair and maintenance; 100 a. barton land, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 200 a. mountainous land, each acre worth 1d. yearly; and £6 [assize rent from] various customary tenants, payable at four annual terms.
Shepton Mallet, ½ manor. There is there a capital messuage, worth nothing yearly beyond the costs of repair and maintenance; 60 a. barton land, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 200 a. mountainous land, each acre worth 1d. yearly; a [court] ... worth nothing yearly beyond the expenses of the steward and the fee of the bailiff; and £20 assize rent from various customary tenants, payable at four annual terms equally.
William Malet, knight , son and heir of Gilbert Malet , was lately seised of the following in demesne as of fee.
Curry Mallet, the manor, with the appurtenant advowson of the church. In the manor there are a capital messuage, a grange, a stable, and a house called ‘Yathous’, worth nothing yearly beyond the costs of repair and maintenance; an enclosed park, of which the pasture is worth 6s. 8d. yearly beyond the maintenance of the deer (damarum) and the fee of the parker; 100 a. barton land, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 10 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; and £12 assize rent from various customary tenants payable at four annual terms.
West Harptree, ½ manor. There is there a toft, which was once the capital messuage, worth nothing yearly; 40 a. arable barton land, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 12 a. pasture, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 2s. rent from free tenants, payable at Michaelmas only; and £4 assize rent from various customary tenants, payable at the four usual annual terms.
Stowell, the manor, with the appurtenant advowson of the church [no other details specified]
. William had issue: William Malet , his son and heir, and two daughters, Mabel and Helewise. He granted the manors of Curry Mallet and Stowell in free marriage with Helewise to Hugh Poyntz , son of Nicholas Poyntz , and the heirs of Hugh by the body of Helewise, so that they were seised in demesne as of fee tail. By the same charter, shown to the jurors, he granted the moiety of the manor of West Harptree, described as a virgate and a ferling of land in West Harptree. The moiety was to be held of William , the father, and his heirs. By the same charter he granted to Hugh and his heirs by Helewise all the land which he had in the scrub (bursela) of the fee of Mylburgh , and ½ virgate of land, of the fee of James Newmarch (de Novo Mercato), and a virgate of land in Wilkinthroop, of the fee of Eudo ( Edo ) de Wandestru, so that Hugh was seised in demesne as of fee tail. Hugh and Helewise had issue: Nicholas Poyntz . Helewise died, and Hugh was seised of the preceding in demesne as of fee tail by right of survivorship, and died thus seised. Nicholas, as son and heir, entered the manors, etc., entailed on Hugh and Helewise and those entailed on Hugh and was seised in demesne as of fee tail by virtue of the above grants. He married Elizabeth la Zouche , daughter of lord William la Zouche and Millicent Montalt his wife. They had issue: Hugh Poyntz, knight . Elizabeth died, and Nicholas died seised as above. Hugh entered the above, and was seised in demesne as of fee tail by virtue of the above grants. He married Margaret, the daughter of lord Walter Pauel, knight, lately lord of the manor of Brook in Wiltshire. They had issue: Nicholas Poyntz, knight . Margaret died, and Hugh died seised as above. Nicholas entered the above, and was seised in demesne as of fee tail by virtue of the above grants. He married Eleanor, the daughter of lord John de Erleygh , knight , of Somerset. They had issue: Margaret, who was married to John Neuburgh, knight , of Dorset, and Avice, who was married to John Barry of Somerset. John Neuburgh and Margaret had issue: John Neuburgh , their son and heir, who survives. John Barry and Avice had issue: William Barry . John Neuburgh, knight , died, followed by John Barry , Margaret, Avice, and William Barry , who died without issue. Therefore John Neuburgh is kin and heir of Nicholas Poyntz, knight , as the son and heir of John Neuburgh, knight , and Margaret his wife, the daughter and heir of Nicholas. This Nicholas Poyntz, knight , before his death granted the manor of Curry Mallet to Matthew Gournay, knight , and his heirs, in return for a loan of £100, on condition that on repayment of the sum to Matthew, his heirs, assigns, or executors, Nicholas and his heirs could immediately re-enter the manor and hold it as before (in pristino statu). Matthew entered the manor and was seised in demesne as of fee. Under colour of the grant he also entered the moiety of the manor of West Harptree, supposing it to be a parcel of the manor of Curry Mallet, and seised in demesne as of fee he granted the manor and the moiety, among other manors, lands, and tenements, to lord William Oterhaunton, clerk , and Matthew Coker , and their heirs, so that they were seised in demesne as of fee. Matthew Gournay died, and William Oterhaunton and Matthew Coker granted the manor and moiety to John Tiptoft , named in the writ, for the term of his life, with remainder to Henry V and his heirs, so that John was seised in demesne as of free tenement. John held the manor and the moiety at his death, with remainder to the present king as son and heir of ‪ Henry V, and after his death the present king entered and is seised in demesne as of fee. All the above manors, moieties, lands, and tenements are held of others than the king, but the jurors do not know of whom or by what services.

Date of death as 89. John Tiptoft is his son and next heir, aged 18 and more.

TNA reference

C 139/110/45 mm. 21, 23

E 357/37 rot. 33d–34r

Writ Head

94 [Writ: see 93.]

Inquisition Head

DORSET. Inquisition. Shaftesbury. 31 October 1443. [Bayous].


Jurors: John Squyer ; Thomas Hasylmere ; John Selby ; Roger Peion ; John Potecary ; Robert Watercombe ; Richard Percy ; William Cole ; John Taillour , ‘mercer’; Richard atte Well ; William Porter ; John Serle ; and William Spycer .

He held the following for the term of his life by virtue of an act of the parliament held at Westminster on 2 May 1421 as fully appears therein [cf. Rot. Parl., iv, 140–1], the reversion pertaining to the present king and his heirs.
Ryme ?Intrinseca, the manor, of whom held or by what service not known. In the manor there is a toft, once a capital messuage, worth nothing yearly; a garden, of which the pasture is worth 20d. yearly; a wood, worth nothing yearly beyond the cost of its enclosure; 60 a. arable barton land, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 20 a. pasture, each each worth 6d. yearly; 8 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 6s. 10d. assize rent from various free tenants, payable at Michaelmas only; £4 assize rent from various customary tenants, payable at the four usual annual terms; a water-mill for fulling, worth 10s. yearly; 4s. rent from four cottages at Easter and Michaelmas; and a court baron, worth nothing yearly beyond the expenses of the steward and the fees of the messors.
Langton Herring, the manor, of whom held and by what service not known. In the manor there are a toft and a grange, worth nothing yearly beyond the cost of repairing the grange; 50 a. arable, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 100 a. mountainous pasture, each acre worth 1d. yearly; and 40s. assize rent from various customary tenants, payable at the four usual annual terms equally.
Sturminster Newton and Hammoon, various lands and tenements, annual value 40s. payable at the four usual annual terms, of whom held and by what service not known.
Long Bredy, lands and tenements called ‘Hallyngesmaner’; and
‘East’ Bagelake, a toft, 60 a. land, 12 a. meadow, and 120 a. pasture,
held of the abbot of Cerne , service unknown, and worth 26s. 8d. yearly and no more because they are burdened with an annual rent of £10 13s. 4d. payable to William Darell, esquire , Elizabeth his wife, and the heirs of Elizabeth, in right of Elizabeth, at Michaelmas, Christmas, Lady Day, and Midsummer. Elizabeth is the heir of Robert de London , who was seised of this rent in demesne as of fee and right in the time of Edward I. He and his ancestors were seised of the rent from time without mind and distrained for arrears at any term. He had issue: Hildebrand de London and died seised. Hildebrand as son and heir was seised as of fee and right, and had issue: Robert and Maud, and died seised. Robert was seised in fee and right as son and heir, and died seised without heir of his body. Maud was seised as of fee and right as sister and heir, and married Richard de Combe . They had issue: Richard and Felice. Richard the father died and Maud died seised. Richard the son was seised as of fee and right as son and heir, and died without heir of his body. Felice was seised as of fee and right as sister and heir, and married Laurence de Calston . They had issue: Thomas. Laurence died, and Felice died seised. Thomas was seised as of fee and right as son and heir, and had issue: Elizabeth, now the wife of William Darell . Thomas died seised, and then Elizabeth and William Darell were seised in right of Elizabeth and still are seised.

Date of death and heir as 93.

[Head:] Delivered to court on 26 November.

TNA reference

C 139/110/45 mm. 21–22

Inquisition Head

KENT. Inquisition virtute officii [indented]. Aldington. 13 June 1443. [Slegge].


Jurors: John Cartere ; William Harlakynden ; Richard Egger ; John May ; William Breggelond ; William atte Stone ; Thomas Baker of Ivychurch; William Kenot ; Thomas Hayn ; William Ledmer ; John Parys ; Thomas Hamden ; Theobald atte Mede ; Henry Jamys ; William Clerk ; William Keterell ; William Brownyng ; John Elne ; Simon Dilnot ; John Sheteford ; John ?[unclear: V]agge ; Thomas Kentecourt ; John Braunche ; and Thomas Wythom .

He died seised in demesne as of fee of
40 a. land in Selling, true annual value 20s., held of the king in chief by knight service.
Date of death and heir as 89.
TNA reference

E 149/174/2 m. 5

Inquisition Head

SHROPSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition virtute officii . Hodnet. 13 February 1443. [Haukeston].


Jurors: William Poynour ; Nicholas Sonford ; William de Coton ; John Onneslowe ; Thomas Southley ; William Burdon ; Hugh Dod of Cloverley; John Eton of Goldstone; John Benteley of Kenstone; Roger Pole of Hawkstone; Humphrey Hull ; William Wilaston ; John Podmore ; John Clerk of Darliston; and William Madokes .


He held no lands or tenements in demesne or in service of the king or of any other.

He died on 20 February last. John Typtoft is his son and next heir, aged 17 and more.

TNA reference

E 149/174/2 m. 6



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Value20 marks£13 6s. 8d. (=3200d.)
Total: £13 6s. 8d. (=3200d.)
Value10 marks£6 13s. 4d. (=1600d.)
Total: £6 13s. 4d. (=1600d.)
Great and Little Eversden
Value40 marks£26 13s. 4d. (=6400d.)
Total: £26 13s. 4d. (=6400d.)
Great, Little Eversden
tenement40s.a (1 x tenement)£2 (=480d.)
Value40s.£2 (=480d.)
Total: £2 (=480d.)
Value10 marks£6 13s. 4d. (=1600d.)
Total: £6 13s. 4d. (=1600d.)
Value£20£20 (=4800d.)
Total: £25 (=6000d.)
messuagea (1 x messuage) -
land, meadow, and pasture100s.200 a. (200 x acre)£5 (=1200d.)
Total: £25 (=6000d.)
Value10 marks£6 13s. 4d. (=1600d.)
Total: £6 13s. 4d. (=1600d.)
Value100 marks£66 13s. 4d. (=16000d.)
Total: £66 13s. 4d. (=16000d.)



No holding extent information available.



  • Bate(Writ Clerk)


  • Richard Sutton
  • John Nutkyn
  • William Todney
  • John Thirlowe
  • Edmund Bendissh
  • Thomas Bye
  • Roger Fynne
  • Robert Couper
  • John Malkyn
  • Andrew Tebald
  • William Ermyngland
  • John Bagott


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