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Writ Head

478a Writ Commission. ‡ 14 July 1441. [Kirkeby].

For Yorkshire. Addressed to John Portyngton , Robert Constable, esquire , Thomas Wilton , and Robert Bard . Order to at least two of them to inquire as writ diem clausit extremum. The sheriff is to empanel a jury [CPR 1436–41, p. 575]. [For the inquisition, see 478d.]

TNA reference

C 139/103/28 m. 1

Writ Head


Be it known to all by the presents that I, Robert Waterton, sheriff of Yorkshire, have assigned William Bukton , Robert Thorp , Thomas Tebauld , jointly and severally, to attend, in my name, to John Portyngton and his associates, assigned by letters patent as king’s commissioners to inquire into certain articles, specified in the same letters, at Kilham on 30 October next. They are to execute the commissioners’ commands fully on this occasion, as fitting, in my name. Dated in the castle of York under the seal of my office on 26 October 1441.
TNA reference

C 139/103/28 m. 2

Writ Head


John Portyngton and his associates, assigned as king’s commissioners by his letters patent, to the sheriff of Yorkshire, greetings. On behalf of the king, we order you to make come before us at Kilham on 30 October next 24 good and law-worthy men of your bailiwick from within and without the liberty, by whom the truth may better be known, to inquire what lands and tenements Robert Constable of Flamborough, knight, held of the king in chief in demesne and in service, what he held of others, by what service, and other articles specified in the letters, according to their tenor. And let you have there the names of the jurors and this order. Dated on 22 October 1441.

[Dorse:] The response of Robert Waterton , sheriff of Yorkshire, is shown in the panel sewn to this order.

Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE. List of men empanelled for a jury.

Mainperned by John Hill, Richard Clay , John Bet , and Adam Dey : John Salvayn, chevalier ; Robert Ughtred, chevalier ; James Pykeryng, chevalier , sworn; Anthony de Sancto Quintino, esquire ; Robert Haytfeld, esquire , sworn; Walter Gryffyth, esquire ; Richard Aske, esquire , sworn; William Mounceaux, esquire , sworn; Thomas Ardren , sworn; William Routh, esquire ; William Lutton of East Lutton or West Lutton (Lutton); William Warde of Lowthorpe; William Wetwang ; Thomas Thornholm , sworn; Richard Carnaby , sworn; Thomas Hellard , sworn; Thomas Paulyn ; Thomas Mapilton ; William Archer ; Thomas Wilkynson , sworn; Robert Lowthorp , sworn; John Russell , sworn; John Ruff ; John Crayk ; William Boynton ; and William Westhorp , sworn.

[Head:] Jurors for the king from Yorkshire.

TNA reference

C 139/103/28 mm. 3–4

Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE. Inquisition. Kilham. 31 October 1441.

Before Thomas Wilton and Robert Bard .


James Pykeryng, chevalier ; Robert Haytfeld , Richard Aske , and William Mounceaux , esquires; Thomas Ardren ; Thomas Thornholm ; Richard Carnaby ; Thomas Hellard ; Robert Lowthorp ; Thomas Wilkynson ; John Russell ; and William Westhorp .


He was seised of the following in demesne as of fee.

Foston on the Wolds, a piece of land, called ‘le Milnehill’, annual value 6d., held of the king in chief by knight service.
Goodmanham, a messuage, toft, croft, 5 1/2 bovates and 4 a. land, called ‘Forlandes’, annual value 24s., held of the dean and chapter of York, service unknown.
Thorp in Cleveland, 6 tofts, 18 bovates, and a watermill, annual value 60s., held of the lord of Barsy , service unknown.
Newsome, 4 messuages, 12 bovates, and one windmill, annual value £4, held of the prior and convent of Bridlington, service unknown.
Langtoft, a cottage, toft, croft, and 3 bovates, annual value 14s., held of the dean and chapter of York, service unknown.
Butterwick [in Grindalythe], a messuage and 4 bovates, annual value 20s., held of the baron of Greystoke , service unknown.
Flixton, a bovate, annual value 3s., held of the baron of Greystoke, service unknown.
Reighton, a messuage, 2 bovates, and 2 a. pasture, annual value 10s., held of the provost of Beverley, service unknown.
Sigglesthorne, a messuage and 4 bovates, annual value 30s., held of the provost of Beverley, service unknown.
Auburn, 2 messuages, 1 1/2 bovates, and 18d. service rent, annual value 10s., held of the earl of Northumberland , service unknown.
Bubwith, a messuage, 3 cottages, 3 wastes, 4 bovates, 12 a. foreland, and 13s. 3d. service rent, annual value £4, held of the manor of Holme on Spalding Moor (Holme), service unknown.
Wansford, a messuage, croft, and 2 a. land, annual value 12s., held of William Butlare , service unknown.
He was seised of the following in demesne as of fee tail jointly with Agnes his wife by enfeoffment of John Ask, esquire , Richard Moresby, clerk , and Robert Lewenyng , as apparent in the charter shown to the jurors.
Holme on Spalding Moor (Holme), the manor, annual value £31 2d., held of Henry Brounflet, knight , by knight service.
A certain William Saltmersch lately held 2 bovates in Flamborough of Robert, as of his manor of Flamborough, by service of 3s. yearly. Robert granted the manor to Thomas Cumberworth and Robert Hilton , knights, John Ask , and John Chambr , to hold to them and their heirs. Thomas, Robert, John, and John were thus seised in demesne as of fee of the manor, except the 3s. rent, and Robert Constable afterwards died seised in demesne as of fee of the rent because William had not attorned to Thomas, Robert, John, and John, or to any of them. He held no other manors, lands, or tenements because, on 8 September 1427, he granted the following to Thomas Cumberworth, knight , Robert Hilton, knight , John Ask , and John Chambr : the manor of Flamborough, with all liberties, franchises, advowsons of churches, chapels, and chantries, wreck of sea, vills, hamlets, wards, reliefs, escheats, lands, tenements, meadows, pastures, commons, rents, and services, and reversion of all lands, tenements, rents, and services, that Katherine, mother of Robert, held in dower in Flamborough and Sewerby, and all other reversions belonging to him. n376
Flamborough, the manor, annual value £40, held of the king as of the honour of Chester, service unknown.
On the same day, he also granted to Thomas, Robert Hilton , John, and John, all his lands and tenements, rents, reversions, and services of all lands and tenements that were then held of him for life or at terms of years in Nafferton, Butterwick [in Ryedale], and Cattleholmes, as apparent in the charter shown to the jurors.

He died on 24 May last. Robert Constable is his son and next heir, and was aged 18 and more on the day of his father’s death.


Delivered to court on 15 November 1441.

TNA reference

C 139/103/28 m. 5



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