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Writ Head

389 Writ melius inquirendo. 24 July 1439. [Bate].

Regarding 99, an inquisition taken in 1437.n326 Inquire, as writ devenerunt, as to what lands and tenements came to the hand of ‪Henry V owing to the death of John, father, and the minority of Reynold, and are yet in the king’s hand.

Inquisition Head

KENT. Inquisition. Yalding. 9 October 1438.n327 [Byle].


John Rewe ; John Coveney ; Robert Cayser ; John Messenger ; John Ropkyn ; John Hert ; Richard Baker ; William Godyng ; John Orgar ; Reynold Colt ; John Godyng ; John Ippyngby ; Gilbert Reynkyn ; and Richard Reynkyn .


Inquisition begins as 388+[1], regarding the manors and advowsons of West Barming and Otham, and the manors of East Barming, Read, and Loose. [2]+ John Pympe, esquire , had issue: Reynold, named in the writ, and John, and he died seised of the manors and advowsons on 30 August 1421. They descended to Reynold son of John as his son and heir, and ‪Henry V, by letters patent dated at Westminster on 16 December 1421 [CFR 1413–22, p. 413], shown to the jurors, by mainprise of William Cheyne, esquire , and Alexander Cheyne, esquire , both of Kent, committed custody of the manors and advowsons, described as all the lands and tenements that were of John Pympe, who held of ‪ Henry V in chief by knight service, and that came to the hand of ‪Henry V owing to the death of John Pympe and the minority of Reynold, to John Wilcotes, esquire , and Isabel, who was wife of John Pympe , to have from John Pympe’s death until the majority of the heir, and so from heir to heir until one of them reach majority, and to have marriage of the heir, as more fully contained in the letters patent.+[2] Furthermore, owing to the death of John Pympe, esquire, and the minority of Reynold, the above manors and advowsons, and no other manors, advowsons, lands, or tenements, came to the hand of ‪Henry V nor are still in the king’s hand. These manors and advowsons are specified in the inquisition taken by John Selby, escheator , after the death of Reynold and returned to Chancery [see 99].

He died on 18 September 1436. John Pympe , son of John Pympe, is his brother and next heir, and aged 21 and more.

TNA reference

C 139/99/33 mm. 3–4

Inquisition Head

KENT. Inquisition. Yalding. 9 October 1438.n328 [Byle].


John Reve ; John Coveney ; Robert Cayser ; John Messenger ; John Ropkyn ; John Hert ; Richard Bakere ; William Godyng ; John Orgar ; Reynold Colt ; John Godyng ; John Ippyngby ; Gilbert Reynkyn ; and Richard Reynkyn .


Inquisition begins as 388+[1],n329 and continues as 389+[2], regarding the manors and advowsons of West Barming and Otham, and the manors of East Barming, Read, and Loose. He also held the following in demesne as of fee. n330

Nettlestead, the manor, with advowson of the church. There is 22s. assize rent and 6 hens, price 18d., from various tenants, payable at the two terms of the year, viz., at Easter and Michaelmas equally; a dovecote, worth 3s. 4d. yearly; 386 a. arable, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 22 a. wood, of which one acre can be cut annually, the acre then worth 6s. 8d. when cut; 31 a. meadow, each acre worth 16d. yearly; 10 a. pasture in the parish of East or West Peckham (Pecham) in a place called ‘Stotburi’, parcel of the manor, each acre worth 4d. yearly; a park, worth nothing yearly because overburdened with beasts and rabbits; and a fishery called ‘Were’ in the same park, worth 10s. yearly. The church is currently filled by John Hervy, clerk .
Pimp, the manor. There are 60 a. arable, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 12 a. meadow, each acre worth 16d. yearly; an exceedingly ruinous and run-down house in Yalding, worth nothing yearly; 2 stalls in the same vill for selling meat and fish, worth 20d. yearly; a parcel of land in West Malling, 6 feet long and 6 feet wide, parcel of the manor, worth nothing yearly above rent owed to the abbess of West Malling ; and an acre of arable in East Malling, parcel of the manor, worth 6d. yearly. The acre is held of the abbess, service unknown. The manors of Nettlestead and Pimp lie together and are enclosed. There is the site, worth nothing yearly because so much repair is needed; 2 courts baron held every three weeks, worth nothing yearly above the costs of the steward.
The two manors, with advowson of the church of Nettlestead, are held of Humphrey, earl of Stafford, as 1/2 knight’s fee. He was seised of the following in demesne as of fee.
Brenchley, 1/2 messuage called ‘le Mote’ in the parish, worth nothing yearly because ruinous and totally destroyed; 25 a. arable, as a moiety of 50 a., each acre worth 3d. yearly; 26 a. wood, as a moiety of 52 a., of which one acre can be cut annually, the acre then worth 6s. 8d. when cut; 6s. 7 1/4d. assize rent, as a moiety of 13s. 2 1/2d., from various tenants in the same parish, payable at Easter and Michaelmas equally. The messuage, land, and wood, are held of the prior of Combwell, service unknown.
Brenchley, a messuage called ‘le Case’, worth nothing yearly because so much repair is needed.
Brenchley, Horsmonden, and Lamberhurst, in the parishes, 51 1/2 a. arable, as a moiety of 103 a., each acre worth 4d. yearly; and 10 a. wood, as a moiety of 20 a., that is cut only once in 20 years, and then each acre is worth 6s. 8d. yearly.
The messuage, land, and wood are held ofHumphrey, earl of Stafford, service unknown.
Yalding, 54 1/2 a. pasture, as a moiety of 109 a., each acre worth 4d. yearly, held of the earl of Stafford, service unknown.
Brenchley, 6 a. land in the parish, as a moiety of 12 a., each acre worth 4d. yearly, held of Thomas Kyryell, knight, service unknown.

Date of death as 389. He was seised, according to the grant, of the manors and advowsons of West Barming and Otham, and the manors of East Barming, Read, and Loose. After his death, they descended to John Pympe , brother of Reynold son of John Pympe, as brother and heir of Reynold. John Pympe, brother of Reynold son of John Pympe, is Reynold’s next heir, and aged 21 and more.

The king has occupied all the manors, lands, rents, and tenements since Reynold’s death, and still occupies them. He has taken, and yet takes, the issues.

TNA reference

C 139/99/33 mm. 5–6



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