Full text


Writ Head

365 Writ de dote assignanda. 5 December 1439. [Bate].

To be assigned in the presence of farmers of the lands and tenements and the next friends of the heir or their attorneys [CClR 1435–41, p. 296].

Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Assignment of dower [indented]. Magdalen Laver. 20 February 1440. [Stokdale].


In the presence of John Leventhorp, esquire , farmer of lands and tenements that were of Thomas Bataille, and Thomas Bataille of London, mercer , John Leventhorp of Henham, Thomas Leventhorp , and John Kynge , next friends of John, son and heir of Thomas.

Assigned: one bakehouse within the site of the manor of Magdalen Laver, with 1/3 grange there, viz., at the eastern end; one field called ‘Wodelandfeld Minor’; 4 a. land in a field called ‘Massefeld’, lying together at the eastern end; 31/2 a. land in a field called ‘Pyryfeld’ on the eastern side; 8 a. land in a field called ‘Chirchefeld’ in a furlong called ‘Mylleshot’ with 2 a. meadow, called ‘Chirchefeldmede’, in the same field; 9 a. land in a croft called ‘Ramescroft’; 10 a. land in a field called ‘le Redyn’ on the eastern side; 30 a. land in field called ‘Langelond’ next to a vennel called ‘Millelane’; 20 a. land in a field called ‘Burdonfeld’, lying together by ‘Prykkeslane’; 10 a. land in a field called ‘Belleslond’ in a furlong called ‘Goseacr’; 10 a. land lying together in 2 crofts, one croft abutting on a field called ‘Cressewell’, and the other abutting on the croft of John White, senior , called ‘Suddon’; 6 a. land lying in 4 pieces in a in common field called ‘Cressewell’; 2 a. pasture called ‘Chirchelase’ with a rood of pasture annexed to the same, and a rood of pasture called ‘Hobhelderesgardyn’; 2 a. meadow in a meadow called ‘Langemede’; 3 a. and a rood of wood in a little grove called ‘Howgroue’ lying next to a pasture called ‘Stubbyng’; and 10 a. wood in a wood called ‘Foletteshey’, lying at the eastern end abutting on ‘Godyescroft’.
Assigned: 33s. 1/4d. rent taken from the following tenants: 3s. 4d. from Thomas Grave for a tenement called ‘Walters’; 2d. from the same for a field called ‘Newhallfeld’; 8s. 11 3/4d. from Richard Wynter for a tenement called ‘Armorers’; 4s. 2d. from John Quyntyn for a tenement called ‘Quyntynes’; 1d. from the same for a cottage called ‘Lesishous’; 8d. from John Chaumberleyn for a croft called [space in ms]; 3s. from John White, senior , for a croft called ‘Bollescroft’; 8s. from John White, junior , for a tenement called ‘Godfreyes’; 3s. 1d. from John Umfrey for a tenement called ‘Whitebredes’; and 181/2d. from Henry Wylcok from 2s. 8d. payable by the same Henry for 20 a. land in Stanford Rivers.

TNA reference

C 39/98/24a. mm. 1–2



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Wodelandfeld Minor, Massefeld, Pyryfeld, Chirchefeld, Mylleshot, Chirchefeldmede, Ramescroft, le Redyn, Langelond, Millelane, Burdonfeld, Prykkeslane, Belleslond, Goseacr, Cressewell, Suddon, Cressewell, Chirchelase, Hobhelderesgardyn, Langemede, Howgroue, Stubbyng, Foletteshey, Godyescroft (Assigned Holding)
bakehouse, siteone (1 x bakehouse site) -
grange 1/3 (0.33 x grange), one (1 x grange) -
land4 a. (4 x acre), a (1 x land) -
land31/2 a. (3.5 x acre), a (1 x land) -
land8 a. (8 x acre), a (1 x land), a (1 x land) -
meadow2 a. (2 x acre) -
land9 a. (9 x acre) -
crofta (1 x croft) -
land10 a. (10 x acre), a (1 x land) -
land30 a. (30 x acre), a (1 x land) -
land20 a. (20 x acre), a (1 x land) -
land10 a. (10 x acre), a (1 x land), a (1 x land) -
land10 a. (10 x acre) -
crofts2 (2 x crofts) -
croft, croftone (1 x croft croft), a (1 x croft croft) -
land6 a. (6 x acre), 4 pieces in a (4 x piece) -
pasture2 a. (2 x acre) -
pasturea rood (0.25 x acre) -
pasturea rood (0.25 x acre) -
meadow2 a. (2 x acre) -
meadowa (1 x meadow) -
wood3 a. and a rood (3.25 x acre) -
grovea (1 x grove) -
pasturea (1 x pasture) -
wood10 a. (10 x acre) -
wooda (1 x wood) -
Total: (=0d.)
Stanford Rivers (Assigned Holding)
rent33s. 1/4d., 3s. 4d.£1 16s. 4.25d. (=436.25d.)
tenement2d., 8s. 11 3/4d.a (1 x tenement), a (1 x tenement)9s. 1.75d. (=109.75d.)
tenement4s. 2d.a (1 x tenement)4s. 2d. (=50d.)
tenement1d.a (1 x tenement)1d. (=1d.)
cottage8d.a (1 x cottage)8d. (=8d.)
croft3s.a (1 x croft)3s. (=36d.)
croft8s.a (1 x croft)8s. (=96d.)
tenement3s. 1d.a (1 x tenement)3s. 1d. (=37d.)
tenement181/2d.a (1 x tenement)1s. 6.5d. (=18.5d.)
land20 a. (20 x acre) -
Value2s. 8d.2s. 8d. (=32d.)
Total: £3 8s. 8.5d. (=824.5d.)



No holding extent information available.



  • Bate(Writ Clerk)



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