Full text


Writ Head

307 Writ. ‡ Reading. 21 February 1440. [Bate].

Inquisition Head

BERKSHIRE. Inquisition. Abingdon. 27 June 1440. [Fetplace].


Richard Farman ; John Farman ; Richard Kene ; William Dutton ; William Wodelefe ; John Mayhewe, senior ; John Penne ; John Wyke ; Roger Grenewey ; Thomas att Wyke; John Towresey ; and William Baylly .

She held the following in demesne as of fee.
Speenhamland, the manor, annual value 4 marks. Of whom it is held is unknown.
She held no other lands or tenements in demesne as of fee or service of the king in chief, or any other, but a fine was levied on the quindene of Michaelmas 1439 [CP 25/1/292/69, no. 233], between Ralph Botiller, knight , John Beauchamp, knight , William Thomas, knight , John Throkmarton , John Norrys , John Nanfan , William Menston , and John Say, clerk, querents ,n244 and Isabel, described as Isabel, who was wife of Richard, late earl of Warwick , countess of Warwick , deforciant, regarding, among other things, the manor of Stanford in the Vale and view of West Hanney belonging to the same. She recognised the manor to be the right of John Say, as held by Ralph, John, William etc. [as above] by grant of the countess, as more fully apparent in the fine, shown to the jurors. Ralph etc. [as above] were thus seised of the manor during the life of Isabel, at her death, and they are still so seised, viz., John Say in demesne as of fee, and the others as of free tenement.

She died on 26 December last. Henry, present earl of Warwick , is her son and next heir, and was aged 15 on 22 March last.

[Head:] Delivered to court on 4 July.

TNA reference

C 139/96/3 mm. 1–2

Inquisition Head

HEREFORDSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition [indented]. Hereford. 6 November 1441. [Baskervile].


John Moton ; Hoell ap Hoell ; Thomas Capull ; Robert Assh ; John Apre ; John Hunte ; Roger Webbe ; William Rudale ; Richard Cockes ; Richard Henborowe ; Hugh ?Colle [ms torn]; and Roger Quarell .

John Merbury , Walter Mille , and John Dauntsey were seised of the castle and manor of Snodhill in demesne as of fee and, thus seised, they granted them to Richard, late earl of Warwick , and Isabel, then his wife, to hold to them and the heirs of their bodies, shown to the jurors. The late earl and the countess were thus seised in demesne as of fee tail, and they had issue: Henry, present earl of Warwick . After the death of Richard, Isabel died seised of this estate.
Snodhill, the castle and manor, annual value £8. They are not held of the king, but of whom is unknown.
She held the following in demesne as of fee.
Ewyas Lacy, the castle and manor, annual value £30. Of whom they are held is unknown.

Date of death and heir as 307 except heir was 17 on 22 March last.

[Head:] Delivered to court on 26 November 1441.

[Foot:] Examined.

TNA reference

C 139/96/3 mm. 3–4

Writ Head

309 Writ. ‡ Reading. 21 February 1440. [Bate].

Inquisition Head

HAMPSHIRE. Inquisition. Fordingbridge. 16 June 1440. [Ticheburn].


John Molyns ; Robert Pokeswell ; Stephen Holcome ; John Styler ; John Myst ; John Cooke of Upper Burgate or Lower Burgate (Burgate); John Cook of Ford or Fordingbridge (Ford); Thomas Laurence ; John Prychet ; William Brydmere ; John Smyth ; and William Fryday .

She held the following in demesne as of fee.
Ashley, the manor. There is the manorial site, worth nothing yearly; 300 a. land, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 40 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 100 a. pasture, each acre worth 6d. yearly; £3 assize rent; and 40s. rent from tenants holding according to manorial custom. Of whom the manor is held is unknown.
Mapledurwell, the manor. There are 400 a. land, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 20 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 40 a. pasture, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 30s. assize rent; and £3 rent from tenants-at-will. Of whom the manor is held is unknown.
She held no other lands or tenements in demesne as of fee or service of the king, or any other, but a fine was levied on the quindene of Michaelmas 1439 [CP 25/1/292/69, no. 233]. Continues as 307 regarding the manors of Thorley and Wellow. n245
Thorley, the manor; and
Wellow, the manor
. They are held of Humphrey, duke of Gloucester , as of his castle of Carisbrooke, service unknown.

Date of death and heir as 307.

[Head:] Delivered to court on 7 July.

TNA reference

C 139/96/3 mm. 5–6

Inquisition Head

NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Blyth. 27 October 1440. [Neville].


John Vpton ; Henry Ryder ; John Smyth ; John Marre ; John Moche ; Richard Cowehop ; Roger Steuenson ; Robert Paronell ; John Paronell ; John Walker ; Richard Haukeyerd ; and William Hillom .

She held the following manor in demesne as of fee tail, among other things, by virtue of a grant by William de la Lee and John de Knyghton on 24 June 1335 to Edward le Despenser and Anne his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. The grant was made by charter. [1]+Edward and Anne were thus seised in demesne as of fee tail, and they had issue: Edward. Edward, father, died and Anne afterwards also died. The manor descended to Edward, son, by virtue of the grant and he was thus seised in demesne as of fee tail. He died seised of this estate and the manor descended to Thomas, late Lord Despenser, son of Edward son of Edward. He was seised in demesne as of fee tail, and died seised of this estate on 5 January 1400. The manor descended to Richard, son and heir of Thomas, late lord. Richard was then a minor and, owing to the death of Thomas and the minority of Richard, the manor was seized into the hand of ‪Henry IV. Richard died a minor in the wardship of the king without heir of his body. The manor descended to Isabel, late countess of Warwick , sister and heir of Richard, son and heir of Thomas, late Lord Despenser, as heir lineal in tail by virtue of the grant.+[1]
Perlethorpe, the manor, annual value 41s., held of the king as of his duchy of Lancaster by knight service.
Date of death and heir as 307.
TNA reference

C 139/96/3 mm. 7–8

Inquisition Head

LINCOLNSHIRE. Inquisition. Stamford. 24 May 1441. [Wascelyn].


William Styrton , John Warde , William Rouston , John Cheke , Robert Brom , and John Moston , of Stamford; William Ledys ; William Curby ; John Gudefelay ; Robert Graunte ; William Barkere ; and William Dyggon .

She held the following park, land, meadow, and rent in demesne as of fee tail, to her and the heirs of her body, by virtue of a grant, among other things, of the manor of Essendine in Lincolnshire and Rutland, of which the park etc. were parcel, by Hugh de Calk and William de Castelford on 10 August 1338 to Edward le Despenser and Anne his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. The grant was made by charter. Continues as 310+[1]. Isabel was thus seised in demesne as of fee tail.
Essendine and Carlby, 200 a. land, 20 a. meadow, and 13s. rent, and the park of Essendine, containing 200 a. wood, annual value £6, parcel of the manor of Essendine which is held of William Bourchir, chevalier , as of his castle of Oakham, service unknown.
Date of death and heir as 307, except the heir was 16 on 22 March last.
TNA reference

C 139/96/3 mm. 9–10

Writ Head

312 Writ. ‡ Reading. 21 February 1440. [Bate].

Inquisition Head

OXFORDSHIRE. Inquisition. Oxford. 23 May 1440. [Fetplace].


William Ardron ; William Boseno ; Richard Purcell ; Thomas Chebenhurst ; John Mery ; Robert Fyffyde ; William Dandy ; Thomas Chalkeleyn ; John Swyft ; John Badby ; Thomas Cogen ; and John Tryllyng .


She held no lands or tenements in demesne as of fee or service of the king in chief, or any other, but a fine was levied on the quindene of Michaelmas 1439 [CP 25/1/292/69, no. 233]. Continues as 307 regarding the manor of Shipton under Wychwood and the hundred of Chadlington. Furthermore, by a fine levied on the quindene of Martinmas 1439 [CP 25/1/292/69, no. 238], between Ralph Botiller, knight , and the others named in the fine [as ms],n246 querents, and Isabel, described as above, deforciant, regarding, among other things, the manors of Caversham and Burford. With royal licence obtained [CPR 1436–41, p. 359], Isabel recognised the manors to be the right of Ralph and the others named in the fine, as held by grant of Isabel, as more fully apparent in the fine, shown to the jurors. Ralph and the others were thus seised in demesne as of fee during the life of Isabel, at her death, and they are yet so seised.

Date of death and heir as 307.
TNA reference

C 139/96/3 mm. 11–12

Inquisition Head

WILTSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Marlborough. 8 October 1440. [Tycheburn].


Richard Waryn ; Thomas Michell ; John Hamelyn ; William Beneyt ; John Lond ; Thomas Mannyng ; Henry Clerk ; John Mondy ; John Maffero ; Hugh Cantlowe ; Hugh Jely ; and Peter ?Copenhill.


She held no lands or tenements in demesne as of fee or service of the king in chief, or any other, but a fine was levied on the quindene of Michaelmas 1439 [CP 25/1/292/69, no. 233]. Continues as 307 regarding the following.

Sherston Magna. The manor is not held of the king, but of whom is unknown
. A fine was also levied on the quindene of Martinmas 1439 [CP 25/1/292/69, no. 238]. Continues as 312 regarding the manors of Winterslow and Broad Town.n247 Royal licence was obtained [CPR 1436–41, p. 59].

Date of death and heir as 307.

[Head:] Delivered to court [no date given].

TNA reference

C 139/96/3 mm. 13–14

Writ Head

314 Writ. ‡ Reading. 21 February 1440. [Bate].

Inquisition Head

KENT. Inquisition [indented]. Maidstone. 9 June 1440. [Burgh].


William Turnour ; William Crompe, ‘sowdere’; John Baker of Horsmonden (Helmonden); John Brigelond ; Robert atte Park ; John Peris, ‘tannere’; Thomas Hamherst ; John Gemotte ; Richard Goldhord ; John Martyn of Brenchley; John Gerald of Wouldham; and Walter Gemotte .


She held the following manor in demesne as of fee.

Henden, the manor, annual value 100s. Of whom it is held is unknown.
She held no more lands or tenements in demesne as of fee or service of the king, or any other, but William, late Lord Bergavenny, was before seised of the manor of Mereworth in demesne as of fee and he granted it to Richard, late earl of Worcester , his son, and Isabel, then wife of Richard, and their heirs and assigns. Richard and Isabel were thus seised of this estate. Richard afterwards died, and Isabel held the manor by right of survivorship. A fine was afterwards levied on the quindene of Martinmas 1439 [CP 25/1/292/69, no. 238]. Continues as 312 regarding the manors of Mereworth and Rotherfield. Royal licence was obtained [CPR 1436–41, p. 359].

Date of death and heir as 307.

[Head:] Delivered to court on 20 June 1440.

TNA reference

C 139/96/3 mm. 15–16

Writ Head

315 Writ. ‡ Reading. 18 January 1440. [Bate].

Addressed to the escheator in Warwickshire and Leicestershire.n248

Inquisition Head

WARWICKSHIRE. Inquisition. Warwick. 7 May 1440. [Palmere].


Thomas Estopp , John Boueton , and William Lemstere , of Warwick; John Draper ; William Eleys ; Thomas Hynton ; John Yerdeley ; Robert Wylkyns ; Richard Sadeler ; John Rodeknyght ; William Plomer ; and Richard Hemery of the same place.n249


She held no lands or tenements in demesne as of fee or service of the king in chief, or any other. A fine was, however, levied on the quindene of Michaelmas 1439, between Ralph Botiller, knight , John Beauchamp, knight , William Thomas, knight , John Throkmarton , John Norrys , John Nanfan , William Menston , and John Say, clerk, querents, and Isabel, described as Isabel, who was wife of Richard, late earl of Warwick , countess of Warwick , deforciant, regarding, among other things, the manor of Winderton. The countess recognised the manor to be the right of John Say as held by Ralph, John, William etc. [as above] by grant of Isabel, as more fully apparent in the fine, shown to the jurors. Ralph etc. [as above] were thus seised during the life of Isabel, at her death, and they are yet so seised, viz., John Say in demesne as of fee, and the others as of free tenement. n250 Richard Beauchamp , who married Isabel, granted annuities to various people for their lives, viz., to John Ferrers of Groby, 20 marks of English money, taken yearly from free rent from the mill of Tamworth and other annual rents from the vill and lordship of Tamworth; and to John Sorsby , £10, taken from the manor of Brailes at Easter and Michaelmas equally. The grants were made by charter, sealed with his arms and shown to the jurors.

Date of death and heir as 307.

[Head:] Delivered to Chancery on 10 May 1440.

TNA reference

C 139/96/3 mm. 17–18

Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Doncaster. 6 November 1440. [Vghtred].


John Lascy ; John Lely ; Thomas Barlay ; Richard Dyket ; John Holme ; Thomas Warde ; John del Wode ; William Johnson ; William Wathe ; Richard Thomson ; John Cressy ; and John Hough .

She held the manors of Kimberworth and Bawtry in demesne as of fee tail, to her and the heirs of her body, viz., the manor of Kimberworth by grant of Hugh de Calk and William de Castelford to Edward le Despenser, knight , and Anne his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. The grant was made by charter, sealed with the seals of Hugh and William, dated on 9 January 1339. The manor of Bawtry was held, among other things, by grant of William de la Lee and John de Knyghton to Edward and Anne his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. The grant was made by charter, sealed with the seals of William and John, dated on 24 June 1335. n251 Continues as 310+[1], without reference to the date of death of Thomas, Lord Despenser or the wardship of the king.
Kimberworth, the manor, annual value 10 marks, held of the king as of his honour of Tickhill by knight service.
Bawtry, the manor, annual value 4 marks, held of the king as of his honour of Tickhill.
She held the manor of Hotham to her and the heirs of her body.
Hotham, the manor, annual value £10, but of whom it is held is unknown.
Date of death and heir as 307.
TNA reference

C 139/96/3 mm. 19–20

Writ Head

317 Writ. ‡ Reading. 21 February 1440. [Bate].

Inquisition Head

RUTLAND. Inquisition. Oakham. 25 May 1441. [Bughton].


William Laxton ; John Bayarde ; John Carby ; John Smyth ; Thomas Laxton ; William Hopkyns ; Nicholas Acharde ; John Hopkyns ; Henry atte Crosse ; John Clerke ; Thomas Bate ; John in the Lane ; and William in the Lane .

She held the manorial site and vill of Essendine in demesne as of fee tail, to her nd the heirs of her body, by grant of Hugh de Calk and William de Castelford on 10 August 1338 of the manor of Essendine and the manor of Morton in Lincolnshire and Rutland to Edward le Despenser, knight , and Anne his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. The grant was made by charter. Continues as 310+[1] without reference to the date of death of Thomas, Lord Despenser.
Essendine, the site of the manor, and the vill, with watermill, land, meadow, wood, rents, and services, annual value £6, parcel of the manor of Essendine which is held of Humphrey, earl of Buckingham, as of his castle of Oakham by knight service.
Date of death and heir as 307 except the heir was 16 on 22 March last.
TNA reference

C 139/96/3 mm. 21–22

Inquisition Head

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Edlesborough (Atilburgh). 8 November 1440. [Hampden].


Nicholas Hobbeson ; Nicholas Baron ; John Shepherd ; John Clerk of Waldridge; John Hertwell ; Henry Frankeleyn ; John Milward ; William Counbe ; John Basset ; John Chapman ; William Yonge ; and John Goolde .

She held no lands or tenements in demesne as of fee or service of the king, or any other, but Richard Beauchamp, late earl of Warwick , who married Isabel, was seised of the manor of Olney and advowson of the church there in demesne as of fee tail, to him and the heirs male of his body, by virtue of a fine levied on the morrow of the Ascension 1339 [CP 25/1/287/40, no. 255]. William Herle, knight , and Thomas Radclyff, parson of Olney, granted the manor and advowson to Thomas Beauchamp, late earl of Warwick , and the heirs male of his body, as more fully apparent in the fine, shown to the jurors. Richard was thus seised as son and heir male of Thomas. Furthermore, a fine was levied on the octave of Trinity 1344 [CP 25/1/287/41, no. 332]. [2]+This was between Thomas Beauchamp, then earl of Warwick , and Katherine his wife, querents, and John Melborn and Roger de Ledbury , clerks, deforciants, regarding, among other things, the manor of Hanslope and advowson of the church there. John and Roger granted the manor and advowson to Thomas, then earl, and Katherine, to hold for their lives, with successive remainders to Guy, son of Thomas, and the heirs male of his body; and to Thomas, brother of Guy, and the heirs male of his body. Thomas, former earl, died, then Katherine died, and Guy died without heir male of his body. Thomas, brother of Guy, was thus seised of the manor and advowson in demesne as of fee tail, and he had issue: Richard, late earl. Thomas, brother, afterwards died, and Richard, late earl, was thus seised in demesne as of fee tail, to him and the heirs male of his body, as son and heir of Thomas, brother of Guy.+[2] With Richard thus seised, a fine was levied at Westminster on the octave of Martinmas 1423 [CP 25/1/291/65, no. 15]. [3]+This was between Richard, late earl of Warwick , and Isabel, described as Isabel le Despenser, countess of Worcester , querents, and Thomas, bishop of Durham , John Throkmarton, and John Barton, junior, deforciants, regarding, among other things, the manors of Olney and Hanslope and advowsons of the churches there. The bishop, John, and John granted the manors and advowsons to Richard and Isabel, and the heirs male of their bodies, as more fully apparent in the fine, shown to the jurors. They were thus seised and had issue: Henry, present earl of Warwick.+[3] Richard, late earl, afterwards died, and Isabel continued to be so seised by virtue of the fine.
Olney, the manor, true annual value, £20,
with advowson of the church there, held of the king in chief, service unknown.
The advowson is of no annual value when it falls.
Hanslope, the manor, true annual value £20, held of the king, service unknown.
The advowson is of no annual value when it falls.
A fine was levied on the quindene of Michaelmas 1439 [CP 25/1/292/69, no. 233]. Continues as 307 regarding the following, although without specifying that John Say held in demesne as of fee and the others as of free tenement.
Great Marlow, the manor. It is not held of the king, but of whom is unknown.
She held no other nor more lands or tenements in demesne as of fee of the king, or any other, but John Nanfan, esquire , holds the manors of Buckland, Amersham, and Singleborough for life, with reversion to the late countess and her heirs.
Buckland, the manor, annual value 10 marks.
Amersham, the manor, annual value 40s.
Singleborough, the manor, annual value 33s. 4d.
The manors are not held of the king, but of whom is unknown.
Date of death as 307. After her death, the manors of Olney and Hanslope with advowsons descended by hereditary right to Henry, present earl of Warwick, as son and heir male of Richard, late earl, son and heir of Thomas, brother of Guy, by virtue of the fines levied in 1339 and 1344. Henry is son and heir male, and son and heir general, of Richard and Isabel together and individually. He was 15 on 22 March last.
TNA reference

C 139/96/3 mm. 23–24

Writ Head

319 Writ [not extant]. 21 February 1440.

Addressed to Robert Large, mayor and escheator of London [CFR 1437–45, p. 104].

Inquisition Head

CITY OF LONDON. Inquisition [indented]. Guildhall. 22 October 1440. [Large].


Thomas Robenet ; Henry Merchaunt ; William Causton ; Richard Wotton ; Richard Reynold ; Richard Toll ; John Hole ; John Prince ; Richard Benton ; William Costantyn ; Walter Lydbury ; and Richard Vyncente .

She was seised of the following rent, tenements, inn, shops, and advowson in demesne as of fee tail, to her and the heirs of her body, by authority of letters patent of ‪ Edward I. [4]+The letters, dated on 27 May 1290, recited how his beloved and faithful Gilbert de Clare, then earl of Gloucester and Hertford , had lately granted him all the castles, lands, and tenements that he held in England, to hold to the king and his heirs without any reservation. The king then granted, by the letters patent, the rent etc., among other things, described as all his castles, lands, and tenements that he had in England by grant of the late earl, except certain lands and tenements contained in the letters patent, to the late earl and most beloved daughter of the king, Joan, then wife of the earl, to hold to the late earl and Joan, and the heirs of their bodies,n252 as wholly, quietly, freely, and honourably in all rights, regalities, honours, lordships, liberties, free customs, knights’ fees, and advowsons of religious houses and churches, as held by the earl on the day that he rendered them into the king’s hand. This is more fully apparent in the letters patent, shown to the jurors [CChR 1257–1300, pp. 350–51]. n253 The late earl and Joan were thus seised of the rent etc. in demesne as of fee tail. They had issue: Gilbert, and three daughters: Eleanor, first-born, Margaret, middle- born, and Elizabeth, the third-born. Joan died, and Gilbertn254 afterwards died. The rent etc. descended to Gilbert, son of Gilbert, late earl, who was thus seised in demesne as of fee tail by virtue of the grant. He died seised of this estate without heir of his bodyn255 and the rent etc. descended to Eleanor, Margaret, and Elizabeth, as sisters and heirs of Gilbert, son of Gilbert and Joan. The rent etc., among other things, were allotted to Hugh le Despenser, chevalier, junior , and Eleanor, then his wife, in her purparty of all the castles, manors, lands, and tenements that were of Gilbert son of Gilbert, as fully shown by the partition between the said Hugh and Eleanor, Hugh de Audeley, junior , and Margaret, then his wife, and Roger Damory and Elizabeth, then his wife. The partition was enrolled in the Chancery of Edward I. Hugh le Despenser and Eleanor were thus seised of the rent etc. in demesne as of fee tail, in right of Eleanor, and they had issue: Hugh, senior , and Edward, junior . Hugh, father, died, and Eleanor then died seised of her estate. The rent etc. descended to Hugh, as son and heir of Hugh le Despenser and Eleanor, and he was thus seised in demesne as of fee tail. Hugh died seised of this estate, and the rent etc. descended to Edward, son of Edward le Despenser and brother of Hugh, as kin and heir of Hugh, viz., son of Edward brother of Hugh, son, because Hugh, son, died without heir of his body. Edward son of Edward was thus seised of the rent etc. in demesne as of fee tail. He died so seised, and the rent etc. descended to Thomas, late Lord Despenser , son and heir of Edward le Despenser. Thomas was thus seised in demesne as of fee tail. He died seised of this estate, and the rent etc. descended to Richard, son and heir of Thomas, late Lord Despenser. Richard was then a minor in the king’s wardship and, owing to the death of Thomas and the minority of Richard, the rent etc. were seized into the hand of ‪ Henry IV. Richard died seised of this estate, a minor in the king’s wardship without heir of his body. The rent etc. descended to Isabel, sister and heir of Richard, son and heir of Thomas, late Lord Despenser, as heir lineal in tail.+[4]
Dowgate, 2 tenements in the ward, and 24s. rent from 2 tenements there, formerly held by Sara de Rokeslee .
Friday Street and Watling Street, 6 tenements with adjacent shops, annual value 8 marks, and a tenement and inn called ‘le Belle on Hope, annual value 10s.’, formerly held by Thomas de Copham and Aubrey (Aubreda) his wife.
All Hallows the Great, advowson of the church, annual value 40s. when it falls.
The rent, tenements, inn, shops, and advowson are held of the king in free burgage, as all the city of London is held. Annual value of the tenements with shops: 8 marks; the inn, 10s.
Date of death and heir as 307.
TNA reference

C 139/96/3 m. 25

Inquisition Head

NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Northampton. 17 November 1440. [Heton].


Thomas Burgeys ; Richard Terry ; William Wryght ; John Hykman ; John Holman ; Richard Grygge ; William Warde ; Richard Holwell ; John Praty ; John Harowdon ; William atte Well ; and John Cropston .

She held no lands or tenements in demesne as of fee or service of the king in chief, or any other, but Richard Beauchamp, late earl of Warwick , who married Isabel, as seised of the manor of Moulton in demesne as of fee tail, to him and the heirs male of his body, as son and heir male of the body of Thomas Beauchamp, late earl of Warwick, by virtue of a grant by William Herle, knight , and Thomas Radclyff, parson of Olney , to Thomas. The grant was made by a fine levied on the morrow of the Ascension 1339 [CP 25/1/177/75, no. 181], between Ralph Basset of Drayton Basset and others named in the fine [as ms], querents,n256 and William Herle and Thomas Radclyff, deforciants , regarding the same manor. Thomas, late earl, was thus seised of the manor in demesne as of fee tail, to him and the heirs male of his body, and he had issue: Richard, late earl. Thomas died, and Richard was thus seised of the manor in demesne as of fee tail. A fine was also levied on the octave of Trinity 1344 [CP 25/1/287/41, no. 332], before John Stonore and his associates, with royal licence obtained [CPR 1343–45, pp. 251–2]. Continues as 318+[2] regarding the manor of Potterspury. In addition to being seised of the manors of Moulton and Potterspury in demesne as of fee tail, Richard was also seised in demesne as of fee of the manors of Cosgrove and Puxley, and a fine was levied on the octave of Martinmas 1423 [CP 25/1/291/65, no. 15], before William Babyngton and his associates. Continues as 318+[3] regarding the manors of Moulton, Potterspury, Cosgrove and Puxley, and advowson of the church of Potterspury, although there is no mention of the fine being shown to the jurors. Richard, late earl, afterwards died seised of his estate, and Isabel too afterwards died so seised by virtue of the fine.
Potterspury, the manor, true annual value 20 marks, held of the king in chief,service unknown.
Cosgrove, and
the manors, true annual value of each, 8 marks, held of the king in chief, service unknown.

Date of death as 307 After her death, the manors of Moulton and Potterspury descended to Henry, present earl of Warwick , by hereditary right as son and heir male of Richard, late earl, by virtue of the fines levied in 1339 and 1344. Henry is son and heir male, and son and heir general, of Richard and Isabel together and individually. He was 15 on 22 March last.

[Head:] Delivered to court on 29 November.

TNA reference

C 139/96/3 mm. 26–27

Inquisition Head

NORFOLK. Inquisition [indented]. North Walsham. 7 November 1440. [Tymperle].


John Bigyn ; Robert Tweyte ; John Thirne ; Nicholas Maluerne ; John Couper ; William Kyppynge ; John Smyth ; Geoffrey Hamond ; Thomas Wystowe ; William Spede ; Robert Lok ; and Edmund Curteys .

She held advowsons of the following churches in fee tail. They were held by Thomas, late Lord Despenser , in fee tail, to him and the heirs of his body by authority of letters patent of ‪ Edward I by which the advowsons were granted to Gilbert, late earl of Gloucester and Hertford , and Joan his wife, daughter of ‪Edward I, ancestors of Isabel, late countess of Warwick , and to the heirs of the bodies of Gilbert and Joan. Continues as 319+[4].
Warham, extending at 10 marks when it falls;
Beechamwell All Saints, extending at 100s. when it falls;
Barton Bendish, St Andrew, extending at £4 when it falls;
Caldecote, extending at 40s. when it falls; and
Shingham, extending at 40s. when it falls.
Date of death and heir as 307.
TNA reference

C 139/96/3 mm. 28–29

Inquisition Head

STAFFORDSHIRE. Inquisition. Lichfield. 2 May 1440. [Harpur].


Robert Stokys ; Henry Jekys ; Peter Goldson ;n257 William Broughton ; Cornelius Wyrley ; Thomas Neweton ; Richard Thykebrome ; John Ruggeley, senior ; Richard Goldeson ; John Gresebroke ; John Mere ; and John Perysson .

She held no lands or tenements in demesne as of fee or service of the king in chief, or any other, but Richard Beauchamp, late earl of Warwick , who married Isabel, was seised of the manor of Walsall in demesne as of fee tail, to him and the heirs male of his body, as son and heir male of Thomas Beauchamp, late earl of Warwick , by virtue of a grant, made by a fine levied on the morrow of the Ascension 1339 [CP 25/1/287/40, no. 255], by William Herle, knight , and Thomas Radclyff, parson of Olney , to Thomas, late earl, and the heirs male of his body, as more fully apparent in the fine, shown to the jurors. Richard, late earl, was seised in demesne as of fee tail, to him and the heirs of his body, of the manor of Drayton Basset, as son and heir of Thomas Beauchamp, late earl , and Margaret his wife, by virtue of a fine levied on the quindene of Easter 1400 [CP 25/1/290/59, no. 8], between Thomas de Aldebury, clerk , and Thomas and Margaret. Thomas de Aldebury granted the manor to Thomas, late earl, and Margaret, to hold to them and the heirs of their bodies. They were thus seised. Thomas and Margaret had issue: Richard, late earl, and died. Richard was then seised in demesne as of fee tail of the manors of Walsall and Drayton Basset, and he was also seised in demesne as of fee of the manor of Pattingham. Long before his death, he granted annuities and fees to be taken from various manors by various people for their lives. The grants, made by charter, sealed with his arms and shown to the jurors, were as follows. From the manor of Drayton Basset. William Ferrers of Chartley, knight , £20; John Ferrers of Groby, esquire , 20 marks; John Prince , 100s.; John Chetewynd for the steward’s fee, 26s. 8d.; Thomas Newton , for the parker’s fee, 60s. 8d.; Richard Goldesson for the keeper of the manor’s fee, 60s. 8d.; to the same Richard for the rent collector’s fee, 60s. 8d.; and to John Maggon, paliser, for his fence-keeper’s fee, 60s. 8d. From the manor of Walsall. Robert Kelyng, varlet of the late earl, 100s.; Nicholas Flaxhale, junior , for his fee for keeping the park, 60s. 8d.; and to the same Nicholas, for collecting rents, 60s. 8d. From the manor of Pattingham. John Pery , for collecting rents, 60s. 8d.; and John Chetewynd, steward of the manors of Pattingham and Walsall, 66s. 8d. With Richard, late earl, thus seised, a fine was levied at Westminster on the octave of Martinmas 1423 [CP 25/1/291/65, no. 15]. Continues as 318+[3] regarding the manors of Drayton Basset, Walsall, and Pattingham, although there is no mention of the fine being shown to the jurors. Richard, late earl, afterwards died. Isabel was seised of the manors in demesne as of fee tail, as above.
Walsall, the manor, true annual value 20 marks, held of the king at fee-farm for £4.
Drayton Basset, the manor, true annual value 40 marks, held of the heirs of Ralph Basset of Great Weldon as of his manor of Great Weldon, service unknown.
Pattingham, the manor, annual value 20 marks, is not held of the king in chief, but of whom is unknown.

Date of death as 307. The manors of Walsall, Drayton Basset, and Pattingham descended by hereditary right to Henry, present earl, as son and heir of Richard, late earl, son and heir of Thomas, late earl, by virtue of the fines of 1339 and 1344.n258 Henry is son and next heir male, and son and next heir general, of Richard, late earl, and Isabel together and individually. He was 15 on 22 March last.

[Head:] Delivered to court on 11 May.

TNA reference

C 139/96/3 mm. 30–31

E 149/169/6 m. 3

Writ Head

323 Writ. ‡ Reading. 21 February 1440. [Bate].

Inquisition Head

SUFFOLK. Inquisition [indented]. Wickham Market. 14 November 1440. [Tymperle].


Alexander Clerke ; John Snolynge ; Thomas Gymbald ; John Paretre ; Robert Partrych ; Henry Reynald ; Geoffrey Flete ; Nicholas Herynge ; Nicholas Candeler ; Geoffrey Hill; Thomas Herynge ; and Nicholas Brayswell .


She held in demesne as of fee tail, to her and the heirs of her body,

£10 rent from the manors of Hersham and Pettaugh in Suffolk, and the manor of Haverhill in Essex. The rent is not held of the king, but of whom it is held is unknown.
The manors were and are parcel of the castle, lands, and tenements that were of Gilbert de Clare, late earl of Gloucester and Hertford , and which, by letters patent of ‪ Edward I, were granted and entailed to Gilbert, late earl, and Joan his wife, daughter of the king, ancestors of Isabel, and to the heirs of Gilbert and Joan. Continues as 319+[4]. She held no other nor more lands or tenements in demesne as of fee or service of the king, or any other, but a fine was levied at Westminster on the quindene of Michaelmas 1433 [CP 25/1/224/116, no. 5], before William Babyngton and his other king’s justices of the Bench, between John Verney, clerk , Robert Andrew , and John Throkmarton, querents, and Richard Beauchamp, late earl of Warwick , and Isabel, described as Isabel, wife of Richard, late earl of Warwick , deforciants , regarding the manors of Blaxhall and Burwash. The earl and Isabel recognised the manors to be the right of John Verney as held by John, Robert, and John Throkmarton by grant of the earl and Isabel, and they quitclaimed for them and the heirs of Isabel to John, Robert, and John, and to the heirs of John Verney, as more fully apparent in the fine, shown to the jurors. John, Robert, and John were thus seised of the manors in demesne as of fee during the life of Isabel, at her death, and they are yet so seised.
Blaxhall, the manor, annual value £10.
Burwash, the manor, annual value 10 marks.
The manors are held of John, duke of Norfolk, as a knight’s fee.

Date of death and heir as 307.
TNA reference

C 139/96/3 mm. 32–33

Inquisition Head

WORCESTERSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Worcester. 12 April 1440. [Dyneley].


Thomas Wynslowe ; Edmund Rudyng ; William Wynter ; John Dalamare ; John Toky of Kington; John Thorndon ; William Sollay ; Richard Rudyng ; John Pyre ; John Crabbe ; John Hobford ; and William Meysy .


She held no lands or tenements in demesne as of fee or service of the king in chief, or any other, but she held to her and the heirs of her body the manor of Upton upon Severn by virtue of a grant by Lambert de Weston, knight , Robert de Perlee, rector of Sherston Magna or Sherston Parva (Sherston) , and John de Alrynton, to Edward, late Lord Despenser, and Elizabeth his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Edward and Elizabeth were thus seised in demesne as of fee tail. They died, and the manor descended to Isabel, their kin and heir as daughter of Thomas son of Edward and Elizabeth.

Upton upon Severn, the manor, true annual value £20, held of the bishop of Worcester, service unknown.
A fine was levied at Westminster on the quindene of Martinmas 1439 [CP 25/1/292/69, no. 238], before Richard Newton and his associates, king’s justices. Continues as 312 regarding the manors of
Bushley, and
. Richard, late earl of Warwick, who married Isabel, was seised of the following in demesne as of fee tail, to him and the heirs of his body.
Fickenappletree, 1/2 manor, true annual value 40s., held of John Beauchamp, knight , service unknown.
Grafton Flyford, a messuage, and carucate of land, called ‘Hulleplace’, true annual value 30s., held of the abbot of Westminster, service unknown.
Droitwich and Upwich, 2 seals (salinis) and boileries of 11 3/4 lead vats for brine, true annual value 20s., held of the king in socage.
Droitwich, 26s. 8d. rent, held of the king in socage.
Richard, late earl, was seised of the manor of Shrawley in demesne as of fee tail, to him and the heirs male of his body, by virtue of a fine levied on the octave of Trinity 1344 [CP 25/1/287/41, no. 332]. Continues as 318+[2]. The fine was shown to the jurors.
Shrawley, the manor, true annual value 20 marks, held of the king in chief as 1/4 knight’s fee.
Richard, late earl , was seised of the following manors and knights’ fees in demesne as of fee tail, to him and the heirs male of his body, by virtue of a fine levied three weeks from Michaelmas 1361 [CP 25/1/288/46, no. 596] between Thomas Beauchamp, then earl of Warwick , querent, and John Bokyngham and others named in the fine [as ms], deforciants.n259 John and the others granted the manors and knight’s fee, among other things, to Thomas, then earl, for life, with remainder to Thomas, father of Richard, late earl , and the heirs male of his body, as more fully apparent in the fine, shown to the jurors. Thomas was thus seised, and he died. Thomas, father, also died and Richard was seised as son and heir male of Thomas.
Elmley Lovett, the manor, true annual value 20 marks, held of the king in chief, service unknown.
Syntley and Abberley, the manors, true annual value £20, held of the king in chief, service unknown.
Redmarley D’Abitot, 1/2 knight’s fee, worth nothing this year.
Richard, late earl , was seised of the following, among other things, in demesne as of fee tail, to him and the heirs of his body, by virtue of a grant by Hugh de Segrave and Henry de Ardern, knights, and Richard de Pyryton and John Harewode , clerks, to Thomas, father of Richard, then earl of Warwick , and Margaret, then his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Thomas and Margaret were thus seised, and they had issue: Richard, late earl. They died, and Richard was then seised as their son and heir.
Elmley, the castle, and the manor of Elmley Castle, annual value 40 marks, held of the bishop of Worcester, service unknown.
Wadborough, the manor, annual value 20 marks, held of the abbot of Pershore, service unknown.
Stoulton and Kersoe, the manors, true annual value 40 marks, held of the bishop of Worcester, service unknown.
Salwarpe, the manor;
and Droitwich, 14 seals of brine and 10 marks rent,
held of the prior of Coventry , service unknown. True annual value £20. Richard, late earl , was seised of the following in demesne as of fee tail, to him and the heirs of his body, by virtue of a grant by Edmund Brugge , John Aleyn , and Richard de Tempdebure to Thomas, late earl , father of Richard late earl, and Margaret, then his wife, and the heirs of the bodies of Thomas and Margaret. Thomas and Margaret were thus seised, and they died. Richard was then seised as their son and heir.
Droitwich and Upwich, 8 seals, and a boilery of 8 lead vats for brine. They are not held of the king in chief, but of whom is unknown.
Richard, late earl , was seised of the following in demesne as of fee tail, to him and the heirs of his body, by virtue of a grant by William Cokesey , William Spernore , Roger Tangley , and William Bromley , clerks, to Thomas, late earl , father of Richard, and Margaret, then his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Thomas and Margaret were thus seised, and they died. Richard was then seised as their son and heir.
Beoley, the manor, true annual value 20 marks, formerly held by Henry de Ardern, held of the abbot of Pershore, service unknown.
Ribbesford, the manor, with Rock and Lindon, members of the manor, held of the duke of York , service unknown. True annual value £10.
Worcester, 12 cottages, true annual value 20s., and 8 messuages, true annual value £4, held of the king in socage, and £10 rent in the city.
Richard, late earl, was seised of the following in demesne as of fee.
Perry, 1/2 manor.
Droitwich, Upwich, Worcester, Whittington, and Grafton Flyford, 35 messuages, 14 seals of brine, and a salt-spring (puteo), lead vat, and boilery, called ‘Sherevespytte’, a mill called ‘Frogmull’, and £23 6s. 8d. rent.
The manor of Grafton Flyford and the messuage(s) and carucate of land there are held of the abbot of Westminster, service unknown. True annual value £10.
n262 With Richard thus seised, variously in demesne as of fee and of other premisses in demesne as of fee tail, a fine was levied on the octave of Martinmas 1423 [CP 25/1/291/65, no. 15] where he recognised the above castle, manors, lands, tenements, messuages, cottages, rents, seals, and moieties of manors and knights’ fees, among other things, – described as the castle and manor of Elmley Castle, the manors of Kersoe, Wadborough, Stoulton, Abberley, Syntley, Shrawley, Ribbesford, Rock, Lindon, Elmley Lovett, Grafton Flyford, Beoley, and Salwarpe, 35 messuages, 14 seals of brine, 37 lead vats and boileries for brine, the salt-spring, lead vat, and boilery for brine, called ‘Sherevespytte’, a mill called ‘Frogmull’ by the castle of Worcester, a carucate of land called ‘Hulleplace’, £23 6s. 8d. rent in Droitwich, Upwich, Worcester, Whittington, and Grafton Flyford, 1/2 manor of Fickenappletree, 1/2 manor of Perry, 1/2 knight’s fee in Redmarley D’Abitot, and advowsons of the churches of Abberley, Shrawley, Ribbesford, Grafton Flyford, Elmley Lovett, and Salwarpe – to be the right of Thomas, bishop of Durham , as held by the bishop, John Throkmarton , and John Barton, junior , by grant of Richard, late earl. For that recognition, the bishop, John, and John granted the above to the earl and Isabel, late countess , described as Isabel le Despenser, countess of Worcester , and the heirs male of their bodies, as more fully apparent in the fine, shown to the jurors. Richard, late earl , and Isabel his wife afterwards had issue: Henry, present earl of Warwick , and Richard died. Isabel was still seised by virtue of the fine.

Date of death as 307 Henry, present earl of Warwick, is son and heir male, and son and heir general, of Richard, late earl, and Isabel, late countess, together and individually. The above, of which Richard, late earl, was seised in demesne as of fee tail, as son and heir of Thomas, late earl, and as son and heir of Thomas and Margaret his wife, by virtue of the grants and fines above, descended after the death of Richard, late earl, and Isabel, to Henry, present earl, as son and heir of Richard. Henry was 15 on 22 March last.

[Head:] Delivered to court on 13 May 1440.

TNA reference

C 139/96/3 mm. 34–35

E 149/169/6 m. 6

Inquisition Head

SOMERSET. Inquisition [indented]. Ilchester. 7 November 1440. [Seyntbarbe].


Robert Camell ; John Hinyngton ; John Welweton ; John Lyte ; John Widecombe ; Robert Geffrey ; Thomas Lyte ; Richard Smyth ; Richard Walton ; William Widecombe ; John Baylly ; and William Rote .


She held the following knights’ fees and court in demesne as of fee tail, to her and the heirs of her body, by authority of letters patent of Edward I. Continues as 319+[4]. The knights’ fees, part knights’ fees, and court are held of the king as parcel of Gloucestershire by knight service.

Bristol, a court foreign, its pleas and perquisites worth 10 marks yearly.
Wombreneford, a knight’s fee, formerly held by John Beauchamp, extending at £10 when it falls.
Winterhead, 1/4 knight’s fee, formerly held by Maurice de Berkle, £60 [rubric as above for this entry and for those following].
Yatton, 1/8 knight’s fee, formerly held by the heirs of John Soer , 20 marks.
Clewer, 1/16 knight’s fee, formerly held by Joan Percevall, 13s. 4d.
Saltford, 1/2 knight’s fee, formerly held by the heirs of John Basset, £10.
Norton Malreward, 1/4 knight’s fee, formerly held by the heirs of John Soer, £20.
Emborough, 3 parts of a knight’s fee, formerly held by William Tracy , £15.
West Harptree, 1/2 knight’s fee, formerly held by the heirs of John ap Adam , 60s.
Farrington Gurney, a knight’s fee, formerly held by the heirs of John ap Adam , 100s.
Chaffcombe, 1/3 knight’s fee, formerly held by Hugh Beauchamp, 40s.
Rode, a knight’s fee, formerly held by the heirs of Thomas de Bayhous, £10.
Keyford, 1/4 knight’s fee, formerly held by the heirs of John ap Adam, 20s.
Freshford, 1/2 knight’s fee, formerly held by Richard Rodeney, 40s.
White Ox Mead, 1/8 knight’s fee, formerly held by Ellis Cotell, 10s.
White Ox Mead, 1/8 knight’s fee, formerly held by Richard Rodeney, 10s.
Tellisford, ?1/2 [ms faded] knight’s fee, formerly held by John Dumfrevill, 20s.
Upton, 1/4 knight’s fee, formerly held by William Marmyon, 40s.
Tellisford, 1/2 knight’s fee, formerly held by the heirs of John Soer, 20s.
Hardington and ‘Wodegraue’, a knight’s fee, formerly held by the heirs of John Soer, £20.
Babington and Middlecote, 2 1/2 knights’ fees, formerly held by the heirs of John ap Adam, £20.
Sampford Arundel, a knight’s fee, formerly held by the heirs of John ap Adam, £20.
Bishopsworth, a knight’s fee, formerly held by the heirs of John ap Adam, 10 marks.
Tickenham, 1/4 knight’s fee, formerly held by William Bradford, 20s.
Weston in Gordano, 3 parts of a knight’s fee, formerly held by Simon de Aston, 100s.
Barrow Gurney, a knight’s fee, formerly held by the heirs of John ap Adam , £20.
Huy... alias Hynton [ms galled], 1/4 knight’s fee, formerly held by Adam le Walshe, £20.
Saltford, 1/2 knight’s fee, formerly held by Richard Rodeney , £10.
Lower Easton, 1/2 knight’s fee, formerly held by John de Williton alias Wylton, 100s.
Langridge, 1/2 knight’s fee, formerly held by Adam le Walshe , £20.
Englishcombe, a knight’s fee, formerly held by Thomas Gurney , £10.
Chaffcombe, 1/3 knight’s fee, formerly held by Richard de Stoklyng, 40s.
Long Ashton, 1/8 knight’s fee, formerly held by Bartholomew de Grevill, 20s.
Regil, 1/2 knight’s fee, formerly held by Herbert de Sancto Quintino, 60s.
Claverham, 13 knights’ fees, formerly held by the heirs of John Soer, 50 marks.
Clevedon, 1/10 knight’s fee for a carucate of land by Clevedon, formerly held by John de Clyfton, 5 marks.
Stockwood, 1/8 knight’s fee, formerly held by the abbot of Keynsham, 40s.
Radstock (Baddestoke) and Ston Easton, 2 knights’ fees, formerly held by Inigo de Clyfton, 40 marks.
[No place given], 1/2 knight’s fee, formerly held by William Bluet, that the heirs of William atte Hale formerly held of William Bradford, 20s.
Portishead, 1/4 knight’s fee, formerly held by John Tylly, 50s.
East Harptree, 2 1/2 knights’ fees, formerly held by the heirs of John ap Adam, £30.
Rodney Stoke, a knight’s fee and 3 parts of a knight’s fee, formerly held by the heirs of John Basset and of Richard Rodeney alias Lodeney, £20.
Publow, a knight’s fee, formerly held by John de Sancto Laudo, £10.
Hallatrow and High Littleton, a knight’s fee, formerly held by the heirs of John le Bere, £10.
West Lydford, 2 knights’ fees, formerly held by William Martyn, £10.
Upton Noble, 1/2 knight’s fee, formerly held byEdward Burnell, 10 marks.
Merriott, a knight’s fee, formerly held by John Meriet, £40.
Northover, 1/4 knight’s fee, that the master of the hospital [of St John the Baptist] at Bridgwater holds, 100s.
Backwell, 1/2 knight’s fee, formerly held by the heirs of John Soer, £10.
Winford, 1/2 knight’s fee, formerly held by the heirs of John Soer, 100s.
Butcombe, 1/4 knight’s fee, formerly held by Joan Percevall, 20s.
Clevedon, a knight’s fee, formerly held by John de Clyfton, £40.
Ashcombe, 3 parts of a knight’s fee, formerly held by William Arthur, £40.
Brislington, 2 knights’ fees, formerly held by John de la Ware alias John le Warr, chevalier, £40.
Midgell, 1/4 knight’s fee, formerly held by Robert de Assheton, 100s.
Wellow, 1/4 knight’s fee, formerly held by Reynold de Monteforti, £20.
Newton St Loe, a knight’s fee, formerly held by John de Sancto Laudo, £20.
Twerton, a knight’s fee, formerly held by Richard Rodeney, £10.
Baggeridge, 1/16 knight’s fee, formerly held by the abbot of St Augustine’s, Bristol, 10s.
Radstock, a knight’s fee, formerly held by Roger de Monteforti, £20.
Dinnington, a knight’s fee, formerly held by the heirs of Alexander de laLynoo, £15.
Clapton in Gordano, a knight’s fee, formerly held by William Arthur, £15.
Capenor, 1/4 knight’s fee, formerly held by John Tylly, 40s.
Backwell, 1/2 knight’s fee, formerly held by Richard Rodeney, £10.
Thrubwell and Butcombe, 1/4 knight’s fee, formerly held by the master of the house of St John’s, Bristol, 20s.
Regilbury, 1/4 knight’s fee, that the abbot of Flaxley holds, 100s.
Beaucham-stoke, 1/10 knight’s fee, formerly held by John de Leyc, 40s.
Beaucham-stoke, 1/4 knight’s fee, formerly held by Philip de Walley, 40s.
Peglinch and Farleigh Hungerford, a knight’s fee and 3 parts of a knight’s fee, formerly held by the heirs of John de Monteforti, £35.
Northover, 1/4 knight’s fee, formerly held by Gilbert Dumfrevill, 100s.
Hinton Blewett, a knight’s fee, formerly held by the heirs of Ralph Bluet, 40s.
Hallatrow, a knight’s fee, formerly held by Richard Rodeney, 40s.
Bedminster, 1/4 knight’s fee, formerly held by Maurice de Berkle, £24.

Date of death and heir as 307.

[Head:] Delivered to court on 28 November.

TNA reference

C 139/96/3 mm. 36–37

Inquisition Head

CORNWALL. Inquisition [indented]. Launceston. 31 October 1440. [Burton].


Thomas Lanoy ; John Mayhowe ; John Trewynt ; Robert Corke ; John Rem ; John Stefyn, senior ; Thomas Cade ; William Atham ; Richard Lonyn ; John Stefyn, junior ; Stephen Cowlyn ; and Henry Calwe .


She held the following knights’ fees in demesne as of fee tail, to her and the heirs of her body, by authority of the letters patent of Edward I. The fees are, and were, parcel of the castle, lands, tenements, and knights’ fees that were of Gilbert de Clare, lately earl of Gloucester and Hertford , and granted and entailed by ‪Edward I to Gilbert and Joan his wife, daughter of ‪Edward I, ancestors of Isabel, and to the heirs of the bodies of Gilbert and Joan. Continues as 319+[4]. The knights’ fees are held of the king in chief by knight service.

‘Onerton’ alias Connerton, a knight’s fee in the hundred of Penwith, formerly held by William Palton, chevalier, extending at 100s. when it falls.
Binnerton, a knight’s fee in the hundred of Penwith, extending at 100s. yearly when it falls.
Kilkhampton, 2 knights’ fees, extending at £10 yearly when they fall.
Drannack, 1/4 knight’s fee, extending at 50s. yearly when it falls.

Date of death and heir as 307
TNA reference

C 139/96/3 mm. 38–39

Inquisition Head

DEVON. Inquisition [indented]. Exeter. 27 October 1440. [Burton].


John Hache, esquire ; Richard Dennyshell ; John Harry ; John Bery ; William Norton ; Robert Grilleston ; Thomas Vppecote ; John Vpcote ; Richard Oxenham ; William Colebere ; Nicholas Bery ; Thomas Gille of Warkleigh; Richard Yoe ; John Ayer ; and Oliver Chamberleyn .


She was seised in demesne as of fee tail of the following manors, knights’ fees and advowsons, by authority of the letters patent of Edward I. The manors etc. are, and were, parcel of the castle, lands, tenements, and knights’ fees and advowsons that were of Gilbert de Clare, lately earl of Gloucester and Hertford , and granted and entailed by ‪ Edward I to Gilbert and Joan his wife, daughter of ‪Edward I, ancestors of Isabel, and to the heirs of the bodies of Gilbert and Joan. Continues as 319+[4]. The manors, members, courts, views, knights’ fees, part knights’ fees, and advowsons are held of the king as parcel of his county of Gloucester by knight service.

Chittlehampton, the manor, with the members of Widecombe in the Moor (Widecombe) and Langtree.
Winkleigh and South Molton, 2 knights’ fees, formerly held by William Martyn, extending at £50 when they fall.
Head, Birch, Southcott, and Collacott, a knight’s fee, formerly held by Henry de Campo Arnulphi, 100s. [rubric as above for this entry and for those following].
Umberleigh and Lanteglos by Camelford (Lanteglos), 16 knights’ fees, formerly held by John de Wylmeten, £60.
Ashreigney, 1/2 knight’s fee, formerly held by John de Sully, 100s.
Halberton, a knight’s fee, formerly held by William de Boys, 10 marks.
Calverleigh and Bullworthy, 1/2 knight’s fee, formerly held by John de Ralwodeslegh, 40s.
Hollocombe, 1/2 knight’s fee, formerly held by Henry Barry , Richard le White , Ellis de Putford , John de Milond , and John de Mosesem and his co-heirs, 100s.
Northlew, 1/5 knight’s fee, formerly held by Guy Brian, 40s.; and
2 parts of a knight’s fee, formerly held by Richard de Merston, £4.
Halwill and Northlew, and other places, a knight’s fee, formerly held by Nicholas de Bonville, 25 marks.
Clovelly, a knight’s fee, formerly held by the heirs of Walter Giffard, £30.
Sandcombe (Saumecombe), 1/2 knight’s fee, formerly held by the abbot of Dunkeswell, 100s.
Burlescombe and Uplowman, 2 1/2 knights’ fees, formerly held by John Clauill alias Colvill, besides the 8 knights’ fees that the countess of Gloucester formerly held in dower, £25.
Oburnford, a knight’s fee, formerly held by John Beauchamp, £10.
Iddesleigh and Upcott, 2 knights’ fees, formerly held by Raymond de Sully, £10.
Sowton and Canonteign, a knight’s fee, formerly held by Henry de la Pomary, 50s.
Winkleigh, 1/2 knight’s fee, formerly held by Philip Keynus, 100s.
Dunsbear, Woolfardisworthy, and Allisland, a knight’s fee, formerly held by Richard de Hautenesford, 60s.
Canonsleigh, advowson of the abbey, and advowson of the church of Langtree, 20 marks.
Calverleigh, 1/2 knight’s fee, 100s.
Bideford and Kilkhampton, 1 1/2 knights’ fees, £30.
Lapford, Down Humphraville and Northlew, 5 knights’ fees, £10.
Burlescombe and Uplowman, 8 knights’ fees, £10.

Date of death and heir as 307.
TNA reference

C 139/96/3 mm. 40–41

E 149/169/6 m. 13

E 149/169/6 m. 9

Writ Head

328 Writ. ‡ 30 April 1440. [Bate].

Addressed to the escheator in Surrey and Sussex.

Inquisition Head

SURREY. Inquisition [indented]. Southwark. 31 October 1440. [Penycok].


Thomas Whesenam ; Herbert Brewes ; Robert Baylly ; William Shirlonde ; Richard Depeham ; Robert Stafford ; Thomas Hoye ; William Lake ; William Ode ; John Denewey ; Thomas Browne ; and Robert Aston .


She was seised of the following knights’ fees in demesne as of fee tail, to her and the heirs of her body, by authority of the letters patent of Edward I. The fees are, and were, parcel of the castle, lands, tenements, and knights’ fees that were of Gilbert de Clare, lately earl of Gloucester and Hertford , and granted and entailed by ‪Edward I to Gilbert and Joan his wife, daughter of ‪Edward I, ancestors of Isabel, and to the heirs of the bodies of Gilbert and Joan. Continues as 319+[4].

Shalford and Alfold, a knight’s fee, lately held by Robert de Mounthant and Emma his wife, annual value £10 when it falls.
Wotton, a knight’s fee, formerly held by William de Latymer, £20 [rubric as above for this entry and for those following].
Walton on the Hill, 1 1/2 knights’ fees, formerly held by the bishop of Bath and Wells, £20.
Buckland, 1 1/2 knights’ fees, formerly held by Guy de Ferr, £30.
Tandridge, North Tolworth, and Ockley, 3 1/2 knights’ fees, formerly held by Thomas de Warbelyngton, £30.
Mickleham, 1/2 knight’s fee, formerly held by William Huse, £10.
Woodmansterne, a knight’s fee, formerly held by William Juge, £20.
Harrowsley, 1/3 knight’s fee, formerly held by Walter Burgeys, 100s.
Long Ditton, 1/4 knight’s fee, that the prior of Bishopsgate held, £12.
Farleigh, Malden, Chessington, and Thorncroft, 4 knights’ fees, that the scholars of Merton held, £60.
Pirbright, 1/2 knight’s fee, that the bishop of Bath and Wells held, 10 marks.
Tooting and Streatham, a knight’s fee, that the prior of Ogbourne held (ten’), £30.
Walton-on-Thames, 1/4 knight’s fee, that the bishop of Coventry and Lichfield held (ten’), £12.
Worplesdon, a knight’s fee, formerly held by Roland de Werkfford, £10.
[No place given], 1/2 knight’s fee, formerly held by Mary de Wynehill,n263 £10.
Rotherhithe, 1/2 knight’s fee, that the bishop of Bath and Wells held (ten’), 100s.
Camberwell, 1/4 knight’s fee, formerly held by John Abell, 100s.
Titsey and Camberwell, 2 knights’ fees, formerly held by John de Douncedall and John Horn, £30.
Mitcham, 1/4 knight’s fee, that the prior of Merton formerly held, £10;
1/4 knight’s fee, that the prior of Southwarkheld (ten’), £10.
Stoke D’Abernon and Albury, 1/4 knight’s fee, formerly held by John Abernon, £80.
Tolworth, 1/3 knight’s fee, formerly held by Herbert deBorhute, £10.
South Tolworth, 1/3 knight’s fee, that the prior of Merton held, 100s.
Chelsham and Warlingham, 3 knights’ fees, formerly held by Walter de Codeston and Joan his wife, £10.
Apps, 1/2 knight’s fee, formerly held by Ralph de Heuere, 100s.
Hampstead Lane, 1/4 knight’s fee, formerly held by Agnes de Badeshull, 60s.
Loseley, a knight’s fee, formerly held by Robert de Doell, £20.
Burpham, a knight’s fee, formerly held by John de Wyntershull, £20.
She held the following in demesne as of fee.
Dorking and Milton, 80 a. land, each acre worth 1d. yearly. Of whom and by what service the land is held is unknown.

Date of death and heir as 307.
TNA reference

C 139/96/3 mm. 42, 44

E 149/169/6 m. 13

Inquisition Head

SUSSEX. Inquisition [indented]. Rotherfield. 1 November 1440. [Penycok].


William Falkeley ; Thomas Frye ; John Catt, ‘glover’; Richard Foghell ; William Hamond ; John Coo ; Stephen Colyn ; Geoffrey Worme ; Thomas Kynge ; Thomas Kent ; Thomas Mason ; and John atte Halle .


She was seised in demesne as of fee tail of the following manor, hamlet, and 1/4 knight’s fee, by authority of the letters patent of Edward I. The manor etc. are, and were, parcel of the castle, lands, tenements, and knights’ fees that were of Gilbert de Clare, lately earl of Gloucester and Hertford , and granted and entailed by ‪Edward I to Gilbert and Joan his wife, daughter of ‪Edward I, ancestors of Isabel, and to the heirs of the bodies of Gilbert and Joan. Continues as 319+[4]. The manor, hamlet, and 1/4 knight’s fee are held of the king in chief by knight service, quantity unknown.

Rotherfield, the manor, with the hamlet of Eridge. Annual value £10.
Frant, 1/4 knight’s fee, formerly held by Robert Bromfeld, extending at £10 when it falls.

Date of death and heir as 307.
TNA reference

C 139/96/3 mm. 42–43

Inquisition Head

GLOUCESTERSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition. Gloucester. 3 November 1440. [Rookes].

[Inquisition: ms galled and worn in places.]


Thomas Smalcombe ; John Joce ; Richard Kemyll ; Nicholas Bownell ; John Marvan ; William Forde ; Guy Spencer ; Robert Eylowe ; John Rede ; Thomas Harsefeld ; Robert Beauchamp ; Thomas Yonge ; and Thomas Ernald .


She held no lands or tenements in demesne as of fee or service of the king, or any other. A fine was levied on the quindene of Michaelmas 1439 [CP 25/1/292/69, no. 233]. Continues as 307 regarding the manor of

Fairford with views of Shorncote, Siddington, and Marston Meysey, parcel of the same manor, and regarding the manor of
described as the manors of Fairford and Chipping Sodbury. A fine was also levied on the quindene of Martinmas 1439 [CP 25/1/292/69, no. 238]. Continues as 312 regarding
the manor or borough of Tewkesbury and its liberty,
described as the manor of Tewkesbury and Whittington. She was seised in demesne as of fee tail of the following castles, lordships, manors, lands, tenements, knights’ fees, and advowsons, by authority of the letters patent of Edward I. Continues as 319+[4]. The castles etc. descended to Henry, present earl of Warwick , a minor in the king’s wardship, as son and heir of Isabel, late countess , and heir lineal in tail. They are parcel of the lordship of Glamorgan and held of the king in chief, service unknown. Annual value £300.
Glamorgan, the lordship and county with all liberties in the March of Wales.
Cardiff, the castle with the borough and mills.
Kibbor and Glynogwr, the locality (patria). The park of Glynogwr alias the park of ‘Clannok’ is parcel of the lordship of Cardiff, with all liberties belonging to the lordship.
Cogan, the manor.
Boverton, the lordship, manor, and vill.
Sully, the lordship and manor.
Newton Nottage, the lordship and manor.
Griffithsmoor, the lordship.
Cardiff, 200 a. land, 60 a. meadow, and 40 a. pasture enclosed between the borough of Cardiff and the Severn on the western side, with Taff on the eastern side, with the lordship of Splott, of the lordship of Glamorgan.
Roath, the manor.
Leckwith, the manor.
Glamorgan, pleas and perquisites of the county court.
Kenfig, the castle, manor, and vill.
Tir Iarll, the locality.
Neath, the castle and vill.
Neath, the manor, with the hamlets of Cilybebyll and Briton Ferry.
Neath, the locality, of which the forest of Neath and the watermill and fishery of Neath, are parcel
Llantrisant, the castle and vill, with the locality of Glynrhondda.
Clun, the manor with the locality of Miskin.
Pentyrch, the hamlet.
Radyr, the manor.
Cosmeston, the manor.
Landyues, 3 messuages, 100 a. land, 40 a. meadow, 20 a. wood, and 20 a. pasture, that were of Howell de Ruyly.
Llanfedw in Senghennydd, a messuage, 20 a. land, 10 a. meadow, 6 a. wood, that were of David ap Gronogh .
Cardiff, 3 messuages, that were of Richard le Barbur; a tenement and 2 messuages, that were of Richard le Kener; 3 messuages and 10 a. land, that were of Henry le Porter; and 3 messuages and a tenement, that were of Robert le Carpenter.
Senghennydd, a tenement, 3 messuages, 40 a. land, 20 a. meadow, and 100s. rent, that were of Llewelyn ap Griffith.
Stoke, 16s. assize rent in the English (Aungle) manor of Stoke, with the chase of Cors.
‘Wodeleystile’, the court.
[No place given], various parcels of land called ‘Brandowne’, ‘Litelholmede’, and ‘Michulholmede’, lying together, ‘Adam Croftis’ and ‘Spodelleslond’, ‘Roggeslond’, ‘Stogescroft’, ‘Barbeliscrofte’, ‘Portereslond in Adamsdowne’, ‘Touresmede’, and ‘Sebirshill’; 3 a. land lying beside ‘Depyngeputtes’; 4 a. land, formerly of John Atkyns, lying beside ‘Weryngtrowes’, ‘Backemedis’, ‘Grenewarde’, ‘Dogowyldescroft’, and ‘John Merikescroft’, parcel of the lordship of Glamorgan.
Dinas Powys, 3 knights’ fees and a moiety of 1/2 knight’s fee, formerly held by John de Somery, extending at £30 when they fall.
Cogan, 2 knights’ fees, formerly held by John Cogan, £20 [rubric as above for this entry and for those following].
Wrinston, 1/2 knight’s fee, formerly held by Joan de Raley, 10 marks.
Sully, a knight’s fee, formerly held by William de Brekehous, 100s.
Wenvoe, 2 knights’ fees, formerly held by William de Flemenek, £10.
Coychurch, a knight’s fee, formerly held by Payn Turbevill, 100s.
St Nicholas, 3 knights’ fees, formerly held by William Corbet, £30.
Penmark, 4 knights’ fees, formerly held by Henry Dumfrevill, £60.
Llantrithyd, 1/2 knight’s fee, formerly held by Juliana (Juetta), who was wife of William de Kerdyf, £10.
St Fagans, a knight’s fee, formerly held by the heirs of Bogo le Veel, £20.
Llanharry, 1/2 knight’s fee, formerly held by Maud, who was wife of John Turbevill, 40s.
Llys Tal-y-bont, 1/2 knight’s fee, formerly held by William Maillok, 40s.
St Hilary, 1/2 knight’s fee, formerly held by Thomas Basset, £10.
Llancovian, 1/2 knight’s fee, formerly held by Richard de Nereberd, 60s.
Pendoylan, 1/2 knight’s fee, formerly held by Gwilym ap Philip, 100s.
Newcastle, 1/10 knight’s fee, formerly held by Payn Turbevill, 10 marks.
Llandough-juxta-Cowbridge and St Mary Church, a knight’s fee, formerly held by Adam le Waleys, £30.
Pen-llin and Llanmihangel, 2 knights’ fees, formerly held by John Norrys, £50.
Llanmaes, 2 parts of a knight’s fee, formerly held by William de Brenhous and Elizabeth his wife, £20.
Ogmore, 4 knights’ fees, formerly held by Henry de Lancastre and Maud his wife, £60.
Merthyr Mawr, a knight’s fee, formerly held by Reynold de Somerton, £15.
Marcross, 1/2 knight’s fee, formerly held by John de la Ber, 10 marks; and
1/2 knight’s fee, formerly held by Margaret, who was wife of John de Dune, 10 marks.
Newton Nottage, 1/4 knight’s fee, formerly held by Philip de Welle and his parceners, £10.
Llangewydd (Langhewy), a knight’s fee, formerly held by the abbot of Margam. It is not extended because it is held in pure alms.
St Athan, 3 1/2 knights’ fees, £40; and
1/2 knight’s fee, formerly held by Richard de Nereberd, 60s.
Llysworney, a knight’s fee, formerly held by Peter le Veel, £15.
Llantwit, 1/6 knight’s fee, formerly held by Michael Tusard, 20s.
Coety, a serjeanty, formerly held by Payn Turbevill.
Afan, a serjeanty, formerly held by Leytencius de Auene.
Angle, a knight’s fee in Pembrokeshire, formerly held by Philip de Aungle, 100s.; a knight’s fee, formerly held by Walter de Hilton, 100s.; 1/2 knight’s fee, formerly held by John Laundre, 50s.; 1/2 knight’s fee, formerly held by Nicholas son of Nicholas de Bonville, 50s.; and a knight’s fee, formerly held by Richard Stakepoll, 100s.
Walwyns Castle, 4 knights’ fees, formerly held by Guy Brian, £20.
Llantrisant in Miskin, advowson of the church, 60 marks.
Merthyr, advowson of the church, 100s.
Abertawe (Thawe), advowson of the church, 100s.
Llangennith (Languynyth), advowson of the church, 20 marks.
Neath, advowson of the church, 20 marks.
Llanharry, advowson of the church, 5 marks.
Margam, advowson of the abbey, of no annual value.
Neath, advowson of the abbey, of no annual value.
Llanblethian, the castle and manor.
Talyfan, the castle and manor, with the locality of Talyfan, and Lanharry.
Cowbridge, the borough.
Llantwit, the manor, with the locality of Rhuthin and other places.
Caerphilly, the castle and vill.
Caerphilly, the manor with the locality (patria) of Senghennydd-uwch-caiach, Merthyr Tydfil and Gelligaer, of which locality the forest of Senghennydd is parcel.
Rudry and Llanfedw, the hamlets, with the locality of Senghennydd-is-caiach, of which locality the lordship and also 300 a. land, 100 a. meadow, 60 a. pasture, and 100s. rent in Ynysfaelgwn are parcel.
Albi Monastarii, the castle and manor, alias the castle and lordship of Whitchurch.
Llandough-juxta-Barry or Llandough-juxta-Cowbridge (Landogh), a knight’s fee, formerly held by the heirs of John de Wynton, £20.
St Donats, a knight’s fee, formerly held by Edward de Stradlynge, £20.
Clifton, a knight’s fee, formerly held by Inigo de Clyfton, 20 marks.
Alureton, 1/2 knight’s fee, formerly held by the heirs of John Soer, 60s.
Siddington, 1/2 knight’s fee, formerly held by the heirs of John Soer, 60s.
Tewkesbury, advowson of the abbey, and advowson of the church of Gelligaer, £10.
She held the following to her and her heirs.
St Fagans, the castle and manor.
Llysworney, the manor
. Of whom they are held is unknown. Their annual value is 20 marks.

Date of death and heir as 307.
TNA reference

C 139/96/3 mm. 45–46

E 149/169/6 m. 9



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
court10 marksa (1 x court)£6 13s. 4d. (=1600d.)
Total: £6 13s. 4d. (=1600d.)
knight’s feea (1 x knight’s fee) -
Value£10£10 (=2400d.)
Total: £10 (=2400d.)
knight’s fee 1/4 (0.25 x knight’s fee) -
Value£60£60 (=14400d.)
Total: £60 (=14400d.)
knight’s fee 1/8 (0.125 x knight’s fee) -
Value20 marks£13 6s. 8d. (=3200d.)
Total: £13 6s. 8d. (=3200d.)
knight’s fee1/16 (0.0625 x knight’s fee) -
Value13s. 4d.13s. 4d. (=160d.)
Total: 13s. 4d. (=160d.)
knight’s fee 1/2 (0.5 x knight’s fee) -
Value£10£10 (=2400d.)
Total: £20 (=4800d.)
Norton Malreward
knight’s fee 1/4 (0.25 x knight’s fee) -
Value£20£20 (=4800d.)
Total: £20 (=4800d.)
knight’s fee3 parts (0.75 x knight’s fee) -
Value£15£15 (=3600d.)
Total: £15 (=3600d.)
West Harptree
knight’s fee 1/2 (0.5 x knight’s fee) -
Value60s.£3 (=720d.)
Total: £3 (=720d.)
Farrington Gurney
knight’s feea (1 x knight’s fee) -
Value100s.£5 (=1200d.)
Total: £5 (=1200d.)
knight’s fee 1/3 (0.33 x knight’s fee) -
Value40s.£2 (=480d.)
Total: £4 (=960d.)
knight’s feea (1 x knight’s fee) -
Value£10£10 (=2400d.)
Total: £10 (=2400d.)
knight’s fee 1/4 (0.25 x knight’s fee) -
Value20s.£1 (=240d.)
Total: £1 (=240d.)
knight’s fee 1/2 (0.5 x knight’s fee) -
Value40s.£2 (=480d.)
Total: £2 (=480d.)
White Ox Mead
knight’s fee 1/8 (0.125 x knight’s fee) -
Value10s.10s. (=120d.)
Total: £1 (=240d.)
White Ox Mead
knight’s fee 1/8 (0.125 x knight’s fee) -
Value10s.10s. (=120d.)
Total: £1 (=240d.)
knight’s fee1/2 (0.5 x knight’s fee) -
Value20s.£1 (=240d.)
Total: £2 (=480d.)
knight’s fee 1/4 (0.25 x knight’s fee) -
Value40s.£2 (=480d.)
Total: £2 (=480d.)
knight’s fee 1/2 (0.5 x knight’s fee) -
Value20s.£1 (=240d.)
Total: £2 (=480d.)
knight’s feea (1 x knight’s fee) -
Value£20£20 (=4800d.)
Total: £20 (=4800d.)
Babington, Middlecote
knights’ fees2 1/2 (2.5 x knights’ fees) -
Value£20£20 (=4800d.)
Total: £20 (=4800d.)
Sampford Arundel
knight’s feea (1 x knight’s fee) -
Value£20£20 (=4800d.)
Total: £20 (=4800d.)
knight’s feea (1 x knight’s fee) -
Value10 marks£6 13s. 4d. (=1600d.)
Total: £6 13s. 4d. (=1600d.)
knight’s fee 1/4 (0.25 x knight’s fee) -
Value20s.£1 (=240d.)
Total: £1 (=240d.)
Weston in Gordano
knight’s fee3 parts of (0.75 x knight’s fee) -
Value100s.£5 (=1200d.)
Total: £5 (=1200d.)
Barrow Gurney
knight’s feea (1 x knight’s fee) -
Value£20£20 (=4800d.)
Total: £20 (=4800d.)
Huy... alias Hynton
knight’s fee 1/4 (0.25 x knight’s fee) -
Value£20£20 (=4800d.)
Total: £20 (=4800d.)
knight’s fee 1/2 (0.5 x knight’s fee) -
Value£10£10 (=2400d.)
Total: £20 (=4800d.)
Lower Easton
knight’s fee 1/2 (0.5 x knight’s fee) -
Value100s.£5 (=1200d.)
Total: £5 (=1200d.)
knight’s fee 1/2 (0.5 x knight’s fee) -
Value£20£20 (=4800d.)
Total: £20 (=4800d.)
knight’s feea (1 x knight’s fee) -
Value£10£10 (=2400d.)
Total: £10 (=2400d.)
knight’s fee 1/3 (0.33 x knight’s fee) -
Value40s.£2 (=480d.)
Total: £4 (=960d.)
Long Ashton
knight’s fee 1/8 (0.125 x knight’s fee) -
Value20s.£1 (=240d.)
Total: £1 (=240d.)
knight’s fee 1/2 (0.5 x knight’s fee) -
Value60s.£3 (=720d.)
Total: £3 (=720d.)
knights’ fees13 (13 x knights’ fees) -
Value50 marks£33 6s. 8d. (=8000d.)
Total: £33 6s. 8d. (=8000d.)
knight’s fee 1/10 (0.1 x knight’s fee) -
Value5 marks£3 6s. 8d. (=800d.)
Total: £43 6s. 8d. (=10400d.)
knight’s fee 1/8 (0.125 x knight’s fee) -
Value40s.£2 (=480d.)
Total: £2 (=480d.)
Radstock, Ston Easton
fees2 (2 x fees) -
Value40 marks£26 13s. 4d. (=6400d.)
Total: £26 13s. 4d. (=6400d.)
knight’s fee 1/2 (0.5 x knight’s fee) -
Value20s.£1 (=240d.)
Total: £1 (=240d.)
knight’s fee 1/4 (0.25 x knight’s fee) -
Value50s.£2 10s. (=600d.)
Total: £2 10s. (=600d.)
East Harptree
fees2 1/2 (2.5 x fees) -
Value£30£30 (=7200d.)
Total: £30 (=7200d.)
Rodney Stoke
knight’s feea (1.75 x knight’s fee) -
Value£20£20 (=4800d.)
Total: £20 (=4800d.)
knight’s feea (1 x knight’s fee) -
Value£10£10 (=2400d.)
Total: £10 (=2400d.)
Hallatrow, High Littleton
knight’s feea (1 x knight’s fee) -
Value£10£10 (=2400d.)
Total: £10 (=2400d.)
West Lydford
fees2 (2 x fees) -
Value£10£10 (=2400d.)
Total: £10 (=2400d.)
Upton Noble
knight’s fee 1/2 (0.5 x knight’s fee) -
Value10 marks£6 13s. 4d. (=1600d.)
Total: £6 13s. 4d. (=1600d.)
knight’s feea (1 x knight’s fee) -
Value£40£40 (=9600d.)
Total: £40 (=9600d.)
knight’s fee 1/4 (0.25 x knight’s fee) -
Value100s.£5 (=1200d.)
Total: £10 (=2400d.)
knight’s fee 1/2 (0.5 x knight’s fee) -
Value£10£10 (=2400d.)
Total: £20 (=4800d.)
knight’s fee 1/2 (0.5 x knight’s fee) -
Value100s.£5 (=1200d.)
Total: £5 (=1200d.)
knight’s fee 1/4 (0.25 x knight’s fee) -
Value20s.£1 (=240d.)
Total: £1 (=240d.)
knight’s feea (1 x knight’s fee) -
Value£40£40 (=9600d.)
Total: £43 6s. 8d. (=10400d.)
knight’s fee3 parts of a (0.75 x knight’s fee) -
Value£40£40 (=9600d.)
Total: £40 (=9600d.)
fees2 (2 x fees) -
Value£40£40 (=9600d.)
Total: £40 (=9600d.)
knight’s fee 1/4 (0.25 x knight’s fee) -
Value100s.£5 (=1200d.)
Total: £5 (=1200d.)
knight’s fee 1/4 (0.25 x knight’s fee) -
Value£20£20 (=4800d.)
Total: £20 (=4800d.)
Newton St Loe
knight’s feea (1 x knight’s fee) -
Value£20£20 (=4800d.)
Total: £20 (=4800d.)
knight’s feea (1 x knight’s fee) -
Value£10£10 (=2400d.)
Total: £10 (=2400d.)
knight’s fee1/16 (0.0625 x knight’s fee) -
Value10s.10s. (=120d.)
Total: 10s. (=120d.)
knight’s feea (1 x knight’s fee) -
Value£20£20 (=4800d.)
Total: £20 (=4800d.)
knight’s feea (1 x knight’s fee) -
Value£15£15 (=3600d.)
Total: £15 (=3600d.)
Clapton in Gordano
knight’s feea (1 x knight’s fee) -
Value£15£15 (=3600d.)
Total: £15 (=3600d.)
knight’s fee 1/4 (0.25 x knight’s fee) -
Value40s.£2 (=480d.)
Total: £2 (=480d.)
knight’s fee 1/2 (0.5 x knight’s fee) -
Value£10£10 (=2400d.)
Total: £20 (=4800d.)
Thrubwell, Butcombe
knight’s fee 1/4 (0.25 x knight’s fee) -
Value20s.£1 (=240d.)
Total: £1 (=240d.)
knight’s fee 1/4 (0.25 x knight’s fee) -
Value100s.£5 (=1200d.)
Total: £5 (=1200d.)
knight’s fee 1/10 (0.1 x knight’s fee) -
Value40s.£2 (=480d.)
Total: £4 (=960d.)
knight’s fee 1/4 (0.25 x knight’s fee) -
Value40s.£2 (=480d.)
Total: £4 (=960d.)
Peglinch, Farleigh Hungerford
knight’s feea (1.75 x knight’s fee) -
Value£35£35 (=8400d.)
Total: £35 (=8400d.)
knight’s fee 1/4 (0.25 x knight’s fee) -
Value100s.£5 (=1200d.)
Total: £10 (=2400d.)
Hinton Blewett
knight’s feea (1 x knight’s fee) -
Value40s.£2 (=480d.)
Total: £2 (=480d.)
knight’s feea (1 x knight’s fee) -
Value40s.£2 (=480d.)
Total: £2 (=480d.)
knight’s fee 1/4 (0.25 x knight’s fee) -
Value£24£24 (=5760d.)
Total: £24 (=5760d.)



No holding extent information available.



  • Bate(Writ Clerk)


  • Robert Camell
  • John Hinyngton
  • John Welweton
  • John Lyte
  • John Widecombe
  • Robert Geffrey
  • Thomas Lyte
  • Richard Smyth
  • Richard Walton
  • William Widecombe
  • John Baylly
  • William Rote


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