Full text


Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE. Assignment of dower. Richmond. 16 November 1438. [Conyers].

[Writ: ms badly worn.]


Assignment of dower to Richard Wydevill, knight , and Jaquetta de Luxembourg, his wife, duchess of Bedford , former wife of John, duke of Bedford , the king’s uncle, who held in chief, from the castle of Wressle, and the manors of Healaugh and Kirklevington, which castle and manors were of the late duke and are now in the king’s hand by virtue of an inquisition taken by writ que plura and returned to Chancery.

Healaugh, the manor: a close of pasture called ‘le Launde’, lately held in severalty by John Hobton ; a close of pasture called ‘Bownethwayt’, lately held in severalty by the lady de Arthetyll; a close of pasture called ‘Bownethwaytestubbyng’, lately held in severalty by Richard Denys ; a close of pasture, now held in severalty by John Carter , called ‘Skynnerhyll’; a close of meadow called ‘Kellydame’, lately held by Richard Carlele of York; a close called ‘Bakhousflat’, now held by John Pereson ; a close of pasture called ‘Helcalgarth’, lately held in severalty by John Pereson ; a close of pasture called ‘Kynythwayt’, now held in severalty by Richard Atkynson and Richard Denys ; a close of pasture called ‘Westorchard’ now held in severalty by Thomas Norman ; and a close of pasture held by John Carter and William Askham , with common pasture, housebote, haybote, and all profits and commodities belonging to the closes, and with free entrance and exit in manner and form previously used.
Kirklevington, the manor in Cleveland, and all other lands, tenements, rents, and services belonging to the manor.

TNA reference

C 139/95/73 mm. 1–2

Writ Head

301 Writ de dote assignanda [not extant]. 28 November 1437.

[CClR 1435–41, pp. 141–2.]

Inquisition Head

CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Assignment of dower. Bassingbourn. 26 February [1438]. [Forster].n238


Assignment of dower to Richard Wydevill, knight , and Jaquetta de Luxembourg, his wife, duchess of Bedford , former wife of John, duke of Bedford , the king’s uncle, who held in chief, from all castles, lordships, vills, manors, lands, tenements, knights’ fees, advowsons of churches, annuities, franchises, liberties, possessions and hereditaments whatsoever that were of the late duke, and that are now in the king’s hand by virtue of an inquisition taken by writ diem clausit extremum and returned to Chancery, together with their issues and profits, taken from 23 March last.

[From the manor of Bassingbourn.] Assigned from rents and services of various tenants who hold 1/2 virgates of land, payable at Christmas, Easter, Midsummer, and Michaelmas equally, viz., Hugh Parker n240 for a messuage and 1/2 virgate, 8s. 10 1/2d.; William Perkyn for the same; William Hobbe for the same; from the same William for the same; William Lorkyn for the same; John Massy for 2 messuages and 2 half-virgates, 17s. 9d.; Thomas Rouse for a messuage and 1/2 virgate, 8s. 10 1/2d.; John Andrew for the same; and John Burdeux for the same. Assigned from rents and services of various tenants who hold 1/4 virgates of land, payable as above, viz., William Wylymot for 1/4 virgate, 4s. 5 1/4d.; John Tadlowe for the same; William Clerk for the same; Simon Bate for the same; William Halle for the same; Thomas Molt for the same; George Angeteyn for the same; and William Hobbe for the same. Assigned from rents and services of various tenants of land on which rent is paid (tenentium de mollend[o]), payable as above, viz., John Bolnest, senior , for 1/2 virgate, 5s. 4 1/2d.; Simon Lorkyn for the same; and from certain rent called ‘Thurberdesrent’ for 1/2 virgate, 6s. 8 1/2d. Assigned from rents and services of various tenants who hold cottages, payable as above, viz., Katherine Prentis for a cottage in ‘le Sowthende’, 1d.; Thomas Molt for a cottage called ‘Briddes’, 6d.; from the same Thomas for a cottage called ‘Chapmannes’, 2d.; from the same Thomas for a pightle, 4d.; from the same Thomas for a cottage, 12d.; John Knottyngle for 2 a. land, 8d.; William Pynk for 2 1/2 a. land, 8d.; William Havden for a cottage formerly ‘Patons’, 12d.; John Knottyngle, senior , for a cottage, formerly of William Dolbard , 12d.; John Parlet for a shop, 6d.; John Pounder for an oghtpenyware, 2d.; Eleanor Taillour for 2 a. land of ‘Brokland’, 2s.; William Wylwys for 4 a. freehold land in ‘le Midelfeld’, 4d.; John Bateman for a cottage, 1 1/2d.; George Angeteyn for 3 a. land in ‘le Sowthlonge’, 12d.; Simon Bate for a toft containing an acre of land, 16d.; John Gode for a messuage containing 1 1/2 a. land, 2s.; Edmund Sowne for ‘le Hallelond’, 6d.; John Bentle for a croft at ‘le Waroure’, 2s.; William Breton for a corner by his tenement, 3/4d.; Richard Waleys for an acre of land, 4d.; rent and service from the tenant of lands lately of John Pynk for various lands and tenements in Bassingbourn, 9s. 1 1/2d.; John Brewster, clerk , for a cottage, 12d.; John Parlet for land at ‘Gaywaye’, 6d.; John Andrew for a cottage at ‘Chirchestele’, 5 1/2d.; John Orable for a shop facing the church, 3/4d.; John ?Knottyng [ms worn and dirty], for an oghtpenyware, 2d.; John Dolbard for a tenement in Meldreth, 18d.; John ?Haie [ms worn and dirty] for an acre of land, ?3d.; Warin Lyoun for a tenement in ‘Estlanestrete’, 16d.; John Baille for 40 feet of land at ‘Godforthlane’, 6d.; John Bentle for land formerly of William Prest , 12d.; William Euerard for a cottage, 18d.; John Botiller for a messuage formerly of John Hulcok , 18d.; John Pender for a cottage formerly of Katherine Dolbard , 12d.; and John Bentle for a rood of land, 2d. Assigned from rents of capons as rents and services of various tenants, payable at Christmas, viz., John Berklowe for a cottage, 2 capons; William Havden for a cottage formerly ‘Petem’, 2 capons; John Stanforth for a new increment, one capon; and John Gamen for a cottage at ‘Northendegrene’, one capon. Assigned from a free rent of 6s. 8d., taken yearly from the heirs of William Porter for various lands and tenements in Wimpole, and from another rent of 9d., taken yearly from John Smyth for various lands in Litlington, viz., 2s. 5 1/2d. and a third of 1/2d. that they are accustomed to receive yearly from the heirs of William Porter . Assigned from lands called ‘Coldeburylond’: 106 1/2 a. land, and 1/2 rood, each acre worth 6d. yearly, of which 90 a. and 1/3 rood of landn241 is in the tenure of the following tenants, viz., Hugh Barker, 7 1/2 a.; William Perkyn, 5 a.; William Lorkyn, 15 a.; Thomas Molt, 15 a.; John Tadlowe, 15 a.; John Burdeux, 10 a.; William Hebbe, 5 a.; William Wylymot, 10 a.; and John Dolbard, 7 1/2 a.; and the 16 1/2 a. and 1/2 rood lie unoccupied in ‘le Gretefeld’, and abuts on the heath, as bounded there. Assigned: 80 a. land of ‘Newburylond’, each acre worth 12d. yearly, held by the following tenants, viz., William Lorkyn, 15 a.; Thomas Molt, 15 a.; John Tadlowe, 7 1/2 a.; John Burdeux, 2 1/2 a.; Hugh Parker, 10 a.; William Hebbe, 10 a.; William Wylymot, 2 1/2 a.; William Perkyn, 10 a.; John Gamen, 5 a.; and John Wylymot, 2 1/2 a. Assigned: 20s. annual farm taken yearly from 4 1/2 a. meadow in Pepperton with pasture in Reed (Reade), in ‘Thenesis’, and other places. Assigned from £6 rent taken yearly from tenants there, viz., tallage on bond-tenants (de tallagio bondorum), called by the tenants ‘le yelde’, 40s. Assigned: 1/3 watermill, now demised to William Hebbe for 5 marks, a third of which is 22s. 2 1/2d. and a third of 1/2d., with 1/3 of all profits and emoluments. Assigned: 1/3 of all courts baron held every three weeks, 1/3 views of frankpledge and all other courts, and 1/3 ‘Wayfys’ and ‘Strays’, with 1/3 of all fines, amercements, and profits whatsoever from the same courts, views, and ‘Wayfys’ and ‘Strays’.
Assigned within the bailiwick of Babraham: 3 bailiwicks, called... [ms galled and dirty], ?‘Ernyngford’ [ms galled and worn], and ‘Fynchynfeld’, with all homages, rents, services, knights’ fees, wards, marriages, reliefs, escheats, aids for Richmond, views of frankpledge, leets, tourns, all other courts, ‘wayfys’, ‘strays’, and all other things belonging to the bailiwicks.
Assigned: 1/3 returns of royal writs within the honour of Richmond.

TNA reference

C 139/95/73 m. 3

Writ Head

302 Writ de dote assignanda.n242 24 October 1437. [Wymbyssh].

Addressed to the escheator in Norfolk.

TNA reference

E 149/156/3 m. 18



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Bassingbourn, Wimpole, Litlington (Assigned Holding)
Total: -
Babraham (Assigned Holding)
Total: -
Richmond (Assigned Holding)
Total: -



No holding extent information available.



  • Forster(Escheator)



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