Full text


Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE. Inquisition. Ferrybridge. 28 March 1439. [Fitzwilliam].

[Inquisition: ms galled and faded.]


Jurors: William Whotley ; Henry Croft ; John Ledys ; William Bramwith ; William Wodekerke ; John Philipson ; Thomas Hend ; John ... ; William ... ; William Wynke ; Roger Bu...ges ; Robert Forster ; and Richard Pigburn .


Nicholas Strelley, knight , was lately seised of the following in demesne as of fee.

Ferrybridge and Ferry Fryston, 7 messuages, worth nothing yearly; 9 bovates, each worth 4s. yearly; 2 crofts, each worth 4d. yearly; and 20d. assize rent taken by the hand of various tenants at Martinmas and Pentecost equally, held of the king as of the honour of Pontefract as of his duchy of Lancaster, service unknown.
He granted them to Thomas Meres of Auburn, Thomas Hunt , and Richard Metham , esquires, and their heirs and assigns. The grant was made by charter shown to the jurors, and the lands and tenements were described as all lands, tenements, rents, reversions, services of free tenants and neifs, meadows, woods, parks, fisheries, and pasture in Ferrybridge and Ferry Fryston. Thomas, Thomas, and Richard were thus seised in demesne as of fee. Richard Metham afterwards quitclaimed for him and his heirs to Thomas Meres and Thomas Hunt all right and claim that he had in the lands etc., and the quitclaim was made by indented deed, shown to the jurors. Thomas and Thomas then demised the lands at farm to Nicholas Strelley for life, rendering £3 6s. 8d. yearly to Thomas and Thomas and their heirs and assigns at Pentecost and Martinmas equally. The demise was made by charter, shown to the jurors. The lands were described as all the lands and tenements that Thomas Meres and Thomas Hunt , together with Richard Metham , had by enfeoffment of Nicholas Strelley, knight , in Ferrybridge and Ferry Fryston. Nicholas was thus seised in demesne as of free tenement. Thomas Hunt died. Thomas Meres survived and held reversion of the lands and tenements. Nicholas Strelley afterwards died, and Thomas Meres entered all the lands and tenements. Robert Strelley , named in the writ, occupied them at the will of Thomas Meres , and died possessed of this estate and no other. Thomas Meres is still living and holds the lands and tenements.

He died on 26 November last. Robert Strelley, esquire , is son and next heir of Robert, and aged 26 years and more.


Memorandum that this inquisition was delivered to Chancery on 16 April 1439.

TNA reference

C 139/93/42 mm. 1–2 E 149/164/15 m. 1

E 149/249/18 m. 1

Writ Head

232 Writ. 2 December 1438. [...].

Addressed to the escheator in Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire.

Inquisition Head

NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. Inquisition. Newark. 16 January 1439. [Heton].

[Writ: ms worn and dirty; inquisition: ms worn, dirty, and galled.]


Jurors: Robert Yong of Norwell; Thomas Crengere ; William Kellum of Kelham; John Dauett of Newark; Robert Morwod ; Robert Broun ; Richard Rothwell ; Robert Garnon of North Muskham or South Muskham (Muskham); William Parker of Weston; John Clerk of Dunham; William Ripper ; Robert Baxter of North Collingham or South Collingham (Colyngham); John Clerk ; and John Stokum .


Nicholas Strelley, knight , was lately seised of the following in demesne as of fee.

Strelley, the manor and advowson of the church there. The manor is held of the king as of the honour of Nottingham, formerly of William Peuerell , as 1/2 knight’s fee.n152 There is the manorial site, a dovecot, and 12 messuages, worth nothing yearly; a park, worth 10s. yearly; 200 a. arable, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 12 virgates of land, each worth 6s. yearly; 12 cottages, worth nothing yearly; and a court held every 3 weeks, worth nothing yearly above the steward’s fee.
Bilborough, the manor and advowson of the church there. The manor is held of the king as of the said honour as 1/20 knight’s fee.n153 There is the manorial site, a small park, 8 messuages, and 3 cottages, worth nothing yearly; 40 a. land, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 16 bovates, each worth 5s. yearly; 4s. assize rent taken by the hand of free tenants at Martinmas and Pentecost equally; and a court held every 3 weeks, worth nothing yearly above the steward’s fee.
Trowell, Cossall, Nuthall, Chilwell, Attenborough, Hempshill, Basford, Nottingham, Watnall, Costock, Cotgrave, and North Muskham or South Muskham (Muskham), 16 messuages, worth nothing yearly; 45 bovates, worth £10 yearly; 2 a. meadow, worth 8d. yearly; and 6s. 8d. rent. They are not held of the king , but of whom and by what service, unknown.
[1]+Nicholas granted them to John Dabrigecourt , Robert Cokefeld , knights, Thomas de Annesley of Kinoulton, Thomas Hunt of Linby, Nicholas Parker, late parson of Strelley , all now deceased, and Peter del Pole , still living. The grant was made by charter, shown to the jurors. John, Robert, Thomas, Thomas, Nicholas, and Peter were thus seised in demesne as of fee. They afterwards demised the manors, lands, tenements, and advowsons to Nicholas Strelley , to hold at the will of John, Robert etc. [as above], and Nicholas died possessed of this estate.+[1] After the death of Nicholas, Robert Strelley entered the manor of Strelley and was seised of it. A fine was afterwards levied at Westminster on 20 January 1435 [the octave of Hilary] before William Babyngton and his associates, then justices of the Bench, between John Lemyng and William Bland, querents , and Robert and Joan his wife, deforciants, regarding the manor of Strelley. Robert recognised the manor to be the right of John as held by John and William by grant of Robert and, for that recognition, John and William granted it to Robert Strelley and Joan his wife, and the heirs male of the body of Robert. Robert and Joan were thus seised, viz., Robert in demesne as of fee tail and Joan in demesne as of free tenement, and Robert died seised of this estate. Joan continued her possession by virtue of the fine. After the death of Nicholas, Robert occupied, for life at the will of John, Robert, Thomas, Thomas, Nicholas, and Peter, the manor of Bilborough and the lands and tenements in Trowell, Cossall, Nuthall, Chilwell, Attenborough, Hempshill, Basford, Nottingham, Watnall, Costock, Cotgrave, and North Muskham or South Muskham (Muskham). He died possessed of this estate and no other. Nicholas Strelley occupied the manor of Oxton at the will of John, Robert, Thomas, Thomas, Nicholas, and Peter.n154 He died possessed of this estate and no other and, after his death, Robert occupied the manor all his life at the will of John, Robert, Thomas, Thomas, Nicholas, and Peter.
Oxton, the manor, held of Henry, archbishop of Canterbury , Henry, bishop of Winchester , and Walter Hungerford , service unknown.n155 There is the manorial site, worth nothing yearly; a park, worth 10s. yearly; 160 a. arable, each acre worth 1d. yearly; 8 messuages and 3 cottages, worth nothing yearly; 14 bovates, each worth 3s. yearly; 3s. assize rent taken by the hand of free tenants at Martinmas and Pentecost equally; and a court held every 3 weeks, [no value given].
Robert Strelley was seised of the following in demesne as of fee.
Strelley, 2 bovates, each worth 2s. yearly; and 2 a. meadow, each acre worth 2d. yearly, held of Margaret de Rempston as of her manor of Arnold, service unknown.
Harby, 4s. assize rent taken by the hand of free tenants at Easter and Michaelmas equally. He held the lands and tenements from which the rent issued of Robert Cecelyn , service unknown.

Date of death as 231 Robert Strelley, esquire , is his son and next heir, and aged 25 years and more.

TNA reference

C 139/93/42 mm. 3, 5

E 149/249/18 m. 1


Inquisition Head

DERBYSHIRE. Inquisition. Chesterfield. 24 January 1439. [Heton].

[Inquisition: ms galled and faded.]


Jurors: Thomas Cawse of Brampton; Ralph de Glapwell of Glapwell; William de Hardwik of Hardwick; John Holyngworth of Staveley; John de Bo...h of Elmton; William Irlond of Yeldersley ; John ?Leueson of Compton; John Spynkill of Spinkhill; William Atereme of Holmesfield; John Hare of Harlesthorpe; Thomas Mar...day of Bolsover Woodhouse (Wodhows); and John Wodhows of Palterton.


Nicholas Strelley, knight , was lately seised in demesne as of fee of the following manor. n157

Shipley, the manor, held of William, Lord Zouche , as of his manor of Ilkeston, service unknown.n158 There is the manorial site, 7 messuages, and 6 cottages, worth nothing yearly; 60 a. demesne land, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 20 a. meadow, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 14 bovates, each worth 3s. yearly; 200 a. pasture, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 10s. assize rent, payable at Martinmas and Pentecost equally by the hand of the tenants; a certain park, worth 20s. yearly above sustaining the beasts; and a court held every three weeks, worth nothing yearly above the steward’s fee.
Continues as 232+[1].n159 Robert Strelley , named in the writ, afterwards occupied the manor and took the profits all his life at the will of John, Robert, Thomas, Thomas, Nicholas, and Peter, and he too died so possessed.

Date of death and heir as 232

[Foot:] Delivered to court on 12 February 1439.

TNA reference

C 139/93/42 mm. 3–4

E 149/249/17 m. 1

n152^: Margin: ‘held of the king as of the honour of Nottingham as 1/2 knight’s fee’.

n153^: Margin: ‘held of the king as of the honour as 1/20 knight’s fee’.

n154^: Margin: ‘at will’.

n155^: Margin: ?[‘held of others than the king’].

n156^: There are further illegible marginal notes.

n157^: Margin: ‘at will’.

n158^: Margin: ‘held of others than the king’.

n159^: Margin: ‘enfeoffment’.



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
site -
messuages7 (7 x messuages) -
cottages6 (6 x cottages) -
Valueworth nothing (=0d.)
worth nothing -
demesne land3d. (per unit)60 a. (60 x acre)15s. (=180d.)
meadow6d. (per unit)20 a. (20 x acre)10s. (=120d.)
bovates3s. (per unit)14 (14 x bovate)£2 2s. (=504d.)
pasture2d. (per unit)200 a. (200 x acre)£1 13s. 4d. (=400d.)
assize rent10s.10s. (=120d.)
park20s.a (1 x park)£1 (=240d.)
court, feeworth nothing -
Total: £6 10s. 4d. (=1564d.)



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
site -
messuages7 (7 x messuages) -
cottages6 (6 x cottages) -
Valueworth nothing (=0d.)
worth nothing -
demesne land3d. (per unit)60 a. (60 x acre)15s. (=180d.)
meadow6d. (per unit)20 a. (20 x acre)10s. (=120d.)
bovates3s. (per unit)14 (14 x bovate)£2 2s. (=504d.)
pasture2d. (per unit)200 a. (200 x acre)£1 13s. 4d. (=400d.)
assize rent10s.10s. (=120d.)
park20s.a (1 x park)£1 (=240d.)
court, feeworth nothing -
Total: £6 10s. 4d. (=1564d.)



  • Heton(Escheator)



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