Full text


Inquisition Head

BERKSHIRE. Inquisition. Abingdon. 20 January 1440. [Fetyplase].


Jurors: Thomas Chalkeley ; William Mylle ; John Cheveyn ; Richard Fynamore ; Hugh Roos ; John Sereman ; John Merywedyr ; Thomas Champ ; Roger Blake ; Thomas Blyke ; John Baron ; and William Whyte .

He held no lands or tenements of the king in chief, or any other, in demesne as of fee but, long before his death, he was seised in demesne as of fee of the following manor and tenement. Thus seised, he demised them by charter, dated at North Moreton on 5 July 1438 and shown to the jurors, with all rents and services of free tenants and neifs, to Miles Stapilton , his son and heir, and to his heirs, as more fully shown in the charter. North Moreton,
the manor called ‘Stapilton Maner’, annual value £10, and
the tenement called ‘Hemseys’, annual value 5 marks,
held of the abbot of Dorchester by service of 1lb pepper rent yearly for all services and secular demands.

He died on 7 August 1438. Miles Stapilton, esquire , his son and next heir, is aged 30 years and more.


Received on 12 February 1440.

[Dorse:] Delivered to court on 30 January.

TNA reference

C 139/92/34 mm. 1–2

E 149/164/16 m. 2

Writ Head

207 Writ. ‡ 27 January 1439. [Bate].

Addressed to the escheator in Norfolk and Suffolk.

Inquisition Head

NORFOLK. Inquisition. Shirehouse at Norwich . 1 August 1439. [Chappe].


Jurors: John Norwych ; John Halle ; William Halle ; John Stannard ; John Bernard ; Andrew Lucas ; Richard Tyte ; John Mendham ; Richard Brette ; Thomas Rykkes ; William Holbroke ; and William Fuller .

He held no lands or tenements of the king in chief, or any other, in demesne or service but, by a fine levied at Westminster between Brian Stapilton, chevalier, querent , and Henry, earl of Northumberland , John Talbot, knight , Thomas Scalys, knight , Henry Percy of Atholl, knight , Ralph Gray, knight , Thomas Gra Kerdeston, knight , Edmund Stapilton, esquire , William Paston , John Roys , William Ascogh , and John Brakle, esquire, deforciants , regarding the manors of Ingham, Waxham, Horsey, Lamas, and Starston, and advowsons of the priory church of St Trinity, Ingham, the churches of Ingham, Waxham, and Lamas, and the chapel of St Margaret of Waxham and Syderstone, Brian recognised the manors and advowsons to be the right of William Ascogh as those held by William, the earl, John, Thomas, Henry, Ralph, Thomas, Edmund, William Paston , John, and John by grant of Brian, and he quitclaimed the manors and advowsons for him and his heirs to them and the heirs of William Ascogh , as more fully contained in the fine, shown to the jurors. The manors and advowsons are not held of the king , but of whom is unknown.
Date of death and heir as 206.
TNA reference

C 139/92/34 mm. 3–41


Inquisition Head

SUFFOLK. Inquisition. Henhowe. 2 August 1439. [Chappe].


Jurors: William Bedyngfeld ; John Taillour ; Peter Dassh ; Seman Coke ; Thomas Jerveys ; John Dolet ; Robert Sparwe ; John Bardeweye ; Simon Dale ; Thomas Stanbrygge ; Walter Greneprest ; and Robert Warde .

He died seised of the following in demesne as of fee. n138
Weybread, a messuage, 40 a. land, 20 a. pasture, 8 a. meadow, and 6 a. wood, called ‘Hardegraves tenement’, true annual value 10s., held of Henry, earl of Northumberland , John Talbot, knight , Thomas Scalys, knight , William Phelipp, knight , Thomas Kerdeston, knight , Henry Inglose, knight , Edmund Stapilton, esquire , William Paston , John Brakele, esquire , and John Lynford as of their manor of Weybread, service unknown. Neither the messuage, land etc., nor any parcel of the same, is held of the king.
He held no other nor more lands or tenements of the king, or any other, in demesne or service but, by a fine levied at Westminster between Brian Stapilton, knight, querent , and Henry, earl of Northumberland , John Talbot, knight , Thomas Scalys, knight , William Phelipp, knight , Thomas Kerdeston, knight , Henry Inglose, knight , Edmund Stapilton, esquire , William Paston , John Brakele, esquire , and John Lynford of Stalham, all still living, and Thomas Chauncers , now deceased, deforciants, regarding the manor of Weybread, Brian recognised the manor to be the right of John Lynford as held by John, the earl, John, Thomas, William, Thomas, Edmund, William, and John Brakele by grant of Brian,n139 and he quitclaimed the manor for him and his heirs to the earl, John, Thomas, William, Thomas, Henry, Thomas, Edmund, William, John, John, and the heirs of John Lynford , as contained more fully in the fine shown to the jurors.
Weybread, the manor, held of William de la Pole, earl of Suffolk , service unknown.
Neither the manor, nor any parcel of the same, is held of the king .
Date of death and heir as 206.
TNA reference

C 139/92/34 mm. 3, 5n140

Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Richmond. 26 July 1439. [Fitzwilliam].


Jurors: Simon Ascogh ; Henry Bellerby ; John Newton ; William Rapar ; Thomas Sutton ; John Stapilton ; William Johnson ; Adam Lyghtefote ; William Walker ; John Henrison ; Thomas Scarston ; and William Barkere .

He held no lands or tenements of the king in chief, or any other, in demesne or service but, by a fine levied at Westminster between Brian Stapilton, knight, querent , and Henry, earl of Northumberland , John Talbot, knight , Thomas Scalys, knight , Henry Percy of Atholl, knight , Thomas Kerdeston, knight , Edmund Stapilton, esquire , John Stapilton of Wighill, esquire , William Ascogh , and John Brakele, esquire, deforciants , regarding the manors of Bedale, Cotherstone, and Askham Bryan, 8 tofts, and 6 bovates and 44 a. land in Ovington and Romaldkirk, and advowsons of the churches of Bedale and Melsonby, he recognised the manors, tenements, and advowsons to be the right of William Ascogh as held by William, the earl, John, Thomas, Henry, Thomas, Edmund, John, and John by grant of Brian, and he quitclaimed the manors, tenements, and advowsons, for him and his heirs to them and the heirs of William, as more fully contained in the fine, shown to the jurors. The manors, tofts, land, and advowsons are not held of the king , nor any parcel of the same, but of whom they are held, and by what service, is unknown.
Bedale, the manor, true annual value £18.
Cotherstone, the manor, true annual value £24.
Askam Bryan, the manor, true annual value £14.
Ovington and Romaldkirk, 8 tofts, and 6 bovates and 44 a. land, true annual value 20s.
Bedale, the church, annual value 100 marks.
Melsonby, the church, annual value 20 marks.

Date of death and heir as 206.

[Dorse:] Yorkshire.

TNA reference

C 139/92/34 mm. 6–7

Writ Head

210 Writ. ‡ 7 May 1439. [Smyth].

Addressed to the escheator in Hampshire and Wiltshire.

Inquisition Head

WILTSHIRE. Inquisition. Salisbury. 9 July 1439. [Thornbury].


Jurors: Richard Bryght ; Richard Thaccham ; Richard Amerous ; John Wodehaye ; William Pette ; William Pypard ; William Gomelden ; John Thacham ; Peter Duyk ; John Pruet ; John Batter ; and Nicholas Wattes .

He died seised of the following in demesne as of fee, formerly parcel of the manor of West Dean. n142
West Dean, an acre of land, true annual value 4d., held of the king in chief as 1/100 knight’s fee.
He held no other nor more lands or tenements in demesne or service of the king, or any other, but was lately seised of the manor of West Dean in demesne as of fee.n143 Thus seised and with royal licence obtained, shown to the jurors, he granted the manor, except the above acre of land, then parcel of the manor, to William Paston , Thomas Dengayn , Thomas Stodhagh , and John Stodhagh , all still living, and John Roys and John Brakele , now deceased, and their heirs and assigns. The grant was made long before his death. William Paston , Thomas Dengayn etc. [as above] were thus seised in demesne as of fee, and William, Thomas, Thomas, and John Stodhagh are yet so seised. He was also seised in demesne as of fee of the manors of Steeple Langford and Codford St Mary.n144 Thus seised and with royal licence obtained, shown to the jurors, he granted the two manors, except an acre of land in each and except the advowsons of the churches of Steeple Langford and Codford St Mary, to Miles Stapilton , his son, senior, still living, and Elizabeth his wife, now deceased, and to the heirs of their bodies. The grant was made long before his death. Miles and Elizabeth were thus seised in demesne as of fee tail, and Elizabeth died seised of this estate without heir by Miles. Miles is yet seised of this estate. Furthermore, he granted by charter, to Edmund Stapilton, esquire , Brian Stapilton, esquire ,n145 William Paston , John Lynford , and Thomas Stodhagh , all still living, and William Evenwode, clerk , now deceased, the acre of land in the manor of Steeple Langford with advowson of the church of Steeple Langford along with the acre of land in the manor of Codford St Mary with advowson of the church of Codford St Mary, to hold to them for the term of the life of Brian Stapilton, chevalier , with remainder to Miles Stapilton , son, senior, and Elizabeth then his wife, and the heirs of their bodies.n146 Royal licence was not obtained on account of which the king afterwards pardoned the offence by his letters patent [CPR 1422–29, p. 525], shown to the jurors. Edmund, Brian, William, John, Thomas, and William were thus seised in demesne as of free tenement.
Steeple Langford, an acre of land, annual value 4d., with
advowson of the church there, annual value £10,
held of the king in chief as 1/100 knight’s fee.
Codford St Mary, an acre of land, annual value 4d., with
advowson of the church there, annual value £12,
held of the king in chief as 1/100 knight’s fee.
Date of death and heir as 206
TNA reference

C 139/92/34 mm. 8, 10

Inquisition Head

HAMPSHIRE. Inquisition. Andover. 11 July 1439. [Thornbury].


Jurors: John Fauconer ; William Barell ; John Croucheman ; John Moraunt, senior ; Thomas Fostbury ; Walter Spore ; John Adam ; John Fayll ; Walter Thorn ; John Galyot ; John Gusseleye ; and Richard Daunce .


He held no lands or tenements of the king, or any other, in demesne or service.

Date of death and heir as 206.

[Head:] Delivered to court on 17 July 1439.

TNA reference

C 139/92/34 mm. 8–9



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
West Dean
land4d.an acre (1 x acre)4d. (=4d.)
Total: 4d. (=4d.)
Steeple Langford
land4d.an acre (1 x acre)4d. (=4d.)
Total: 4d. (=4d.)
Value£10£10 (=2400d.)
Total: £10 (=2400d.)
Codford St Mary
land4d.an acre (1 x acre)4d. (=4d.)
Total: 4d. (=4d.)
Value£12£12 (=2880d.)
Total: £12 (=2880d.)



No holding extent information available.



  • Smyth(Writ Clerk)


  • Richard Bryght
  • Richard Thaccham
  • Richard Amerous
  • John Wodehaye
  • William Pette
  • William Pypard
  • William Gomelden
  • John Thacham
  • Peter Duyk
  • John Pruet
  • John Batter
  • Nicholas Wattes


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