Full text


Writ Head

200 Writ. ‡ Windsor. 20 August 1439. [Bate].

Inquisition Head

DEVON. Inquisition. Exeter. 13 January 1440. [Burton].


Jurors: John Holand, esquire ; John Harry ; Stephen Gyffard ; Henry Whityng ; Nicholas Boys ; William Mey ; Roger Baron ; William Botour ; Henry Botour ; John ... [ms galled and faded] ; Henry ...er... [ms galled and faded]; John Germyn ; and Nicholas Carsewell .


A fine was levied in the king’s court at Westminster on the quindene of St John the Baptist 1438 [CP 25/1/292/69, no. 217] before John Juyn , James Stranways , John Cottesmore , and William Paston , justices, and others, between John Hody , John Stork , John Chirche , citizen and mercer of London , John Batescombe , John Corbrigge, clerk , and Thomas Est, querents , and Thomas Brook, knight , and Joan his wife, deforciants, regarding, among other manors, lands, and tenements, the manors of Holditch and Weycroft and 300 a. land, 60 a. meadow, 20 a. wood, 40 a. heath, and 40s. rent in Holditch, Besshhey, and Spearhay. Thomas Brook and Joan recognised the manors, tenements, and rents to be the right of Thomas Est , as those held by Thomas, John, John, John, John, and John by grant of Thomas Brook and Joan, and quitclaimed them for Thomas and Joan and the heirs of Thomas, to John, John, John, John, John, and Thomas Est , and the heirs of Thomas Est . Furthermore, Thomas Brook granted for him and his heirs that they would guarantee the manors, tenements, and rents against all men to John, John, John, John, John, and Thomas Est , and to the heirs of Thomas. For that recognition, John, John, John, John, John, and Thomas Est granted the manor of Holditch, 400 a.n134 land, 60 a. meadow, 20 a. wood, 40 a. heath, and 40s. rent in Holditch, Besshhey, and Spearhay to Thomas Brook and Joan, to hold to them and the heirs male of their bodies. The fine was shown to the jurors. Thomas and Joan were thus seised in demesne as of fee tail, and continued in that estate by virtue of the fine for the life of Thomas. Thomas afterwards died, and Joan continued in her estate by right of survivorship.

Holditch, the manor, held – with the exception of 1/5 part – of Thomas, earl of Devon , by knight service. Annual value of 4/5 manor, 100s. The 1/5 part, annual value 40s., is held of James Lutrell as of his castle of Dunster as 1/5 knight’s fee.
Besshhey and Spearhay, 200 a. land, 40 a. meadow, 20 a. wood, and 40 a. heath, annual value 60s., held of the heirs of Adam, late lord of Beerhall , service unknown.
Holditch, 100 a. land, parcel of the said 300 a. land, 20 a. meadow, and 40s. rent, held of Richard, duke of York , annual value 40s., as of his honour of Marshwood, service unknown.
By virtue of the same fine, John, John, John, John, John, and Thomas Est were seised of manor of Weycroft, viz., the five Johns in demesne as of free tenement, and Thomas Est in demesne as of fee. Thomas Est afterwards quitclaimed for him and his heirs to the five Johns and their heirs and assigns by deed, dated on 14 July 1438 and shown to the jurors, among other manors specified in the fine and in this deed, all right and claim that he had in the manor of Weycroft. By so doing, he excluded himself, his heirs, and anyone acting in his or their name from laying any legal claim to the manor. The deed was enrolled on the dorse of the close rolls of the king’s Chancery in the year and month abovesaid [CClR 1435–41, pp. 190–91]. The five Johns were thus seised of the manor of Weycroft in demesne as of fee. They are still living, and continue their estate in the manor. They promised Thomas Brook that he might have and occupy the manor at their will, free tenement in the manor being with the five Johns from the time of the fine and quitclaim. Thomas Brook, knight , thus had no estate or claim in the manor of Holditch and the tenements and rents other than in fee tail, and no estate or claim in the manor of Weycroft other than at the will of the five Johns.
Weycroft, the manor, held – except one parcel lying on the western side of the king’s way that leads to Axminster – of the heirs of John de Dodiscomb , service unknown. Annual value, 100s. The parcel, annual value 100s., is held of Robert Chalons, knight , as of his manor of Buckerell, as 1/11 knight’s fee.

He died on 12 August last. Edward Brook, knight , his son and next heir, is aged 24 years and more.


Delivered to court on 29 January 1440.

TNA reference

C 139/92/32 mm. 1–2

Inquisition Head

201 Escheator’s reasons for not returning an inquisition. Sent to Chancery.

The execution of the writ sent to the escheator for Somerset and Dorset is shown, with regard to Somerset, in the inquisition attached to this document [204]. Regarding Dorset, however, I had the sheriff ordered to have 24 men come before me at Beaminster on 26 October last, the names of which men are contained in the attached document [203], but they did not appear; and the shortness of time after taking the inquisition in Somerset meant it was a whole month before I could arrange any other day in Dorset. I was therefore unable to return the inquisition for Dorset to Chancery, according to the requirements of the statute. Furthermore, the day of accounting for my office before the treasurer and barons of the Exchequer was arranged for 2 November, on which day I appeared in person. I continue to stay for this reason and, because I am released from my office, the inquisition for Dorset is still to be taken. Moreover, I, John Spencer , certify that the writ was first delivered to me on 5 October last by Edward Brook, knight .

TNA reference

C 139/92/32 m. 4

Writ Head

202 Writ. ‡ 16 October 1439.

Order to the sheriff of Dorset by John Spencer, escheator , to empanel 24 good and law-worthy men to come before him at Beaminster on 26 October next, for an inquisition into the lands and tenements held of the king in chief by Thomas Brook, knight . The sheriff must also bring this written order. Endorsed by Edward Hull , sheriff.

Inquisition Head

203 DORSET. List of men empanelled for a jury [none marked as sworn].

John Chydyok, knight; John Neburgh, senior, esquire; William Godewyn, esquire; Baldwin Thornhill, esquire; Roger Wyk, esquire; Walter Payne, esquire; Thomas Blaneford; John Goold of Sandpit; William Walkeleyn; John Sterre; John Tynham; William Tyderlegh; John Cokesden; John Bakelforde; Thomas Sha…e [hole in ms]; William Vyncent; Thomas Clerk; John Parrok; Edward Meche; Thomas Salysbury; Thomas Combe; William Clerk; John atte Hyde; Geoffrey Peny; John Hancok; John Butte; William atte Nassh; and Nicholas Bunne.
TNA reference

C 139/92/32 m. 6

Writ Head

204 Writ. ‡ Windsor. 20 August 1439. [Bate].

Addressed to the escheator in Somerset and Dorset [see 201 for the reason why no inquisition for Dorset had, so far, been taken].

Inquisition Head

SOMERSET. Inquisition. Taunton. 15 October 1439. [Spencer].

[Inquisition: ms galled and worn.]


Jurors: Hugh Malet ; John ...; ... Gosse; John Dodyngton ; Hugh More ; John Mauncell ; James Haryngton ; John Boteler ; John Fulbrok ; Thomas Walssh ; Thomas Lyte ; and John Wye... .

... was seised of the manors of West Bagborough, Lufton, and Brook Ilchester, together with advowsons of the churches of West Bagborough and Lufton, and 28 messuages, ?4 tofts, 3 carucates of land, 510 a. land, 130 a. meadow, 52 a. wood, and 100s. rent in ... Odcombe... Gosford, Chard, Hertham, West Coker, Lovehill, Hornsbury, ‘Aysshehilyate’, Oakenhead, Redmede... Crymelfordmede... Quantock Durborough....n135 And... died, after the death of whom, right in the manors, lands, tenements, and advowsons descended to....... the manors, lands, tenements, and advowsons to William Tauerner and John Frampton , to have to them and.... William and John were thus seised. Joan [wife of Thomas Brook, senior ] afterwards died, and William and John granted the manors, lands, tenements, and advowsons to Thomas Brook, knight , son and heir of Thomas Brook, senior, to have to him and the heirs of his body, with remainder to his right heirs. He was thus seised. Thomas, son, held the said
4 a. land in Compton Durville of the king by knight service
... of land, worth 8d. yearly; and each messuage, worth... yearly...... and there are in the same manor 7 a. meadow, each acre worth 16d. yearly.
West Bagborough, the manor with advowson of the church, held of James Lutrell , now in the custody of... as of his castle of Dunster, service unknown. There is a capital messuage, worth nothing yearly; a dovecote, worth 3s. 4d. yearly; 27 messuages, each worth 12d. yearly; 100 a. arable adjacent to the messuages, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 120 a. demesne land, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 20 a. hilly land, each acre worth 1/2d. yearly; 30 a. meadow called ‘le Brodemede’, each acre worth 16d. yearly; 20s. assize rent, payable by various free tenants at Michaelmas only; and 40 a. wood,... 5s. yearly.
Brook Ilchester and Cooke, the manor, held of William Benvyle , service unknown. There is a capital messuage, worth nothing yearly; 100s. assize rent, payable by various free tenants at four terms of the year, viz., Christmas, Easter, Midsummer, and Michaelmas equally; [at least] 10 a. arable, each acre worth 4d. yearly; and 22 a. meadow, each acre worth 14d. yearly.
Lufton, the manor, held of Richard, duke of York , as of his manor of Odcombe, service unknown. There is..., worth nothing yearly; a dovecot, worth 3s. 4d. yearly; 120 a. ?arable land, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 18 a. meadow, each acre worth 20d. yearly; and £9 18s. 6d. ?assize rent, payable by various free tenants at the above four terms of the year equally.
... Odcombe... Gosford, Chard, Hertham, West Coker, Lovehill, Hornsbury, ‘Aysshehilyate’, Oakenhead, Redmede... Crymelfordmede... Quantock Durborough.... The 28 messuages, ?4 tofts, 3 carucates of land, 510 a. land, 130 a. meadow, 52 a. wood, and 100s. rent in these vills are held of various men, service unknown. Each ?messuage is worth 12d. yearly; each toft is worth 8d. yearly; each carucate of land is worth 40s. yearly and each acre of land is worth 4d. yearly; each acre of meadow is worth 18d. yearly; and the pasture of the 52 a. wood is worth nothing yearly above enclosure of the wood.

Date of death and heir as 200.

[Head:] Delivered to court on ?11 November 1439.

TNA reference

C 139/92/32 mm. 3, 7

n135^: Where possible, information from CIPM XXIV, no 713, was used to supplement the information legible in ms. Note that the Calendarium Inquisitionum Post Mortem sive Escaetarum, vol. IV (London, Record Commission, 1828), pp. 187–8 does not record the gaps in the legibility of the ms of 204. See also ibid., p. 180 for CIPM XXIV, no. 713.



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Compton Durville
land4 a. (4 x acre) -
Total: (=0d.)
West Bagborough
capital messuageworth nothing -
dovecote3s. 4d.a (1 x dovecote)3s. 4d. (=40d.)
messuages12d. (per unit)27 (27 x messuages)£1 7s. (=324d.)
arable4d. (per unit)100 a. (100 x acre)£1 13s. 4d. (=400d.)
demesne land3d. (per unit)120 a. (120 x acre)£1 10s. (=360d.)
hilly land1/2d. (per unit)20 a. (20 x acre)10d. (=10d.)
meadow16d. (per unit)30 a. (30 x acre)£2 (=480d.)
assize rent20s.£1 (=240d.)
wood5s.40 a. (40 x acre)5s. (=60d.)
Total: £7 19s. 6d. (=1914d.)
Brook Ilchester, Cooke
capital messuageworth nothinga (1 x capital messuage) -
assize rent100s.£5 (=1200d.)
arable4d. (per unit)10 a. (10 x acre)3s. 4d. (=40d.)
meadow14d. (per unit)22 a. (22 x acre)£1 5s. 8d. (=308d.)
Total: £6 9s. (=1548d.)
worth nothing -
dovecot3s. 4d.a (1 x dovecot)3s. 4d. (=40d.)
arable land3d. (per unit)120 a. (120 x acre)£1 10s. (=360d.)
meadow20d. (per unit)18 a. (18 x acre)£1 10s. (=360d.)
assize rent£9 18s. 6d.£9 18s. 6d. (=2382d.)
Total: £13 1s. 10d. (=3142d.)
Odcombe, Gosford, Chard, Hertham, West Coker, Lovehill, Hornsbury, Aysshehilyate, Oakenhead, Redmede, Crymelfordmede, Quantock Durborough
messuages28 (28 x messuages) -
tofts4 (4 x tofts) -
land3 carucates (3 x carucate) -
land510 a. (510 x acre) -
meadow130 a. (130 x acre) -
wood52 a. (52 x acre) -
rent100s.£5 (=1200d.)
messuage12d.1s. (=12d.)
toft8d.8d. (=8d.)
land40s.£2 (=480d.)
land4d.4d. (=4d.)
meadow, pasture18d.1s. 6d. (=18d.)
wood, woodworth nothing52 a. (52 x acre) -
Total: £7 3s. 6d. (=1722d.)



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
West Bagborough
capital messuageworth nothing -
dovecote3s. 4d.a (1 x dovecote)3s. 4d. (=40d.)
messuages12d. (per unit)27 (27 x messuages)£1 7s. (=324d.)
arable4d. (per unit)100 a. (100 x acre)£1 13s. 4d. (=400d.)
demesne land3d. (per unit)120 a. (120 x acre)£1 10s. (=360d.)
hilly land1/2d. (per unit)20 a. (20 x acre)10d. (=10d.)
meadow16d. (per unit)30 a. (30 x acre)£2 (=480d.)
assize rent20s.£1 (=240d.)
wood5s.40 a. (40 x acre)5s. (=60d.)
Total: £7 19s. 6d. (=1914d.)
Brook Ilchester, Cooke
capital messuageworth nothinga (1 x capital messuage) -
assize rent100s.£5 (=1200d.)
arable4d. (per unit)10 a. (10 x acre)3s. 4d. (=40d.)
meadow14d. (per unit)22 a. (22 x acre)£1 5s. 8d. (=308d.)
Total: £6 9s. (=1548d.)
worth nothing -
dovecot3s. 4d.a (1 x dovecot)3s. 4d. (=40d.)
arable land3d. (per unit)120 a. (120 x acre)£1 10s. (=360d.)
meadow20d. (per unit)18 a. (18 x acre)£1 10s. (=360d.)
assize rent£9 18s. 6d.£9 18s. 6d. (=2382d.)
Total: £13 1s. 10d. (=3142d.)



  • Bate(Writ Clerk)


  • Hugh Malet
  • John ...
  • ... Gosse
  • John Dodyngton
  • Hugh More
  • John Mauncell
  • James Haryngton
  • John Boteler
  • John Fulbrok
  • Thomas Walssh
  • Thomas Lyte
  • John Wye...


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