Full text


Writ Head

134 Writ de dote assignanda. ‡ 24 February 1437. [Wymbyssh].

‪ Henry V, by his special grace and licence, granted that his beloved Beatrice, who was wife of Thomas, late earl of Arundel , who held of ‪ Henry V in chief, might, after the return of the inquisitions [post mortem] to Chancery, sue for livery of her rightful dower from those lands, tenements, knights’ fees, advowsons of churches, franchises, liberties and other possessions in England, Wales, or the Marches, that were of the late earl and taken into the king’s hand, taking the issues from the time of the late earl’s death, as more fully contained in letters patent of ‪ Henry V [CPR 1413–16, p. 400]. On 28 April 1416, a writ de dote assignanda was issued to the escheator as clear by inspection of the rolls [CClR 1413–19, p. 313]. The escheator left office before the execution of the writ and on 20 January 1433, we, by our special grace and with assent of our council, granted that Beatrice might marry our beloved kin, John, earl of Huntingdon , as contained in our letters patent [CPR 1429–36, p. 250]. This is the order to assign rightful dower to the earl of Huntingdon and Beatrice , in her right, taking the issues from the time of the late earl’s death [CClR 1435–41, p. 87].

Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Assignment of dower [indented]. [Various places].n101 5 October 1437. [Paule].

[Assignment: ms faded and torn in places.]


John Horseley , attorney of John, duke of Norfolk , Thomas Stokdale , attorney of Edward Nevyll and Elizabeth his wife, and John Fox , attorney of Roland Lentale, knight , and Edmund son of Roland, next heirs of Thomas, late earl of Arundel . The following was assigned to John, earl of Huntingdon , and Beatrice his wife, who was wife of Thomas, late earl of Arundel , in name of Beatrice’s dower.

In the presence of John Hayward, farmer of the manor, and various tenants at the manor of Woolston, viz., a grange called ‘Corneberne’ standing east-west in length; a messuage and 30 a. land, that ... Martyn holds according to manorial custom; a messuage and 20 a. enclosed land and meadow, that Peter Smyth now holds; 40 a. land, that were of John Lambardes and now held by Richard Billyngburgh ; rent of one tenement, lately of the said John Lambardes ... Richard holds, called ‘Sauages’; a cottage and 7 a. land lying in ?various ?crofts, called ‘Gerveyse’, that John ... holds; a tenement and 30 a. land lying in various crofts, lately of John Fulham , that Margery Fulham holds; one... acres of land lying in various crofts, called ‘Hoghbrounyng’, lately of John Brounyng , that Richard Parceshale holds; 3d. assize rent for an acre of meadow, a moiety of which lies in ‘Longemede’ and the other moiety of which lies in common meadow, that Richard Baryngton holds, payable at Easter and Michaelmas; 30 a. land in a close called ‘Salescroft’, of which 4 a. lie enclosed in ‘Littill Salescroft’; 40 a. land in a close called ‘Twelfacres’ [sic]; 12 a. land in a close called ‘?Baug...’... lying near the external gates of the manor; 2 a. meadow called ‘Gangefeld’, of which 1/2 a. is enclosed in...; 4 a. meadow in a close called ‘?Hanmede’; 3 a. meadow in a close called ‘Posternmede’; 2 a. meadow in a close called ‘Gerardmede’; and 2 1/2 a. wood of 7 a. wood in a grove called ‘Hilgrove’.
In the presence of the farmer and tenants at the manor of Margaretting, viz., a messuage and 20 a. land and meadow, lately of John Ponde [and now held by] John Taboure ; a tenement and 8 a. land in 2 closes called ‘Rolfs’, lately of Adam Rolf and now held by Walter S...; ?7 a. land in a close called ‘?Sakynglande’, that Stephen Coke and Emma his wife hold; a tenement... called ‘Pacok’, lately of William Pacok and now held by Laurence Swetyng ; a tenement and 20 a. land in... ?....etes and alt...... of Richard ..., now held by Nicholas Ketell ; a tenement and 20 a. land, lately of Walter Swetyng ... Frensshe...; 13s. assize rent, payable at Easter and ?Michaelmas... of Blackmore... called ‘Scrapels; 30 a. land lying in a close called ‘...aldefeld’; 6 a.... in a ... in close called...; 6 a. land in a close called ‘Parva Whetley’; an acre of pasture in one...;... pasture in a close called ‘Calfehope’; 6 a. pasture in ‘Lamberneleys’; 2 a....; 5 a. wood in a close called ‘Littilhoo’; 2 a. wood in a close called...;... manor called ‘Cowhouse’ alias the said ‘Shepyn’.
[The assignment of dower continues on the following day. The ms text is continuous.]
Assigned at the manor of High Roding, viz., 80 a. land in a close called...... in a close called...... in close called ‘Parkefeld’ on the northern side of the manor; 1/3... on the northern side of the manor, as aforesaid,... ‘le Parkefeld’ abuts; 1/2 granary (grangie bladi)... ?[on the northern side to the end of the northern]... grange... entry and exit; 7 a. wood in the wood called ‘?Roeyngwode’... of the same wood; 7 a. ?meadow... acres of land, lately of Peter Pytee , now held by William ?Cristennia; a ?tenement and 30 a.... Aleyne, that John Aleyne holds; a tenement and 30 a. land called ‘?Rol...’ ?[that John Rok now holds]; a tenement and 20 a. land, lately of Hubert Plasshy , now held by John Chopyn ; ... lately of John ..., now held by Richard Rande ; a tenement and 9 a. land, lately of Richard ?Fokes...;... acres of land, lately of John ?Nek, formerly... Neke, and that the said ?Margaret and William...;... tenement, lately of John Plassh , and ?2 1/2 a. ?land, ?lately of John ?Dry..., that John...;... shillings rent... Walter Spy... holds;... of Thomas M... that...... Mark...nt and William ?Strete... that the same William Strete holds;... now holds there....
Assigned at the manor of Househam, in the presence of Nicholas M..., farmer of the manor..., viz., in a close called ‘Whitwell’... acres... called... acres of pasture... holds there and a certain (quandam)... within the manor, ?outside the gates... and 8 a. land in a close called ‘Tenacres’....

TNA reference

C 139/89/73 mm. 1, 3

Inquisition Head

WILTSHIRE. [No information discernible regarding date, place, and escheator’s name.]


[Inquisition: much of it in poor condition, torn and faded.]


?‘Carpentereslond’.... Item:... 2 a.... on the western side.... Item:....... land of Robert Confolde . Item:... 14 a. land in le...age called ‘?Doneforlange’ by... western .... Item:.....ynglond by... croft.... Item: 10 a. pasture in ?Bulkington....... Item: an acre of land called... Frankelayn. Item: a knight’s fee in ...vilesaicon that John ?Han...lde holds.... Item:... part of a knight’s fee that Robert Confolde holds. Item: ... part of a knight’s fee that Richard Mayne holds. Item: 1/4 knight’s fee that... I assigned to the same... John ?Webbe... virgate(s) of land and all rent.... Item: the tenement of Robert ?Foat with... virgate(s) of land... the tenement lately of John Swift and 1/2 virgate of land. Item: the tenement ?Sebille... 1/2 virgate and.... Item: the tenement lately of William atte ?Hale with... virgate of land.... Item:... virgate of land. Item: the tenement... virgate of land. Item: the tenement lately of William ?Clot at Bulkington.... Item: the tenement lately... land. Item: the tenement of ?Peter ?Prentys called ‘?G...llel’ with ?1/2 virgate of land. Item: the tenement of ?William ... virgate of land. Item:... of one messuage and 20 a. land and meadow that ?Peter ... now holds. Item: the tenement of John Kybard with 1/3 virgate of land. Item: the tenement of ?Richard ?Smyth ... with 1/3 virgate of land. Item: the tenement of Thomas ...feld, with 1/3 virgate of land. Item: the tenement lately of Thomas Ismonde , with 1/3 virgate of land. Item: the tenement of John Badecok , ?senior, with 1/3 virgate of land. Item: the tenement of ?John ..., ?lately ?of ?R... with 1/3 virgate of land. Item: a toft lately of Peter Russell , with 1/3 virgate of land. Assigned to Beatrice: the cottage of John Forester ; the cottage of John, vicar of Keevil ; the cottage of John Shephurd , lately ‘Togardes’; the cottage of John Born; the cottage of ?John ?Clucyng; the cottage of John Paulesholt ; the cottage of William Dunyng ; the cottage of Agnes Bonell ; the cottage of Walter Fyde , lately of John Patyn ; the cottage of John ?Wist of Keevil Wick; the cottage of John Foot of Bulkington; and the cottage of John Whaddon . Assigned: 17s. 5 1/2d. from ? Richard Mayne for his free tenement; 1/3 virgate of land called ‘le ?Hunte’, that Richard Mayne holds; all male and female neifs of the blood, male and female, of the above tenements, as well as their progeny; and all liberties and free customs within the manor of Keevil and 1/2 manor of Bulkington. Beatrice is to have all lands and tenements, knights’ fees, liberties and free customs and other possessions whatsoever, with free entrance and exit.
Assigned: 1/3 manor of Knighton. Within the manor, there is a house called ‘Vodderhous’; 2 ‘rowmes’ of the barn on the northern side; 1/3 garden and close, viz., that part in which the stank and dovecot lately were, with orchard and encircling ditch; 2 a. land extending onto 6 a. land in ‘le Southfelde’; 2 a. beside the ‘landeshar’ of Durrington; 4 a. on ‘le hull’ beside the vill on the western side; 4 a. in ‘Langlonde’; 2 a. at ‘Northende’ of 3 a. in ‘le Den’; 2 a. at ‘le Lynche’; 4 a. on with western side of the king’s way; 2 a. of ‘Rawelynslond’ in ‘le Hamme’; 2 a. beside the cross on the eastern side of the king’s way; an acre at ‘le Dyche’; a ‘hedacre’ at the northern end of an acre in ‘Myddelhamms’; an acre at ‘Mol’; an acre at ‘Myddelhull’ called ‘Kyngesacr’; an acre called ‘Frayday’; an acre called ‘Kyngeslond’; 1 1/2 a. of ‘Cuttyngeslonde’ beside the king’s way; 1 1/2 a. land called ‘Houndelond’; 5 a. of ‘?Reparolond’ on the western side; an acre that John Carter holds; 1/3 profits of the mill; an acre of meadow called ‘Gounesmede’; an acre of meadow in ‘le Merssh’; 2 1/2 a. meadow called ‘Pipers’ and ‘Rawlyns’; pasture for 140 sheep; and 1/3 of the houses and tenements of William Thomas and 21 a. land that he now holds beside the vill, and 1/3 of the houses of the same Thomas there. Assigned: 1/3 [?manor] of Knighton, with 1/3 of the water-courses and fishery there.

In witness of which, I, the escheator affixed my seal to the part of this indenture remaining with Beatrice, and she affixed her seal to the other part that remains with me.

TNA reference

C 139/89/73 m. 2

Writ Head

136 Writ. ‡ 12 January 1437. [Wymbyssh].

‪ Henry V, by his special grace and licence, granted that his beloved Beatrice, who was wife of Thomas, late earl of Arundel , who held of ‪ Henry V in chief, might, after the return of the inquisitions [post mortem] to Chancery, sue for livery of her rightful dower from those lands, tenements, knights’ fees, advowsons of churches, franchises, liberties and other possessions in England, Wales, or the Marches, that were of the late earl and taken into the king’s hand, taking the issues from the time of the late earl’s death, as more fully contained in letters patent of ‪ Henry V [CPR 1413–16, p. 400]. On 28 April 1416, a writ de dote assignanda was issued to the escheator as clear by inspection of the rolls [CClR 1413–19, p. 313], but the escheator left office before executing the writ. ‪ Henry V then issued another writ de dote assignanda, also as clear by inspection of the Chancery rolls [CClR 1413–19, p. 407]. Beatrice afterwards beseeched ‪ Henry V to provide suitable remedy because, in no small amount of damage and injury to her, the escheator had assigned Beatrice her dower from lands and tenements from the inheritance of Elizabeth, wife of Gerard Vfflete, knight , Joan de Beauchamp, Lady Bergavenny , and Margaret, wife of Roland Lenthale, knight , sisters and heirs of the late earl, but not from the inheritance of John de Arundel, chevalier , kin and heir male of the late earl. ‪ Henry V then issued another writ to the escheator, noting that if this was the case, the escheator should assign rightful dower to Beatrice from lands and tenements from the inheritance of John [CClR 1413–19, p. 466]. The escheator returned to Chancery that he had assigned 1/3 rents and profits of the lordship of Teirtref, from free tenants and neifs, 1/3 Clun forest, with 1/3 parks there, and 1/3 all profits, agistments, amercements and other perquisites from the forest and parks, the hunting and taking of game as well as taking waifs and strays, as clear by the assignment remaining in the Chancery files. John, earl of Huntingdon , who took Beatrice as his wife, and Beatrice have now complained that, although the escheator assigned the thirds to Beatrice, they are not able to take the issues because there are no boundaries between 1/3 lordship, forest, and parks and 2/3 lordship, forest, and parks. This has caused no small amount of damage and injury to them, and they have beseeched the king to provide suitable remedy. Order, therefore, to separate and make boundaries between the thirds and two- thirds, in the presence of those with an interest.

Inquisition Head

SHROPSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Assignment of dower. Clun. 21 October 1437. [ Lee ].


Assignment of dower to John, earl of Huntingdon , and Beatrice his wife, who was wife of Thomas, late earl of Arundel , to separate and make boundaries between the dower lands of 1/3 lordship of Teirtref and 1/3 forest of Clun, with 1/3 parks there, and 2/3 lordship, forest, and parks. In the presence of Geoffrey Harley and other trustworthy persons.

Teirtref, 1/3 lordship, viz., in length from Burfield to Little Pen-y-wern, from Little Pen-y-wern to the ridgeway on the Mynd from Purlogue (Rugewey super Myndde de Porthloke) and then to the place of Hugh ap Ieuan , and then to Bucknell Wood, and from Bucknell Wood to Ryddemayne. In width to Annerthmayre, from Annerthmayre to Huchecoyte, from Huchecoyte to Clunbury Wood, from Clunbury Wood to Snedde, from Snedde to Pen-y-wern, from Pen-y-wern to Forth, and from Forth to Rockhill.
Treverward, Purlogue (Porthloke), Hopebendrid, Manutton, Hobarris, Obley, Pentre Hodre (Pyrthyrodr’), and Obealeyseyson, the vills within the boundaries and divisions.
Clun, 1/3 forest, viz., in length from Gripesnest (Croysneste) to Nauntrerngelyn, then to the brook (Broke) that lies between Kenbryth and Kevencalonog, then to Donne, then to Goltorth, and then to the palisade of the parks called ‘Brokekeputh’. In width from the palisade to the brook of Cwmffrydd, then to the brook of Tonken, and then to the ‘lidyate’ of Chadwall. Also assigned: the small park beneath Clun Castle, for a third of the parks.

TNA reference

C 139/89/74 mm. 1–2



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Teirtref, Burfield, Little Pen-y-wern, Mynd, Purlogue, Bucknell Wood, Clunbury Wood, Pen-y-wern, Rockhill (Assigned Holding)
1/3 (0.33) -
Total: -
Treverward, Purlogue, Hopebendrid, Manutton, Hobarris, Obley, Pentre Hodre (Assigned Holding)
Total: -
Clun, Gripesnest, Kevencalonog, Clun (Assigned Holding)
forest, parks, park, Castle 1/3 (0.33 x forest parks park Castle) -
parksa third of (0.33 x parks) -
Total: -



No holding extent information available.



  • Wymbyssh(Writ Clerk)



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