Full text


Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Inquisition. Saffron Walden. 24 April 1438. [Kirkeby].


Jurors: John Veysy, senior ; John Marywe, senior ; John Marywe, junior ; John Baron of Stansted Mountfitchet; Matthew Kent ; Robert Eustace ; William Ilger ; Walter Taillour ; John Shymmyng ; John Howlot ; William Higham ; and Robert Semer .


He held the following by curtesy after the death of Margaret his wife from the inheritance of Elizabeth, wife of John de Veer, earl of Oxford , kin and heir of Margaret as the daughter of John son of John Howard and Margaret, with reversion to Elizabeth and her heirs.

Great Oakley, the manor and advowson of the church there, held of the king by knight service. There is a capital messuage, worth nothing yearly; 20 virgates of land, each worth 3s. 4d. yearly; 20 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 400 a. pasture, each acre worth 1d. yearly; 80 a. underwood, each acre worth 40d. yearly when cut, this year worth nothing because cut last year; 2 parks, worth nothing yearly above enclosure, the parker’s fee, and supporting the beasts there; £10 service rent, taken at All Saints and the Invention of St Cross equally from various tenants; a watermill, broken and tumble-down, worth nothing yearly; 3 drains (gurgites), worth nothing yearly; a weekly market in Great Oakley, held on Mondays, worth nothing yearly; and a court held every three weeks, with a leet there twice yearly, the perquisites worth 10s. yearly.
Moze, the manor and advowson of the church there, held of the earl of Oxford as of his manor of Great Bentley , service unknown. There is a messuage, worth nothing yearly; 20 virgates of land, each worth 3s. 4d. yearly; 20 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 400 a. pasture, each acre worth 1d. yearly; 10 marks service rent, taken at the feasts above from various tenants; a court held every three weeks, with a leet held twice yearly, the perquisites worth 10s. yearly; and 3 drains (gurgites), worth nothing yearly.
Bentfield Bury, the manor and advowson of the church there, held of the king by knight service.n071 There is a messuage, worth nothing yearly; 16 virgates of land, each worth 3s. 4d. yearly; 12 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 200 a. pasture, each acre worth 1d. yearly; 100s. service rent, taken at the feasts above from various tenants; and a court held every three weeks, with a leet held twice yearly, the perquisites worth 10s. yearly.
He died seised in his demesne as of free tenement of the following knights’ fees and parts of knights’ fees, held by curtesy after the death of Margaret his wife from the inheritance of Elizabeth as above.
Great Wenden or Little Wenden, or Wendon Lofts (Wenden), 2 fees, lately held by Thomas Berkley .
Arkesden, 1/4 fee called Minchens, that the abbot of Walden holds.
Widdington, a fee, lately held by Gilbert Veysy .
Stansted Mountfitchet, 1/40 fee called ‘Covelond’ and 1/4 fee called ‘Mounfichet’.
Manuden, 1/4 fee called ‘Ayleneshall’.
Takeley, 1/4 fee, lately held by John Bassyngborn .
Takeley, 1/4 fee called ‘Chaldewellehall’.
Weald, 1/4 fee.
Rainham and Wennington, 2 1/2 fees, formerly of Arnulph Veysy.
Wennington, 1/2 fee, formerly of Arnulph.
Boreham, a fee called Culvert’s.
Witham, a fee called Hubridge Hall.
Witham, 1/2 fee, lately held by Robert Rykedon .
Great Maplestead or Little Maplestead (Mapulstrete), 3 parts of a fee called ‘Kakestons’.
Great Oakley, 3 parts of a fee, formerly of Alexander Flyntardes .
Great Oakley, 1/4 fee, that the prioress of Stratford-at-Bow holds.
Great Oakley, 3 parts of a fee called Dengewell Hall.
Chingford, a fee, formerly of Bartholomew Badelesmere .
Wivenhoe, Stapleford Abbotts, and Navestock, 2 1/2 fees, formerly of Richard Sutton .

He died on 17 November last. Elizabeth, wife of John de Veer, earl of Oxford , kin and next heir of John as well as Margaret, as the daughter of John son of John and Margaret, is aged 27 years and more.



TNA reference

C 139/88/56 mm. 1–2

Inquisition Head

CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Inquisition. Babraham. 24 April 1438. [Forster].


Jurors: Richard Sutton ; Simon Trikkelove ; William Wolff ; John Bocher ; John Gauter ; Nicholas Pulter ; William Webbe ; John Broun ; John Marchall ; John Pers ; Thomas Burgeys ; and John Porter .


He held the following by curtesy as 104

Fowlmere, the manor and advowson of the church there, held of the king in socage by service of 1d. yearly for all service, payable at Michaelmas . There is a grange, worth nothing yearly; 4 virgates of land, each worth 3s. 4d. yearly; 8 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 300 a. pasture and heath, of which 100 a. worth 1d. yearly, and 200 a. worth nothing yearly; 100s. service rent from various tenants, payable at Easter and Michaelmas; a watermill, worth nothing yearly; and a court held every three weeks, with a leet held yearly at Michaelmas, the perquisites worth 3s. 4d. yearly.
He was seised of the following in demesne as of fee, and granted them to Edmund Walton of Calais, still living, for life. Edmund was thus seised in demesne as of free tenement. John Howard afterwards died, and reversion descended to Elizabeth, his kin and heir as the daughter of John son of John Howard .
Hauxton, certain lands, tenements, rents, and services, meadow, and pasture, viz., 200 a. land, 20 a. meadow, 200 a. pasture and heath, and 10 a. wood, annual value 20s., held of the earl of Oxford , service unknown.

Date of death and heir as 104

[Head:] Examined.

TNA reference

C 139/88/56 mm. 3–4

Writ Head

106 Writ. ‡ 26 November 1437. [Wymbyssh].

Addressed to the escheator in Norfolk and Suffolk.

Inquisition Head

NORFOLK. Inquisition. East Rudham. 21 April 1438. [Stapilton].


Jurors: Thomas Sorell ; Thomas Person ; John Aleyn ; Richard Scarlet ; William Wroxham ; William Rust ; Henry Themyll ; John Cook of Barton Bendish (Berton); John Arnald ; John Dale ; Richard Peyntour ; and Richard Carleton .


He held the following by curtesy as 104

Weeting, the manor and advowson of the church there, held of the king as of his duchy of Lancaster, service unknown. There is the capital messuage with its site, worth nothing yearly; 8 virgates of arable, each virgate worth 6s. 8d. yearly; 400 a. pasture, each acre worth 1d. yearly; 40 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; £4 5s. 1d. service rent from various tenants, payable at Easter and Michaelmas equally; and a court with view of frankpledge, worth 10s. yearly.
Toftrees, the manor, held of the king as of his duchy of Lancaster, service unknown. There is the capital messuage with its site, worth nothing yearly; 8 virgates of arable, each worth 6s. 8d. yearly; 12 a. pasture, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 30 a. underwood, cut every 7th year, each acre worth 40d. yearly when cut and worth nothing this year as cut the year before last; £3 10s. service rent from various tenants in Toftrees, Shereford, South Creake, North Barsham, and Brisley, payable at Easter and Michaelmas equally; and a court with view of frankpledge, worth 6s. 8d. yearly.
Knapton, the manor and advowson of the church there, held of the king as of his duchy of Lancaster, service unknown. There is the capital messuage with its site, worth nothing yearly; 10 virgates of arable, each worth 6s. 8d. yearly; 80 a. pasture, each acre worth 1 1/2d. yearly; 12 a. meadow, each acre worth 20d. yearly; £3 2d. service rent from various tenants, payable at Easter and Michaelmas equally; and a court with view of frankpledge, worth 40d. yearly.
A fine was levied at Westminster, by writ of ‪ Edward I, on the quindene of Michaelmas 1306 [CP 25/1/161/121, no. 1077], before Ralph de Hengham , William de Bereford , Ellis de Bokyngham , Peter Malorre , William Howard , Lambert de Trykyngham , and Henry de Stanton , justices and others present, between Robert de Boys and Christine his wife, querents, and William de Boys, parson of Garboldisham , and Berard, vicar of Great Cornard , deforciants , regarding the manor of Fersfield – except 48 a. land and 7 a. meadow – and advowson of the church there. This is clear in the fine, exemplified and sealed under the present king’s great seal, and shown to the jurors. Robert recognized the manor and advowson to be the right of William as held by William and Berard by grant of Robert and, for that recognition, William and Berard granted the manor and advowson to Robert and Christine, and to Robert’s heirs of the body of Christine, with remainder to the right heirs of Robert. Robert and Christine were thus seised of the manor in demesne as of fee tail, and of the advowson as of fee and by right. The manor and advowson descended from Robert and Christine to John Howard , their kin and heir, according to the form of the fine, as son of Robert son of Alice daughter of Robert de Boys and Christine. John was seised of the manor in demesne as of fee tail, and of the advowson as of fee and by right. He died so seised, and the manor and advowson descended to Elizabeth, wife of John de Veer, earl of Oxford , kin and heir of John Howard as the daughter of John son of John Howard.
Fersfield, the manor and advowson of the church there, held of the earl marshal , service unknown. There is the capital messuage with its site, worth nothing yearly; 10 virgates of arable, each worth 6s. 8d. yearly; 300 a. pasture, each acre worth 1d. yearly; 30 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 100 a. underwood that can be cut every 7th year, each acre worth 40d. yearly when cut, worth nothing this year as cut the year before last; £4 10s. service rent from various tenants, payable at Easter and Michaelmas equally; and a court with view of frankpledge, worth 40d. yearly.
A fine was levied at Westminster, by writ of ‪ Edward II , on the quindene of Hilary 1308 [CP 25/1/161/123, no. 12] before Ralph de Hengham , William de Bereford , William Howard , Peter Malorre , Lambert de Trykyngham , and Henry de Stanton , justices and others present, between Berard, vicar of Great Cornard , querent , and Robert de Boys and Christine his wife, deforciants, regarding the 48 a. land and 8 a. meadow in Fersfield. This is clear in the fine, exemplified and sealed under the present king’s great seal, shown to the jurors. Robert recognized the tenements to be the right of Berard as those held by grant of Robert and, for that recognition, Berard granted them to Robert and Christine, and Robert’s heirs of the body of Christine, with remainder to the right heirs of Robert. Robert and Christine were thus seised in demesne as of fee tail, and died so seised. The tenements descended from Robert and Christine to John Howard , their kin and heir, according to the form of the fine, as son of Robert son of Alice daughter of Robert de Boys and Christine. John was seised of the tenements in demesne as of fee tail. He died so seised, and they descended to Elizabeth, wife of John de Veer, earl of Oxford , kin and heir of John Howard as the daughter of John son of John Howard.
Fersfield, 48 a. land, each acre worth 4d. yearly; and 8 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly, held of the king in chief by knight service.
Richard de Cornewayle and Edmund Howard , clerks, were seised in demesne as of fee of the manors of East Winch, Grandcourt in East Winch, and Middleton (Middelton), and granted them to the lord John Howard, knight , and Joan his wife, to hold for their lives, with remainder to John Howard , son of John and Joan, and to the heirs of his body. John and Joan were thus seised in demesne as of free tenement, and died so seised. John son of John and Joan entered the manors by virtue of the remainder and was seised in demesne as of fee tail. He died so seised, and the manors descended to John Howard , kin and heir of John son of John and Joan as the son of Robert son of John son of John and Joan. He entered the manors and was seised in demesne as of fee tail, and died so seised. The manors descended to Elizabeth, wife of John de Veer, earl of Oxford , kin and heir as the daughter of John son of John Howard.
East Winch and Grandcourt, the manors. In the manor of East Winch, there is the capital messuage with manorial site, worth nothing yearly; a watermill, worth 20s. yearly; a fishery, worth nothing yearly; and a court with view of frankpledge, worth 6s. 10d. yearly. In the manors of East Winch and Grandcourt, there are 20 virgates of arable, each worth 5s. yearly; 50 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 300 a. pasture, each acre worth 1d. yearly; and £4 service rent from various tenants in East Winch and Middleton (Middelton), payable at Easter and Michaelmas equally. The manors are held of the earl of Arundel as of his manor of Mileham as 1/4 knight’s fee. The earl is a minor in the king’s wardship.
He held the following manors in demesne as of fee. They descended to Elizabeth, wife of John de Veer, earl of Oxford , as his kin and heir.
Terrington St Clement, the manor of ‘Narburghs’, held of Lord Bardolf , service unknown. There is the capital messuage with manorial site, worth nothing yearly; 9 virgates of arable, each worth 13s. 4d. yearly; 300 a. marsh, worth nothing yearly as flooded by salt-water; £4 service rent from various tenants, payable at Easter and Michaelmas equally; and acourt held every three weeks with view of frankpledge, worth 10s. yearly.
East Walton, the manor, held of John de Veer, earl of Oxford , service unknown. There is the capital messuage with manorial site, worth nothing yearly; 7 virgates of land, each worth 10s. yearly; 100 a. pasture, each acre worth 1/2d. yearly; 20 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 20s. service rent from various tenants, payable at Easter and Michaelmas equally; and acourt held every three weeks, worth 40d. yearly.
A fine was levied at Westminster on the octave of Hilary 1308 [CP 25/1/161/123, no. 7] before Ralph de Hengham , William de Bereford , William Howard , Lambert de Trykyngham , and Henry de Stanton , justices and others present, between Berard, vicar of Great Cornard , and Edmund Gunnevill, querents , and Robert de Boys and Christine his wife, deforciants, regarding the manor of Garboldisham and advowsons of the churches of St John the Baptist and All Saints there. This is clear in the fine, exemplified and sealed under the present king’s great seal, and shown to the jurors. Robert recognized the manor and advowsons to be the right of Berard as held by Berard and Edmund by grant of Robert and, for that recognition, Berard and Edmund granted the manor and advowsons to Robert and Christine, and to Robert’s heirs of the body of Christine, with successive remainders to William Carbonell for life; and to the right heirs of Robert. Robert and Christine were thus seised of the manor in demesne as of fee tail, and of the advowsons as of fee and by right. The manor and advowsons descended from Robert and Christine to John Howard, knight , kin and heir as son of Robert son of Alice daughter of Robert and Christine. John was thus seised of the manor in demesne as of fee tail, and of the advowsons as of fee and by right. He died so seised and, after his death, they descended to Elizabeth, wife of John de Veer, earl of Oxford , kin and heir of John Howard as daughter of John son of John.
Garboldisham, the manor and advowsons of the churches of St John the Baptist and All Saints, held of John de Veer, earl of Oxford , by knight service. There are two built messuages with their sites, worth nothing yearly; 20 virgates of arable, each worth 4s. 4d. yearly; 200 a. pasture and heath, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 12 a. meadow and herbage, each acre worth 12d. yearly; £4 16s. 2d. service rent from various tenants, payable at Easter and Michaelmas equally; a weekly market, held on Wednesdays, worth 6s. 8d. yearly; and a court held every three weeks, with view of frankpledge, worth 10s. yearly.

Date of death and heir as 104

[Head:] Examined.

TNA reference

C 139/88/56 mm. 5–6

Inquisition Head

SUFFOLK. Inquisition. Botesdale. 26 April 1438. [Stapilton].


Jurors: Thomas Goldfynche ; Adam Clerk ; William Herman ; William Wright ; John Sparwe ; Richard Scars ; John Fitz John ; John Vale ; Robert Broun ; John ?Robhood; Walter Leche ; and William Martyn .


A fine was levied at Westminster, by writ of ‪ Edward II , on the morrow of the Ascension 1308 [CP 25/1/216/49, no. 19] before Ralph de Hengham , William de Bereford , William Howard , Peter Malorre , Lambert de Trykyngham , and Henry de Stanton , justices and others present, between Berard, vicar of Great Cornard , and Edmund Gunnevill, querents , and Robert de Boys and Christine his wife, deforciants, regarding the manor of Brooks, as clear by the fine, exemplified and sealed under the present king’s great seal, and shown to the jurors. Robert de Boys recognized the manor to be the right of Berard as held by Berard and Edmund by grant of Robert and, for that recognition, Berard and Edmund granted it to Robert and Christine, and Robert’s heirs of the body of Christine, with successive remainders to William Carbonell and the heirs of his body; and to the right heirs of Robert de Boys , quit of William’s other heirs. Robert and Christine were thus seised in demesne as of fee tail. The manor descended from Robert and Christine to John Howard, knight , kin and heir of Robert and Christine as son of Robert son of Alice daughter of Robert and Christine. John was seised in demesne as of fee tail, and died so seised. The manor then descended to Elizabeth, wife of John de Veer, earl of Oxford , kin and heir of John Howard as daughter of John son of John Howard .

Brooks, the manor, held of the king in chief by service of 12d. yearly for all services. There is the capital messuage with manorial site, worth nothing yearly; 8 virgates of arable, each worth 13s. 4d. yearly; 200 a. pasture and heath, each acre worth 1d. yearly; 22 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; £5 2s. service rent from various tenants, payable at Easter and Michaelmas equally; and a court held every three weeks, with view of frankpledge, worth 6s. 8d. yearly.
He held the following by curtesy as 104
Chelsworth, the manor, held of the king in chief by service of 1d. yearly for all services. There is the capital messuage with manorial site, worth nothing yearly; 10 virgates of arable, each worth 6s. 8d. yearly; 123 a. and a rood of pasture, each acre worth 1d. yearly; 18 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 106 a. underwood, cut every 7th year, each acre worth 40d. when cut, worth nothing this year as cut the year before last; £4 3s. 1d. service rent from various tenants, payable at Easter and Michaelmas equally; a watermill, worth 10s. yearly; another watermill, broken and tumble-down, worth nothing yearly; a fishery, worth 12d. yearly; a court held every three weeks, with view of frankpledge, worth 7s. yearly; and a weekly market, held on Wednesdays, worth nothing yearly.

Date of death and heir as 104

[Head:] Examined.

TNA reference

C 139/88/56 mm. 5, 7



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
capital messuage, siteworth nothing -
arable6s. 8d. (per unit)8 (8 x virgate)£2 13s. 4d. (=640d.)
pasture1d. (per unit)400 a. (400 x acre)£1 13s. 4d. (=400d.)
meadow12d. (per unit)40 a. (40 x acre)£2 (=480d.)
service rent£4 5s. 1d.£4 5s. 1d. (=1021d.)
court, view of frankpledge10s.a (1 x court view of frankpledge)10s. (=120d.)
Total: £11 1s. 9d. (=2661d.)
capital messuage, siteworth nothing -
arable6s. 8d. (per unit)8 (8 x virgate)£2 13s. 4d. (=640d.)
pasture2d. (per unit)12 a. (12 x acre)2s. (=24d.)
underwood40d. (per unit), worth nothing30 a. (30 x acre)£5 (=1200d.)
service rent£3 10s.£3 10s. (=840d.)
court, view of frankpledge6s. 8d.a (1 x court view of frankpledge)6s. 8d. (=80d.)
Total: £11 12s. (=2784d.)
capital messuage, siteworth nothing -
arable6s. 8d. (per unit)10 (10 x virgate)£3 6s. 8d. (=800d.)
pasture1 1/2d. (per unit)80 a. (80 x acre)10s. (=120d.)
meadow20d. (per unit)12 a. (12 x acre)£1 (=240d.)
service rent£3 2d.£3 2d. (=722d.)
court, view of frankpledge40d.a (1 x court view of frankpledge)3s. 4d. (=40d.)
Total: £8 2d. (=1922d.)
capital messuage, siteworth nothing -
arable6s. 8d. (per unit)10 (10 x virgate)£3 6s. 8d. (=800d.)
pasture1d. (per unit)300 a. (300 x acre)£1 5s. (=300d.)
meadow12d. (per unit)30 a. (30 x acre)£1 10s. (=360d.)
underwood40d. (per unit), worth nothing100 a. (100 x acre)£16 13s. 4d. (=4000d.)
service rent£4 10s.£4 10s. (=1080d.)
court, view of frankpledge40d.a (1 x court view of frankpledge)3s. 4d. (=40d.)
Total: £27 8s. 4d. (=6580d.)
land4d. (per unit)48 a. (48 x acre)16s. (=192d.)
meadow12d. (per unit)8 a. (8 x acre)8s. (=96d.)
Total: -
East Winch, Grandcourt
capital messuage, siteworth nothing -
watermill20s.a (1 x watermill)£1 (=240d.)
fisheryworth nothinga (1 x fishery) -
court, view of frankpledge6s. 10d.a (1 x court view of frankpledge)6s. 10d. (=82d.)
arable5s. (per unit)20 (20 x virgate)£5 (=1200d.)
meadow12d. (per unit)50 a. (50 x acre)£2 10s. (=600d.)
pasture1d. (per unit)300 a. (300 x acre)£1 5s. (=300d.)
service rent£4£4 (=960d.)
Total: £14 1s. 10d. (=3382d.)
capital messuage, siteworth nothing -
arable13s. 4d. (per unit)9 (9 x virgate)£6 (=1440d.)
marshworth nothing300 a. (300 x acre) -
service rent£4£4 (=960d.)
court, view of frankpledge10s.a (1 x court view of frankpledge)10s. (=120d.)
Total: £10 10s. (=2520d.)
East Walton
capital messuage, siteworth nothing -
land10s. (per unit)7 (7 x virgate)£3 10s. (=840d.)
pasture 1/2d. (per unit)100 a. (100 x acre)4s. 2d. (=50d.)
meadow12d. (per unit)20 a. (20 x acre)£1 (=240d.)
service rent20s.£1 (=240d.)
court40d.a (1 x court)3s. 4d. (=40d.)
Total: £5 17s. 6d. (=1410d.)
messuages, sitesworth nothingtwo (2 x messuages sites) -
arable4s. 4d. (per unit)20 (20 x virgate)£4 6s. 8d. (=1040d.)
pasture, heath2d. (per unit)200 a. (200 x acre)£1 13s. 4d. (=400d.)
meadow, herbage12d. (per unit)12 a. (12 x acre)12s. (=144d.)
service rent£4 16s. 2d.£4 16s. 2d. (=1154d.)
market6s. 8d.a (1 x market)6s. 8d. (=80d.)
court, view of frankpledge10s.a (1 x court view of frankpledge)10s. (=120d.)
Total: £12 4s. 10d. (=2938d.)



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
capital messuage, siteworth nothing -
arable6s. 8d. (per unit)8 (8 x virgate)£2 13s. 4d. (=640d.)
pasture1d. (per unit)400 a. (400 x acre)£1 13s. 4d. (=400d.)
meadow12d. (per unit)40 a. (40 x acre)£2 (=480d.)
service rent£4 5s. 1d.£4 5s. 1d. (=1021d.)
court, view of frankpledge10s.a (1 x court view of frankpledge)10s. (=120d.)
Total: £11 1s. 9d. (=2661d.)
capital messuage, siteworth nothing -
arable6s. 8d. (per unit)8 (8 x virgate)£2 13s. 4d. (=640d.)
pasture2d. (per unit)12 a. (12 x acre)2s. (=24d.)
underwood40d. (per unit), worth nothing30 a. (30 x acre)£5 (=1200d.)
service rent£3 10s.£3 10s. (=840d.)
court, view of frankpledge6s. 8d.a (1 x court view of frankpledge)6s. 8d. (=80d.)
Total: £11 12s. (=2784d.)
capital messuage, siteworth nothing -
arable6s. 8d. (per unit)10 (10 x virgate)£3 6s. 8d. (=800d.)
pasture1 1/2d. (per unit)80 a. (80 x acre)10s. (=120d.)
meadow20d. (per unit)12 a. (12 x acre)£1 (=240d.)
service rent£3 2d.£3 2d. (=722d.)
court, view of frankpledge40d.a (1 x court view of frankpledge)3s. 4d. (=40d.)
Total: £8 2d. (=1922d.)
capital messuage, siteworth nothing -
arable6s. 8d. (per unit)10 (10 x virgate)£3 6s. 8d. (=800d.)
pasture1d. (per unit)300 a. (300 x acre)£1 5s. (=300d.)
meadow12d. (per unit)30 a. (30 x acre)£1 10s. (=360d.)
underwood40d. (per unit), worth nothing100 a. (100 x acre)£16 13s. 4d. (=4000d.)
service rent£4 10s.£4 10s. (=1080d.)
court, view of frankpledge40d.a (1 x court view of frankpledge)3s. 4d. (=40d.)
Total: £27 8s. 4d. (=6580d.)
East Winch, Grandcourt
capital messuage, siteworth nothing -
watermill20s.a (1 x watermill)£1 (=240d.)
fisheryworth nothinga (1 x fishery) -
court, view of frankpledge6s. 10d.a (1 x court view of frankpledge)6s. 10d. (=82d.)
arable5s. (per unit)20 (20 x virgate)£5 (=1200d.)
meadow12d. (per unit)50 a. (50 x acre)£2 10s. (=600d.)
pasture1d. (per unit)300 a. (300 x acre)£1 5s. (=300d.)
service rent£4£4 (=960d.)
Total: £14 1s. 10d. (=3382d.)
capital messuage, siteworth nothing -
arable13s. 4d. (per unit)9 (9 x virgate)£6 (=1440d.)
marshworth nothing300 a. (300 x acre) -
service rent£4£4 (=960d.)
court, view of frankpledge10s.a (1 x court view of frankpledge)10s. (=120d.)
Total: £10 10s. (=2520d.)
East Walton
capital messuage, siteworth nothing -
land10s. (per unit)7 (7 x virgate)£3 10s. (=840d.)
pasture 1/2d. (per unit)100 a. (100 x acre)4s. 2d. (=50d.)
meadow12d. (per unit)20 a. (20 x acre)£1 (=240d.)
service rent20s.£1 (=240d.)
court40d.a (1 x court)3s. 4d. (=40d.)
Total: £5 17s. 6d. (=1410d.)
messuages, sitesworth nothingtwo (2 x messuages sites) -
arable4s. 4d. (per unit)20 (20 x virgate)£4 6s. 8d. (=1040d.)
pasture, heath2d. (per unit)200 a. (200 x acre)£1 13s. 4d. (=400d.)
meadow, herbage12d. (per unit)12 a. (12 x acre)12s. (=144d.)
service rent£4 16s. 2d.£4 16s. 2d. (=1154d.)
market6s. 8d.a (1 x market)6s. 8d. (=80d.)
court, view of frankpledge10s.a (1 x court view of frankpledge)10s. (=120d.)
Total: £12 4s. 10d. (=2938d.)



  • Wymbyssh(Writ Clerk)


  • Thomas Sorell
  • Thomas Person
  • John Aleyn
  • Richard Scarlet
  • William Wroxham
  • William Rust
  • Henry Themyll
  • John Cook of Barton Bendish (Berton)
  • John Arnald
  • John Dale
  • Richard Peyntour
  • Richard Carleton


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