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Inquisition Head

HAMPSHIRE. Inquisition. Winchester. 19 April 1438. [Ryngebourne].


Jurors: John Parker ; William Osbarn ; Ralph Bounde ; John Chonde ; ... Purs [ms torn] ; Thomas Wynman ; Robert Emory ; John Kent ; Richard Corbrig ; William Bolle ; Robert Bernard ; and John Alcetere .


Maurice Russell, knight , father of Thomas Russell , was formerly seised of the following manors and advowsons, on the Isle of Wight, in demesne as of fee. Thus seised, he granted them, among other manors, lands, and tenements, by his charter dated on 10 May 1416, shown to the jurors, to William Hankeford, knight , Robert Hull , one of the justices of the Common Bench, William Cheyne, knight , Maurice Brune, knight , Robert Poynes , Hugh Deuerell , John Juyn , Robert Stanshawe , Edmund Forde , and John Beoff , and to their heirs and assigns. They were thus seised in demesne as of fee. William Hankeford , Robert Hull , William Cheyne , and Hugh afterwards died, and Maurice Russell similarly died.

Yaverland, the manor with advowson of the church;
Rowborough, the manor; and
St Lawrence, the manor with advowson of the church,
held of Humphrey, duke of Gloucester , as of his castle of Carisbrooke on the Isle of Wight, service unknown. Annual value 20 marks. John Juyn afterwards, by deed, shown to the jurors, released all right and claim that he had in the manors and advowsons, among other things, for him and his heirs and assigns, to Maurice Brune , Robert Poynes , Robert Stanshawe , Edmund, and John, and their heirs and assigns. Maurice Brune , Robert Poynes etc. [as above], afterwards, by charter dated on 24 May 1432, shown to the jurors, enfeoffed Isabel, who was wife of Stephen Haytfeld, esquire , named in the writ,n066 described as Isabel, Lady Scrope , then wife of Stephen Haytfeld, esquire , and Margaret, wife of John Kemes, esquire , daughters and heirs of Maurice Russell, knight , with the manors and advowsons, among other manors, lands, and tenements, to have to them and their heirs and assigns. Isabel and Margaret were thus seised in demesne as of fee. Stephen and Isabel, and John Kemes and Margaret assigned a third of the manors in dower to Joan, wife of John Stradelyng, knight , who was wife of Maurice Russell. A fine was subsequently levied at Westminster on the quindene of Martinmas 1436 [CP 25/1/292/68, no. 195], before John Juyn and his fellow justices of the Common Bench, between John Cottesmore , Robert Rolleston, clerk , Richard Drayton , William Marmyon , and John Stowe, querents , and John Kemes and Margaret his wife, and Stephen Haytfeld, esquire , still living, and Isabel his wife, deforciants, regarding the manors and advowsons, among other things. John Kemes and Margaret, and Stephen and Isabel recognized the manors and advowsons to be the right of John Cottesmore , as those held by John Cottesmore , Robert Rolleston , Richard, William Marmyon , and John Stowe by grant of John Kemes and Margaret, and Stephen and Isabel. For that recognition, John Cottesmore etc. [as above] granted two parts of the manors and advowsons to Stephen and Isabel for their lives; and granted that the third, then held by John Stradelyng, knight , and Joan his wife, still living, for the life of Joan from the inheritance of John Cottesmore , and that was to revert to John Cottesmore , Robert Rolleston , Richard, William Marmyon , and John Stowe , and the heirs of John Cottesmore after the death of Joan, should instead remain to Stephen and Isabel for their lives. After the death of Stephen and Isabel, the manors and advowsons should revert to John Cottesmore , Robert Rolleston , Richard, William Marmyon , and John Stowe , and the heirs of John Cottesmore . Stephen and Isabel were thus seised of two parts of the manors and advowsons, and reversion of the third, in demesne as of free tenement; and Isabel died seised of this estate.

Thomas died on 4 July 1436. John Haket, senior , is his next heir and aged 50 years and more.

Stephen Haytfeld and Isabel his wife, now deceased, daughter and one of the heirs of Maurice Russell, occupied two parts of the manors and took the issues from Thomas’ death until 1 May last, when Isabel died. After her death, Stephen continued to occupy the two parts and take the issues until the day of the inquisition. Joan Stradelyng occupied the third and took the issues from 4 July 1436 until the day of this inquisition.

TNA reference

C 139/88/52 mm. 1–2

n066^: Isabel, who was wife of Stephen Haytfeld, esquire, is not named in the writ to this inquisition, but the reference shows that the text of the inquisition is copied from CIPM XXIV, no. 660, an inquisition taken after Isabel’s death in 1437, where she clearly is named in the writ.



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St Lawrence
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  • Wymbyssh(Writ Clerk)


  • John Parker
  • William Osbarn
  • Ralph Bounde
  • John Chonde
  • ... Purs [ms torn]
  • Thomas Wynman
  • Robert Emory
  • John Kent
  • Richard Corbrig
  • William Bolle
  • Robert Bernard
  • John Alcetere


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